MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 161

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Everything happened so suddenly.

Suddenly, Li Ying, who had been habitually watching the monitor, didn't see clearly how all this happened. She just watched Bai Yuanshan enter Mo Ran's detention room.

From the monitor, he seemed to be in a very unstable mood. After rushing directly into Mo Ran's detention room, he didn't stop, but walked quickly to a distance of about three meters from Mo Ran before stopping.

In this research institute, although the deceased is indeed a test subject, the strength of the deceased is placed there, so each deceased who is a test subject actually has a safe distance.

Those researchers who study and record data will stand at a safe distance to record the test items, and when they are pulled to do experiments, they will be injected with a small amount of anesthetic in advance so that they cannot resist, so as to guarantee the greatest degree of protection Safety of experimenters.

This is the operation process for ordinary dead people, and Mo Ran is not an ordinary dead person. There is a whole set of safety procedures for her. For example, just being in the room where she was held is a safe distance for her. Divided into three levels, six meters away from her is known as a green absolute safety zone, but between six meters and three meters is a yellow warning zone, and within three meters is an absolutely dangerous red zone.

In an era when all kinds of scientific and technological talents are in short supply, all researchers are absolutely not allowed to enter the red zone. Even in the yellow zone, you must try to lean back as much as possible, and the red zone is basically for higher-level guards. However, even if they enter this area, they need to be fully armed and have anesthesia body protection, otherwise, to be honest, facing such a big killer as Mo Ran, everyone would be terrified.

But in the monitor, although Bai Yuanshan is still in the yellow area, there is actually not much difference between the red area and Li Ying's brows wrinkled at such a distance. It was like talking to himself: "Is the director's position too close?"

Lu Ning was still looking at the data, and when he heard Li Ying's words, he raised his head and looked at the monitor. He also squinted his eyes to confirm Li Ying's words: "It's indeed a bit close. According to the safety manual, our researchers generally don't enter Mo Ran

Having said that, Lu Ning raised his hand and patted Li Ying's shoulder, trying to comfort her: "Okay, don't worry, I'll go and have a look."

"Are you going?" Li Ying looked back at Lu Ning.

"According to what you said, I don't think the director can control my emotions." Lu Ning even raised his finger to point to what Bai Yuanshan was saying to Mo Ran on the monitor, as if to prove his point, although Mo Ran was still the same as before. He also remained motionless, but one could guess from Bai Yuanshan's expression that he was trying to provoke Mo Ran.

Although all the bones in Mo Ran's body were crushed and tightly bound, Lu Ning was quite wary of this dead woman who almost destroyed the southern city of Tiandu City by herself. Feeling that there is absolute safety in the world, especially when the dangerous object is Mo Ran, the dead, then safety should be redefined.

With that said, Lu Ning turned around and walked out of the room, walked through the long corridor, towards the room where Mo Ran was imprisoned.

Li Ying glanced at Lu Ning for the last time, then withdrew her eyes and continued to look at the monitor. She tried her best to focus on Mo Ran, but Bai Yuanshan in the monitor suddenly became agitated, which caught Li Ying's attention, because this The monitor did not have monitoring equipment, so she didn't know what Bai Yuanshan was talking about, but it was very noticeable that Bai Yuanshan, who had always shown himself to be calm and rational, could be so excited.

Just when Li Ying was still pondering what Bai Yuanshan was saying, when she blinked instinctively, the next moment Li Ying felt her jaw drop.

In fact, not only Li Ying's jaw dropped, but also the jaws of all the researchers in the monitoring room at this moment.

Just like a TV series freezes on a specific picture at the end of each episode, the picture appearing on the monitor at this moment seems to be still.

Bai Yuanshan was lifted up.

Bai Yuanshan is a tall man, his height is about 180 centimeters, and he pays great attention to his health, he exercises every day and even participates in some battles within his ability, so that his body is very strong, Although he looks like he's wearing a white coat

But it was such a person who was directly lifted up by someone directly pinching his neck. During the whole process, he didn't know whether Bai Yuanshan was completely frightened or the speed of the other party was too fast. No struggle at all.

The people in the monitoring room were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

There was no one else in the room, except Bai Yuanshan, who was Mo Ran, and the person who lifted Bai Yuanshan up was Mo Ran, who was supposed to be recovering. She only saw her right hand pinching the neck of complaining mountain and lifting it up. He unhurriedly took off the blindfold on his face.

During the whole process, Mo Ran's movements were very slow, as if deliberately slowing down the slow motion in TV dramas, and it was at this time that Li Ying came to her senses, and she yelled: "This is what happened!"

All the people in the monitoring room also recovered from the shock on the screen with this shout, only to see that everyone was in a mess, and they didn't even know where to put their hands and feet, and then they were all in pieces. The answer sounded from the corner of the room.

"I don't know, she suddenly became like this..."

"It was so fast, I didn't even notice..."

"She seems to have torn off the two chains directly..."

Following these messy and completely clueless answers, Li Ying quickly looked at the place where Mo Ran was originally bound, only to see that two iron chains were pulled directly from the ceiling and broke, binding her neck and feet. The chain of her heart has also been broken, and now she should not be in the mood to find out how this happened. The only thing she can do is reach out and press the red button directly.

Once this red button is pressed, it means that the research institute has encountered all kinds of crisis situations. Not only all the guards in the research institute will come to support, even the elite team in Tiandu City will definitely come to support.

With the pressing of the red button, the shrill siren immediately echoed throughout the institute.

Lu Ning, who was still humming a ditty, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked leisurely towards Mo Ran's prison room, suddenly heard the sharp sound of sirens. He was slightly taken aback, and even appeared for two seconds blank, and subsequently, he

Except for Li Ying and Lu Ning, all the guards on duty in the research institute also heard the sound of the siren. They were on duty or on duty at first, but after hearing the sound and after a brief look at each other, they all turned to the police station. Running towards the deepest part of the research institute.

Unlike the turbulent people outside, it was surprisingly quiet inside the detention room.

Mo Ran took a look at the BUFF that appeared after she had just taken the "False Strength Elixir". In the character panel, as expected, all attributes have been doubled, except that the defense power is discounted because her ribs have not fully recovered.

Quickly scanning all the attributes, Mo Ran closed the character panel contentedly, then raised his left hand and took off the blindfold, so that he could finally struggle out of the darkness.

The first thing that caught her eyes was Bai Yuanshan who was lifted up by her neck. She squinted her eyes and looked at this person whom she had met for the first time in her two lives. She couldn't help laughing: "I can't hide anything?"

Bai Yuanshan's throat was pinched by Mo Ran, the opponent's hands were as hard as iron clamps, tightly clamping his throat and trachea, let alone talking, even normal breathing became extremely difficult, he stared wide He opened his eyes and wanted to do something, but the final result was just a gurgling sound in his throat.

At this time, only eight guards who were originally guarding the outside of the prison room broke in one after another, but they were all frightened by the scene in front of them.

They only saw the experimental product that they let them manipulate like a dead person standing in front of them at this moment, with her snow-white long hair hanging around her body, and her eyes that were always covered were exposed, showing a It was red like a flame, and it just swept towards them quietly. All the guards present felt an indescribable pressure pushing towards them, and they were immediately locked in place. In place, even moving became difficult.

Mo Ran is slightly crooked

As she spoke, she turned her wrist slightly, so that Bai Yuanshan faced the guards who rushed into the room but couldn't move, and then, she saw her left hand swung violently, the thick iron chain that was originally intended to trap her But it turned into an unstoppable weapon, and it was thrown towards those guards like a whip!

It looked like Mo Ran just flicked it casually, but it seemed like the iron chain had eyes, and it went straight towards the heads of the eight guards, but in the blink of an eye, they were still standing there alive and ready to go. The guards who were trying to attack were all headshot by the iron chain, and scarlet and white brains splashed throughout the room.

Before this **** scene, Bai Yuanshan could only widen his eyes...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-03-2013:36:21~2021-03-2017:33:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of mist; 20 bottles of spell specialization;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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