MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 158

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I don't know if Mo Ran gave Bai Yuanshan too much stimulation just now. This time, the experiment on bones was replaced by crushing by Bai Yuanshan at the beginning.

Li Ying was slightly taken aback after hearing Bai Yuanshan's decision, and then subconsciously asked: "Teacher, crushing the bones should be the last few items in the experiment, shouldn't it be done step by step?"

This was originally a very common question, but Li Ying saw Bai Yuanshan turned his head to look at her, staring at her with two eyes, pursing his lips silently, his expression was a kind of forbearance, especially that The eyes were full of red blood, which made Li Ying feel a kind of fear involuntarily. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

Bai Yuanshan was very satisfied with Li Ying's sense of humor. He looked down at Mo Ran in the monitor, almost gnashing his teeth and said, "Prolong the whole process for me, and proceed little by little!"

"!" Li Ying was so startled that she raised her head and looked at Bai Yuanshan again.

Crushing is the most painful part of the bone experiment. It is necessary to put the subject under the machine, crush her bones with a huge weight, and crush her bones into powder little by little. This process has been very long. Now that Bai Yuanshan has to lengthen this process, the pain inside will almost increase geometrically.

Sensing Li Ying's gaze, Bai Yuanshan turned his head to look at Li Ying again, and asked in a very bad tone, "What's wrong?"

Li Ying swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Just thinking about the experiment process made her scalp numb, and she pulled the corners of her mouth. Li Ying only felt bitter in her mouth: "The process is too long, won't it...too inhumane? "

"Humanity?" Bai Yuanshan stared at a pair of scarlet eyes, like a ferocious beast. He stretched out a finger, pointed at Mo Ran in the monitor and said, "Is this a human? Could a human be like this?" ? She is a monster, she is a white-skinned ghost, does this kind of white-skinned ghost also deserve the word humane?"

Li Ying stared blankly at Bai Yuanshan, only to feel that the usually gentle and elegant teacher looked very scary at this time, he was like a drooling beast, nervous but greedy, even for a moment, Li Ying felt In fact, he was more like a monster than Mo Ran, who was called a monster by Bai Yuanshan in the monitor.

This feeling only rippled in her heart for a while, and was suppressed by Li Ying.

Mo Ran obviously felt that today's experiment was prolonged, and the indescribable pain permeated her body little by little, even swallowing her. During this process, she seemed to faint. Normally, when she fainted The experiment will continue, but not today. As long as she faints, she will be forced to wake up to continue the experiment.

In short, the whole experiment was carried out and ended when she was fully awake. Mo Ran might not be able to find the reason before, but after meeting Bai Wei's father today, what else does she not understand?

When she was finally dragged back into the room like a lump of rotten meat without any bones, she heard Bai Yuanshan's voice at the door again, and he asked the person who brought her back: "How was the process?"

"I fainted six times, but I woke her up according to your instructions, teacher." The answer was a strange voice, but it was just a strange voice, but Mo Ran often heard this person's footsteps, she should It's a researcher, maybe she has seen it in the previous life.

"Stay awake?" Bai Yuanshan glanced at Mo Ran who had been dragged into the room, and looked back at the guards hanging her on two chains.

"Keep awake throughout the whole process." Li Ying responded calmly, but her complexion was not very good. She was required to participate in the whole experiment process, and she felt that her psychology was greatly damaged. Sometimes Li Ying She even thought that if she couldn't observe Mo Ran like a guard, she would go crazy soon.

"Did she make a sound?" Bai Yuanshan rubbed the thumb and index finger of his right hand habitually, and rubbed them very quickly. Li Ying, who was familiar with his small movements, only needed to glance over to understand that he was extremely anxious at this moment. It can even be said to be angry.

"No, she was very quiet the whole time, like a dead person." Li Ying replied slowly.

Sure enough, after Li Ying finished speaking, she saw Bai Yuanshan's scarlet eyes turned red again, and he turned his head to look at Mo Ran, just in time to see the guards tying Mo Ran's wrists, and he said viciously: " Don't just tie your hands, put a collar on her!"

Mo Ran is a felon.

Mo Ran is the dead with the highest level, the strongest strength, and the highest status that humans have caught so far, bar none.

Whether as a prisoner or as a test subject,

And in order to prevent the dead from mixing in, the members of these guards only guard for four hours at a time, and no matter what they do, there must be members who supervise each other. The most important thing is to transport Mo Ran out of the prison room every time. It will definitely not be the same batch of people brought in from the laboratory. In short, all security is the highest.

But even so, Mo Ran still remembers every member of these guards clearly. Although they have never spoken, their footsteps, the smell of their bodies, and even the rhythm of their breathing are enough evidence to convince Mo Ran will keep them in mind, after all, for the current Mo Ran, she only has the most time left, so naturally she needs to find some interesting things for herself.

Although Bai Yuanshan kept roaring, Mo Ran didn't take his words seriously. Instead, he focused on the pair of guards who sent him in today. There were eight people in this team. At the time, four people carried him in, and the remaining four guarded him all the way. Even if Mo Ran was wearing blindfolds, he could feel that their eyes were watching him without blinking, as if he would be in the next It's like jumping up in a second.

Just as usual, when Mo Ran was hung by them on the two thick chains, Mo Ran suddenly felt that the guard who hung her left hand stuffed something between her ring finger and middle finger.

It was a very inconspicuous thing. Mo Ran really wanted to clamp this thing between her **** and ring finger, but she couldn't do it because all the bones were crushed, but strangely, this thing seemed to be It was really stuck, even though Mo Ran was weak, the thing did not fall from the gap between her **** and ring finger.

What is it?

Although Mo Ran, who was blindfolded, didn't know what the thing that was stuffed into her fingers was, she subconsciously judged that this thing should be something that would help her, but what exactly is it? Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Mo Ran to know.

If this thing is really helpful to oneself, then who will this thing be?

All the bones in Mo Ran's body were crushed. Except for the bones of the skull, even the bones of the cervical spine were no exception. It would take at least two or three days for the bones of the whole body to recover from the smashed state. Even if she wanted to turn her head to discern this person's aura carefully, she could only hang her head and let the guards fix herself completely.

During this process, the auras of several guards continued to mix and mix, making it difficult for her to distinguish, but fortunately, after the guard with the left hand fastened the chain on her left wrist, he switched to the right to check the one on the right. Wrist shackles, and the guard who was shackles on the right switched to the left to check. This is the usual order.

When the two exchanged, they walked past her, grasping the gap, Mo Ran carefully discerned the guard's aura, she thought it might be the dead, but the aura from the guard denied Mo Ran's idea.

This is a human being, and definitely not a human disguised by the dead.

And this is not the first time this human has appeared, he should belong to one of the multiple guards guarding him. According to their rotation rules, he should only meet him once every five days, and the last time he met this guard should be himself The one who was brought in last time, if the normal arrangement was followed, the bone test should not have been done today, because Mo Ran's muscles had not fully returned to normal, but the test was done in advance because Bai Yuanshan was angered by Mo Ran.

That is to say, according to the normal arrangement, it is not the guard's turn to **** Mo Ran back to the detention room today, but his thing seems to have been prepared a long time ago.

It doesn't make sense for a human being to stuff something that can help the dead into the hands of a felon, Mo Ran. Or... Mo Ran thought for a moment, did the thing that was given to her just now really help her? Or is it another human's trick to put her to death?

This thought circled Mo Ran's mind for a while, and Mo Ran pressed it down.

Although Mo Ran would not trust any human being easily because of the reason of the previous life, but at this moment, there is no room for her to choose, Mo Ran made a decision almost at this moment, even if this thing is really It is something that will put her to death, and she will keep it.

It is precisely because of this choice that when someone else came to check the shackles on his left hand, Mo Ran's heart hung high...

The author has something to say: Hey, I didn’t turn over today~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-16 19:59:55~2021-03-17 16:26:37~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 36 bottles of spell focus;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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