MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 144

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If it is considered the power of the explosion, the power of these shells must be much stronger than the guns, not to mention the guns used in the battle with the orcs. If we make a comparison, then the guns used in the battle with the orcs □It must be a defective product that was eliminated in the first test, the power is average, and there are even a lot of duds; as for □□ it is a relatively successful finished product, at least there are no duds. And its directivity is also very clear.

Now these projectiles are even more different. These projectiles seem to be carefully manufactured. Their appearance is covered with black cast iron. Once they explode, these cast iron will become countless sharp blades. Tie into a hedgehog.

It is said that it is a finished product, not only because of the appearance of these cast irons, but more importantly, the explosive power of these bombs is even greater. Although it cannot be compared with the arms before the end of the world, what is certain is that if there is no open Latin Existence, these things must be the most heaven-defying existence in this world.

Even the greatest magician probably couldn't withstand such a bomb attack.

It’s okay if these bombs fall on the ground. Although there are quite a few pieces of cast iron jumping up, they will not have any effect on Latin’s hard bones, but if these bombs explode on Latin’s bones, it will More or less it will bring him some damage, for example, one of the shells hit a collarbone of Latin not far from Mo Ran, although Mo Ran avoided the explosion flexibly, but But she saw the place where the explosion happened just now, and there were spider web-like lines left on the hard bones that were as white as jade.

It looked like it was broken.

Although such a small fragmentation cannot have any essential impact on Latin, but if the accumulation of sand becomes a tower and the accumulation of small amounts, then no matter how indestructible Latin is, it will be eaten away by these bombs. More importantly, Mo Ran has no With so much time, Latin only existed for less than ten minutes, and it was impossible for her to continue to entangle with these bombs.

When there is no battle, there may be many strategies and tactics, various and unconstrained, but when you are actually on the battlefield, when you face the enemy face to face, you will often have

"These shells are really annoying." Mo Ran sighed softly, and she looked at the marks on the Latin bones with distress: "Will it recover?"

Although Mo Ran's words didn't match the words, but Latin, as the **** of war who communicated with her, easily understood what she meant, and he replied: "As long as the recharging is over, it will be restored." He paused slightly as he spoke. After a while: "It just takes more energy and time."


Mo Ran flicked his tongue in his mouth very displeased.

That is to say, the charging time of Latin and the energy required for charging are directly related to the degree of its injury. If it takes one day to recharge without being injured, it may take two days if it is injured, and it needs more energy.

Thinking of the loss of time and resources that these human beings will directly cause to herself, Mo Ran's unhappiness became more and more intense, and the wall carrying countless cannon barrels made her feel uncomfortable like a thorn in the flesh. .

And there seems to be only one way to get rid of this discomfort and get out of this annoying environment, and that is to destroy this wall, but how can it be done?

While the two of them were talking, they saw more turrets firing from the black muzzles. From a distance, it seemed that there was a black arc running towards them from far to near. Same.

Mo Ran sighed and ordered: "Take two steps back."

Latin obediently took two steps back.

Latin is more than 40 meters tall, and his two steps are not small, so that the cannonballs directly fell on the ground without touching his body at all. Even so, the row of bombs still exploded on the ground A large and small pothole was formed, and a thick dust was raised, directly filling the entire battlefield, blocking the view of the battle.

Standing on the high tower, Xu Nancheng has been carefully observing the situation here with binoculars. When the thick dust filled the air, his brows furrowed involuntarily, and he turned to ask the orderly: " Just now, did the Z column come over to report whether it was hit or not?"

"Their report is that the first batch of shells fired a total of one hundred and twenty shells, and only eleven

The city lord seemed to be very gentle, as if no one had ever seen him lose his temper, but the more he was like this, the more he felt a deep fear.

The messenger carefully observed the expression on Xu Nancheng's face while talking, but to his surprise, Xu Nancheng didn't show the slightest expression of displeasure, he even squinted his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his lips : "Is it almost a one-in-ten chance?"

"What does it mean that no fatal injuries were caused?" Xu Nancheng asked again.

Of course, this question can't be that Xu Nancheng doesn't understand the literal meaning. He just needs to know more clearly. After all, standing on the tower, he can't see so clearly, so he needs to get more details from the front line. in know.

"From the perspective of the front line, these shells can only cause some thin spider webs to the opponent, and have no other damage." The orderly replied again.

"Spider web pattern?" After Xu Nancheng rolled these three words over and over in his mouth several times, the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger, and finally he said, "Bring all the shells and use them all up." , solve this monster within half an hour, no, within ten."

"City lord..." Bai Yuanshan couldn't help being startled when he heard Xu Nancheng's words, he subconsciously stopped Xu Nancheng: "City lord, we spent a lot of time and resources manufacturing these shells, we only have so many, if we use them all to deal with them If this guy, we have no cards..."

"Do you think the deceased has any cards?" Xu Nancheng didn't interrupt Bai Yuanshan, but smiled leisurely. He even handed the binoculars to Bai Yuanshan, motioning him to take a look inside.

Bai Yuanshan looked towards Latin through the binoculars, and saw Mo Ran standing on Latin at a glance. His calm heart was suddenly ignited with anger: "It's Mo Ran!"

"That's right, it's Mo Ran." Xu Nancheng's eyes lit up, and there was an unpredictable smile on his lips: "What does Mo Ran represent among the dead? Needless to say, you should also Know

Of course Bai Yuanshan knew.

Even if Bai Yuanshan has never really met Mo Ran himself, this name is still very loud to him, especially after Bai Wei died, especially after he knew how Bai Wei died, he was even more fond of this dead person. He cared, even crazily understood the deceased, so much so that he recognized her at a glance just by looking through the binoculars without knowing Mo Ran.

I have to say, this is really impressive.

A woman in red battle armor stood heroically on the shoulders of a huge white skeleton. The strong wind blew her red cloak, making her seem to be born in the flames of war.

And at that moment, Bai Yuanshan just saw Mo Ran raise his eyes. Of course, Mo Ran was not looking at him, but when he looked through the telescope, it was as if she had captured his own. For a moment, Bai Yuanshan seemed to feel He felt a kind of trembling that seemed to penetrate his soul and spread all over his body along with that gaze, making him feel the bone-piercing cold, and his whole body was fixed there as if struck by lightning.

This trembling feeling that penetrated the soul until Xu Nancheng turned his head and spoke to him, Bai Yuanshan still couldn't break free completely, his thinking ability seemed to be completely reduced.

What does Mo Ran represent?

Of course Bai Yuanshan knew.

Mo Ran represents the backing of the dead, the ceiling of the dead, and the infinite possibilities of the dead. It can even be said that if you can't catch the dead, if you don't kill the dead, even if the footsteps of human beings cover the entire continent, Even if humans control the entire world, those in power will not be able to sleep at night, because everyone knows that as long as Mo Ran does not die, the dead will not die, and as long as Mo Ran does not die, the dead will counterattack one day.

Of course, this also shows one thing at the same time.

The monster in Mo Ran's hand is the dead man's trump card. As long as this thing is defeated, the dead man will be useless.

"Mo Ran is the trump card of the dead." Xu Nancheng showed his white teeth: "I know that among human beings, many people look down on the dead, thinking that they are transformed from zombies, that they are neither human nor ghost, that They are not qualified to live in this world, but I don't, I have never looked down on this race."

"To me, they are the enemy

Bai Yuanshan looked at Xu Nancheng, he seemed to understand Xu Nancheng's weird thoughts, but he was still a little worried: "What if we can't beat the dead?"

Xu Nancheng glanced at Bai Yuanshan, with disgust in his eyes, but he still said: "I gave you so many dead people to do research on, have you forgotten even the most important thing?"

Bai Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "You mean they can't have children?"

"That's right, what if the shells are finished today? As long as one of us humans survives, we can survive again and fight back, but what do the dead have? They have no future."

"Then we can wait, we can wait for them..."

"You overestimate my patience." Xu Nancheng didn't even give Bai Yuanshan a chance to finish his sentence. His fingers quickly rubbed the surface of the telescope, and his tone was a little impatient: "There is a chance to solve them once and for all." , why do I have to keep flowing."

"If all the shells are used up and this monster is still alive..." Bai Yuanshan sometimes felt that Xu Nancheng's thoughts were too extreme. He always liked to push himself into a desperate situation and never left himself a way out.

Xu Nancheng turned half of his face to look at Bai Yuanshan: "Then we will see who's life is tougher, us or the deceased." After speaking, he suddenly paused, squinted his eyes, and said as if remembering something: " Actually, not necessarily."


Xu Nancheng didn't answer Bai Yuanshan, but asked another waiter, "Has Ming Yuechen already gone to battle?"

"The person who notified is almost here, and it is estimated that he will play soon."

Xu Nancheng nodded, as if it was a very common question, but Bai Yuanshan was keenly aware of something relying on his own understanding of him: "Is there something wrong with Ming Yuechen?"

"I heard that Mo Ran hates humans very much, the kind that hates humans so much that they want all humans to die in place." Xu Nancheng smiled as if he was joking: "Speaking of which, her hatred of humans is It seems that I hate the dead, and her style of doing things does not leave behind, do you think we are very similar?"

Bai Yuanshan swallowed subconsciously, he didn't

"But such a dead person has publicly expressed that she likes Ming Yuechen very much." Xu Nancheng reopened the red wine that the waiter had just brought, poured himself another glass, and said calmly, "Isn't this very interesting?" one thing."

"But at that time, she was more like a mockery, an insult..."

"Really?" Xu Nancheng obviously didn't believe this explanation: "However, I heard that the two of them stayed in the chasm for several months, and, in the last battle to aid the elves, at the beginning Mo Ran seems to be showing mercy to Ming Yuechen, of course, didn't Ming Yuechen also give up the chance to kill her?"

Bai Yuanshan is not Xu Nancheng, he is just a researcher. Although he is a high-level person, he actually doesn't know a lot of information. Hearing what Xu Nancheng said now, he seems to have heard some Arabian Nights: "You mean? Ming Yuechen betrayed Humanity?"

"That's not enough." Xu Nancheng laughed: "He is a firm fighter and will not betray human beings."

"Then..." Bai Yuanshan suddenly realized what Xu Nancheng was going to do, "Can he kill Mo Ran?"

Xu Nancheng's eyes were deep and dark, and he couldn't see to the end. He looked at Bai Yuanshan quietly for a few seconds, and Bai Yuanshan could only feel the cold air: "This... who knows?" He picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance: "I just created one more possibility for victory. As for whether it can be achieved, it depends on God."

When Mo Ran summoned Latin, the seal turned into a special bracelet worn on her wrist. Just click on this bracelet, and a simple interface will appear in front of her. There are only two options on the interface.

Very simple two blue light boxes, the upper one is the instruction, and the lower one is the fit.

And what these two light frames represent is also very simple. The instructions are like Mo Ran’s direct delivery of various combat orders to Latin, and then Latin will complete the task. Let Mo Ran and Latin become one, and Mo Ran can manipulate Latin himself.

However, these two choices have different costs. Choosing the command is Latin's own combat power, but Mo Ran as

Each of these two options has its own advantages, and which one to choose depends on the needs of the owner in different environments.

Mo Ran chose the order at the beginning because she felt that Latin's own combat power was enough to deal with humans and those armored vehicles, but she didn't expect that humans would have a backup and these unbreakable lines of fire.

From giving orders to accepting orders and then executing them, there will definitely be a loss of time and combat rhythm. If it is only dealing with armored vehicles and humans, this is not a problem, but now the time of existence of Latin is only about ten minutes. , It is obviously very reluctant to break through this solid high wall of fire.

Mo Ran raised his head and looked at the high wall in the distance. Cannonballs were projected on the high wall again. These shells were more and faster than before, and they were densely packed. There was a posture that he would not stop until Latin was knocked down.

"Retreat." Mo Ran had no choice but to give the order to retreat again.

Latin obediently followed Mo Ran's instructions and took another two steps back. Just where they were standing, they were instantly hit by a string of shells.

There was no time to hesitate, Mo Ran took a deep breath, made a firm choice, and pressed the fit button on the ring.

The moment she pressed this option, a system voice sounded in her ears: "If you choose the fit button, you will lose 30% of the remaining time of the control body. Are you sure you want to choose this?"


When Mo Ran made a choice, she saw that her whole body was instantly surrounded by a blue beam of light, and a white light appeared in her vision. When the white light flashed by, she suddenly found that her vision had completely changed.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-03-02 08:47:59~2021-03-03 14:09:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ke Yiqing 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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