MTL - Restart Spain-Chapter 173 motorcycle

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Reboot Spain Chapter 173 Motorcycle

"His Majesty's research on the internal combustion engine is very smooth. We have initially produced the motorcycle travel you explained. I think you can feel the power of the internal combustion engine."

Before Alfonso questioned, Karl Benz and Daimler had already told Alfonso the research results of the internal combustion engine.

The internal combustion engine is one of the projects that Alfonso Labs attaches great importance to, so Alfonso also attaches great importance to the research results of the two.

"This time I actually came here to see what the power of the internal combustion engine is. Another purpose is to want the two to create a fast assault ship powered by an internal combustion engine for our country."

Alfonso gradually walked into the laboratory under the leadership of Carl Benz and Daimler, followed by Castro and General Campos.

The use of internal combustion engines is very extensive, and any modern machinery can be said to be an extension of the internal combustion engine.

Whether it is a ship, a car, an airplane, or a tractor, it is closely related to the internal combustion engine.

And now the fast assault boats that the Marine Corps needs are the products driven by the internal combustion engine.

It can be said that the current development process of the internal combustion engine is the key to the establishment of the Marine Corps.

"Fast assault boat, I don't know what kind of fast assault boat His Majesty is talking about?"

Karl Benz asked with some doubts, the initial development direction of the internal combustion engine was land,

But now Alfonso XII's words make him have a little doubt,

Putting an internal combustion engine on a ship also appears to be a viable approach.

"What we need is a military piece of equipment, an internal combustion engine capable of driving an armored transport ship at high speed and rushing to the shore!"

"The requirement is that it must be fast and powerful. I wonder if today's internal combustion engine can accomplish this task?"

With some anticipation, Alfonso asked the internal combustion engine to say more or less. It has been developed for two years, and it should be able to do it, driving the effect of ships and small transport ships.

"Your Majesty is honest, although the research on internal combustion engines can drive small transport ships like you said, its instability and power are not enough to meet your requirements."

Karl Benz looked embarrassed, and he said to Fang reluctantly,

Alfonso's requirements are a bit harsh for today's internal combustion engine research and development. The proposal to develop two-wheeled motorcycles proposed not long ago,

They have only officially produced it now, and before they can show the results to the world, Alfonso has already proposed new ideas.

Alfonso also nodded silently, and obviously knew his request, which was really difficult for Daimler and Karl Benz.

But the official development of the motorcycle gave Alfonso a surprise.

Motorcycles are extremely important to the mobility of the Army.

Military motorcycles have appeared as early as the First World War,

It was also widely used during World War II. Compared with jeeps, this vehicle is more maneuverable, and its body is small and flexible, and its operation is simple. It is most suitable for messengers.

The most famous motorcycles during World War II, such as the Japanese 95 and 97 sidecar motorcycles, and the US military Harley series military motorcycles, etc.

But don't ignore the Germans. In addition to the many models of tanks, they also use a lot of motorcycles.

Therefore, military motorcycles are an extremely important equipment for the Army.

"Take a look at the motorcycles you've developed!"

Restraining the expression of disappointment, Alfonso and the two generals instructed Carl Benz that the importance of motorcycles is no less than that of assault boats.

After all, the military fast assault boat is just a military equipment with a relatively narrow strategic use. Unlike motorcycles, almost the army uses this light and fast transportation to improve the speed of the army's orders.

"Your Majesty, please come with me. The motorcycle is about to take shape in the backyard, and now it can be run with people."

Carl Benz nodded, then reached out and walked towards the backyard with Alfonso, Castro and Campos.

After walking for a while, the two sides finally came to the backyard of the laboratory, where an unformed motorcycle was parked there quietly.

The motorcycle is not the same as the motorcycle in the rear view. From the current appearance, it looks more like a bicycle with an engine.

Although the style is a bit rudimentary, Karl Benz and Daimler have a proud look.

"Your Majesty, this motorcycle can reach a speed of 50 kilometers per hour and one hour,

Therefore, he has surpassed most of the transportation vehicles on the market,

And because of its light and dexterous size and low cost, it can be easily used in any area of ​​my country. "

Calbence said proudly, then pointed to his motorcycle and looked at King Alfonso XII.

"Your Majesty, we can show you the performance of this motorcycle, and it's up to you to decide whether to popularize it nationwide!"

Calbens added that Dao still trusts the performance of his products. Although the motorcycle in front of him looks like a big-bellied bicycle, this does not hinder his pride and confidence in his products.

"Okay, then you can show it to us. If the army finds its value, then we will purchase them in large quantities to assemble the army team!"

Alfonso XII said slowly, although the surface is calm, but the heart is still very excited, to know that the emergence of motorcycles, it can be said that Spain officially stepped into the threshold of the second industrial revolution.

You must know that the powerful Germany relies on its highly developed machinery industry to unreasonably surpass Britain, France and other countries.

Even with a better geographical location and more abundant resources, the United States successfully stood on the head of Britain and France with a series of inventions of the second industrial revolution.

After the Second World War, he directly won the Guiguan of the world hegemony.

Although this little motorcycle and the internal combustion engine it carries, although it looks unassuming, in fact, it can be said to have great significance for Spain.

After Alfonso XII agreed to their display request, Carl Benz ordered people to start preparing for a test drive of the world's first motorcycle.

In fact, there is almost no difference between riding a motorcycle and a bicycle. Anyone can try to ride a motorcycle as long as they can ride a bicycle.

But because of the unsafe nature of motorcycles, Karl Benz still invited two of the most professional people for a test drive.

"Yes, yes, just the two of you, to show your best technology and show King Alfonso the performance of a motorcycle!"

Karl Benz ordered the two young and powerful young men and said with a serious expression.

His Majesty the King personally inspected the achievements of the internal combustion engine, which is a great honor for any scientific researcher.

It is a great honor for any country to have the top leaders of the country personally come to advise them on their work.

Therefore, the two young men also showed their spirit and began to test drive the motorcycle.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two knights turned on the spirit of 12 points and began to face the motorcycle in front of them. Although the internal combustion engine has been modified, the air pollution is much smaller in comparison.

But Alfonso was distracted by the thick black smoke from the burning gasoline.

Although the exhaust of automobiles in the market is very polluting to the air, Alfonso also knows that,

In this era, only by modifying and assembling engines and cars is it possible to catch up and lead European countries in the future.

Naturally, Alfonso has no environmental awareness. In the 19th century, the thick black smoke emitted by steam engines could be said to be even more harmful to the atmosphere.

It can even be said that the exhaust gas emitted by burning gasoline as fuel is much smaller than that of gas.

Although I do not want to admit that the development of human beings must be inseparable from machinery and the development of machinery is the development of internal combustion engines.

It is an important prerequisite for the development of machinery today.

Therefore, Ah Feng turned a blind eye to the environmental problems caused by internal combustion engines, and instead began to seek more powerful environments and factors.

The two chess players in front of Alfonso's Stone of Contemplation had already started steadily and began to charge forward.

The bicycle with a gasoline engine, although it felt that there was a risk of falling apart at any time, still pulled the two brothers steadily.

"Look, Your Majesty, the stability of the internal combustion engine is still worthy of recognition. Next, I will let them give a demonstration of the acceleration of the internal combustion engine!"

Seeing that the motorcycle in front of him was already running, Karl Benz breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the two chess players and made a gesture again, meaning to increase the speed to the fastest.

Karl Benz is quite confident that the measured speed of the internal combustion engine has reached 50 kilometers.

But at the moment, after all, King Alfonso XII personally came to check the results of the internal combustion engine, and naturally he did not dare to take it lightly.

After the two riders saw Karl Benz's gesture, they rushed towards it, turning the front of the car at the starting point and starting a full sprint.

The roar of the internal combustion engine is getting louder and louder, and the sound of the early internal combustion engine was very loud.

This also caused the roar of the engine to be deafening although the speed of the two motorcycles was only about 50 kilometers.

But the result was also the same, which made Karl Benz hopeful, and the two motorcycles under the full-horsepower internal combustion engine moved forward in a straight line at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was several points faster than the horse running at full strength, which also made the two generals behind A Fangsuo stunned.

Such a fast speed, although it has advantages, but looking at the extremely simple shape of this motorcycle, the corners of the two generals' mouths twitched.

Such a shape simply cannot equip the army on a large scale, because if so, the maintenance cost will be astronomical, which is not a waste of money that the army wants to bear.

But it is clear that the equipment in front of him has a promising future. Although it does not seem to have any effect on Castro's navy, General Campos has some changes.

Such a fast speed made him think of signal soldiers and messengers in an instant.

Although it is a leak, if a small amount of equipment is given to the signal soldiers and the messengers, it will definitely strengthen the connection between the various units.

You must know that there may be no such thing as radio in this era,

Even during the Second World War when the radio appeared, there were still countless signal soldiers riding motorcycles active on the battlefield.

Before he could make a request to Alfonso XII.

Alfonso XII looked at him first with a smile on his face.

"All are generals. If the motorcycle in front of you is undergoing an upgrade, I wonder how much it will improve your combat effectiveness if you equip it with the army!"

Alfonso XII asked with a smile on his face, with a surprised General Campos in front of him.

"Your Majesty, if this kind of vehicle can be enlarged and upgraded, even with a carriage that can transport soldiers behind it,

That will greatly strengthen the supply of the Spanish Army,

Horses and other living creatures that are not used in the army will be withdrawn from the battlefield. "

Campos responded, knowing that the Spanish army is already the most advanced army in the world,

If equipped with the current motorcycle, the Spanish troops will likely take the first step on the road of mechanization.

The war of the future is already obvious, nothing more than super mobility and huge requirements for logistical supplies.

If there is an effective means of transport that can replace the carriage, it will greatly help the advancing speed of the front-line troops.

Alfonso XII smiled and did not reply, but turned to look at the proud Carl His Excellency Carl Benz, I wonder if you can put the motorcycle in front of you Remodeled to be more perfect,”

"For example, adding a seat on the left or right side of the motorcycle, transforming it from two wheels to three wheels, so that one person can drive and one person can guard the surroundings with a gun?"

Alfonso XII suggested to Karl Benz and Daimler according to the future military motorcycle, motorcycle can be said to be the most basic product of internal combustion engine.

If the motorcycle trials are successful, cars, vans and even planes will not be far away for Spain.

Regarding the use of internal combustion engines, there is only a lack of brain holes that someone has opened up for them.

When people realized that internal combustion engines could take humans to the skies, that's when airplanes were invented.

Although today people still do not have any concept of this.

But Alfonso believes that in his lifetime, these important industrial products of the future will appear one by one in Spain and take the lead.

"Of course there is no problem. Your Majesty will deliver the finished product to the palace soon!"

Karl Benz patted his chest and made a ticket.

"Your Excellency Benz, I will send some drawings. I hope you can make the initial prototype for me according to these images."

Alfonso patted Carl Benz on the shoulder, and then said intentionally.

Now that the internal combustion engine has reached such an advanced level, the products of the automobile, aircraft and other industries will be put on the schedule.

Although the R&D cycle may become unusually long, it must be beneficial for Spain...+BOOKBOOK+

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