MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 48 :soul

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Xiguang City, South District.

The southern district used to be the most chaotic urban area in Xiguang City. After Shire was elected as the city lord, the black and gray industries and gangs in the southern district were dealt a fatal blow. Among the 26 urban districts of Xiguang City, the Southern District ranks second in terms of law and order.

South District · Tasha Port, residential area of ​​Pier 5.

The early morning sun shines through the gaps in the curtains, and the secretary of the city lord, Yuyuna, is lying on her side on the bed, riding a quilt, enjoying the comfort of being bedridden, her mother knocking on the door, and gradually becoming irritable to show her loving mother Her tone forced her to get up, and she lazily replied that she would get up immediately, which was considered to appease the mother, and then she lay back and fell asleep again.

Half an hour later, Youyuna was sitting at the dining table with a sigh of relief, eating breakfast. The delicious breakfast at home gradually awakened her taste buds. At this moment, her mother stopped beside her and looked at her a few times Seconds, after muttering something strange, he turned to cook Youyuna's father's breakfast.

Youyuna glanced at the time, it was already 7:30, she had to hurry up and walked to the mirror in the bathroom, just holding the water with both hands to wash her face, she suddenly felt something wrong, looked up at the mirror, she was the same as before There was no difference, but after touching the skin on my face with my hand and observing carefully, I found that my skin had improved a lot.

Due to staying up late and working intensively, even though Youyuna was still young, her skin was not as good as her peers, but now she found that she had a dream-level skin condition. The bottle of moisturizing and beautifying potion that I gave was diluted by one-fifth in a bathtub, and then soaked in it, so drowsy that I almost fell asleep.

I observed it early the next morning, and there was no change, but I thought it would take a week and persist for a month before it would be effective. In addition, this is a gift from others, so I shouldn’t complain about whether it is effective or not. As for it can make the skin healthy and fair until the age of 50. From now on, Youyuna just listened to it. Of course, this kind of nourishing secret medicine exists, but it is not accessible to her as the secretary of the city lord.

Youyuna doesn't like to drive. She took the rail bus to the central building. On the way, she couldn't help touching the skin on her face with both hands, and there was a smile on her face. A little girl nearby was stunned, and people around her moved away one after another. After a few small steps, the passengers farther away have already started pointing, or muttering that the young people are too stressed now, which makes their hearts a little perverted, etc. After discovering these, Youyuna remained calm, but she was so ashamed that she wanted to jump off the car.

Half an hour later, Youyuna finally arrived at the office on the 33rd floor of the central building. She took a sip of hot drink and breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing several stacks of various documents on the table, she **** her hair, put on her glasses, and started a new day work.

When reviewing the second document, Youyuna's expression was a little dignified. According to the report from the visitor hotel, the contractor of Tianqi Paradise, who claims to be a holy soul master, will leave Xiguang City today. According to the other party's intention, he should return to Apocalypse Paradise, that is, leaving this world.

Youyuna brought the documents and came to the city lord's office. After a while, the city lord Xia Eryin behind the desk put down the documents, rubbed his forehead with ten fingers, and asked chattingly: "Youyuna, how much do you think about Saint Soul? Very credible."

"My lord, I don't think all the contractors are completely credible. They are tourists after entering a world. Even if they do heinous and appalling things, they can just walk away."

Speaking of this, Youyuna's tone paused, and the city lord Xia Eryin raised her hand, letting her continue without worrying.

"If you use the lawful and moral level of the contractor, I personally feel that Mr. Holy Soul can be called a good person with an easy-going temper, but usually a little lazy."

After hearing these words, the city lord Shier Yin nodded. She felt similar to Youyuna, but for some reason, Shier Yin had a feeling that it was best not to believe this self-proclaimed Holy Soul Master. Guy, letting the other party leave like this may be the best ending.

"Youyuna, go to the city bank to find Lares, the vice president, and ask him to take you underground to look at the trees, take a photo with this, and bring it back to me as soon as possible."

After getting this task, Youyuna didn't ask any more questions. After more than 40 minutes, Youyuna returned to the office and put a photo with a magical color on the table.

The content of the photo is in the shape of a tree. Due to the magical color of the photo, you can see that the darkness has spread from the ground up to the trunk and root system of the tree. The invasion has already been serious. If you continue to let it go, something will happen to the Unknown Light Tree.

"Erosion so fast..."

The city lord Xia Er put the photo into the broken gas engine, and the whine of the exhaust fan made her eyes dazzled. After a while, she finally made a decision and said: "Go to the holy soul master and tell him that I have something urgent to see him." .”

Xiguang City East District, inside a gem workshop.

Because it does not process decorative gems, but catalyzes and inlays extraordinary gems, the location of this gem workshop is a bit remote. Compared with the high rent in a good location, this gem workshop belongs to the wine. Come.

But today, the owner of this gemstone workshop encountered the biggest crisis in his life. A group of guys who looked like good guys, but they weren’t, entered the door and forcibly tore off the door latch and lowered the outer iron door with a loud slam. .

When the guard hired at a high price shouted angrily, he was whipped into a spinning top by the tauren, and because of the guard's murderous intent, when the killer counterattacked, the tauren pinched the back of his head with one hand like a watermelon , the owner of the workshop rolled his eyes on the spot and almost passed out.

The owner of the gem workshop stood firm and did not faint. He witnessed the five men in black behind him skillfully cleaned up the splashed biological tissues and packed them together with the corpse. The owner of the workshop almost grinned and cried , If the scene of pinching the watermelon just now was the horror brought by the visual shock, the skillful cleaning right now is the fear that gradually seeps into every pore.

Immediately afterwards, a large bag of currency and corners was placed on the display cabinet, which made the workshop owner's fear dilute. After learning that this is only a deposit for the store, and there will be rewards later, the fear has disappeared, and a smile can't be controlled. Climb the face , and the dead guard, he didn't care, it was arranged by the local gang to collect protection fees here, this gangster is also a talent, he said that he wanted to further protect the gem workshop, but he asked the workshop owner to add an extra reward, which belongs to himself I forced myself to find a job.

The reason for choosing this place is because it is in Xiguang City, but also remote enough, not far from the city wall, it is the best choice for the kidnapping location.

Putting down a dark red gemstone, Su Xiao was about to tie up his secretary Youyuna. At this moment, the communicator on the container suddenly rang. After picking it up, he found that it was Youyuna who called. After thinking for two seconds, he Guessing what was going on, the trap that had been set up since entering Xiguang City was finally stepped on by the target.

When he first came to Xiguang City, Su Xiao smelled a seductive fragrance because of the passive effect of "Swallowing Core". Only high-level biological energy/rare soul energy can have this kind of fragrance. The difference between the two is, "Rare Soul Energy" has a refreshing aftertaste, while "Advanced Biological Energy" is like a delicacy, which makes people salivate, with a bit of red light in their eyes, and the fangs and sharp teeth of the animal breath, feasting on a meal.

Why does Su Xiao use the identity of a holy soul master? He had just come to Xiguang City and smelled the refreshing lingering fragrance, and found a somewhat incongruous dark aura. He was too familiar with this dark aura, and it was darkness with certain abyssal characteristics.

Blind guessing is a kind of dark attribute energy greatly enhanced by the abyss, and then the dark attribute energy breeds and grows, and invades the strange flowers and trees with "rare soul energy" during the period.

Under such circumstances, there is no doubt that people who understand the treatment of the soul system are needed to help get rid of this dark erosion. This is like looking for a doctor when a person is sick, or a veterinarian for an animal when it is sick. Teachers, or ability users of the sacred system, such as the distorted sun of Lieyang, the sacred system dare not live here for a long time.

For Su Xiao's sudden appearance of the Soul Healing Department, the city lord Xia Eryin certainly has doubts, but Su Xiao just gave it a try and didn't expect much from this trap. Anyway, he has to find an identity to disguise himself as a summoner Department and Soul Healing Department, there is no cost increase.

To his surprise, his disguised identity actually took effect, but the effect was a little crooked. The city lord Shirein invited him before, not to heal the exotic flowers and trees with "rare soul energy". It's about helping the goddess of fate to heal her soul injury, but generally speaking, there are still gains.

The current contact with Youyuna is very likely that the city lord Xia Eryin wants to take a risk. Su Xiao picked up the communication and came from the opposite side:

"Mr. Holy Soul, do you have time now?"

"Do not have time."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the secretary on the opposite side, Youyuna, said: "This is Mr. Holy Soul, I have a commission here, and I want to invite you."

Speaking of this, Youyuna on the opposite side lowered her voice, as if afraid of being heard by others: "The salary is very high."

It can only be said that she is worthy of being the most confidant secretary of the lord of the city, Shire. If this is said in a serious way, there will be a condescending sense of charity, which will make the listener unhappy. On the other hand, Youyuna is a bit young Playful, with the appearance of not letting others hear, we are acquaintances, and we must first look for you when we have good things, it is easier to make people feel good.

"It's not a matter of remuneration. I don't have time recently. Tomorrow at the latest, I will leave here. I may never come back again. See you again, Yuyuna."

After finishing speaking, Su Xiao was about to hang up the communication, and came from the communicator: "Wait, wait."


Su Xiao didn't speak, and didn't hang up the communication. Youyuna on the opposite side said, "Mr. Holy Soul, can you tell me where you are? How about we meet?"


Su Xiao still didn't speak, as if thinking and hesitating.

"It's almost noon, let's meet at the Pine Cone Restaurant. I've fixed the location, so you can come here when you have time. No matter where you are, you have to have lunch. Xiguang City has convenient transportation, and it will delay you for 10 minutes at most, ah no ,20 minutes."

After hearing these words, Su Xiao thought for a few seconds and replied, "Okay, see you in the restaurant."

After hanging up the communication, Su Xiao has already confirmed that it is the city lord Shire who wants to entrust him to treat the strange flowers and trees with "rare soul energy". Only the next time is safe.

People have a habit. If it is help from the sky, the first thing that comes to mind is not gratitude, but vigilance, such as whether this is a scam, whether there are traps, etc. On the other hand, if it is hard work and hard work, it is still rejected There must be no doubts about the cooperation that has been reached many times after holding on to it.

There is a saying that is good, heaven never takes the initiative to invite, only **** will beckon, but if **** starts to refuse and welcome, it can only be said that this is why the old yin beep is terrible.

At noon that day, in the Pine Cone Restaurant, which is two streets away from the central building, the restaurant is not luxurious, which is why we can get closer. This atmosphere is like inviting friends for a casual meal, and it is better to reach a cooperation without formality .

In the private room, Youyuna fully demonstrated her ability to negotiate. However, she felt that she had a good eloquence. Today, she met a man who always smiled but kept ruthlessly rejecting him. This made Youyuna helpless.

However, after the city lord Shire walked into the private room and offered a reward that Su Xiao could not refuse, Su Xiao considered for half a minute before finally nodding and agreeing to the matter, but he also made a condition that he will leave tomorrow , There is not much time to stay in this world. I will start to treat the sacred tree of soul this afternoon, and there is no guarantee of follow-up treatment. After all, I will leave this world.

From the refreshing fragrance of "rare soul energy", Su Xiao guessed that there are exotic flowers and trees in Xiguang City, but he didn't expect it to be "sacred tree of soul". In the expectation ranking of soul food, the sacred tree of soul ranked ninth bit.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiao sat in the back seat of a car. On the right was the city lord Xia Eryin, and on the left was Yuyuna. Although it is a good opportunity to take Youyuna away, compared to being able to see the soul Holy tree, this matter has to be postponed.

The material of this car is special. With the perception displayed by Su Xiao disguised as a summoner, the perception cannot penetrate this vehicle, so he will occasionally look out of the car window. The acting skills must pay attention to details, and he is brought into this vehicle. The calmness of the performance is suspicious.

"Mr. Holy Soul, we are going to the city bank, you don't have to worry, we really have no malicious intentions."

Youyuna comforted her, Su Xiao turned her head to look at Youyuna, she is such a good boy, I will tie you up later, tell Eminem to loosen it up.

When the vehicle parked at the main entrance of the city bank and just entered the city bank after getting off the car, Su Xiao saw two teams of security personnel. Under the **** of one of the security personnel, the group came to the innermost side of the first floor. In the treasury-level single room, there is only one elevator door in this room, and it is completely an old-fashioned mechanical structure, and the luxurious elevator in the bank lobby just now is a product of two eras.

Taking the elevator, several security personnel pulled the iron gate, and the elevator began to descend. After descending at least a few kilometers, the elevator paused and stopped, and a group of people walked out of the elevator. The light insects are flying, and there are light white fluorescent flowers and plants on the ground. When you step on it, there will be light and dark changes. A few birds with bright feathers fly by and land on a rare small tree.

The five security personnel in the surrounding area all have pseudo-extremely strong combat power. The so-called pseudo-extremely strong combat power is unique to Lieyang Star. The blood beasts, moon beasts, wild beasts, etc. that go out at night have the distorted sun gathered in their hearts. The power, through absorbing this kind of "beast heart" to promote quickly, is called pseudo-extremely strong, although powerful, but generally short-lived, the peak period is less than 10 years, counting from the absorption of "beast heart", the remaining life span is also On the level of 12 to 13 years.

However, the security captain among them does have a really strong initial strength. With the comprehensive combat power of Su Xiao Summoner's camouflage vest, he must be crushed by the security captain. As for the real fight...

After a group of people walked along the winding path in this underground space for a few minutes, a sacred tree of the soul appeared in front of it, with a height of more than ten meters, a translucent trunk, and hanging branches revealing the light blue of the soul.

The sacred tree of souls, which originally had an ethereal and psychedelic beauty, was now emitting a very faint black smoke. Seeing this scene, the city lord Shalin frowned even deeper.

Everyone's appreciation vision is different, and the state of the sacred tree of the soul falls into Su Xiao's eyes, which is perfect. If the sacred tree of the soul in a normal state is an ingredient, then the current sacred tree of the soul is like being pickled. , and the food that has been properly cooked not only retains the original flavor of the food, but also has a bit of natural sweetness brought by coarse salt. In addition, the sacred tree of soul is not made of wood, but more like fresh bamboo shoots.

"Holy Soul, is there a way to dispel the dark breath of the Holy Tree of Souls?"

The city lord Xia Eryin spoke, hearing the words, Su Xiao pondered for a while and shook his head.

"You can't help it?"

"The distance is too far, and the perception is not clear. How strong are you expecting a summoner?"

Although delicious delicacies come first, the acting skills still need to control the details.

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the city lord Shire felt embarrassed, but if he got closer, he would enter the range of the enchantment. When she hesitated, Su Xiao said:

"I don't think it's a big problem for this sacred tree of souls to continue like this. At least there is no risk of dying. In my opinion, you should find a more professional soul plant healer. I am good at healing the souls of living beings, although I can try it." Healing this sacred tree of soul is not the most professional after all."

Su Xiao's attitude is clearly that the situation of the Soul Sacred Tree is not good. When encountering such a difficult matter, of course, if he can avoid trouble, he will not cause unnecessary trouble. There are still important things waiting for him to do.

Seeing Su Xiao's attitude, the city lord Xia Er was not worried but happy. She was most afraid of encountering the kind who didn't have much ability, but dared to take care of everything. In the end, everything was messed up. Instead, it was the holy soul. This kind of cautious, even if it can't be cured, there will be room for it to be cured.

After pondering for a while, the city lord Shire took off the ring on his index finger and threw it out. The barrier in front of him was opened, and the group of people approached to a distance of five meters from the sacred tree of souls.

"Holy Soul, how is it? Can it be treated?"


Hearing this, the displeasure in his heart was fake, and the city lord Xia Eryin didn't show it, but asked, "How far can it be treated?"


Hearing Su Xiao's words, the city lord Shire was stunned for a moment, and then her pupils shrank violently.


Scarlet blood burst out, forming a huge blood beast behind Su Xiao. The blood beast opened its mouth wide and bit towards the sacred tree of soul.


The trunk of the sacred tree of souls splashed all over the ground, in the air, and on the ceiling. The blood beast swallowed the entire sacred tree of souls, leaving only the roots less than 10 centimeters , the so-called radical cure, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Dots of soul juice splashed on the cheeks of the city lord Charin, coupled with her pupils shrunk to the extreme, this was the first time in his life that the city lord lost his composure.

The blood beast chewed the holy tree of soul, and then gulped it down. Because of the taste and taste of this delicious delicacy, the blood beast bared its sharp fangs and grinned grinningly. There was still some sap of the holy tree of soul in its mouth. This sweet soul juice was not wasted.

At the center of the angry blood is Su Xiao whose pupils glow red, pretending to be passive.

"Kukulin...White Night!"

The city lord Xia Eryin stared at Su Xiao. This city lord, who was just an ordinary person, had no fear or retreat when facing Su Xiao's blood.

Why do you know that the other party has no fear? The blood beast with full blood can smell the unique smell of fear.

Leaving aside the anger of the city lord Shirein, the surrounding security personnel were really brave. They rushed towards Su Xiao brazenly, with their weapons aimed either at the throat or at the heart.

Su Xiao raised his hand, with his palm facing upwards, holding this hand empty, and the next second, there were a few muffled sounds, and the four fake superpowers in the blood immediately exploded into blood, and their blood instantly formed blood guns, from In all directions, piercing the body of the security captain.


Su Xiao made a sound to guide the explosion, and all the blood guns exploded. The blood splashed in the air, before splashing, gathered and compressed under his control, forming a black blood core the size of a marble, blasting out a In a straight line, he killed a completely invisible guard.

A little bit of blood emerged and spread in the air, followed by the scene of an invisible man being pierced between the eyebrows and him falling to the ground.

Su Xiao looked to one side, and a black afterimage from a super-high-speed surprise attack suddenly stopped. The assassin and Su Xiao looked at each other. This was the most wrong and terrible behavior in his life.

"Crown of the King·Full score·World-class equipment·Equipment effect 2: Malicious gaze (core·passive): When you look into the eyes of a target with killing intent in your heart, the other party will suffer huge psychological pressure and mental damage, every second Receive "real mental damage" equal to your real willpower difference × 52.6 times, and with the effect of "fixed body" and "sight lock" that the opponent can never release, until the target dies. "

Su Xiao raised his hand, clamped the long-toothed blade that had been pierced to the neck with his **** and index finger, and turned it over casually. He had already held the weapon in his hand, and gradually pierced the assassin's neck calmly and cruelly until it pierced the back of the neck.

"You'd better kill me too, or I'll be with you forever."

The city lord Xia Eryin said this, not to be aggressive or desperate for face, but to express that if Su Xiao wanted to kidnap her and extort any benefits from Xiguang City, it would be impossible, and she already had a backup.

"Yes, it's terrible."

Su Xiao didn't intend to kill the city lord Charin. The reason was that if he didn't kill him, how could this city lord who could develop Xiguang City to such a prosperous place put Xiguang City in danger? He would definitely bear it in the end. Killing the city lord, Shaerin, would be a frontal battle with Xiguang City. At that time, the big city could only be razed to the ground. Whether it is the loss of time or the benefits obtained, the loss outweighs the gain.

The magic-destroying teleportation array was formed under Su Xiao's feet, and his mentality was a little bit broken. The city lord Xia Eryin, who had not fully recovered, said, "You just left like this? I don't want to say anything."

The tone of the city lord Xia Eryin has calmed down, without the anger just now.

"Thank you for the holy tree lunch, it's delicious."

After saying that, the magic-destroying teleportation array was activated with a bang, leaving behind the city lord Xia Eryin, who was so angry that she took a deep breath, and asked without looking back: "Youyuna, are you okay? Youyuna, Youyuna Yuna?"

The city lord Shire looked back, but there was nothing behind him.

At this moment, an explosively modified steam car is speeding on the main street, and Boubo Wang is in the driver's seat, which makes the car go fast all the way, plus drifting, Baja is in the co-pilot, and Eminem is in the back seat. As for Youyuna, she is The trunk of the 'VIP Seat' is in the orange sack made for her.

When the vehicle stopped, Youyuna felt someone pick up the sack she was in, her mouth was wrapped around her, and she made a whimpering sound of struggle. An hour later, in the basement of the gem workshop, an incandescent lamp hung from the ceiling, was caught Sitting tied on a wooden chair and blindfolded, Youyuna felt extremely anxious. The last scene she saw was a muffled sound, and when she woke up, she was already in the orange sack.

At this moment, someone came dragging a wooden chair and put the wooden chair opposite Youyuna, and someone came to sit down. Soon, Youyuna felt someone coming from behind, and took off the blindfold for her. As soon as she opened her eyes, she turned her head and closed her eyes due to the glare of the light. After getting used to it, she looked at the man opposite, and suddenly felt that the more she looked, the more familiar he looked.

Recalling carefully, this seems to be the famous villain, the law destroyer Kukulin Baiye, it's over.

Youyuna looked around, and after seeing Boubo Wang, Amu, and Baja, she was smart, and immediately combined the holy soul master and the law destroyer Kukulin Baiye into one person, and guessed that the holy soul master was a false identity.

"It's a pity that I still trust you so much, I will not let you succeed, no matter what you want to do."


Su Xiao didn't speak, the quiet atmosphere made Youyuna want to cry, she finally couldn't hold back, and asked, "You...what's your purpose?"

Baja landed on Su Xiao's shoulder: "You are a notarized Xiguang City faction unit, so I ask you to submit a few entrusted tasks."


Youyuna was stupefied, her big ignorant eyes were full of confusion about the dangers of the world, as well as the confusion and encirclement of the sparrows who were bombarded by the siege and the sparrows involved.

Youyuna, as one of the two camp units notarized by the Tree of the Void in the Sunshine City camp, of course she has met many contractors of the Apocalypse Paradise and the Holy Light Paradise, came to her to hand in tasks. The impression is that the Apocalypse Paradise camp The contractors are polite and rich. There are many young ladies in Shengguang Paradise, but a small number of beautiful young ladies seem to be mentally disturbed.

Su Xiao opened the task list and chose to submit the following tasks:

1. Side mission · Gods (completed).

2. Sub-quest · Noble Leader (Completed).

3. Sub-quest · Safari Shield Gun (Completed).

4. Side quest · Lair of Extreme Darkness (Completed).

After choosing to submit, I received a prompt.

[Reminder: The faction unit that you submitted the task refused to participate in this notarization. Without both parties participating in the notarization, the task cannot be submitted. 】

"I will not give in."

Youyuna said the hardest words with the most cowardly expression.

"Is that so, then I'll go find Sharne."

As soon as Su Xiao finished speaking, he received a notification that the mission was submitted successfully.

[Reminder: After completing the above tasks, you will get a total of 7.95 million monthly silver coins. 】

Seeing this prompt, Su Xiao asked Eminem to untie Youyuna. This was scary to Youyuna's perception, and she felt that she was about to be silenced.

After finishing untying, Boubo Wang, Amu, Baha, and Youyuna stared at each other. After a stalemate for half a minute, Su Xiao cast a suspicious look and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"Huh? Can I go?!"

Yuyuna was completely dumbfounded.


Su Xiao didn't speak, which made Youyuna turn around and leave immediately. She just took two steps when someone came from behind.



Youyuna stopped walking, she almost burst into tears, the enemy was cunning and cruel, gave her hope, but also made her despair.

"It's more than 10 kilometers away from the nearest bus station, you can drive away."

Su Xiao picked up the car key on the table and threw it to Youyuna. Youyuna was completely stunned. After a few seconds, she changed her nervousness and walked out of the basement calmly. Feeling hungry, she took a bag of wild nuts from the gem workshop kitchen.

As for why Youyuna's courage soared suddenly, she had experienced too many ups and downs today, and she was in a bad mood. She could see through it. Destiny is so ingenious that people doubt life. Yes, sitting in the driver's seat of the vehicle, Youyuna chewed the nuts in her mouth, and suddenly felt that these nuts were really delicious, as expected of wild nuts that were hard to find in stores.

Dusk City Inner City, inside Su Xiao's temporary residence.

Sitting on the single sofa, he glanced at the time and felt that he should go to the big library to find Ashvez, the hand of destiny. The other party helped to increase his fortune for such a long time. It must have been hard work, but the "power fragments" have not yet been synthesized. , the other party has to persist for a while, and the trip to Xiguang City went so smoothly this time, presumably because of the convenience brought by the other party's gain.

[Reminder: The power lord (nourishing and eternal equipment) has absorbed enough power of nature in this world. You can use this equipment to convert the power of the world absorbed and stored this time into a "power fragment", There are three types of "Power Shards" as follows. 】

1. Power Fragment Crimson...

2. Power Fragment·Darkness...

3. Power Shard · Soul Will...

The maximum number of "power fragments" you can absorb: 2/6 pieces.

Activate the nourishing equipment [Power Lord], a huge amount of world power gushes out from the [Power Lord], gathers to the front, compresses and gathers, a golden shimmer appears, and becomes more dazzling, and finally becomes so rich that it turns into a dazzling golden color, forming a A shard of shining golden power.

[You get power fragments soul will. 】

[Power Fragment Soul Will (world-class strange item): After absorbing this power fragment, your willpower attribute will be boosted by your own soul strength. 】

It can only be said that it is indeed the nourishing equipment standing on the top of eternal equipment, but Su Xiao's soul strength of 1130 points, this "power fragment soul will", is unlikely to raise his willpower attribute to this level degree.

Right now, the real willpower attribute of 569 points can be increased to more than 800 points, which is a huge improvement. Don’t forget, after the Black King’s armguard is upgraded again, there is no nourishing willpower attribute effect, and in addition, the real willpower cannot be improved in the attribute enhancement warehouse. The attribute of willpower, the subsequent improvement of true willpower can only be done by luck, or by buying the "eternal-level nourishing equipment" with the characteristic of willpower.

There are very few people who are willing to sell this kind of equipment, and they usually use it for themselves. Any ability system will not mind their high willpower attribute. In addition, even if someone is willing to sell it, the price will be very high.

To what extent can it be improved this time, the follow-up real willpower will stay at this level for a long time. Su Xiao holds the "Power Fragment Soul Will" with one hand, crushes it and absorbs it. In the next second, his eyes are black.

When Su Xiao opened his eyes, it was the early morning of the next day. He felt a splitting headache just after waking up. After drinking a few bottles of the alchemy secret medicine that nourished the spirit, the splitting headache subsided. He checked his own information.

Strength: 732 points.

Agility: 732 points.

Physical strength: 777 points.

Intelligence: 732 points.

Charisma: -27 points.

Lucky: 97 points.

Soul strength: 1130 points.

Abyss resistance: 93 points.

Thunder attribute resistance: 674 points.

Element affinity: 1290 points.

True willpower: 986 points.

This increase is outrageous? No, the current situation is that Su Xiao not only absorbed the "Power Fragment Soul Will", but also his nourishing equipment [Power Lord], and [Origin Stone Slow Motion], all disappeared.

Fundamentally speaking, [Power Lord] is a power-type nourishing equipment, so its characteristics and notarization attributes are all inclined to this aspect, and the "Power Fragment · Soul Will" that appears is more like a power-type ability user. In 99% of cases, for power-type ability users, the soul strength is lower than the willpower attribute.

Such situations are, for example, 100 points of soul strength and 200 points of willpower, that is, soul strength x 50% = 50 points, which is an increase of 50 points of willpower.

The problem is that Su Xiao is not a pure power type. What's more terrible is that [Power Lord] needs 800 points of power attribute to wear. He successfully wears this "Nourishment Lord" when his real strength attribute is 634 points through "Blood Crazy Demon". equipment".

According to the addition of "Power Fragment Soul Will", that is, the soul strength is 1130 points × 50% = 565 points, then 565 points + the current 569 points of real willpower attribute = 1134 points, which is 4 points higher than his soul strength .

Such an outrageous improvement cannot be achieved by relying solely on "power fragments soul will". The problem is that the improvement of "nourishing equipment" as the top equipment is not only an improvement, but also a corresponding notarization.

The judgment of the notarization is that in order to complete this upgrade, it is impossible for the "power fragment · soul will" to achieve this point. According to the notarization, it must be filled. "The [Lord of Strength] at the source, and the [Origin Stone·Easy] in the idle position of the equipment column were pulled out.

In this way, a "Super Power Fragment Soul Will" was formed. For this reason, Reincarnation Paradise consumed a total of 85,000 ounces of time and space power to complete this upgrade.

What is even more dangerous is that absorbing this "Super Power Fragment Soul Will" is an exaggeration to say that ten deaths and no life are exaggerated, but it must be extremely dangerous. If Su Xiao hadn't mastered a variety of magic-killing abilities, it would have been possible this time. To die because of this, I can only say that it is really cool to wear "nourishing equipment" in advance and enjoy the upgrade that can only be triggered at the Xeon level, but the risk is also particularly high.

Thinking about it this way, this upgrade is not outrageous. You must know that this is the promotion of the Xeon level, which is applied to the super strong level. In addition, the high-risk wearing method also triggered a chain reaction of notarization.

If possible, Su Xiaozhen would not choose to increase the real willpower attribute in this way. For the follow-up powerful enemies he wants to fight in this world, the 986 points of the real willpower attribute are not critical. Instead, it is the 3 "power fragments" that can be absorbed later , Undoubtedly, the combat power has been greatly improved. If you die in this world, let alone the astonishing 986 points of true willpower, it is meaningless to be higher.

But if you look at it from a long-term perspective, not to mention 3 "power fragments", even 10 "power fragments" are not as good as the real willpower attribute of 986 points.

Su Xiao feels that with such a high willpower attribute, he is qualified to face the future powerful enemy Underworld, but it is only qualified.

After closing his personal information, Su Xiao found another problem, that is, he already owed 85,000 ounces of power of time and space to the Reincarnation Paradise, and he had to repay it within three worlds. The reputation of the park really cannot trigger the notarization of the reincarnation park's pre-loan judgment.

The problem now is that if the huge sum of 85,000 ounces of time and space power cannot be repaid within three world progresses, there will be an additional 8.5% delayed repayment fee for each subsequent world progress.

Close the relevant prompts, Su Xiao checks the skill list, and the "rare soul energy" obtained by devouring the sacred tree of souls is transformed into non-attribute nourishing energy by the devoured core. .94 has been upgraded to Lv.95. At this level, the difficulty of Qinggangying's promotion has soared.

It seems that after reaching Lv.95, he broke through a bottleneck. In addition, Su Xiao absorbed a lot of energy from the "first-generation phalanx", which fully filled the upper limit potential of Qinggangying. Up to now, he can't improve Qing Gangying even after absorbing the "first-generation phalanx". The upper limit of Steel Shadow's energy can only permanently increase the upper limit of its own mana.

[Green Steel Shadow: Lv.95 (Active/Passive Skill)]

Conditions of use: After turning on the ability of Qinggangying, consume 4600 mana points per minute (increase by 500 points).

Active effect: Each melee attack will burn the enemy's mana by 6260 points (increased by 1000 points, this increase has obtained the gain of "Extreme Man Passive"), and cause real damage of burned mana × 1.8 times (base 11268 points + 400 Real damage + dragon flash increase by 50% + green shadow king increase by 30% + fast shadow increase by 40% = 24503 points of real enemy will bear the intense pain of mana burning.

Defense form: Proud song (active), which can generate any form of crystals to defend against enemy attacks. The strength of the crystals is proportional to the consumed mana. The upper limit of a single mana consumption is 15,000 points, and the defense level of the crystal layer is +11.

Combat form: Limiter (passive), Qinggangying's mana consumption is increased by 5 times, and the mana burned is increased by 2 times.

"Battle Form·Extreme Man" is the branch ability of Qinggangying mastered by Su Xiao through the Awakening Monument. It can only be said that it is worthy of being recorded on the Awakening Monument. growth has doubled.

Starting from Lv.95, the improvement brought by each level of Qinggangying may be incremental, because this is the core of the magic-killing system and the final stage of improvement. It is not an exaggeration to have this level of improvement. It would be abnormal if it didn't exist. If the ability system is not strong enough, why can the shadow of the law of destruction represent an era of void?

Looking at the time, he couldn't let the hand of destiny Ashvez wait too long, so Su Xiao wanted to complete the last thing during this period. He took out the [lucky item treasure box] obtained through the task of the ancient flying dragon, and opened it .

For the top lucky thing, Su Xiao is still looking forward to it. I hope that this top lucky thing will not be like the holy snake in [Guardian of the Holy Snake]. It looked dead, and within a few seconds of taking it out, the holy snake transformed into a puffer fish from a small snake, and it was still an inflated puffer fish.

[You have opened the treasure chest of lucky items. 】

[You get the sacred ancient elf (lucky item/highly rare special equipment). 】

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