MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 23 : Time and the Tower

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Twilight City, large library, five floors underground.

All kinds of pipes and cables are distributed and coiled here, just like blood vessels and nerves in a huge body. These pipes and cables converge on the iron black metal platform in the center, which has a style of a hotbed of steel and flesh.

A figure with weak breath is lying on this hotbed. His face is very strange. He looks like he is in his 30s, but he shows a particularly aging appearance. Judging by the physical signs of ordinary people, it is believed that he is seventy or eighty years old. .

Several solar scholars from the library surrounded the surrounding area. They were trying to extend the life of this person in various ways. Fortunately, this is the big library of the Sun camp. It is impossible for any other force in this world to extend the life of this person even halfway. Second.

The four sun scholars surrounding him at this moment are scholars who have inherited a large number of "sun miracles" of the sun **** clan's healing system. In terms of life extension alone, the camp of these four can rank among the top three in the entire void.

This person's name is Ashvez, and more people call him the hand of destiny Ashvez. Ashvez comes from the Star Realm, which is a few big worlds in the Ten Thousand Realms that are only weaker than the Transcendence Realm, plus he comes from a big family , Ashvez's talent in the fate department has not been buried.

Unlike other geniuses in the family, Ashvez knew a little bit since he was a child, and he shot the first bird, so he never took the initiative to stand out, but secretly helped the family occupy

Divining fortunes, predicting crises, etc. Over time, even as the patriarch of his great-grandfather, he was regarded as an indispensable main member of the family from a future talent of the family.

In the case of no benefit, Ashvez never showed his skills. Even if there was benefit, he had to agree with the person concerned. Everything was done in a low-key manner. Facts have proved that this decision was correct. Level, he has never encountered a fatal risk.

Ashvez is not a flower in a greenhouse. This guy is naturally stable like an old dog. Even if one day there is a huge ordeal, he must be tough and cautious in his heart. However, acting low-key does not mean that he has no ambitions. From the moment he reached the peak of the ninth rank, he began to spy on the Goddess of Destiny.

Inheriting the style of being as stable as an old dog, Ashvez was promoted to the top, and then it was a long and steady accumulation process, until the strength of Ashvez as a destiny system reached the peak of the top. This is actually rare, and ordinary fate It is already great for the system to reach the middle and lower reaches of the extreme strength. In the future, it will not improve its own strength, but focus on the development of the main ability of the destiny system.

Ashvez's point of view is different. In his opinion, if he is not strong enough, then after the power of the master of fate is strong enough, he will definitely eat himself back. This is why those who have insight into fate have never died well. Fate, one must have the qualifications to bear the weight of fate.

One problem is that a huge amount of resources are needed to be promoted to Xeon. Even with the lowest threshold, the amount of resources required to be promoted to Xeon with the lowest upper limit is still not what Ashvez can afford.

For the help from the family, Ashvez is not going to let his family grow stronger. He has spied on the fortune of his family, and the limit is just like this.

Once he forcibly breaks through this limit, his family will indeed become stronger, but it will usher in a catastrophe within a few years.

If you want to promote an extremely strong person to the strongest, the resource consumption, even with the wealth of the Arcane Eternal Star, you have to consider which extremely powerful spellcaster is more qualified to be promoted to the strongest. Of course, The promotion of the Arcane Eternal Star is based on the high-level potential to be promoted to the strongest, and the resource requirements are a hundred times that of the low-level promotion of Ashvez.

In desperation, Ashvez could only accumulate slowly by himself. He originally wanted to continue to be as stable as an old dog, but one day, when he was divining his future, he suddenly found that the result of the divination was darkness. He was quite shocked, and then, he took a huge risk and peeped a little into the future of the Void Myriad Realms, and it was still... a dark place.

This convinced Ashvez that something big was about to happen in the Void Myriad Realm, and he had to be promoted to the strongest before that. Only in this way could he occupy enough vitality in this unknown disaster.

In this way, his stable style like an old dog will have to be slightly changed, and he will try to accept those high-risk commissions in the past until he receives a request from the Lieyangxing·Twilight City Library through the channel of the Hunter's Guild. of a commission.

At the beginning, Ashvez refused in his heart, but the big library gave too much. After arriving at the Dusk City of Lieyang Star, Ashvez still hesitated, but seeing the cursed silver coins Finally, his thought was, isn’t it just the legendary “Dharma Destroyer Fortune”? This is the Third Era, and the fortune of a Dharma Destroyer should not be as strong as that of those previous Dharma Destroyers in the Second Era. .

In this way, Ashvez arranged the fortune enhancement ceremony. When he stood at the center of the destiny spell and activated the spell, he found that something was wrong. The previous bonus

Destiny is his initiative to transform the power of the world into "Fate Breath" and bless the target.

But this time, Ashvez felt the power of the surrounding world swarming in. He was forced to become a converter of "power of the world → breath of fate" from the original controller. What's more frightening is that this conversion requires consumption His fortune energy, but not long after the ceremony started, his fortune energy was exhausted, and his original vitality was forcibly consumed instead.

At this moment, Ashvez was lying weakly on the hotbed. He raised his right hand tremblingly, forgetting how many times this was the first time he tried to interrupt the ceremony, but in the next second, his hand was snapped away.

Seeing this, a solar scholar put Ashvez's hanging right arm back on the hotbed, and patted him on the shoulder, as if to comfort Ashvez. With them here, Ashvez was sure Can't die.

"I want to see the... Spellbreaker."

When Ashvez spoke tremblingly, a sun scholar with a braid sighed and said honestly, "Child, it is difficult for us to meet your request."

"Why... what." Ashwith widened his eyes.

"Actually, we are in hostility with the Destroyer." ""

Ashvez almost sat up in shock from his dying illness. He really wanted to shout, 'Are you sick? Help the enemy to increase their luck, or hire someone at a high price to enhance the opponent's luck?


Seeing that Ashvez's mood fluctuated greatly, the elderly Sun Scholar comforted him, "If there is no accident, the Dharma Destroyer should have arrived at the ancient tower. When he defeats the tower knight leader, he will definitely return to Dusk City to rest. Then we can meet him."


"So you hold on for a few more days." "A few... a few days"

Ashvez's lips were trembling with anger. He was able to achieve the strength he has today, so he is naturally not the kind of person who is particularly afraid of death, but this way of dying is too embarrassing right now.

Ashvez closed his eyes and vowed in his heart that he would stay as far away from the destroyer as he could from now on, but what he didn't know was that sometimes things went against his wishes.

Sacred Heart City, inside the Great Hall of Bones on the southwest side.

The black tentacles gradually melted into the air. The priest, the platinum apostle, and the archbishop of the abyss were standing or sitting. The skeleton auditorium was in a mess after a deadly battle. Obviously, the priest team defeated their second formidable enemy, the immortal ascetic.

"Father, how is your plan with Bai Ye going?"

The Archbishop of the Abyss broke the silence. The plan he said was the plan of the priest to secretly contact Su Xiao and conspire with Su Xiao to kill the Archbishop of the Abyss.

"It went well."

The priest was not terrified of being told about his plan, but was as calm as chatting.

In fact, before the priest went to Su Xiao to cooperate, he first talked to Archbishop Abyss

However, we must unite with Su Xiao to backstab him.

In this way, no matter how you look at it, the priest is setting up bait, planning to plot against Su Xiao on the grounds of backstabbing the Archbishop of Abyss.

But if you really think so, it is only on the second floor. The priest clearly knows that it is absolutely impossible to secretly cooperate with Su Xiao without alarming the Archbishop of the Abyss.

That being the case, it would be better to play the card. The Abyss Archbishop's dark ability is pervasive. Under the supervision of the other party's ability, he will cooperate with Su Xiao in an upright manner, so that the Abyss Archbishop can hardly be suspicious.

The Platinum Apostle witnessed all this, but he didn't want to say anything, because his plan could only be implemented after the Archbishop of the Abyss was backstabbed

Strange to say, just like this three people add up to thousands of conscientious Laoyinbeep team, the efficiency is very high when dealing with powerful enemies.

The ancient tower, the top floor, inside the dilapidated room. Ding~

Su Xiao flicked a soul coin and grabbed it with one hand. He deliberately did not perceive the flight trajectory of the soul coin, as well as the situation of the heads and tails, but only guessed in his heart that the heads were up.

After spreading the palms, well, the reverse side is up.

Su Xiao tossed the soul coin again, and then guessed wrong again, which gave him a certain understanding of his own fortune. The bonus from the unknown fate system just started to work.

The effect is obvious, but as time goes by, this bonus becomes intermittent.

Getting up from the crystal seat, Su Xiao came to the door of the room. After pushing the door open, he arrived at the central area of ​​the building. The center here is the wellhead of the elevator. Due to the long history, the cylindrical guardrail around the wellhead of the elevator has been closed. Rotten, looking down, it is filled with dark purple matter.

More than 95% of the entire top floor area is occupied by dark purple substances. Su Xiao sensed the positions of Boubo Wang, Amu, and Baja, and found that they were in the area on the other side of the top floor. stairs to the lower floor

In the area where Su Xiao is located, there are a total of four doors and steps that continue upward. If you continue upward, you will reach the top of the ancient tower, which can complete a hunting reward.

"Reward 3. The tower climbed to the top of the ancient tower."

Su Xiao reckoned that the powerful enemy to fight this time should be at the top of the tower, and Boubo Wang, Amu, and Baja, because of the special space conditions of the ancient tower, no matter whether they are summoned or Using a teleportation array is too risky.

What's more, the Tower Knight Commander in this battle is likely to be the kind of strong man who has fought fiercely in the battlefield all his life. Besieging such a strong man will most likely trigger a certain passive ability of the opponent, causing his combat power to rise again.

So Su Xiao asked Boubo Wang and the three of them to explore under the tower to see if they could find any rare treasures. After getting a reply from Boubo Wang, he turned off the team channel and looked at the four rooms on the semi-circular wall on the right Door.

Boom boom boom.

Su Xiao tried to knock on the first door, he had a feeling that the whole body was gray-brown

, The door engraved with unknown patterns may have some unimaginable powerful ability.


An anxious and somewhat nervous voice came from the door.


Su Xiao didn't speak, and the door fell into a brief silence, but the patience of the people inside the door was obviously insufficient, so they asked anxiously

"Is the queen finally summoning me?"

The person inside the door was excited. After hearing this, Su Xiao frowned a little. He tentatively pressed one hand on the wooden door for 1 second, 2 seconds...

Ka Ka Ka ~

Cracks began to appear on the wooden door. He raised his hand, and the cracks on the wooden door gradually recovered, which made him sure that the wooden door and everything behind it were not at his time.

To put it more clearly, the time in the door is sealed, like a bug sealed in amber. When Su Xiao, who has a normal "concept of time", touches the door of time that has been innumerable tens of thousands of years, it will cause It was gradually synchronized, and then spent tens of millions of years in an instant, causing the wooden door and everything in it to instantly turn into fly ash.

"Answer me, is it the queen who wants to summon me, or the seven knights under the command of the Sun King? We have the knight commander who symbolizes the moonlight on the tower of Mr. Kulos. The final winner must be us. Also, you must help I told the Queen, it wasn't me who killed the wolf king, not me! The moon wolves just left temporarily, not completely disappointed with us, um, that's right, the moon wolves just left temporarily, we killed the wolf king because of Helpless, yes, it is like this, it can’t be wrong.”

The person inside the door muttered to himself, and the more he talked, the more he lost his mind. After he calmed down a little bit, he said:

"I seem to feel that time has passed for a long time, and it seems that...a moment has not passed, ah~, I remembered, I killed the wolf king, and the queen imprisoned me in the time cage on the top of the tower. You are not from this era Come on, stranger."

The person inside the door laughed a few times, then said


"I actually don't want to kill the wolf king, but it is about to get out of control. We went to the dark area to check the situation of the abyss passage together. It actually talked to me about the dark knowledge from the abyss. It was chattering nonsense next to my ear. I warned it, It still doesn’t admit that we are the abyss watchers, how can we pry into those dark knowledge, I killed the wolf king who was about to lose control, those moon wolves actually asked the queen to execute me, it’s ridiculous, what’s even more ridiculous is that the queen ordered Imprisoning me here, you say, isn't it ridiculous."

The people inside the door became more and more angry. "..."

Su Xiao didn't answer. He pressed the door with one hand, and the cracks began to spread on the door. People inside the door cannot be judged by good or bad. The power of the abyss was gradually eroded and out of control to the point of killing the contemporary wolf king of the moon wolf clan.

Even taking into account the out-of-control buff caused by the erosion of the abyss to increase the combat power, but the abyss watcher can kill the wolf king and return to the tower afterwards, presumably its original strength should be comparable to the wolf king.

There are more and more cracks on the door and finally burst open, everything inside the door is reduced to ashes in a short time. The reason for doing this is to minimize the subsequent battle

Su Xiao didn't want to face the risks that he might face when he was the Knight Commander of the Tower. Su Xiao didn't want to face a formidable enemy like the Knight Commander of the Tower. If the abyss watcher from the first era suddenly appeared, he would definitely die.

[Prompt you to obtain the soul embers of the abyss watcher (special item). 7

【Go to Black Mist Island · Wolf Tomb with this item, you can upgrade the "Overlord Equipment Silver Moon Blade" once. 】

[Reminder: After this upgrade, "Overlord Equipment·Silver Moon Blade" will reach the absolute limit strength. 】

This was an unexpected harvest, Su Xiao collected all the [Soul Remnants] flying in the air, turned around and left the empty room.

When he came to the second door of time, Su Xiaogang was about to raise his hand to knock on the door. The door shattered, and everything inside the door was turned into fly ash. It seemed that the door of time was extremely unstable, let alone knocking. , just getting close will shatter it.

Su Xiao walked into the second room and found that there were many engraved marks on the wall. These should be traditional summoning techniques, and may be the traditional summoning techniques of the highest level. The so-called traditional summoning techniques are based on the charm attribute. As the core attribute, array diagram science is supplemented, and the summoning is carried out.

Su Xiao's summoning technique is completely based on the formation diagram, and does not add charm attributes at all. In other words, he is trying his best to avoid the debuff of his own charm attribute on the summoning technique.

Although Su Xiao basically couldn't understand the knowledge of traditional summoning techniques on the wall, but the knowledge was very valuable. He took out a pen and paper and began to record. Such an advanced technique,

It is definitely not possible to take photos to record, the main thing is to record the charm.

After a while, Su Xiao put away his notebook, turned around and left, not to mention recording the charm, he found that the thing he drew was different from the traditional summoning technique on the wall anyway, it was obviously 100% Imitation, but looking up after painting, the shape is indeed the same, but there is a feeling that it does not match.

According to the preliminary analysis, Su Xiao felt that his charm attribute was as high as -26 points, and he couldn't understand the traditional summoning technique with the charm attribute as the core attribute.

Stopping in front of the third door of time, Su Xiao knocked on the door. Boom boom boom.

The chaotic noise inside the door suddenly disappeared. "hello."

The little girl's voice came from inside the door.


After Su Xiao was silent for a few seconds, he turned and walked towards the fourth door. Facing the abyss watcher just now, he could press his hand on the door all the time and let him sleep forever through time synchronization, minimizing unknown risks as much as possible.

But at this time, the little girl inside the door, Su Xiao does not intend to touch the door of this time, the risk is too high, first of all, it is likely that only the Queen of the Dark Moon can lock the person who committed a felony into the door of time. s right.

From many signs, the Queen of the Dark Moon is not cruel, and it is basically impossible to lock an innocent little girl into the Gate of Time. Even if she did, it is impossible for an innocent little girl to exist in the Gate of Time until now , the time inside does stand still, but inside, it is possible to

Feeling the passing of time outside, this pain,

Even if the mind is firm, those with a willpower attribute above 300 points will go crazy because of it

Adding these conditions together, after knocking on the door of time, a sweet little girl's voice came from inside, and said, "Hello,, in this situation, the most correct choice is to go away immediately."

The existence in the Gate of Time seemed to have noticed Su Xiao's move to walk away. After a loud bang, there was a mixed roar of men, women, and children. I don't know how many sharp claws were scratching inside. That kind of biological tissue The rough sound of flow rubbing against the wall came from inside the door again.

Su Xiao came to the fourth door of time.

Boom boom boom.

After knocking on the door, it was quiet for a few seconds, followed by a sigh. "Are you qualified?" An old voice came from inside the door. "..."

Su Xiao still didn't speak. There are too many unknowns in these gates of time. There is a dialogue with the gates, which is also a kind of causal contact. A little carelessness may cause unmanageable results.

"You are not qualified yet, first go to the top of the tower and defeat the knight commander. If you win, then come back to find the old man."

At this point, the faint aura behind the fourth door of time disappeared, as if there was nothing inside.

Su Xiao walked towards the steps leading to the top of the tower, and as he stepped on the steps, Zhou

Suddenly it became dark, and after the surrounding space was slightly distorted, he passed a very short distance teleportation, only about a dozen meters away.

When the fog in the surrounding space dissipated, Su Xiao was already standing on the top of the ancient tower. The top of the circular tower was very open and flat, with a diameter of several hundred meters and a wall less than one meter high at the edge .

The reminder of the completion of the hunt and reward appeared, but Su Xiao didn't look at it, because at the center of the top of the tower, a big sword was stuck on the ground, and he didn't see the trace of the tower knight commander


Su Xiao stepped forward and pressed the end of the big sword with one hand. In the next second, everything around him was still, and time passed quickly, until a full moon was in the sky.

The strange thing is that after the night falls, tonight is neither a dark night nor a **** night, it is a normal night, the only special thing is that the moonlight is a bit bluish white


A black shadow appeared under the full moon, and as it fell at a high speed, a sense of oppression struck, making people feel heavy on their shoulders, and the whole tower seemed to be

The visitor landed on the top of the tower, and while he stood up slowly, he held the hilt of the big sword with one hand, and as he was held by this figure over three meters tall, a cyan pattern appeared on the big sword, gradually Climb to the tip of the sword.

There seemed to be murmurs whispering in the air, the whole body of the visitor was clinging to the armor, this black armor seemed to be wrapped around his body, even every knuckle was extremely precise, and the dark blue cloak showed signs of damage , the lunar eclipse brand on it means that this is the leader of all lunar eclipse knights.

That's right, this one is from the First Era·Darkmoon Kingdom, the last of the Darkmoon faction.

The glory of the Tower Knight Commander Koros.

Under the reflection of the full moon, the top of the tower is not dark, but there is a sense of clarity reflected by the twilight. A gust of wind blows past, blowing the cloak to the sound of hunting, and after the gust of wind subsides, a torrential rain falls , The raindrops fell on the sharp blades of the big sword and the long knife, and at the same time as the water splashed, the two people on the top of the tower disappeared at the same time.

The black clouds covered the moonlight, and the top of the tower was plunged into darkness. A flash of lightning flashed across the top of the tower, illuminating the top of the tower for an instant. The big sword and the long knife cut each other,


The big sword and the long knife caused a large area of ​​space to crack, suppressing the simultaneous sound of thunder.

On the top of the tower, there is moonlight on one side and blood energy on the other side. The two collide with each other, each occupying half of the top of the tower, eroding and suppressing each other. Almost at the same time, the falling objects in this area The rain curtain stood still in mid-air.


A bolt of lightning fell down and hit the metal pillar on the right side of the top of the tower. The lightning traveled along the ground and climbed to Su Xiao and the tower knight leader, and then spread to the weapons in their respective hands, touching each other , the sharp blades rubbed against the two weapons of Mars, and at the same time, an electric arc rushed past.

fight to the death


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