MTL - Reincarnation of Master Su-Chapter 80

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It has become popular to look at the basics. See, even the Interpol has kissed men. The enthusiasm is the same as if I hadn't touched people for a few years.

"Wow, I always thought that Officer Ye was an infatuated man. It seems that the rumors are unbelievable. Since the death of Ye Su, this officer's heart has fallen on others. President Tang, you know that He Ye The man the police officer kissed? "Taking a sip of the golden yellow liquid in the crystal glass, Zayed rubbed his manicured beard on his jaw.

"The current Su family is in charge, Su Mo." The tone sounded very normal, and the hands hidden in the sleeves had long been clenched into fists.

Zayed looked straight and stared at the two kissing men: "Is the Interpol person poisoned by the Su family, the General Administration appreciates that Su Bai's affairs are not blind people can see, now Even his godson kissed the Su family. "

After touching the black and hard scum on his jaw, Zayed shook his head again and again: "There are so many gentle beauties who don't love, but they like people in Su family who have no heart or lungs. I think they are terrorists. "

Tang Yan sneered twice. The moment he saw Su Bai's hand put on Ye Ziwu's shoulder, his eyes narrowed quickly, and the blue cold light on his eyes shot.

It seemed leisurely to pick up the wine glass on the table, and the man slammed it in the direction where Ye Ziwu was.

It's just that we are not allowed to fight, but we can't say that we can't smash things. Compensation according to the price is enough. Tang always has no money, what he lacks is a place for fire.

The fire in his stomach was so fierce that he did not provoke Su Ye to stab him to death.

"Pop ---" the glass burst into pieces, and the golden yellow liquid spilled all over the floor.

Suddenly, when Tang Ye came this way, Ye Zi couldn't continue to kiss Su Bai. At this moment, Su Ye had his head pursed and his eyes went straight to gold flowers, lethargic. Who cares who smashed the cup, who is who? The glaring eyes flew up.

"Leaves, go back." Trying to make himself sober and say the most important words for a while, Su Ye doesn't want to carry the name of being fainted by kisses, he is just drunk.

Upon hearing Su Bai's voice was not right, Ye Ziwu didn't cross his eyes with Tang Yan, and regardless of the goal Zayed this time, the movement quickly caught the man's waist, and the two people looked like outsiders. The intimate manners left the dinner together, and no one knew that Su Ye could fall asleep immediately as long as his spirit was relaxed.

Tang Yan stared straight at Su Bai until the latter didn't even leave a shadow to him. Then he slowly retracted his eyes. The little wild cat just pushed away leaned in intimately. He didn't look at it. Pushing people aside, there is no mercy.

Not to mention a million slaves, even a slave of 100 million US dollars in his eyes could not defeat Su Ye's hair.

Zayed chuckled: "Mr. Tang, he has a strong taste."

"I like spirits and I'm not interested in boiled water and juice." Tang Yan smiled slightly.


Su Bai is a very good wine person. Drinking a single variety of wine is not drunk. When he drinks a mixed drink, he goes up his face.

After that, the person fell down, scared Ye Ziwu in a hurry and hurriedly called his subordinate who had studied medicine and waited for him to settle down in bed properly. Ye Ziwu knew that the man was only drunk.

The room was still a double room, quiet at night.

"Su Mo." Standing next to the bed with a pestle, Ye Zi couldn't move forward and backward, Su Bai was sweating, even if he didn't help people take a bath, he should change the clothes for men to sleep.

"Su Mo, wake up." Gently pushed the familiar man who had slept on the bed than he had taken sleeping pills.

Turning over, Su Ye instinctively slapped the arm of the leaf: "zzzzz ..."

It was quite painful to hit the hand. The leaves rubbed and rubbed Su Bai's slap arm, and then it turned red.

"Su Mo, get up and take a bath and sleep." Officer Ye, who did not know Su Bai's nature, continued to shove the man.

"What noisy! Get away!" Su Ye, who was dreaming, was not good enough. A man with a bad temper would only get worse when he was dreaming. Touch it casually, no matter what you touch, and smashed towards the noise source.

A crystal ashtray fell on the ground covered with a thick blanket. If there was no blanket on the ground, the ashtray should be torn apart. Fortunately, the leaves would dodge in the afternoon, otherwise he should call the doctor himself.

The quilt was pulled up and covered his head. Su Ye rolled himself into a spring roll. The whole person only showed black hair on the top and a pair of feet underneath.

Su Ye was so scared that Ye Ziwu didn't dare to touch the man any more, and he pulled the man's quilt slightly. The latter hummed in his nose. He quickly released his hand and was afraid to pull the quilt again.

It's okay now. Not only can't I take a bath, I can't even take off my clothes.

Scratching his head in annoyance, Ye Ziwu's sight finally fell on the man's feet wearing black socks, and he couldn't take off his clothes or at least take off his socks.

Hot water came out of the bathroom, leaves half kneeled on the blanket and took off the socks for the man. The towel was soaked in hot water and wrung out, and then carefully wiped and covered the man's feet. Su Ye didn't raise his leg to kick someone, and the man heard a gentle and even breathing sound from the quilt.

"Hoo--" With a sigh of relief, Ye Zi lowered his head and scrubbed the towel. He was about to continue wiping the man. Then he looked up. The sleeping man probably felt bored and moved slightly. Ye Zi was at his mouth, as if he didn't know what he had stepped on, and Su Ye, who had some itchy feet, unknowingly slaps the young man's face twice before putting his feet back and continuing to make spring rolls. I slept loudly.

I touched my cheeks and the corners of my mouth when I stepped on my hand. For the first time, Officer Ye found that someone who had been stepped on with his feet would not be angry. Instep, what's going on with that tender and tender heart?

She shook her head violently, and the leaves, frightened by her own nasty and perverted thoughts, rushed to the bathroom with her feet washing water, and this was about half an hour. I did n’t know what he had done in it. As soon as he came back, he pulled down the lamp and drilled into the quilt to make a turtle-like head. He couldn't even look at the handsome Xiang Su who was sleeping next door.

Someone fell asleep that night with jealousy;

This night someone dreamed of a pair of free feet and had a spring dream and was awakened by himself in the middle of the night; this night someone drank a mixed wine and wrapped it into a spring roll in a steady way.

Early the next morning, Su Ye woke up on time even when he was drunk with the biological clock. He woke up on time, and was a little uncomfortable when he woke up. His body was sticky because he had n’t taken a shower while sleeping yesterday. Not only that, but his clothes did n’t change. He fell asleep under the quilt.

Ye woke up at the bed next to him in the middle of the night and glanced at the leaves that had just fallen asleep for a long time, making him even more uncomfortable.

Your kid dared to take advantage of me yesterday. He did n’t even wait for me to bathe and change clothes at night. None of the young people are considerate now, waiting for me to serve you selfishly?

Su Ye, who was in a bad mood, took a bath to change clothes, and went out for breakfast without saying a word to Ye Ziwu.

There is a benefit in Castlevania. Although many of the world's bullies, gangsters and bandits are gathered here, they may encounter their own enemies at random. At this time, you don't need to worry about being one person or several people. It's a rule, no one will heat your head towards you.

In other words, the security of Castlevania is very good.

There are not many people in the restaurant for breakfast, most of them are either still holding the beauties in the bed, or they are ordered to bring the breakfast to the room.

The waiter at the restaurant was happy to provide information to the guests for tips. Su Ye chose a window seat and sat down to order a simple Western breakfast. The Chinese food here is expensive and unpalatable. You can add anything to it. A handful of sugar.

After paying a cash tip, the man got a simple handwritten note. The crooked English on the note was really ugly.

Just glanced at the auction items that were originally scheduled to be held in the large-scale auction five days later. The auction items of Chen Yuan and Zayed were moved to the small auctions the day after tomorrow.

Taking a sip of boiling water, he tore the note into pieces.

A fresh little daisy was placed on the dining table. A man in black consciously sat opposite Su Bai without any invitation. A pair of white gloves were particularly prominent wherever he went.

"Su Ye, early." A slightly cold voice softened a little.

"As soon as I see you, I have no appetite." After taking a paper towel and wiping his mouth, Su Bai lazily lifted his eyelids and hummed, "It's a little daisy again, and when I see it, I feel sick, just like you. "

Read The Duke's Passion