MTL - Reincarnation of Master Su-Chapter 100

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The car stopped, and Su Ye, in white casual clothes, stepped on the casual shoes in front of the child, raised his foot, and gently stepped on the child's head: "Homeless?"

A child with a pair of cold eyes raised his head and looked at the man. In the hazy white mist, a mocking and depressed smile was hanging around the corner of a man's mouth, hiding countless secrets that made people want to watch, and clothes of good texture seemed to be born It should be worn on such a person, and the pair of playful eyes carried the cold and sharp for decades.

"Um." The child stared straight at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, like a demon, and subconsciously responded to the other's question.

"Killed people?"



"No ... I'm afraid." The words were a bit blunt, obviously a stuffy boy who rarely spoke.

Taking a towel from his arms and throwing it at the boy, Su Bai ticked the corners of his lips: "You are really dirty, wipe your hands and wipe them clean."

Obviously he didn't know him, but the child picked up a hand towel and wiped his hands vigorously. The dirty, blood-stained little hands couldn't be wiped cleanly. He was anxious, and rubbed harder, palm. Becoming red and bleeding almost like dripping.

"Does it have a name?" The man didn't stop the other person and asked casually.

"Chen ... Chen Yuan." The stomach murmured suddenly.

Ye Su stepped forward and took the boy's hand across the towel: "Chen Yuan, do you want to live a life that is not hungry and frozen, above 10,000 people?"

Su Ye, who was on the whimper, picked up a child who had just killed someone on the street. The so-called whimper, basically meant that I hadn't thought much about what to do to pick up someone, and then happened to run into some old man at home to force him Marry and have children, Su Ye pushed Chen Yuan out.

"This is my child. The picked one is still born. It doesn't matter how obedient."

Chen Yuan was used as a shield. This year, he officially lived in the Su family like Wangyefu. He would not be frozen anymore, no hunger and no ridicule.

"You are my Su Bai's child. Only I have the right to hit you and scold you. If others are disrespectful to you, do you know what to do?" Su Ye asked.

Chen Yuan shook his head.

Su Bai waved it with a slap, and it sounded loud. In fact, it didn't hurt much. He scolded angrily: "Don't humiliate me, don't pretend to be silly in front of me."

Chen Yuan nodded and understood.

The next day, he gave a bullet to a subordinate who didn't listen to him. People couldn't kill it, and the bullet couldn't be delivered. Killing the cockroaches and monkeys to establish prestige had to start from the baby.

As we all know, boys developed later than girls. Su Ye suddenly brought back two children after receiving Chen Yuan. One of them was a mixed American-Vietnamese little sea, and a pure British child Simon.

In the first year, Su Bai left all three children at Su's family. In addition to letting the three children teach all kinds of knowledge, he usually kept the three baby beside him to relieve boredom.

On one occasion, Su Ye gave an examination question, three children compared to marksmanship, and the last one had to wear a girl's skirt to dance. Simon took the lead, Chen Yuan hated second, and could only put on a girl's skirt against Xiao Hai, who was born awkwardly with weapons, and put on a wig for Su Ye to dance classical ballet.

Grandpa Su laughed unconsciously and leaned back and forth. Simon was still a natural facial nerveless expressionless, Chen Yuan most of the time peeking at Su, who laughed happily.

When it was over, Simon went back to the room to continue tinkering with weapons, and Su Bai turned around and went to work.

Xiao Hai, dressed in women's clothing, planned to go back and change her clothes. Xiao Hai had just arrived at Su's house not long ago, and she still had an inferiority complex in her bones. She was always soft about people and things. He laughed, for fear of being kicked out by Su Bai, Xiao Hai lowered her head and speeded up to run into the room.

Accidentally, he hit someone.

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Hai looked up and apologized.

"Slap!" Chen Yuan, who has his teacher and his apprentice, practiced a good slap, and threw it crisply on Xiao Hai's face.

"Don't apologize." No one except you Su can make you apologize.

Chen Yuan gave a cold glance at the little boy who had just arrived. He was as thin as a bean sprout, but fortunately, Su Ye didn't care much about this guy named Xiao Hai. No matter how he looked, he was not excellent.

"Don't embarrass Su Ye." Holding Xiaohai's hand, Chen Yuan took the dazed little boy all the way to the subordinates in the garden who had just laughed at Xiaohai.

Chen Yuan is not Xiao Hai. He has lived in the Su family for a short period of time. Everyone knows that this child is under Su Ye's hands, and that they cannot offend.

Holding the gun in his hand, Chen Yuan raised his face expressionlessly, and several of his subordinates knelt down in horror, begging their heads for mercy, and Xiao Hai looked at him stupidly.


Chen Yuan put his gun away and glanced at Xiaohai: "Throw them into the garden to make flower fertilizer. Remember, no one can laugh at you except Su Ye."

After speaking, Chen Yuan turned around and left.

Xiao Hai stood in place and watched the unsmiling black-dressed boy go further and further, until the back of Chen Yuan disappeared into his field of vision, and he raised the corner of his mouth and laughed sillyly.

Sometimes falling in love with a person for a lifetime is an instant thing.


Given that Chen Yuan and Simon liked to compete with each other when the three children were together, Xiao Hai was always the last, and Su Ye simply sent Simon and Xiao Hai out and went to see it occasionally.

So the only thing left in the Su family was Chen Yuan, an adopted child.

After more than a decade, Chen Yuan began to develop. In addition to his rapid growth, other places have also changed. Based on the understanding and care of the child's development, Su Bai thought he should pay more attention to Chen Yuan, but only called Chen Yuan over. It's weird to let the other party take off their clothes.

Su Ye thought, just take Chen Yuan to the hot spring next time. Chen Yuan is dull and unsmiling. He has no interest in girls when he is so old. He either has physical problems or does not understand these things. He should teach this child. Already.

About a week later, Su Ye took Chen Yuan to rest at a famous hot spring resort.

For several years in the Su family, this is the first time Chen Yuan has seen Su Bai ’s body, just like the idol you have been worshipping suddenly came to you, taking off his clothes one by one, maybe the worship is not changed. However, at this age of sexual awakening, something has changed unknowingly.

Su Bai, in his early thirties, was in his prime, and the skin soaked in the spring water was extremely fair and smooth. Water droplets dripped down the hair. The man leaned against the rock and beckoned to Chen Yuan: "Chen Yuan, come down."

No matter what order Su Bai gave, Chen Yuan would never refuse.

He undressed and slowly entered the hot spring water. Su Ye let him pass, and he slowly swam past. The body in the spring water became red and hot, and his eyes did not know where to look.

"Your boy, he grows fast and develops well in other places. Grandpa and I are about the same age as you." Grandpa Su only cares about the child and pats Chen Yuan's shoulder. It is simple His skin touched but penetrated into the teenager's skin like a current.

"You are not careful. You can dislike something, but you can't understand it. Boys and girls try it first, and you can pick one in the room later. If you like it, you can leave it all." The teenager's skin was smooth. Smooth, Su Bai patted Chen Yuan's sturdy chest again. After years of training, he has become very strong.

Chen Yuan's ears began to turn red, and he opened his mouth, his voice in the period of changing voices with a few husky, but not bad.

Read The Duke's Passion