MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 58 answer

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Chapter 58 Answers

For a moment, the air in the entire hall seemed to be condensed. Everyone's movements were still at this moment, and everyone's breathing was suspended at this moment. Their eyes met in the last row of two opposing people.

The flow of the year is still a constant enthusiasm, not to care about it, at least on the surface. However, the host standing on the side of the flow year seemed to see his clothes sleeves tremble slightly. He looked around and there was an air outlet. It seems that there is no... Then he understands. It turns out that the dynasty is not so cool, it seems that the sneak peek into the secret host laughs even more harmlessly, and a pair of eyes stare at the two people with a glare, for fear of missing any trace of interaction.

It’s more indifferent than the flow of the year, and it’s even more unobtrusive. It’s more dazzling. Her body was slightly slanted, her hips rested on a chair back, her hands were arbitrarily placed on both sides of her body, and her eyes were slightly picked up, concealing her sharpness. Her face looks calm and has no emotions.

However, at this time, no emotion seems to be a very bad thing.

How to listen to it, the words of the Great God are like marriage proposal, yes, like a marriage proposal, right? However, in the face of a man's proposal, it is still a proposal for a 360-degree man without a dead end. It is a bit of a change for adults and a woman. Not to mention joy, excitement should always have, do not say excitement, joy should always have, even if it is negative emotions, anger should always be there. But now, the son of the god, you are so calm, what is the matter?

Your reality is beyond the reach of normal people.

Seeing the last row or the last few rows of students who are close to each other, they took out the mobile phone and pointed at the two people. They never let go of such a classic moment. The host who stood on the side of the flow of the year saw this, and he was filled with anger and anger. Why didn’t he bring his mobile phone to his body? Obviously he is not far from JQ... But he is a thoughtful guy. Although he is still in grief, he has moved towards the nearest player. He is staring at the flow of years and leaves, for fear of missing a shot. While whispering to the player holding the phone, he snorted and squeezed a few words from his teeth: "Hey, buddy, what is the matter?"

The player who was taking the phone and took a look at him, and the same mouthlessness as him just squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "What buddy?"

"I will share the video sharing for a while." The host looked at two people and the voice was smaller.

"No problem." The player also stared carefully at the two people, but it was fine, as if they didn't pay attention to the private transactions here, so they replied even more quietly, even faintly secreted an "OK" gesture. .

The host was relieved, and now it is ok to observe two people at a closer distance. Of course, he still pays great attention to his position, and can't block the live broadcast position.

Time is not long, but in such a quiet atmosphere, everyone waits calmly, as if time has passed for a long time. Sitting in the corner of Mo Zhen, quietly watching the flow of the year on the big screen, she suddenly has a sore eyes, what tides have fallen, this is the case, no matter how many years he has paid, he does not accept In the end, nothing was wasted. Mo Zhen suddenly became disheartened. After being so obsessed with something for so long, it was discovered that all the attachments were empty, and that feeling was very strange. It’s as if my heart has blown through the wind, and the breeze is blowing, the bones are cold, and the bones are carved.

Sitting in the first row of Wang Jiangnan quietly looking at the leaf on the big screen, the lips slowly raised a smile, he and she are not a kind of person. Perhaps only the talents like the fireworks are the most suitable for her, regardless of the burning of everything, even if the final result is regrettable, but also hard work, just like, just like her. Such a person is the best for her. They are all strong, they are the lonely kings standing at the top. Probably only such talents can best understand each other’s inner needs. Even if the final result is degenerate, they will collide. Out of the most dazzling and most eye-catching light.

He slowly and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. It was so cautious that I was afraid of alarming the already sore heart. Even if he thinks they are so suitable, he can't help but sigh. If, if he can know his heart early, if he can be brave, perhaps, maybe today's result will change.

Really, there is a little bit of reconciliation.

Wang Jiangnan bent his corners and his mouth curled up. Thank you, the son of the son, you may never know, your savvy once opened another world for one person. Thank you, leaf, you may never know, your presence warms a person's life.

I don't know, how? thank you.

Also, you must be happy.

At this time, the eyelashes of the leaf words shook a little. Although such subtle movements are generally not easy to detect, the flow of the year is still discovered. He suddenly felt very nervous, nervous enough to be a little helpless. This feeling is really strange. He has faced countless opponents and countless battles. No matter who he is standing opposite, he has never felt this way. He thought he was missing this emotion. Now it seems, no, It’s just that the opportunity is wrong. Now, he happens to have this opportunity, but he found out that he really does not like this feeling.

However, there are some things in the world that don't exist because you don't like it. It's like now, the current year is still painful and happy in this strange tension.

Then, Ye Ye raised his eyes and looked straight to the flow of the year. Then her mouth curled up: "I am sorry, I am a year, I don't want to be a winner at all."

This sentence is light and slow, but it seems to be an atomic bomb that blows up the silence of the audience. After everyone makes a "bang" sound, they begin to scream. God, this is the biggest gossip, the biggest news is good!

If it is a new thing to say that the marriage of the gods is a new thing, it is a new and exciting thing to ask for marriage under the eyes of the people. Then the proposal of the **** of the year is rejected by the public. It is simply an explosion of news! This is really, guessing that the beginning did not guess the ending. Suddenly, everyone expressed their views on this incident, but when so many voices come together, they can't hear anything. They are all awkward arguments. It is the host who is closest to the two and the players in the last row are stupid.

No way.

The Great God was rejected.

Have you made a mistake! Such people will be rejected.

However, compared to everyone's not calm, the two parties are calmly set aside.

The year of the year blinked, then blinked and sighed, and did not seem particularly disappointed, but his voice seemed a bit abnormal, um, there was a little vibrato: "Little son, don't mind. Give me a reason."

"Cause?" Ye Zi’s eyes smashed again. After a moment, her gaze looked around and her lips had a hint of unclear smile: "For whatever reason, I don't want to be a winner."

"Then, I am the winner, do you make a loser?" The old year blinked again, and the peach blossoms seemed to bloom in the spring.

"I don't even like to be a loser." Ye Zi felt that her shoulders were a bit sour. She shook her neck, and then with a rogue smile, gently said to the flow of the year.

I don't know why, the flow of the year suddenly relaxed. He laughed and said to the leaf: "Well, then you said a proposal that you can accept."

Ye Zi looked at the high-lifted mobile phone and turned his gaze back to the face of the passing year. He was a bit curious: "I want to know, how do you choose such a non-invasive place to say that it is not influential."

Not influx... The mouths of countless people began to smoke. All the female players present at the corner of the mouth are pumping even more... Can anyone replace them to pick up this incomprehensible woman, she just doesn't know how to be good.

Although the sentimental excitement, however, the flow of the year is obviously not affected, he just looked at the leaf words, although the mouth of the mouth with a consistent smile, but the eyes are carefully and conscientiously let people look at it. He said slowly: "I am a person who does not leave a way back for myself. Therefore, I have chosen to say this inconsistency in such a non-invasive place. Because I have to cut off all the reasons that can be shaken. ”

"Death and then born?" Ye words picked an eyebrow.

The year of the year is unrecognizable and laughs.

"You also intend to cut off my retreat?" Ye Ye is still laughing, in fact, the smile on her face has not been retreated.

"Yes. Since, there is no place to die, so I have to pull a back." The eyes of the year of the year are bent, and the corner of the mouth is more uplifted.

"You are really poisonous."

"Well, I always said, I am not a kind person." For the evaluation of Ye Ci, the flow of the year is not refuted. He even nodded very much, and said that the evaluation of Ye Ci is in place.

Although the atmosphere of the two people is very good, what happened to the countless onlookers? Anyone told them what happened in the end? Isn't this an unusually strong proposal? What is it now? Two people talk about home? Moreover, this topic is very strange, so two people, after just refusing to propose a marriage, actually said such a strange topic, it is really, it is too shocking.

Everyone feels that the current situation is a bit too jumpy, so big that people don't know how to accept it. Even people who have not waited for the results have begun to scream out loud. "To see the results, to see the results, skip and skip! What are you doing!"

"Year! If you are a man, get her, hurry up!"

"The son is quiet, don't be hard, this man has no such store after crossing this village!"

"Yes, yes, if you don't want it, we're going to start!"

This screaming voice, for a while, finally formed a slogan.

However, compared with the heat wave-like voices, the two people who are the protagonists are really too out of touch, which is really unscientific.

Even if the onlookers screamed with excitement, the gaze of Ye Zi has always fallen on the body of the dying, and the eyes of the dying have always fallen on the leaf. The busiest ones probably belong to the host and the players who took the mobile phone. They have to record the live response while paying attention to the dynamics of the protagonist.

"Are you just proposing a marriage?" Suddenly the leaves said.

"Yeah." The year of the year shrugged his shoulders. "You see, I am almost old, and you are almost there. We can almost get nine yuan to get a real estate certificate for the graveyard." (On this allusion, children's shoes You should understand, don't explain it to me, yeah, yeah...)

"What? I am really afraid of death without a place to bury."

"Although some people have a back, but I still want to bury it in the ground." Flowing down the body slightly, and continued to smile: "Leaf words, give me a name."

The eyebrows of the leaf words rose again.

The whole venue was even more boiling, and the voice of "promising him" was heard. The students holding mobile phones began to lift their hearts again. Really, this story is full of twists and turns. The peaks turn to You are invincible, you are rejected, er, really It is the biggest magic weapon for chasing a wife is shameless.

"No." Ye Ci continued to refuse.

A buzzing sound. The son of the god, you are too invulnerable.

The flow of years seems to be more relaxed, he smiles: "So you give a way, I want a result."

"Yeah." Ye words nodded, then fell into silence, she seems to be thinking about something, it seems that really want to give a result in general, the atmosphere of the scene is more heated. The host looked back and felt that he seemed to be in the finals of the World Cup.

"Okay. I said my thoughts." The final leaf nodded again in the slogan of the audience. She stood up straight, took a step toward the flow, and took another step, eventually standing. His front, her eyebrows bent, can't see what she was thinking.

The year of the year picked an eyebrow and looked at the leaf words quietly. He thought, this is the time when the real answer comes.

The leaf suddenly raised her hand. She gently put her hands on the cheeks of the dying year, pulled him down a little, so that he could look at himself more closely, then she picked up her toes and turned to The thin lips came together, and before she posted it, she slowly and gently said: "Easy to dust, are you willing to marry me?"

The lip of the year of the year was higher, and he lowered his eyes and softly covered it. He said, "I am willing."


Power outage today... well, that's it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)