MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 36 Dark summoning

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Chapter 36—The Call of Darkness

The leaf word is not lying at all. She did not say anything wrong. She really didn't know what would happen to solve the current situation. She just seemed to have reached an agreement with Naga, but it seems that there is no agreement. Think carefully, just that Naga just turned the mysterious ring that had been in my hand for a long time into what it is now, and nothing else was done. Can she rely on the skills on this ring to get the final victory? Although the leaf word thinks so, she is really not sure what the consequences of this ring can be.

She looked at the three active skills that the ring brought to her hand. Of course, stealth and feathering were not possible. The only thing left was this dark summoning skill. The introduction of this skill on the ring is actually simple, not only does not say the principle of the use of this skill, even the single attack or the whole attack did not say, this is too pithy, only to see a skill duration and a Cooling time, really, it’s too depressing.

Looking at the leaf words, she saw that she had been staring at the ring on her hand. He also looked at the past, and then he saw the ring. He gave a slight glimpse and took a pair of gloves from the parcel and threw it to the leaves. word. The leaf word subconsciously caught the glove, and looked at the flow of the year with a little incomprehension. The flow of the year said: "I can see something different, I believe that your enemy can see it better, and the ace is still better. ”

The leaf word paused, and her eyes fell on the face of the passing year. She raised a smile on her lips and took the gloves and looked at the flow of the year deeply. "I don't know what it is, who? Knowing whether it is a trump card or something, it will be even less clear whether it is a tool for suicide." When her voice fell, the sixth child had already vacated, and the leaf word jumped on its back, turning to reveal a year for the flow of the year. A bright smile, "I am going to try the effect, are you going to check it out?"

The flow of years only looked at the dazzling smile. For a moment, it seemed that the whole heart was soft. He also jumped on the back of the phoenix and smiled. "Look, who are we going to the scene first?"

"Of course it is me!" Ye words have already rushed out, behind her, the flow of the year also quickly followed. Looking up, the smoke is rolling in the distance, killing and bursting, blood staining the wilderness, in this raging crowd, Radar’s huge body is moving forward, but now its speed is more than just seeing the leaf It’s much slower. The players who lost their lives under the huge pliers of Radar are too numerous to list. However, there are still more and more players rushing up. They don’t seem to care about their experience at all, and they don’t care if their equipment will Falling, just so firm and persistent, rushed up and made his body a wall that blocked Radar from advancing.

Ye Zi looked at all this, and there was some doubt in her heart. She said to the squad in the squad: "Radal has the property of learning experience. Players who have died once must know it. They will be the presidents of all the guilds who are now participating in the war. It should also be known, but why should they continue? Do not say every day, why do they not retreat in the wolves, Datang, and the World of War? Is it worth investing so much in Sodom City?"

The dying year just looked at the leaf words, and his face still had a faint smile, and then he slowly said: "In this world, there is more than just interest."

This was originally a very ordinary word. The leaf words heard a lot and I saw a lot. However, I don’t know why, at this moment, when the sentence is spoken from the mouth of the flow in this scene, the leaf words I felt that my heart was shaking. She couldn't speak, she just looked at the flow of the year, and then turned around and looked at the distance, slowly relieved, and said: "Ye, in this world. The benefits are sometimes the lowest as dusty things. The benefits are tempting, but the interests are not the ultimate driving force for all actions. Today's war is not only for the sake of benefit, but also for dignity and blood."

"Dignity? Bloody?" Ye Zi quietly chewed these two words.

"You are a real person, it is a bit cold, but I know that you are full of fighting spirit, dignity and bloodiness than anyone else." The smile on the face of the year is as dazzling as the sun: "And they are also In this way, you don't allow your knees to lie in front of the prosperous world. Aren't they the same? No matter what their purpose is at the beginning, now I think there is only one idea in everyone's mind, that is to support it. That is to be sure to win." The flow of the year extended the hand to the leaf: "just like you."

The leaf word looked at the flow of the year, and suddenly felt the hardest corner of her heart. The thing she insisted on the most insisted on, it seemed to crack a gap at this moment, and then the gap became bigger and bigger. From the inside, it seems that a moment of lava is out of the lava, and she almost fell into tears. She looked at the outstretched hand of the passing year, took a deep breath, smiled at the year of the flow, and then jumped over to him, and fell steadily into his arms. Liu Nian held her waist and whispered: "I don't know what you can do, but no matter what you do, I must be behind you, rest assured, you just do your own thing, others give it to me. ""

"Look at you so proactively, then I will give it to you." Ye words down for a moment, then looked up, she finally looked at the year of the year, smiled and said this sentence turned around, face In the most anxious place of the war, I took a deep breath and opened the skill called "Summon Call".

The moment when I opened the skill, the whole world seemed to become gloomy. The sky seemed to be very low. The leaf words heard the ear and the system prompted: "You have consumed 10,000 souls and started the dark call. Skills." Leaf words look at the skill table to see, it turned out that Naga seems to send her 10,000 souls first, can be used to immediately stimulate this skill. For a moment, I think that Naga is quite thoughtful.

After the system sounds, the leaf word sees a panel in front of her, and the panel lists the items she can use now. She took a look at it and found out that this dark skill is actually like a summoning of an army. She is the commander of the army. This panel is the commanding task for each team. There are dark infantry, dark cavalry, dark shooters, dark rituals, dark wizards, and many other types of soldiers, and there are many similar skill options under these categories. For example, infantry has assault, defense, siege, speed kill, etc., while cavalry has trampled, assault, advance, strangle, etc.... Each unit has different skills.

The leaf word has been studied and found that the summoning of the darkness is actually a small real-time strategy game. You can drive the soldiers in your hand to fight according to the strength of the opponent, and finally get the battle. This real-time strategy game takes only one hour, which means that no matter how hard the battle is, you must complete it in an hour. Otherwise, these soldiers should disappear.

She couldn’t help but feel that she had never played such a real-time strategy game, as if she had become God in a flash. She first tried to command a bunch of dark infantry to carry out the charge, only to give instructions, she saw the sky is darker, and then climbed out of the underground many infantry, the number of about 10,000, I saw that they were ugly, but the weapons were rough but huge, as if they were waving, they could split the target into two halves. These horrible and dense infantry immediately rushed toward Ladar.

No one is mentally prepared, so a huge dark Warcraft infantry regiment rushes out, there is no difference with the general monsters, wherever they go, the players are all discolored. This time the venue has become more heated, the players on both sides not only have to command or besieged Radar, but also to deal with these dark infantry, and just some sort of organized battle has turned into a pot of porridge, but soon, every day Players in the upper league have found that these dark World of Warcraft are friendly, they are not attacking them, and they can't attack these Warcraft. They immediately understand that these dark infantry are summoned by players on their own side. .

But how is this summoned? Who was this summoned?

No one knows that no one has time to explore this issue at this time. However, the heads of several guilds immediately found their closest members and calmly asked them to check the source of these dark infantry.

The battle is still going on. Radar is worthy of the ancient Warcraft, the tyrant of the void, when it first came into contact with the dark infantry, it was repelled because it was not ready, but soon it has revived the spirit. The dark infantry who flocked to it kept attacking. Seeing that the dark infantry had suffered heavy casualties, Radar’s bloodline was just about 5%.

Leaf words twisted eyebrows and looked at Radal's blood, could not help but cursed the low curse, "This monster, blood is so thick This is going to hit when!"

In the middle of the year, while looking at the distant battle, he patted the shoulder of the leaf: "Get it slowly." Then he drove the phoenix with one hand and flew toward the front line of the battlefield.

This thing really looks fierce, and it really doesn't work. The leaf words looked at the dark infantry who were being smothered. They sighed and decided to summon the dark knight to see. She just chose to let the knights assault, and they heard the system sounds in their ears. With this prompt, the leaf words only feel like a tearful face...


I haven't opened my work plan document for a long time. I opened it today and found that there is a fan novel about Jian Wang. I really like it. From the beta to the public beta for two and a half years, I was born in Tang Baozi. I finally got AFK. Now, the more I want to write, the more I dare not write. It is probably a feeling of a close family feeling. I am afraid that the writing will be broken. I will put it there, and I will be ready to write one day. .

Although the hunter is slow now, I have to say that it is getting closer and closer to the end. I can’t help but think about it, one day it will end. Really can't think of it, ha, just like this, although I don't know which day to finish, but I will work tirelessly.

Uh-huh, in the end, it seems that I haven’t summoned the pink ticket for a long time, then cheeky summon it~~

Oh, forgot, today, Tang Baozi is 4 months old, but lactose intolerance has been diarrhea, look at the sky, just like this... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () Recommended tickets, monthly passes, your support is my biggest motivation.)