MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v5 Chapter 81 Self-recommended

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Chapter 81—The Self-recommended

This is not the first time Jiangnan has entered the office of Chairman of the Glory Group, Joe Liang, but it is the most stressful one. He walked into the door, and the secretary turned to the door and closed the door of the office.

Wang Jiangnan stood slightly at the door and looked at the man sitting behind the table at the end of this huge office. He didn't even lift his head, and he still buried himself in the monitor in front of him. He didn't know what to knock on his hands on the keyboard. Wang Jiangnan looked at the man. This is the first time he has faced this man who is in charge of this huge group. He is probably more than 30 years old and nearly 40 years old, and his hair is neatly groomed. He wore a dark suit and his clothes were not so sturdy, even though he didn't have all kinds of expensive watches, pens and other decorations. However, his calm look gave him a feeling of stability and indifference.

"Joe Dong." Wang Jiangnan looked at Qiao Liang and shouted at him.

Joe Liang moved his gaze from the monitor. He looked at Jiangnan and smiled. His lips showed a beautiful arc. There was a kind of radiant glow in the bright eyes. . Wang Jiangnan had to admit that the years were indeed the best accessories for a man. In front of him, Joe Liang was exuding a noble, mature and modest temperament. This temperament not only allowed his opponents to convince, but also made all of them more Convinced by the people he worked with, this is probably the reason why he can stand in this position at this age.

"Jiangnan, you should sit down first, I still have a little thing left here." Joe Liang pointed to the chair in front of him and gestured to Jiangnan to sit down, then turned his head and put his gaze on the monitor, his hands flying fast. stand up.

Wang Jiangnan was sitting on the chair opposite Joe Liang. Through the desk, his eyes didn’t know where to look. When he ducked, he finally fell on the wall on the right side of the desk. . That is the poster of the "Destiny OL" beta, and it was not released. It was just drawn by the art team, but it was very flavorful. At that time, Qiao Liang liked this picture very much, which made people zoom in. At the swearing-in meeting before the internal test, all the staff in the game signed. Then he hung the poster in his office.

Wang Jiangnan has not been to the office of Qiaoliang for more than five times. However, only this time I have seen this poster seriously. The pattern on the poster is a few POSS in the destiny that represents the profession. In fact, it is not very special, but the poster is full of the names of all the colleagues at that time. So many names, today, are so ironic. He looked for it on the poster, and finally found his name in a place that was not too eye-catching, and made him feel a little sad that the name of the circle around him had all left.

In the autumn of trouble, people go for tea.

Now, when I look at this bustling poster, I will always give birth to a lot of sad taste.

Wang Jiangnan was looking at the poster, and the voice of Joe Liang came over: "A lot of people at the time."

"Qiao Dong..." Wang Jiangnan quickly turned his head and looked at Qiao Liang. Zhang opened his mouth but really didn't know what to say. He could only close his mouth and look at him.

"Because now, it was really lively at that time." Joe Liang was also watching the poster, but his face did not have any sad color, but with a faint, bizarre light. This made Wang Jiangnan feel very confused. Although he is not the main employee of the company, even he knows it. Now the company is entering a huge predicament, why is it on the face of the company’s helm? There is no such thing as grace, but it is as confident and satisfying as the company's best.

"Qiao Dong, so many people are gone, are you sad?" Wang Jiangnan looked at Qiao Liang for a while, and finally hesitated to say his own problem.

“Sad?” Qiao Liang turned his head and looked at Jiangnan. It seems that he is seriously considering this question. “Why are you sad?”

This time, I was able to stabilize Wang Jiangnan. He didn’t know how to answer it. He was there, and after a while he said: “The company has gone so many people because of the digging of the wall, you, you ..." He couldn't find a suitable word, but he couldn't talk there.

Qiao Liang gave a slight glimpse, and then smiled heartily: "Just because of this? If it is just because of this, there is nothing sad. I am more emotional, can be together is the fate, the world, even mother and child The fate will be scattered, not to mention the fate of such a colleague. When the time is up, the fate will be broken. Everything will be good, what is so sad, and there will be future life, why bother?"

Wang Jiangnan looked at Qiao Liang’s smile and passed it for a while. He also laughed. This man has a kind of tenacity in which the Taishan collapses in the front and the color does not change. This is easy to say, and it is really difficult to do it. He suddenly admired him. He could sit in this position so young, it is not unreasonable.

"Well, Jiangnan, what are you looking for? Since you are not coming to resign, I don't think you are coming to me to talk about this sad and sad question. Then, let me talk about your intentions." On the table, clean and slender fingers crossed and held together, looking at Jiangnan with concentration.

Wang Jiangnan stopped there and looked at Qiao Liang quietly. It seemed that he did not hear him.

"Jiangnan?" Qiao Liang looked at Jiangnan and did not speak, and could not help but call him again.

At this time, Wang Jiangnan took a deep breath and stood up. Standing on the opposite side of Joe Liang, let his spine straight up and straighten up. He calmed his mood and tried to make his tone normal. This opened his mouth: "Qiao Dong, I just saw the head left."

Joe Liang raised his eyebrows and didn't seem surprised. He nodded. "There is such a thing, the resignation he submitted to me two hours ago, how? You know it? Yes, the news is very well-informed."

"Jiao Dong..." Wang Jiangnan licked his lips and just wanted to say something. He was interrupted by Qiao Liang: "Jiangnan, if you come to ask Yu Ping to leave, then I can only say that I have no Can you tell me, is there any other question?"

"I...not asking why the head left." Wang Jiangnan shook his head.

"Oh? The reason why you came here?" Qiao Liang was very interested in watching Jiangnan, this is their youngest plan. He has a beautiful face that is not suitable for the engineering boys. Sometimes Joe Liang feels that Jiangnan is sorry for this face if he doesn't want to be a star. However, he is the hardest one in the planning group. From the ignorance and ignorance of the new trip to the present, everything has its own unique insights. This young man has grown too much in more than two years.

However, this is not the reason why Qiao Liangken spent so much time to meet him.

There is only one reason for Joe Liang Ken to spend time to see him at such a time of trouble, that is, loyalty.

When Yu Lian and his brother-in-law, Yu Ping, left, what did the young planner who was unwilling to leave have to find himself? Whatever the reason, Joe Liang wants to see him and listen to him. This is why Wang Jiangnan can stand here today. However, now that Joliang is curious, what is he going to find himself?

Wang Jiangnan bowed his head and thought of what Ye said. She said, don't give up on your dreams. She said that she was killed in the afterlife. She said, are you short of money? Missing to sell your dreams? These words are intertwined with the thin, alienated face that has always appeared in his mind. He finally took a deep breath and said to Qiao Liang: "Qiao Dong, after the head left, the master of fate planning you have the right person?"

"Not yet, how? You have recommended people?" Qiao Liang heard Wang Jiangnan's words and he generally understood his intentions. It may be to recommend people. However, he is in contact with the excellent planning in the industry. Did not reach a conclusion He also looked at Jiangnan's face, and there is nothing wrong with listening to his candidate: "Talk about it, if appropriate, I will consider it."

"Joe Dong, what do you think of me?" Wang Jiangnan smiled slightly, calmly and firmly looked at Qiao Liang and said that he had been hovering in his heart for a long time. It was not until he said it, he felt that it was just that, and it was not as terrible as he thought.

"Ah?" Qiao Liang was obviously very surprised by this answer. He actually squatted there and did not respond for a long time.

However, when he was screaming at him, Wang Jiangnan began to scream and said: "I know that my age is very light. I know that young people will always feel unreliable. However, Joe Dong, I am coming to you today. It’s not impulsive, I’m thinking about it. Young people in this industry don’t mean no experience, the industry’s more active imagination, and a younger passion, I think I can do it, maybe I can’t be like today. Yutou is very familiar with this job, but Qiao Dong, I am young. I am the youngest person in the fate planning group... This means that I have more time to work for this job than others! I believe Qiao Dong has seen a few plans for me. I am not confident that it is worse than the so-called senior planning, even better than them."

"You come to me, let me give you a chance to see **** the fate?" Joe Liang quietly listened to Jiangnan's words, the expression of Gujing does not understand what he is thinking.

"Maybe, I am giving you a chance to let the fate go to a higher apex?" Wang Jiangnan confidently reached the extreme. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)