MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 866 too much change

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  Chapter 866 has changed too much

  Da Qiangzi stretched his head eagerly to watch Wang Ye sign the check. His heart was beating so fast right now that he felt a little out of breath.

  He really wanted to tell Wang Ye that you made a mistake!

  I extended a slap to myself, just wanting an investment of five million RMB...

  $50 million...

  This amount...

  Even when he was dreaming, he never dared to think of such a large number!

After Wang Ye signed the check, he pushed it in front of Da Qiangzi, and said with a smile, "This investment is in the account of Xiaoxi's company, and she will be responsible for monitoring this investment project on my behalf. By the way, $50 million , How many shares of your company can I get?"

Da Qiangzi swallowed, with an expression of not knowing whether he was laughing or crying, " company is not worth so much money, even if I give you all the shares, I don't think it is enough, what should I do? ?”

   I have to say that Da Qiangzi is quite a real person, he can say whatever he thinks in his heart.

Wang Ye laughed as soon as he heard it, "Haha, Mr. Liu is too modest. I think your dream is worth so much money! How about it, give me 40% of your company's shares. This money should be enough for your company to use for a year." For two years, if I refinance later, how about my priority investment right?"

  Da Qiangzi nodded again and again. Since Mr. Mikhail is so optimistic about himself, he should not be too self-effacing, so as not to be looked down upon by others.

   I took the investment myself today, and the only thing I have to do is to make the e-commerce website work well!

  Strive to be listed on Nasdaq in the future, I dare not think too much about the market value, there are billions of dollars...

   In this case, it can be regarded as worthy of Boss Mikhail's appreciation of himself!


  After Da Qiangzi went out with the check thankful, Zhang Xiaoxi asked Wang Ye in puzzlement:

   "Boss, do you really want to invest so much money in him?

  His website is not worth 50 million dollars, it is estimated that it is not even worth 500,000 dollars!

  If you really want to invest in e-commerce websites, there are actually better choices in China.

  Those like Ali, Dangdang, and Excellence are already on a certain scale. If you invest 50 million US dollars in any website, it is definitely a lot of money, and you can get 40% or even more of the shares. "

Wang Ye shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in those websites and their founders. Maybe investing in those websites can make money, but what's the point to me? Don't think I'm joking. The reason why I gave Mr. Liu's investment of money is really helping his dream!"

  Zhang Xiaoxi was speechless.

  Although she felt that Wang Ye's performance tonight was weird and too generous.

   No matter how rich you are, it’s not such a “waste”…

  But since Wang Ye insisted on saying that he was optimistic about Da Qiangzi and wanted to help Da Qiangzi make his dream come true, then Zhang Xiaoxi didn't bother to ask any more questions.

  Anyway, it’s only 50 million U.S. dollars. For my old classmate, that’s really just a drop in the bucket, and it’s really not worth making a fuss about...


  Of course Zhang Xiaoxi didn't understand, because Wang Ye's investment had no logic at all!

   It was not a serious investment.

  He is paying for "feelings"...

  Wang Ye in the previous life was a die-hard user of, that is to say, he bought almost all online shopping products from

  As for a certain treasure, after buying several counterfeit and shoddy products at the beginning, he uninstalled it directly and never used it again.

  Even if a certain treasure launched Tmall later, once a bad impression is formed, it is not easy to change.

   Moreover, he has spent many times on, and the user experience has always been quite good. Whether it is the delivery speed or the occasional return and exchange, he has never encountered any troubles or disputes.

  One of the things that impressed Wang Ye the most was that he once bought a very expensive mouse on After using it for almost two years, the mouse had some problems, and the right button occasionally failed.

  I was planning to buy a new one, but occasionally I saw the purchase record of the old mouse, which said it was guaranteed for two years.

  Wang Ye contacted the manual customer service and sent the mouse back.

  He didn't report any expectations, just to try it out, so he bought a new mouse at the same time.

   As a result, a day later, a manual customer service contacted him, saying that he had sent him a brand new mouse directly, and there was no need to repair it...

  A mouse, even if it is expensive, is a matter of several hundred dollars, Wang Ye in the previous life didn't care too much.

  But this incident left a deep impression on him, and it also made him have a deep impression of the website

   Now that I have met a strong man, and he is still at the beginning stage of his career, if he can lend a hand to help, then Wang Ye is not stingy to help him.

  Of course Wang Ye also knows that the current Jingdong website is worthless at all, let alone 50 million dollars, it is estimated that if he is given 500,000 dollars, Da Qiangzi will be very happy...

  He deliberately gave such a high price.

  Because Wang Ye understands better that in the early stage of the Internet, he relied on spending money to rise rapidly.

   Slow down, slow down!

  I have provided sufficient funds, coupled with Da Qiangzi's down-to-earth work attitude, then Jingdong in this life is even more worth looking forward to...


  I only stayed in the capital for one day, looked at the business progress of the branch, and casually invested a sum of money in Da Qiangzi, and the matter was considered over.

  Early the next morning, Wang Ye drove the big G, and set off from the capital alone, heading towards his hometown.

  Intentionally or not, he saw a very inconspicuous black Jetta following the car in the rearview mirror.

  The reason why he noticed this car was because when he just drove out of Wangfu Garden, this car was waiting at the gate of the compound.

  After seeing Wang Ye's car, he followed immediately, without any shyness at all.

   Then Wang Ye understood, this should be the security personnel Wang Xueqing arranged for him, and he just had to pretend he didn't see it.

   When something really happens, the people in this car will rush to protect themselves.

  Hurry up all the way, and when it was almost night, I finally arrived at the familiar small county.

Although the family is very rich now, not to mention Wang Ye's net worth, his father's flour improver factory alone earns a lot of money every year, but Wang Ye's family still lives in that small building. move place.

  According to my father, he and Wang Ye's mother are the only two people in the house, and the small building is enough to live in, so there is no need to move to a bigger house.

   Small houses are more comfortable and warm to live in, and it is also convenient for mothers to clean.

   If I really want to buy a big villa, my mother will be tired just by cleaning...

   Obviously, the words "servant" and "nanny" do not exist in Wang Ye's parents' minds.

  Because in their view, they are young and healthy, and they don't need others to serve them at all.

   Besides, servants and the like are only needed by "capitalists", and they are a decadent way of life!


   Parked the big G at the entrance of the alley, and Wang Ye came to the door of the house with a small suitcase.

  Because he knew that he would arrive home at about this time, the door of the house was opened, and the voices of parents could be heard standing at the door.

   "Old Wang, you bring all the dishes to the dining table and set them up. Didn't Xiaoye call just now to say that he will be home soon? He drove all day, and he probably didn't eat well on the way. He must be hungry."

   "Okay, have you cooked porridge yet? Let me tell you, after driving for a day, you won't have a good appetite. You need to drink more porridge to nourish your stomach..."

  Wang Ye felt warm in his heart when he listened to the conversation between his parents.

  This kind of feeling can only be felt when I go home.

  No matter how prominent I am outside, no matter how much I am surrounded by people, sometimes when I calm down, I still feel lonely and alone.

   "Mom! I'm back!"

  Wang Ye collected his mood, with a bright smile on his face, and shouted loudly before entering the yard.

  As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the room, and both father and mother walked out quickly.

  Wang Ye stood in front of his parents with a smile.

  Dad and mother looked at their son up and down, and they both felt so relieved...

  My son has really grown up now, he looks so different from before!

  More than three years ago, when the two of them sent their son to study abroad, they were at the Capital Airport.

   In addition, he is a child from a small county in the inland area, and has never seen much of the world, so standing among those children from big cities, he looks a little restrained and reserved.

  Mom and Dad felt a little uncomfortable looking at it at the time, and felt very guilty, blaming themselves for their incompetence and not giving their son a good growth environment.

   In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed.

  It seems that foreign countries really train people, because my son has really changed a lot!

  Leaving aside the "tens of millions" of net worth earned by doing business, just because of that bearing, one can see that he is not an ordinary person...

  My mother saw her son grinning from ear to ear. She felt that his son was no worse than those big stars on TV.

  The longer the boy, the more handsome he is!

   It is said that Xiaoye followed his father, Lao Wang, but why didn’t he think that Lao Wang had such a handsome son when he was young...


  A family of three sat around the dining table, the parents didn't eat much, the two kept laughing and watching Wang Ye gobble it up.

  Even if he had eaten too many delicacies outside, Wang Ye still felt that the food cooked by his mother and father was more to his liking.

  Although my mother's cooking skills are not very good...

   It can be seen that at least half of the dishes on the table were cooked by Dad.

  Especially his best braised pork, which is Wang Ye's favorite, a great tool for dinner!

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you, you can't eat these dishes over there. I heard that the old man eats hard black bread, with pickles and smoked fish. Can you get used to that food? ?” Mom looked at Wang Ye with a distressed look and asked.

  Although these words are obviously "prejudiced", Lao Maozi is not that miserable.

  In addition to pickles, smoked fish and black leba, Russia still has some delicacies.

   Such as red beet soup, borscht, caviar, kebabs…

  Oh, it seems that there are not many delicious foods.

  But with Wang Ye's wealth and status, it is naturally impossible to treat him badly when it comes to eating. Among other things, there are many delicacies from all over the world in the Kitty Eagle Hotel, including Chinese food!

   But there is no need to talk to my mother about these things.

My father still has more knowledge. After listening to my mother's words, he said a little ridiculously: "Moscow is an international metropolis! You can't eat anything you want, as long as you have money! Xiaoye eats well now, just because This is a dish he has been used to eating for many years, but if he is really asked to eat this every day now, he will get tired of eating it in a few days."

  Although my mother also felt that it made sense, she was unwilling to admit defeat, and retorted: "No matter how delicious the food outside is, it tastes different from the taste at home! Xiaoye, don't you think so?"

  What else can Wang Ye say, he can only nod vaguely and say yes.

  While having a meal, listening to my parents chattering about the short things about their parents, this is the feeling of going home...


   "By the way, Xiaoye, you are not young now, you will graduate next year. Do you have any plans for the future?" Dad suddenly asked.

  Because he was delayed by one year in the preparatory course, Wang Ye only entered his senior year this year and graduated next year.

  And his high school classmates in the same class as Zhang Xiaoxi have already graduated this year.

  Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, yes, he will graduate soon, time flies so fast...

   Seeing that Wang Ye didn't answer immediately, my mother couldn't help but said:

   "Graduating from a bachelor's degree is enough, or I'll come back next year, money is such a thing, how much you earn is enough.

   Now you should have made a lot of money, and your father's factory is also running very well, which is enough.

  After you come back, if you want to start a business, do it yourself. You don’t want to make a lot of money, just find something to do.

  If you don’t want to do business, ask your dad to find old friends and see if he can arrange a more leisurely and decent job for you..."

  In the eyes of my mother, the family has enough money to spend!

   There is no need to earn more.

  She hopes that her son can return to the country and stay by her side, but it is not possible, and it is better to go to a first-tier city to develop than to stay abroad.

   Once she left, she couldn't go back to China for two or three years, she couldn't stand it!

   It would be much more convenient if she was in China. If she misses her son by then, she can go and have a look.

  Dad also looked at Wang Ye expectantly. He and his mother had similar thoughts. After all, there was only Wang Ye, so parents naturally didn't want him to be too far away.

  But Wang Ye is suffering...

  Can he leave the mess abroad?

   Obviously impossible!

   Not to mention how many people are now attached to him to eat, as long as his few public positions are still there, it is impossible for him to get away!

  Wang Ye said with certainty that if he played "Escape the Shell of the Golden Cicada" by himself, left aside the things over there and went back to the country secretly, he probably wouldn't be able to live a few days of rest.

  The Kremlin will send someone to find me immediately...

   But it's still the same reason, he doesn't want his parents to know about these things, for fear that they will be under too much psychological pressure!

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Wang Ye pretended to be relaxed and said: "Mom and Dad, you are still young, and you don't need me to be by your side for the time being. In this way, I will study for a doctorate and then consider coming back. In this way You also have face, when you go out and talk about me, you just talk about my Dr. Wang..."

   This made my parents amused...

  (end of this chapter)

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