MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 864 schedule

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  Chapter 864 Itinerary

   "Tell her, come here to find me tomorrow morning." Wang Ye said straightforwardly.

  Liu Mei nodded quickly, and lowered her head to send a message to Wang Xueqing.

  On the other side, Wang Xueqing soon received the message from Liu Mei. Seeing that it said that Mr. Mikhail invited her to the Palace Garden tomorrow morning, Wang Xueqing smiled and rolled her eyes. She bet right!

  Mr. Mikhail still remembers himself, and he also gave himself a face.

  I am his contact person in China!

  If Wang Ye doesn’t pay much attention to himself, and doesn’t contact or meet him when he comes back, then one can imagine that his position in the eyes of his superiors will probably be precarious...

   After all, to a certain extent, this reflects one's ability to work.

  Speaking back to Wang Ye, after he finished dinner with Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi, the two girls got up and said goodbye.

  Because Wang Ye has been "flying" for almost a day today, so he should be quite tired.

  After seeing off the two girls, Wang Ye first asked the assistant who followed him to take out the laptop, connected to the Internet, and took care of the work.

  The Internet has been relatively developed these days. Wang Ye is a young man, so he keeps up with the trend and often handles work through the Internet.

  Of course, particularly important work cannot be handled through the network.

  What is processed through the network is general daily work, or the report data of various group companies.

  There is a time difference between China and Moscow, but it doesn’t matter, people in Moscow will accommodate Wang Ye’s working hours...

   After finishing the work at hand, Wang Ye looked at the time, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening domestic time.

   Standing up and stretching, he thought for a while, picked up his cell phone, and called his father at home.

  When he returns to China this time, he will definitely go home and have a look. He hasn’t been home for almost three years.

  I haven’t gone back to China for a few times. If I don’t go back this time, I really can’t justify it...


  After the call was made, Dad's hearty voice came from the other end.

   "Xiaoye, why are you calling at this time?"

  Wang Ye smiled, "Dad, I'm in the capital now, and I'm back!"

   "Ah? You're back! Do you have business to talk about? Can you take two days to go home. You... Mom misses you a lot." Dad asked in surprise and joy.

  He said that Wang Ye's mother missed Wang Ye, but in fact he also missed his son.

   It’s just that as a gentleman, I’m too embarrassed to say it…

   "Hehe, of course I have time. The most important thing to do when I return home this time is to go home! Tomorrow... no, it should be the day after tomorrow. I will drive back directly." Wang Ye said with a smile.

  It is also very convenient to drive home from the capital. Now that the whole journey is connected to the expressway, it only takes less than ten hours to get home.

  Although Wang Ye's private plane was parked at the Capital Airport, he didn't bother to take the plane back. That wasn't enough trouble.

   "Okay, okay! Drive carefully on the road, don't be in a hurry. I'll ask my mother to go grocery shopping early the day after tomorrow, and I'll cook for you later on, and I'll prepare some special dishes for you." Dad said beamingly.

  Wang Ye’s mother usually cooks at home, but the real "chef" is actually his father!

  But Dad usually doesn’t know how to cook, that is, on New Year’s Eve, he will cook a meal himself.

  But this time when his son came home, it was a rare "exception" for him!


  Wang Ye’s itinerary for returning to China this time is arranged in this way.

   Only stay in the capital for one day, meet with the person in charge of the Yukos branch, listen to his report on work, and see how the oil refining base and gas station are progressing.

   Then go to Joy City to have a look, this is related to your "private money"!

  The day after tomorrow, I will drive back to my hometown!

   Then stay in my hometown for two or three days to accompany my parents.

  After the home is settled, drive back to the provincial capital airport, and then take a special plane to fly directly to Pengcheng to see brother Ma.

  Learn about Penguin's current business scope and direction, and if necessary, "teach" them a little bit, so as to save them from too many detours.

   After all, Penguin is also "our" company.

  Wang Ye also expects Penguin Company to earn a lot of money for him in the future!

  The polar bear investment company has a total of three big investments, namely Apple, Penguin and Google...

  In the future, the market value of these three technology giants will be hundreds of billions of dollars, or even trillions of dollars!

  And the Polar Bear Investment Company has a lot of shares in these three companies...

   In the future, maybe only relying on a polar bear investment company, Wang Ye and Hovchenko's "nephew and uncle" will be able to firmly hold the throne of the world's richest and second richest man!

  What Yukos Group, what Kitty Hawk Group, what Gazprom, Gazprom, they will not be ranked by then!

  By the way, when it comes to polar bear investment, Wang Ye thinks of Apple, and he hasn't communicated with Joe Gangzhu for a while.

   I don't know what happened to his epoch-making first-generation IPHONE.

   This thing is also top secret in Apple. Except for the personnel involved in the research and development, no one else knows that the company is still developing a smartphone!

  But Wang Ye must know that, after all, he is the major shareholder of the company. Although Gangzhu Qiao is the helm of the company, he does not actually have many shares in the company.

  Especially for such a big event that involves the company's future development, Gang Leader Qiao must first win the support of the company's shareholders, and it must be approved by the board of directors before it can be implemented.

  Of course, Wang Ye gave him the greatest support!

  Polar Bear Investment Company has a staff member stationed in Apple as a director of the company, and of course it is also supervising investment.

  Wang Ye told the director directly that he would unconditionally support any matter proposed by Gang Leader Qiao at the board meeting!

  Genius, just give him enough freedom, let him do whatever he wants...

  The establishment of the mobile phone project was proposed by Mr. Qiao on the board of directors at the beginning of last year, and it is now in progress.

   It is said that the project is progressing slowly because Gang Leader Qiao’s requirements are too strict and he wants to come up with an epoch-making truly smart phone.

  Almost every part needs to be screened on a global scale to select the best, and even to formulate process standards separately and customize them individually!

  In Wang Ye's impression, the first generation of IPHONE seems to have to wait until January 2007 to come out.

  But in this life, because of Wang Ye's full support, and Apple's financial situation is obviously better than the previous life, so it may be brought out in advance...

   To be honest, Wang Ye is also looking forward to it!

  The Penguin business is over, the whole trip should have passed seven or eight days, and it's time to go back.

  For the current Wang Ye, it is not easy to find time to run out for a week.

  Even if he handles some official duties through the Internet every day, there are still quite a few important tasks that cannot be handled through the Internet, and can only be processed after he returns to Moscow.


  The next morning, Wang Ye got up late.

  I just washed up, put on my clothes and came to the first floor, planning to have some breakfast.

  The butler came over and bowed respectfully to Wang Ye:

   "Good morning, sir, breakfast is ready for you.

  There is a lady named Wang Xueqing outside the door, saying that she has an appointment with you.


  Wang Ye nodded and said casually, "Let her in."

   As he spoke, Wang Ye sat down at the dining table and looked at the breakfast prepared by the butler. It was very rich!

   And it is Wang Ye's request, full Chinese breakfast, quite authentic.

  Fried buns, deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, tea eggs, sweet soy milk...

   These things are hard to find in Moscow!

  Although with the status of Wang Ye, it is completely possible to find two Chinese chefs to cook for him.

   But that’s not necessary, and these details of life are more prone to problems, so Wang Ye simply went to do as the Romans do, and his way of life is completely Russified...

   While eating deliciously, the butler walked in with Wang Xueqing.

  Wang Ye raised his head and greeted her casually, "Have you had breakfast, let's have some together?"

  In fact, Wang Xueqing had already eaten it, but she still nodded with a smile and sat down, asked the housekeeper to bring her a cup of soy milk, then took a tea egg, and ate it with Wang Ye.

   It was like wind and clouds, and after eating for a long time, Wang Ye stopped in satisfaction.

  Wang Xueqing just finished drinking the last sip of soy milk, and raised her head to look at Wang Ye with a smile.

   "It's been a long time since I had... Chinese breakfast, it's delicious." Wang Ye sighed.

  Although Wang Xueqing is also someone who knows his details, Wang Ye can't be too casual. When he appears in front of others, he always remembers that he is "Mikhail".

   He even asked himself to forget the identity of "Wang Ye"...

  Wang Xueqing heard what Wang Ye said, nodded with a smile, and said with something to say: "Mr. Mikhail, you can stay here for a few more days. When it comes to food, China is world-renowned."

  Wang Ye shook his head and said simply:

   "Hey, I think about it too, but it's a pity that I'm so entangled in trivial matters that I can't help myself.

  By the way, I will go to the Central Plains Province tomorrow, and I don’t need anyone to follow me.

   After staying for two or three days, fly to Pengcheng from Zhongyuan Airport, and return to Moscow after staying there for a few more days.

  When you go to Pengcheng, do you think it is necessary to arrange someone to follow you?

  Because I plan to go around there more to see our company's gas station and oil refining base. "

  Wang Ye also suffered a loss in the United States that time, so he learned a lesson.

   Would rather trouble a little, but also to ensure their absolute safety!

   This is the reason why he asked Wang Xueqing to come to see him.

  Wang Ye knew that Wang Xueqing must belong to a powerful department, so if he randomly arranged one or two security personnel for himself, then he would be fine in the country, let alone walk sideways.

  At the very least, your own personal safety must be guaranteed.

   Sure enough, Wang Xueqing was very straightforward when he heard Wang Ye tell his itinerary so readily.

  She took out a small notebook and quickly wrote down the itinerary that Wang Ye had just mentioned.

   While recording, he said: "Of course there is no problem.

  So, here in the capital, I will accompany you.

   Do you need me to help you find a car here?

   Oh, no need, yes, you have several branches here, and they are all luxury cars. You must not look down on those broken cars in our unit.

  But when you go back to the Central Plains, I will send someone to follow you.

   Don't worry, my people won't disturb you, they just follow from afar.

  Once there is any situation on your side, we will help you as soon as possible.

  Also, in the south, I suggest you take the special car and driver I provide. To be honest, there is still...

  You get it. "

  Wang Ye did not refuse, and readily agreed.

  Anyway, Wang Xueqing's people won't interfere with her affairs, and she doesn't have any secrets to keep from her, so follow along.


  After breakfast, Zhang Xiaoxi has already driven over to pick up Wang Ye.

   It was agreed at dinner yesterday, let Zhang Xiaoxi drive around with Wang Ye today, Liu Mei will not be used.

  Zhang Xiaoxi drove the Mercedes-Benz Grand G here on purpose, because Wang Ye will use this car to go back to his hometown tomorrow.

  Seeing Wang Xueqing, Zhang Xiaoxi also greeted her.

  The two of them are not very familiar, and Wang Xueqing and Liu Mei have more contacts.

  After getting in the car, Zhang Xiaoxi skillfully drove towards Guomao. The first stop was to go to the branch of Yukos Group in the capital.

  The branch office is also located at China World Trade Center, in the same building as the companies of Zhang Xiaoxi and Liu Mei.

  The person in charge here is an old man who is proficient in Chinese and has studied in the capital.

   It's just that his temper is a bit straightforward. The big bosses have come here and said that he doesn't need him to pick up the plane, but this guy really didn't pick it up.

  Even when Wang Ye came to inspect the branch office, he just waited at the door of the company, and didn't go downstairs to greet him...

  Of course, Wang Ye doesn't care about these details.

  There is no shortage of "flattering" people around him, so he would rather have more honest people in his subordinates. As long as he can do a good job, everything else is secondary.

   Sure enough, this upright old man did not disappoint Wang Ye.

  In just one year, the two major oil refining bases, one in the south and one in the north, have almost been built, are undergoing final production commissioning, and will soon be officially put into use.

  As for gas stations, they are built even more rapidly.

  In Guangdong Province, more than 700 gas stations have sprung up!

  The ultimate goal is 1,500 gas stations!

  Listening to the person in charge's report, Wang Ye nodded calmly, noncommittal.

   But he is actually very satisfied in his heart.

  Because of these gas stations, they are equivalent to the cakes that are hard divided from the "plates" of the two giants of oil and petrochemicals!

  To tell the truth, it means that Wang Ye has this face.

   If anyone else wants to set up so many gas stations, there is none of them!

  Because these gas stations will be cash cows in the future...


   Only stayed at the branch for more than an hour. After listening to the report from the person in charge, Wang Ye asked for a distribution map of gas stations, and got up to leave.

  His schedule is very tight, and he has to visit Joy City in the afternoon.

   So no more time to waste here.

  Therefore, Zhang Xiaoxi drove, accompanied by Wang Xueqing, and Wang Ye went to Joy City to look around.

   Didn't say much, just gave Zhang Xiaoxi a few words of encouragement.

  Even if the trip to the capital is over, Wang Ye plans to drive home by himself tomorrow morning...

The situation is quite serious recently, and many chapters before me have... been silently blocked. To be honest, I read it several times myself, but I don't know what went wrong... Hey, maybe someday this will happen The book may have disappeared, and now I am writing with my hands tied, and I dare not write anything. That's it, as long as the book is still there, I will try my best to give you a complete ending and do my best...



  (end of this chapter)

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