MTL - Reborn Favorite Star Wife-~ Fanwaiyi loves but cannot

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Yuan Jinchen first met Jiang Xi on a rather ordinary summer day.

That day, it was very hot. Above the asphalt road in city C, there was hot air that could burn people. At that time, Yuan Jinchen had just participated in a notice and stood on the building of tre overlooking the entire city.

The main building of tre entertainment uses central air conditioning. There is no wind upstairs, but the coolness still takes care of every cell of the skin. Standing there, it feels refreshing and pleasant.

Yuan Jinchen was about to issue a contented sigh, but someone came behind him.

Accompanied by the soft soft waxy sound. It may be too serious, the person did not see him, but turned and went in the other direction.

Yuan Jinchen debuted as a singer. Over the past few years, he heard so many good voices, but for the first time, he throbbed for a female voice.

Yuan Jinchen stared at the place where the girl walked, unable to return for a long time.

When I went back that night, Yuan Jinchen told the agent about it, and asked him to check who this artist was. However, there were too many female artists with good voices in the company. .

But Yuan Jinchen didn't give up. Since that day, he began to pay attention to the various voices of people around him.

Until the day when his new TV series was shot.

The new TV series is the youth idol drama most respected by young girls. The hero and heroine do not need much acting skills, as long as they can play handsome and be beautiful. After Jin Jin entered the TV drama industry, he has already made several such idol dramas, so he didn't feel at all. What he thought was how to finish the movie as soon as possible.

However, the sky is not what people want, and the actress who played with Yuan Jinchen frequently ng, sometimes one can repeat the shooting for more than half a day, just a few days, Yuan Jinchen felt that his good temper would be polished.

However, this is not enough. On the tenth day of the filming, the female No. 4 who played a small role in the play, but played a vital role, withdrew from the filming.

The director was so angry that he fell off the table on the set. The next day, the role of the female No. 4 was played by a small entertainer of tre entertainment.

The women in this crew are either idiots or have no acting skills. It can be said that the original Jinchen did not have any hope for the newcomer, but when playing with the newcomer, the original Jinchen was unexpectedly ng.

"Brother Yuan." The girl was very panicked in the face of the director's cold face, and looked at Yuan Jinchen's eyes very worried. "Isn't I acting well, sorry, I will work hard next."

It was the voice that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Looking at the girl's panicked face, Yuan Jinchen softened her face and said, "It's not your problem, it's because I'm not careful. I should say I'm sorry."

The girl obviously didn't believe it, but she could see that she was not so nervous in the next performance.

This day's shooting task was not heavy. After Yuan Jinchen got off the set, he took the initiative to walk to the girl.

"Your name is Jiang Xi?" Yuan Jinchen was chewing on the girl's name and asked with a smile.

The girl froze and said, "Yes, my name is Jiang Xi, but Xi will bring three o'clock water."

Jiang Xi's eyes look very good, it is like a lake hidden in deep, deep veins.

Yuan Jinchen looked at those eyes, and for a long while, he actually had the ** to hide them.

Unfortunately Jiang Xi didn't know.

Once you know it, the next familiarity comes naturally. If it wasn't for the assistant's reminder, Yuan Jinchen thought that it might take another time before he discovered his feelings for Jiang Xi.

The assistant said, "Did you look at that Jiang Xi?"

Yuan Jinchen suddenly felt a shock. He froze for a few minutes and said, "Which eye do you see that I am interested in Jiang Xi?"

The assistant pinched his lips and said, "I saw both eyes, Jin Chen, there are many people in this circle who want to take advantage of you. You must be careful not to be fooled by a newcomer who just debuted."

Yuan Jinchen certainly did not believe that Jiang Xi would use him. Naturally, he didn't take the words of his assistant to heart.

The filming of the TV series was only a few months. On the day when the filming was completed, the crew started to kill the feast as usual.

According to Jiang Xi's identity, it was impossible for her to sit at a table with the director and other starring actors, but because of her closeness to Yuan Jinchen in the past few months, some people who were not happy had let Jiang Xi sit in the original Jin Chen's side.

The TV drama's investor is the heroine of the heroine, and the heroine has always been indifferent to the original Jin Chen's attitude. Therefore, in this killing feast, the heroine who could not do anything to the original Jin Chen turned her attention to Jiang Xi.

Jiang Xi's inability to drink is something that many people in the crew know, but the heroine seems to be deliberate. From the banquet, Jiang Xi was forced to drink.

Yuan Jinchen couldn't bear it in the end, stood up and said, "I drink for her."

The heroine yelled, and yin and yang said strangely, "Original brother, you are a messenger of flower protection!"

Yuan Jinchen glanced at the heroine with a salty look, holding up a full glass of red wine and drank it.

"No." The heroine watched Yuan Jinchen finish her drink, her enchanting eyebrows flew, she turned and poured a full glass, personally brought it to Jiang Xi's mouth, and said provocatively: "I want her to drink, Yuan brother, you drink Not counting. "

At that moment, Yuan Jinchen really wanted to punch the heroine's face that had been treated many times.

But the assistant came over and pulled him away.

"You let go of me." The blue veins of the former Jinchen's forehead leaped suddenly, where there was the gentleness of the past.

The assistant looked at him like this and was anxious. He pulled people into the bathroom and persuaded, "Jin Chen, you can't do this. Her godfather is a famous investor in the circle. You offend her and you will lose money later. You have struggled for years, and you can't ruin all your efforts because of a Jiang Xi! "

Yuan Jinchen gritted his teeth and gasped for a while, then relaxed his body and said, "I forbear."

The assistant smiled with satisfaction.

The original Jin Chen who returned to the box did not give the heroine a look, but in return for his patience, Jiang Xi was completely unconscious at the end of the banquet.

Yuan Jinchen hugged people, his whole heart was hurting.

The assistant probably saw the thoughts of Yuan Jinchen and did not persuade him anymore. Instead, he left the car key and hit the taxi home by himself.

Yuan Jinchen put Jiang Xiping on the back seat and took her to his private apartment that no outsider knew. This is the first time he has taken a female star back in the circle since his debut.

When Jiang Xi wiped his face, Yuan Jinchen asked himself whether he was interested in Jiang Xi over and over again. The end result was: once and for all, he said that I was looking for an outsider to be his girlfriend. Jiang Xi was tempted.

This girl, her every move, fascinated him deeply.

However, this incident did not bring their relationship closer.

Because Jiang Xi entered another crew the next day after finishing shooting.

She is female No. 2 this time. She is busy and rarely returns to the company. The original Jinchen didn't want to give her trouble. After confirming that Jiang Xi finished filming, she went to her apartment to block people.

Coincidentally, Jiang Xi happened to be home that day.

Looking at Yuan Jinchen who suddenly appeared outside her house, Jiang Xi's surprise was obviously more than surprise. She hurriedly asked Yuan Jinchen to enter the house, but she burned her hands while pouring tea.

"Why are you so careless?" Yuan Jinchen rebuked me half-jokingly: "I'm not a beast of flood, are you so scared like this?"

Jiang Xi blinked and smiled.

The dinner was made by Jiang Xi himself, with three dishes and one soup.

Yuan Jinchen only took one bite, and he would never forget this warm and beautiful taste.

After dinner, Jiang Xi went to brush the pot. After Yuan Jinchen got permission, he went to Jiang Xi's study.

His original intention was to borrow a book, and then come back to Jiang Xi for the reason of returning the book next time, but in the study, he accidentally saw a box placed on the bottom of the bookshelf, opened it curiously, and it turned out that All paintings, all kinds of paintings.

Thinking of Jiang Xi's personal information given on the official website, Yuan Jinchen raised his lips.

After that day, Yuan Jinchen found various opportunities to get along with Jiang Xi, and at the same time, he found a lot of things that had not been discovered before. For example: she is very careful, sometimes he inadvertently likes a certain dish, and she will cook it for him next time when she eats together.

She is a friend, and she is also suitable for a wife.

So, in the spring of the next year, Yuan Jinchen confessed to Jiang Xi after finishing shooting a movie.

As a result, Jiang Xi agreed.


Jiang Xi was originally unwilling to live with Yuan Jinchen. She was worried about being photographed by the paparazzi, causing unnecessary trouble for Yuan Jinchen. Moreover, her career has only just begun to improve, and if everyone is found to be with Yuan Jinchen, many of her previous efforts will be considered to have background operations.

However, two things happened in the middle that made Jiang Xi change his mind.

One was that she was hacked on the Internet. I do n’t know who wanted to harm her. She made random rumors on the Internet and said her character was particularly inferior. After seeing the news, her landlord would rather break the contract than Renting the house to her again, Jiang Xi became homeless overnight.

Long-stay hotels are not possible, and re-finding a house is either unsafe or scary with high prices.

The other one was that Yuan Jinchen fell from Wei Ya during the filming, hurt his body, and needed care.

After sitting in the hotel for a week, Jiang Xi followed the advice of Yuan Jinchen and moved into his private apartment.

Yuan Jinchen thought at first that he only had to own the owner, but after a long time, he realized that he didn't want Jiang Xi to go out to work, he wanted to see Jiang Xi every time he came back from filming, he wanted to see every day Eating her dishes, he hoped that she could only be embraced by him and seen by him alone.

This almost crazy possessiveness has grown stronger over time.

Finally, Jiang Xi was discovered.

Yuan Jinchen thought that Jiang Xi would make a big noise with him, but Jiang Xi said nothing, and she did the same as before. However, every time he made a movie home, she was basically there.

In an instant, they were together for three years.

In the past three years, Jinchen Yuan has made several major production movies, and officially changed from the front line of the TV drama industry to the front line stars of the film industry. And Jiang Xi, who has been hovering on the second line, has played a few minor supporting roles in several TV shows.

Yuan Jinchen sometimes plays Jiang Xi at home. In his opinion, Jiang Xi's acting skills are better than the first-line stars in the circle. However, if you want to be famous, you need not only acting skills, but also opportunities.

In May of this year, Yuan Jinchen found an opportunity to help Jiang Xi.

A lady from a business wanted to make a movie to enter the entertainment circle, and found the position of the original Jin Chen as the leading actor and actress. The other party was very generous, and asked Yuan Jin Chen to help find one in the entertainment circle.

The movie script is not particularly outstanding, but it is not too exaggerated. It is the ordinary youth idol movie. It is no problem to make a fame.

Yuan Jinchen got the script and accepted the invitation at that time. Two days later, he called each other and recommended Jiang Xi.

The investor is a very young woman, called Fang Weiwei, who was a lady from Fang's family who moved to C City a few years ago. She had no comment on Yuan Jinchen's proposal, but only asked to meet with Yuan Jinchen to discuss specific matters.

This is quite normal. Yuan Jinchen didn't care, so he went. During the dinner, he drank a few glasses of red wine.

Later, he knew nothing. He only remembered that when he woke up the next morning, he was lying naked with Fang covered with traces.

Yuan Jinchen's first feeling was that he was drugged, the second feeling was that he was sorry for Jiang Xi, and the third feeling was fear.

"You don't have to worry, I won't sue you." Fang slightly got up and wrapped in a bathrobe. There was no trace of sadness in his delicate brows. "I like you, I can't bear to hurt you."

Yuan Jinchen was sweating coldly on his back. He looked at Fang slightly like a monster, gritted his teeth, "You gave me medicine?"

"Well." Fang slightly answered, but simply, "I'm afraid you won't accompany me without the medicine."

Yuan Jinchen gave Fang Weiwei a punch. Since the killing feast a few years ago, he hasn't wanted to hit a woman for a long time.

Fang slightly fell to the sofa by him. At the end, he didn't lift his eyelids and turned on the computer on the table and said, "I was filmed yesterday. If you don't want me to pass the video out, you are in the movie. Listen to me for a while. After that time, I will delete the video and I will not look for you again. "

Yuan Jinchen watched the restricted video on the computer, panic-stricken.

In fact, he was not afraid of any scandal when he got into this position. The company would help him solve it anyway, but he was afraid Jiang Xi would see it. Jiang Xi is a person with a passion for cleanliness. If she sees the video, Yuan Jinchen cannot guarantee that Jiang Xi will continue to be with him.

In the end, Yuan Jinchen chose to hide.

He thought, just like that, after going through these months, he cut off his contact with Fang Weiwei, but he didn't expect that Fang Weiwei would challenge his limit again and again.

She asked for love in the private apartment of the former Jinchen, that is, in his small nest with Jiang Xi.

Yuan Jinchen heard the request and subconsciously refused.

Fang Weiwei was not annoyed. She took out her mobile phone calmly and played the video, not only the original video but also the recent nights.

Yuan Jinchen thought he was going crazy by this woman called Fang Weiwei.

But he still promised that he was grasped by a handle. He was like a mouse struggling to die under the paw of a cat. He looked around, but couldn't find a way out.

Looking for a day for Jiang Xi to work, Yuan Jinchen took Fang Wei to the apartment.

His counterpart was slightly indifferent. After arriving at the apartment, he didn't do anything extra and opened the door to start working.

After he completed the transaction with Fang Weiwei and cleaned up his family, the news of the tre female artist Jiang Xi's death from the building has spread on the Internet. He didn't believe it and hurried downstairs with his clothes, but saw it downstairs Man lying in a pool of blood.

Jiang Xi wore a sweater he gave her, white. At this time, a red blood on the white clothes was very conspicuous. In addition, a ring dropped from the cuff was the only time they made a custom trip abroad. Couple ring.

Yuan Jinchen rushed insanely. He ignored Jiang's obstruction, hugged Jiang Xi, and kissed her hair, eyelids, nose bridge, and lips, but never felt the warmth of her body again.

Two days later, Jiang Xi was buried.

The funeral for Jiang Xi was a man who suddenly appeared on the day of Jiang Xi's accident. He claimed to be Jiang Xi's little sister, called Fang Rui.

When Yuan Jinchen heard the surname Fang, his heart shook violently. He shook his hands and asked Fang Ruifang who he was.

Fang Rui seemed to know nothing about the other party's slightly dry things. He glanced at Jiang Xi's photo and said, "Weiwei is my niece."

"Then do you know that she killed Jiang Xi?" Yuan Jinchen yanked Fang Rui's tie and wept. "Fang slightly killed Jiang Xi. It was she who forced me. It was she who killed me. Jiang Xi! "

When he was a child, Yuan Jinchen was told that the man could not tear easily, but he couldn't help it. The person he loved died because of his absurdity. He didn't know how many tears it would take to correct what he had Made a mistake.

He regrets it! If he knew it would be the consequence, he would rather have made it clear to Jiang Xi when the first incident happened. It didn't matter that she chose to leave him, and he would slowly chase her back, but now, she has left the world, He couldn't even see her again.

Yuan Jinchen hurriedly returned to their hut. He found out Jiang Xi's favorite things that Fang hadn't touched slightly during his lifetime. He sat among them, neither eating nor drinking, nor working.

Brokers see him like this, sighed and said:. "Chen Jin, I know your heart feel good, but you have to pick ourselves up, I think Jiang Xi do not want to see you like this."

Yuan Jinchen only responded when others talked about Jiang Xi. He heard that he looked at the agent and said, "I broke her heart, she won't forgive me."

. "She'll forgive you." Broker vowed that: "As far as I know, Jiang Xi love you, so she does not forgive you."

Yuan Jinchen murmured holding Jiang Xi's favorite doll: "How do you know?"

"I ..." The agent didn't know how to answer. He groaned for a few minutes and said, "Jiang Xi pushed out many good script invitations for you. For her success, she willingly gave up most of her career at home , Jin Chen, you see, Jiang Xi must not want your business to be ruined. "

At this moment, Yuan Jinchen truly understood what it means to be as dead as a heart, and what it is to be clever, but to be clever.

If he discovered earlier that Jiang Xi had done it for him, he would not have made this mistake. It turned out that all of this was his fault.

Yuan Jinchen rested at home for three months before returning to the entertainment industry.

But he wrote a rule for himself to take only one play a year. Outside of filming, he read the book Jiang Xi had read at home.

Six months later, Yuan Jinchen saw Fang Weiwei again in court.

At this time, he learned that Jiang Xi did not commit suicide at all. She was pushed down slightly by Fang on the rooftop of the top floor. The evidence came from a photography enthusiast in the community.

At that time, when Fang slightly pushed Jiang Xi downstairs, it happened to be captured by a camera on the top floor next door to prepare for night scenes, but at that time, photography enthusiasts had another new camera. The old camera, which was accidentally turned on, was put away, so no video was found. Until a month ago, when a man named Fang Rui requested to see his camera, photography enthusiasts knew that he was preparing to make an antique closed camera, which just happened to capture evidence of someone else's crime. When Fang Rui found this evidence, he immediately gave the video to the police.

The man claiming to be the uncle of Jiang Xi small, personally his own niece brought to court.

After hearing the results of the trial, Yuan Jinchen stepped out of the court.

He looked up at the grey sky, and twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a bitter smile.

—————————— Off topic ——————————

I do not know parents who read this special episode is what it feels like, what you believe is slanting wrote wanted to write.

Chen Jin both the original world, slanting to the outcome are the two words: love and not.

He will not suffer physical pain, but suffering psychological torture.

Hee hee, say more, saying that the Chapter's a little late, parents who bear it, finally, thank you for your support, we followed the body tomorrow. 2k novel reading network

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