MTL - Rebirth of the Wolfish Silkpants Bottom-Chapter 112

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Jinjiang first, support genuine (*^__^*) Shu Heng, who came home early, went upstairs to find a small point, Shu Ning was squatting on the bed to make new mobile phones, and new to him is also an antique, the screen is not big, playing games are all playing If you don't open it, after all, it is carefully selected by Dad. Naturally, it fits your heart and you can't put it down.

The evening glow falls on the child, and the picture looks very soft and warm, because the relationship between the calf and the foot is revealed, showing a white, crystal clear, very beautiful.

Until the quilt was covered, Shu Ning knew that someone had come in.

"It's cool at night, keep warm," Shu Heng's condescending face looks like a palm-sized face. The body is so white. Why is his face worse? However, the big eyes add a bit of agility, the long eyes are like a fan-like spread, the nose is tall and the lips are slightly thin, much like Dad.

What did God decide to do?

Shu Ning played drums in his heart and couldn’t help but blink and look very pitiful.

"From today, I will drink milk sooner or later. I will go to the hospital to check my body tomorrow, and you will go there."

Affirmative sentence, can not refuse ╮ (╯▽╰) ╭ Shu Ning's clever nod, sprouting.

The throat knot rolled up and down, Shu Heng immediately went out, Shu Ning sighed, this guy did not sound a voice, is it a ghost?

Subconsciously shrugging, continue to be familiar with the phone function, by the way sent a text message to Shucheng, expressing gratitude.

Shucheng is very busy and very busy. Qin Yu bracelet is only two months old. Naturally, she is not willing to stay at home and stay with her husband to help. At night, Shuga and his two grandchildren were together and had a good meal. They sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted. When going upstairs, Shuga handed out a red envelope.

Shu Ning stunned, I thought that when I first entered the door, my father gave 50,000 red envelopes. This life may not be there. I didn’t expect Grandpa to be so generous!

Shu Heng pushed Shu Ning a hand: "The elders can't help."

"Thank you Grandpa!" Shu Ning reached out and was very happy.

Everyone only thought that he didn't understand the value of this red envelope, so he didn't care. In fact, Shu Ning's cooperation cases in his life were often tens of millions. Unless you directly put a check on his face, he would not play because of money.

Shu Gao's inner heart blossomed, no matter how Shu Heng called Grandpa did not feel, or his own grandson is good, how to look good, touch the beard, Shu Gao got up and carried his hands, an unpredictable look slowly walked away. Shu Heng got up and walked upstairs, and his footsteps sounded behind him. Shu Heng, who had always been alone, was very uncomfortable. He frowned and looked back.

Shu Ning sipped his juice and then he looked up and said: "Brother?"

The sound is so soft, Shu Heng is speechless, turned and walked upstairs, and the sound of running behind him, you can imagine how quickly the little short legs of someone. Unconsciously, Shu Heng slowed down and Shu Ning caught up with his footsteps. A very strange feeling came to an end, and Shu Heng touched his chest and didn't care.

After that, Shu Heng went to the study room, and stayed quietly in the room until the night was quiet, and Shu Heng's door rang again.

The child squinted, holding the pillow, crying and looking up.

Shu Heng is very tall, half a head taller than his peers. Standing in front of a small beanie is like an adult: "Can't sleep?"

"Well, the living room is terrible, no one, my mother said that she will not come back today, brother, can I sleep on your bed/on?"

Shu calmly looked at Shu Ning for a while, then let go, Shu Ning sighed in his heart, and was close to the big god, really not what I should do, such as mortals, rushed in, went to bed, and captured his territory. The first step, brother and brother, Christ, the second step, the heart is the third step.

Nowadays, let alone occupy the territory, even Shu Heng’s vigilant heart can’t be fixed. Shu Ning feels that the road of life/life is very long.

Shu Heng turned downstairs and warmed a cup of milk and sent it to Shu Ning's hand, staring at him and finished drinking: "I will wait for me at the school gate after school tomorrow."

"Well," Shu Ning's face did not change. He hesitated and immediately slammed into Shu Heng's arms. He noticed that he was stiff and immediately released, raising his smile: "You are so good!"

At the moment I just touched, Shu Heng almost pushed Shu Ning away. The villain was lying on the bed, his big eyes flickered and flashed, and he saw that he didn’t move. He was still confused and squatted, and took out a small short hand. The position next to the shot: "Come on!"

Um... Suddenly a bit uncomfortable, my heart is upset, why?

Shu Heng didn't think about it, lying in the place where the child had taken it, and the heart was strange again, for unknown reasons. Close your eyes and slow down your breathing. The child is quite courageous. Look at it and look at it. The breath that comes out is sprayed between Shu Heng’s neck. It’s like a brush sweeping. It’s itchy. If it’s not Shu Heng’s endurance, it’s definitely tolerable. I can't help but sit up and naughty children who don’t sleep.

No matter how many cores are there, the body age is only a teenager. After a while, Shu Ning falls asleep.

Shu Heng opened his eyes without feelings, turned on the computer to watch the surveillance, and as the child said, he took the phone and looked at it. Qin Yu bracelet did send a text message that he could not return.

Shu Ning... Should you believe it? Shu Heng went back to bed and slumbered. Shu Ning rolled over like a cold, and the two of them leaned together to make Shu Heng feel uncomfortable. He moved in and moved to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the Qin Yu bracelet came back. The content of the text message naturally deceives Shu Ning to go to sleep quickly. Otherwise, if Shucheng knows that the child is waiting for the mother and does not go to sleep, he will not go to the company. Qin Yu bracelet is ambitious, of course, will not allow people to drag their legs. So tired, after a pregnancy, everything is a little powerless, anyway, her husband did not come back, Qin Yu bracelet directly fell asleep on the first floor.

Woke up in the morning, a child squatted again, red face red, the calf was caught by his brother's thigh!!!

Shu Ning...

Shu Heng's eyebrows move, the pressure is like a last straw, Shu Ning licks his lips and rolls back to lie down, his face is buried in the quilt, telling himself that this is a routine, just a strategy, I am a How can a big man be afraid of a young man? Now Shu Heng is eighteen, a little p child!

At school, all the students are turning around me, calling Xueba, asking English, and even discussing the direction of the exam. Shu Ning thought about this, instead of finding a balance, he felt that the more he lived, the more mentally heavier he was. Hey... Is it really a childlike heart to return to a young age?

Life is like a play, and if you enter the show, you lose...

Shu Heng didn't know Shu Ning's thoughts on these ghosts. He concentrated on unscrewing the lid of the ointment, knuckles his fingers into it, dug out a little transparent paste, and gently applied it to the green skin. Cool and comfortable, Shu Ning slightly returned to God, screaming at the big eyes, looking back.

Shu Heng lowered his head, there was no maliciousness in the line of sight, no ridicule, just a faint gloom... The fingers painted circles.

It’s my reaction, but there’s nothing wrong with it.

"I still hurt?"

"No," Shu Ning has some doubts: "Brother... don't you ask?"

Shu Heng has some reluctance to take back his fingers and re-cover the quilt: "Do you know her mind?"

This sentence is very level, ingenious, and contains a lot of meanings. Once Shu Ning answers the superficial, or deliberately understates, it will be a must.

Shu Ning attaches great importance to her eyes: "Milk is her hands and feet, she said..."

Shu Heng suddenly hugged Shu Ning, and his strength was great. Le's bones hurt. Shu Ning thought he was happy. He wanted to continue to express his heart. When the small head just moved, he was held by the big hand and could only be a good pillow. Brother's shoulder, Shu Ning hesitated a little, raised a small short hand, and hugged!

However, I don’t know that Shu Heng’s first emotional out of control, I don’t want to be seen by anyone, and my eyes are deep and deep.

"Brother?" Are you ok? I hurt.

Shu Heng has stabilized his emotions and suddenly his face turned red: "When you stay in the room, you can't go anywhere."


Shu Ning has not finished "oh", the whole person is stuffed into the quilt, too violent / force! My grass ~ Shu Ning's hands and feet are moving out of the quilt, like a cub, helpless and poor, eyes stunned, and there is no Shu Heng figure in the room.

Why is he blushing? Because of the salute below, there was a reaction when I took the medicine. Just excited, I forgot, but fortunately, the little things were not found. The thirteen-year-old boy knows everything, and Shu Hengqing is lucky to go back to the room with a medicine box and think thoughtfully about the cold water. Mother and child nature, intimacy, how can Shu Ning get closer to me?


Sun Haoran did not take long to take such a big thing, very uneasy, always standing under the stairs, until Shu Heng appeared.

"Young Master."

Shu Heng no expression, calmly walked to the sofa to sit down, high and cold.

All the way to the back of Sun Haoran bent and bent: "The monitoring screen is not abnormal, all the people present in the scene have also interrogated, nothing. At that time Qin Yu bracelet and Shu Ning posted together, staggered half body, accident When Shu Ning sat down, Qin Yu bracelet fell, whether it was deliberately difficult to judge."

Monitoring is not omnipotent. If it is blocked, the fake will become true. Qin Yu bracelet Shu Ning does not know the existence of invisible monitoring. She is lucky. Shu Heng drinks the coffee from the maid and squints. Not angry and self-defeating.

Sun Haoran had a cold sweat on his forehead. As a confession of Shu Heng, even this little thing was not done properly. It was really suffocating and his tone was very respectful: "Young master, she is not intending to go wrong, I am afraid this will not be simply revealed."

Shu Heng hand lifted slightly, and Sun Haoran left a few steps back. What does the Qin Yu bracelet do? It doesn’t make sense to Shu Heng. Shu’s property is not in the heart. Just Shu Ning wants to say, Shu Hengxin refused to listen to the gods, he needs to think. Shu Ning did not say anything, that is, Qin Yu bracelet did use him to frame Shu Heng.

Shu Hengxin Lake is flooding, very moving, Shu Ning is really a fake, Shu Heng is not so easy to believe in a person, it is not so easy to make a person so close.

Shu Ning... Shu Ning... Shu Ning...

In the hospital, Qin Yu bracelet kept the child, has fallen asleep, and the doctor said that this is a male child, and the development is normal.

Shugao has always been very angry, his face is ugly, and he is sitting on a bench and blowing cold air. No one dares to persuade, even dare not approach, a group of hospital leaders stay nearby. Hearing the doctor said nothing, Shu Gao looked a little better, and heard the boy's eyes bright all the time. Well, Qin Yu bracelet is not good, but she brought two grandchildren, which is also enough.

The old man was happy, and the four weeks were just like flowering.

The most happy one is Shucheng, his face is ruddy, and the big president who is very stable on weekdays is actually very excited. "Dad, you are not good enough to go back first, I stay here to accompany her."

Shu Gao snorted and didn't object, leaving with the old housekeeper. In the car, the old butler wants to stop, Shu Gao sighed: "You have to say that I fully understand that Qin Yu bracelet is not a good class, and look at it."

The housekeeper is worried: "You need to wake up and down."

"Wake up?" Shu Gao snorted and rolled his eyes: "He has been fascinated by this woman, and he told me about free love. I am so old and trustworthy, confused and confused~"

"If you can really get a good match, it will be nothing more. Today, this is obviously a bureau, big and small..."

"Reassure, he will not doubt Xiaoheng's death, Qin Yu bracelet is playing with fire**," Shuga leaned back, his eyes became intriguing: "I care more about Ningning."

Shu Ning did not grow up around, if the heart is bad, and Qin Yu bracelet all the way character, then it is not tolerable.

The butler has his own considerations and has to say: "Brother, this child is very pitiful. He also puts on an ambitious mother. Instead of watching him choose, or astray, he is tempted and confused. It is better to be personal. Teach, lest you regret it."

Shu Gao was not talking, his mouth was slightly raised, and he actually fell behind him. It was awesome. Shu Heng, put Shu Ning in the eyelids low in the morning.

I really love and hate, if it’s good for my grandson.

Shu Ning read a book in the room. It was only at noon that he was told to go to the fourth floor to eat. Grandpa seemed to be very happy. When asked, he said the news of the three grandchildren.

Three... three grandchildren! It’s a bit like a swearing man → _ →

Shu Ning performed very happy, and also gave the grandfather a few dishes. Shu Gao also asked about the exam. Shu Ning had a well-thought-out, and the old man laughed again and again. The housekeeper said yes, Shu Ning knew that it was a good boy at first glance. He was sensible and sensible, and he was good at learning. He should be protected. Shuga’s eyebrows were a bit more calm.

When Shu Ning passed the study room on the second floor, he felt some kind of resentment inexplicably, and quickly turned back to find.

The expressionless Shu Heng eyes straight hooked.

what happened? What happened to me?

Shu Ning is very entangled. In the morning, he was killed by his eyes. Now he is used by his eyes, and it is difficult to let him out. Xiaoye is also tempered, Shu Ning is holding high pressure, turning his head and walking!

There was footsteps coming from behind. Shu Ning had an urge to escape, his arms were pulled, his body was forced to turn, and he was lifted by his fingers.

At the moment when it hit the cold sight, Shu Ning’s subconscious eyeball moved to the right and squatted elsewhere.

"Look at me."

Don't dare! Shu Ning heart and lungs are hurting.

"what happened?"

Still have a face? It’s all because of you, since people don’t understand, Shu Ning’s reconsideration is boring: “Sleepy, want to sleep.”


Relaxing, Shu Ning, who wants to go back and go, can't hold back, let's run, Shu Heng stood in the spot and thought, in fact, he has been waiting for the villain to come back to eat. It was not until two days later that the Qin Yu bracelet came back. The relationship between Shu Heng and Shu Ning was not slow, zero exchange, and everyone was eating together at night. Shucheng’s beaming announcement of Shu Yao’s business, not even the name was taken, really Great.

Qin Yu bracelet red cheeks, soaring, worthy of the name.

Shu Gao is in a good mood. Look at the right and look at it. The faint opening: "There is still a girl missing," the eyes fell on the Qin Yu bracelet.

She nodded immediately and grinned with a shy smile: "I will work hard."

Shu Ning bowed his head to eat vegetables, staring at the cold, a good show of a table, before the rolling stairs, actually did not mention, must be Qin Yu bracelet did not dare to attack. She will very much observe Shucheng's face. If Shucheng will doubt her, she will sneak into it. If Shucheng is convinced, she will follow the trend and win a good reputation.

After the meal, Shucheng helped Qin Yu bracelet to go to the third floor, Shu Gao acquiesced.

Shu Ning is like a big-tailed wolf, and it is far behind. Sure enough, Shucheng holds the hand of Qin Yu bracelet, and his eyes are pity. Qin Yu bracelet knows that Shu Ning has followed, but he did not find the same: "Look at Shu Heng's frank style. I knew that he must not have been intentional. At that time, he just raised his arm. Unintentional, you should never ask, so as not to misunderstand."

"I know."

Qin Yu bracelet is obviously relieved: "I really want to be treated, but after all, he is a big adult, has his own ideas, and after a few days he went to the capital to go to school, I can also take a breather."

Truth is straightforward, Shucheng does not suspect him: "Working hard." Shu Heng, this child is so good, it is too cold, the average person can not stand, let alone Qin Yu bracelet, this small family jasper-like woman, really Good intentions.

"For this family..." Qin Yu bracelet is like just finding Shu Ning, handcuffed a man, and transferred the topic: "Xiao Ning has to take the exam."

Shucheng wisdom, his eyes are softer: "Well, if it is a good test, what reward should he give him?"

"I want a computer," Shu Ning's voice is low, too lazy to talk to the Qin Yu bracelet and the snake: "I will go back and brush my teeth!"

When Shucheng took out the wallet, Shu Ning’s child who was as shy/hee was running away. In places where men can't see, Qin Yu bracelets are very proud, those words can both please men, but also stimulate Shu Ning's hatred of Shu Heng, killing two birds with one stone.

I don’t know that Shu Ning has seen everything, and is talking to Shu Heng’s brother and sister.

Shu Heng turned over the information, the second land has already started, everything went well, Shu Ning walked straight into the fruit, his face was thick, and he did not know who started the cold war →_→

It is a high-cold male god, one eye does not give me, hey, Shu Ning has a trick, can not sell a word!

"Brother, Chinese medicine is so bitter, can you not drink?"

Shu Hengzhong recruited, put down the information to see it, beckoning to Shu Ning~

A woman who has abandoned her children for so many years, how can she suddenly feel good about her children?

In order to see the smile on her mother's face and live up to her expectations, Shu Ning strives to advance, protect her younger brother, please the father, live a dedication, be cautious, even the favorite sports car can not buy, can only open a low-key and steady Black Audi. In the back, Shu Ning slammed the eldest son of the father, and innocently listened to the mother's lies, thinking that the parents are true love, the big brother Shu Heng is only a marriage product, it should not exist.

Shu Ning even felt that the pain of eating in the countryside when he was young, and the separation from his biological parents are the faults of Shu Heng.

Exhaled, Shu Ning closed his eyes, thinking drifting and wanting to sleep.

Just then, the outside suddenly became noisy, as if a big man came, Shu Ning smiled, what was the former self is not a lot? Otherwise, how can a boyfriend who loves vanity be willing to pretend to be a solution flower? How can a friend and a friend know how to be a brother?

The Shu Ning people were pretending to be young people. They did a lot of bad things with their conscience in their backs. After they went to jail, they were even more rebellious. The old iron buddies also rushed to the ground. Now think about it, it is really stupid, obviously unable to do it, but desperately make it bad, midnight dreams back, Shu Ning looks strange in the mirror.

The door opened and many people came in.

"how is he?"

The mellow and low voice is extraordinarily magnetic, just like a man's rigorous temper, and his sharp vision falls on Shu Ning's pale face.

The dean and the doctor both pinched a cold sweat. The person who had just sent it was no longer on the road. It was not saved. It seems that Shu’s appearance is not related to the person who is going to die.

Shu Heng is the arrogant son of the emperor, and is very popular. It belongs to the nobles on the top of the pyramid. Our hospital can't afford it. The dean organizes the language and euphemistically explains: "I heard that it was because of the fight, the injury in the prison was too heavy, there was no first time. I sent it to the first aid, and it has been delayed for too long..." No.

Shu Heng, who is indifferent to color, has a frowning eyebrow. It is very helpful to let the doctor’s president go out.

"Shu is not too sad, the prison commander is my old classmate. I have already said hello according to your meaning, let him take care of Shu Er less, I am sorry for such an accident, please mourn," Ten times bent to apologize, the heart was very upset, cold sweat wet the back.


"Yes," Special help did not dare to get up.


\\\"Yes, \\\" Special help to go out quickly, the foot is soft. Shu Zong let check, indicating that someone must have harmed Shu Er. Damn, the special help of the eyes is cold, as a few people who know Shu’s life experience, the special help never dared to despise Shu Ning, the real dragon prince. If it is not the second to be provocative by the biological mother, and there is no envy of the father and the ability to inherit the company, how can Shu will condescend to lower the management company, so that Shu Er can take the red and candid life of the giants?

The adoption of the grace can not be reported.

The room was quiet, and Shu Heng sat up for ten minutes before he got up: "The evidence of the crime between you and your mother was not announced by me. I collected the evidence just to force your mother to give up the right to inheritance, and to be safe, she will still be Mrs. Shu. Still living in the ancestral home, the cost of living will not be less... But I did not expect that she would rather let you sin, and I don’t want Shu Yao to let go of the inheritance right and escape the night."

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