MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-~ [Extra] Chapter 8

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Ouyang Nuan showed no mercy and pushed him away. Xiao Tianzhang seemed to be rogue and fell down.

Ouyang Nuo stayed a little bit, and just told someone to lift him out, only to find that his breathing was slightly suffocated, but she fainted. She was frightened, and quickly ordered Hongyu to ask the doctor to come in.

The doctor hurriedly diagnosed and treated him, and even said, "Oh, how can you let the blood flow like this, even the Iron Man will lose too much blood." While secretly condemning Ouyang Nuan with his eyes closed.

Ouyang Nuan: "..." How did she know that this person was wayward and had to wait until she woke up before bandaging it? She has never met such a willful person.

Covered by Xiao Tianying's beautiful eyelashes, a thick black shadow was reflected under the eyes.

Taking care of her is very hard ... she thought in her mind.

In order to wait for Ouyang Nun, they stayed on the mountain for ten days. During this period, the people who came to see their relatives were examined. One thousand people died in half, and the remaining people were also injured. The result of this landslide was terrible.

Xiao Tianmin was running around and busy, almost like an iron man. Ouyang Nuan could not help but ask the doctor curiously: "Isn't he worried? Is it so hard to work?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "Shizi has been carefully groomed since he was a child. As long as he is not angry, angry, and sad, he will always be happy, no different from normal people."

Keeping your mood happy at all times when you are not angry or angry, this requirement is very high. Who can keep a happy mood all his life without anger and anger? Unless it is a wood man.

"Nuaner, we're almost done, we can start immediately." Xiao Tianyi suddenly opened the curtain and came in.

Ouyang Nuan subconsciously answered: "Okay ..."

"There are wounded people outside who need to be bandaged. Why are you still here?" Xiao Tianmao was not friendly to anyone close to Ouyang Nuan.

The old doctor touched his beard and walked away with a smile, without being affected by his bad mood.

"What about the injured person?" Ouyang Nuan asked.

Xiao Tian shouted: "Just rest assured, the slightly injured person will go down the mountain with us first, and then I will arrange for the hand to deal with the seriously injured who can't move now."

"Are there enough food?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange it." Xiao Tianyi smiled.

Ouyang Nuo nodded and said, "One more thing I have to tell you, this landslide is not an accident, but an artificial one. Someone imprisoned me and controlled my consciousness to kill you. This group of people apparently came from Nanxun—— "

The words were not finished, and suddenly a violent vibration began around.

Xiao Tianmao walked quickly and hugged Ouyang Nuan, "Hurry up, hide in the open place!"

Ouyang Nuan was too late to speak, and as he ran out of the account together, the surrounding vibrations became more and more intense, the ground suddenly subsided, the speed was too fast to catch off, and the darkness had engulfed the two of them ...

A hidden house in the hill not far.

A man in black kneeled on the ground, respectfully said: "Second prince, they have been buried alive."

Ming Ruo's gaze rose from the paintings on the wall, and he said softly, "I see."

The man in black looked up at him secretly, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth ...

Ouyang Nuan was slammed and dropped by Xiao Tianzhang, because it was not too painful to have him underneath, but his chest was sore.

Wait, he's underneath ...

Ouyang Nuan's heart missed a beat, and he climbed up with both hands and feet. Hongyu and Acorus were both taking care of the wounded outside when the incident occurred. There were only two people in the account: she and Xiao Tianzhang, so now she had no object to ask for help.

Xiao Tianzhang just started motionless, and his eyelashes fluttered before blinking.

Ouyang Nuan looked at him with complex eyes. The blood was stained from the brocade of his left arm, a little bit of red spots, shocking, and the unreasonable fear spread from Ouyang Nuan's heart. She didn't have time to export, and she was suddenly surrounded Stay close to his body.

His voice was a little weak, but he was very firm: "Warm, you're fine."

A slight sound echoed in this small space with inexplicable peace of mind.

Looking at this face, she has Qingjun's eyebrows, fair skin, tall nose bridges and slightly raised lips. How cute and lovely should she be? Who would treat him cruelly? Ouyang Nuan drooped her eyelashes, her heart turned like a river.

It is impossible to say no touch, but in the touch, but clearly understand the gap between each other.

She blinked, and she was thinking about whether to help him to get up. A booming sound of boulder rubbing sounded, raising her eyes, and a rock quickly landed not far from them. The next second, I heard a muffled noise coming from under my feet, and then the ground suddenly collapsed.

Time after time, this is endless! Mingruo obviously wanted their lives this time! Ouyang Nuan subconsciously protected Xiao Tianzhang, the original ray of light disappeared again.

Ouyang Nuan woke up, it was already two hours later, but it was no longer under the dark and dark ground, that person-carrying her on the snow.

A large swath of snowflakes fluttered on the face with the cold wind, making people unable to open their eyes, Ouyang warmly froze: "You——"

The snow accumulated in the valley was quite thick. Every time Xiao Tianzhang took a step, his boots would sink into the soft snow, and a row of crooked footprints solitary printed on the white snow.

Xiao Tianxi subconsciously supported her body, Ouyang warmed up, flushed for a moment, and suddenly a low mute voice:

"Let me down—"

"I know you are uncomfortable, and I will put you down when I find a safe place ..." Xiao Tianchi whispered.

His left arm was injured, and there was no way to hug Ouyang Nuan, only to carry her.

Ouyang warmed, but felt a sharp pain in her right leg: "My leg--"

"It should have been injured by the stone just now. It doesn't matter. We will go to the doctor for treatment when we go back."

"Where is this?" Ouyang Nuan looked around, and it seemed that they were no longer where they were.

"When the stone was pressed down for the first time, we were only pressed under the tent, but a landslide occurred just now. It seems that the entire mountain road collapsed." Xiao Tianying said lightly, obviously not wanting to make Ouyang warm too much.

I don't know how Ruby is ... Ouyang Nuan frowned.

"They were outside when the incident happened, and the situation should be much better than ours. But this landslide was caused by artificial explosives. The purpose is to kill our lives, so no landslides will happen again-it is difficult to say. "He seemed to know what she wanted.

Ouyang Nuan stopped talking, and she vaguely felt that if there was no mood to confirm whether they were alive or dead-because when she left, he gave him a small gift. She subconsciously glanced at her ring, and she blinked, and Mingruo, if you were in the first day, I would be fifteen, and I would only charge you some interest.

In the room, Ming Ruo was looking at the poems and paintings on the wall. A carrier pigeon had just flown in. He looked thoughtful after seeing the secret letter brought by the carrier.

The man in black looked at him cautiously and said, "Second prince, it seems that the first wave of explosives caused a series of landslides. It is now very dangerous, aren't all the people who withdrew from us-"

If Ming suddenly turned around and looked at him coldly, "Who wants you to make your own claim?"

The man in black changed his face, and Mingruo sternly said, "You can't make a decision here!"

The man in black didn't dare to speak, and bowed his head. Mingruo asked again, "Are you sure that the main account is held down by the boulder?" The man in black shouted, "This, my subordinates dare not say!"

Ming Ruolen gave him a cold glance, pulled the sword from the wall with a brush, pointed at him, and forced to ask, "You have been with me for ten years." The man in black looked at him with a stunned look, not knowing him Why did you suddenly mention this?

Ming Ruo sneered, and brought the sword close to the tip of his nose, and said, "What benefit has my elder brother given you, and you must report to me every move you make. Are you kidding me and I will not kill you?"

The man in black was startled: "Second prince, I dare not betray you!" The words haven't finished, Mingruo has stabbed out with a sword, and the sword instantly penetrates the man's chest, a blood Sprayed out and splashed on Mingruo's hands and face. The man in black opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it was true, and suddenly tilted his head.

A drop of blood fell from the tip of Mingruo's little finger, dripping in front of his toes, and he looked coldly at the body of the man in black. He just got the news that this man has been with him for ten years, but now he betrays him and trusts his elder brother!

Want to come, Xiao Tianzhang is the commander-in-chief of the 500,000 army. Most of the army is the old part of the Qin king. Follow his diehards. As soon as the news of his death spreads, Xiao Lingfeng is likely to be forced to follow up. At that time, with 500,000 troops to adjust the gun head to deal with Nanxun, then the great prince would surrender himself as a murderer to show comfort. The prince is really killing two birds with one stone. If there is a sneer, there is no such thing as easy!

"If you order Fengshan, you must find Xiao Tianmao and Ouyang Nuan—" After just half of the words, Ming suddenly felt a sharp pain in the index finger of his right hand, he glanced subconsciously, but found that he did not know when the entire index finger had become black And the black gas continued to spread upwards, he was inexplicably surprised, and the other servants next to him exclaimed: "Second Prince! What's wrong with you!"

After all, Mingruo was a ruthless man. Between light and flint, he immediately made a decision, brushed it, the sword flashed, and a black index finger broke on the ground with blood flowing to the ground!

Crossing his fingers, he almost died in pain, his face turned whiter than paper.

The follower rushed out immediately, fetched a medicine chest and bandaged him with medicine.

Ming Ruo's breath was weak, but his eyes shot like a sword and rain on the paintings on the wall. Ouyang Nuan turned out to be you! I prescribed a medicine to you, and you gave it back so soon, and I broke a finger if it hurt me! Well, it really is a ruthless character!

Ouyang Nuan's ring was sent by Lin Yuanxin for emergency situations. The ring looks no different from a normal ring. The mechanism is that the ring has two layers, the bottom layer contains poison, but the upper layer is empty. There is a small hole in the middle. Usually cut off. As soon as the ring is rotated, the poison in the middle hole can be opened. This was originally used for self-defense, but Ouyang Nuan deliberately put poison on the wall. If the poison does not enter the throat for a short time, it will be fatal. If it touches the skin, it will continue to spread and cause the body to rot. Ouyang Nuan is sure that if he is curious, he will be able to poke with his hands. Knowing that if a strong man breaks his wrist.

In fact, if it is fortunate, if it was not for his sudden anger and murder, the toxicity would not spread so quickly, it would only unknowingly destroy his half of his arm, instead of just one finger.

The followers looked at each other, and they did not expect that the Yongan County Lord who had been restricted in action actually had such a spiteful method waiting for their master in the back-this is really the modern news.

At this time, Ouyang Nuan, who was cursed by them, is also facing a predicament never before. Because they found that the mountain where they were originally collapsed, they also fell under the cliff where they didn't know where they were, and they saw many people intermittently along the way, but they were out of breath.

Ouyang Nuan was just fortunate. She did not find ruby ​​and iris among these people. Now she can only hope that they can sustain it for a while.

"You drop me, I can go by myself." Ouyang Nuan noticed that Xiao Tianmao's strength was unsuccessful, and his steps were slightly hesitant.

He had been looking for her without sleep, but was stabbed later, and did not take a good rest at all. Although Ouyang Nuan told herself not to feel guilty, after all, her heart was not made of iron.

"It's okay." Xiao Tianyi smiled slightly, and then licked his painful lips which had been blown out of the blood by the cold wind, but stubbornly refused to let down Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan couldn't say what it was like. It was right that he had forced himself to this miserable position, but now, he has always stood by her. If he left him here now, no one would say him or anything, after all, only life is the most important.

Walking forward in the snow all the way, gradually walking under the mountain wall, Xiao Tianyu stopped suddenly and looked carefully, only to find a cave with a small entrance in front of them.

"Let's have a rest there." There was a glimmer of light in Xiao Tian's eyes.

Ouyang Nuo nodded gently: "Okay."

Neither had the energy to speak again.

The temperature inside the cave is higher than the outside. It feels a lot warmer when you enter. Ouyang Nuan closed her eyes and then opened her eyes. Slowly, her eyes began to adapt to the dim light in the cave. Although the entrance to the cave is small, Quite spacious enough to accommodate several people.

Xiao Tianzhang gently placed Ouyang Nuan on an open space, and then coughed heavily. This cough sounded particularly clear in the quiet space. She was startled and shivered inexplicably: "You— Are you okay? "

Xiao Tianmao just smiled and looked at her with bright eyes: "Warm son, do you care about me?"

Ouyang Nuan could not say anything else, just looked at him.

Xiao Tianchi's eyes grew more and more glorious. He smiled as usual: "Don't worry, I'll go out and find something, and I'll be back soon."

Having said that, he checked whether there was anything like snakes in the cave, and found that it was safe for the time being, and then walked quickly outside the cave. Ouyang Nuan saw that he carefully covered half of the hole with snow and branches, and then heard the footsteps go further and further.

Because the only light was gone, the entire opening was in darkness. Ouyang Nuan could only hear his own heartbeat in such silence. Obviously it has been checked that there is no danger in this cave, but in such a space, she could hear the sound of a thin sound on the wall, and subconsciously guessed that it was some kind of reptile, and she was involuntarily on the ground. Holding together.

Before she stepped out of Ouyang Mansion, there was only struggle in her life, and she thought that the kind of intrigue was already the whole of her life, but now it seems that the world is very vast, and in front of nature, people are small and unbearable. hit. No matter how clever she is, can she resist a landslide and survive the severe cold?


The blood on her leg was still flowing. Xiao Tianying had just helped her with a simple dressing, but she could feel that the wound was still hurting, but she didn't want to make him more uncomfortable or to be a burden on others.

I didn't know how long before the hole suddenly lighted up.

"The snow outside is getting heavier." Xiao Tianzhen patted the snow flakes that had gradually melted into his clothes and walked in.

"Are there any living people?" Ouyang Nuan stared at him slightly nervously.

Xiao Tianchi was silent for a moment, and Jun Xiu's long Phoenix eyes slowly revealed a cool and thin smile: "Nothing."

Ouyang Nuan was disappointed. At this moment, Xiao Tianzhang smelled a kind of faint bloodyness pervading the cave.

"Your wound is cracking?"

He walked over quickly to take off Ouyang Nuan's shoes. She pressed his hand and shook her head slowly: "It's all right."

"Shhh ..." He shook his head slightly, and whispered softly but very firmly, "Let me have a look."

He took off her shoes, but saw the wound spread from the foot to the calf, a long, long **** mouth, and the eyes suddenly turned red, but he showed a smile that looked very relaxed: "Don't be afraid, it's okay "Then he quickly ripped off his robes and rebanded her.

The wound was very painful, and there was no medicine. He had to stop bleeding first. Xiao Tianchi bandaged and whispered softly: "I just walked all the way. I counted 45 people who fell with us. There are a total of 45 people. Alive, they will come to find us. "

Ouyang Nuan's gaze stopped on Xiao Tianmao's blood-stained left arm that could not see the color, and then quickly turned his eyes: "Well."

The cold wind mixed with snow flakes poured in from the entrance of the cave, and Xiao Tianyi glanced at the entrance of the cave, stood up and went out, dragging back a large pile of messy dead grass. He shook the floating snow from the branches and hay, and then took out a flame. Ouyang Nuan also saw Dali soldiers playing with similar things. Xiao Tianyi marched out of the battle, and of course he carried it with him.

The position where he sat down was facing the air outlet, and Ouyang Nuan would not be stupid enough that he didn't know that she was sheltering the wind for her.

There are snow beads on the dead branches, so it took a long time to finally set off the fire. Although the fire was small, it also burned a warmth. Xiao Tianyi found a march from the side Water bag, looking at Ouyang Nuan's surprised look, he smiled: "I just picked it off from a person."

"..." Dignified Prince Guixi, Ouyang Nuan will not forget how arrogant and arrogant he was when he first met him, and this man who looks like he has experienced wind, frost, rain and snow, is exactly two Look.

Her tightly closed mouth twitched a bit, and Xiao Tianyu put the water bag near her mouth and whispered, "I have cleaned it with snow water."

Ouyang Nuan is not thirsty, so she just shook her head. Xiao Tianyi thought she was still dirty, and just opened her mouth, but was interrupted by the intolerable low cough as soon as she opened her mouth. Ouyang Nuan's gaze quickly swept over the cracked wound on his left arm, his expression between eyes Become a little gentle--

"Let me see your wound."


The low cough echoed in the slightly cold cave, and the coldness of Ouyang's warm eyebrows had melted into a gentleness that he hadn't even noticed the moment he looked at the man.

Regardless of whether he caused her to leave the country and stay away from the culprit of relatives, now he has saved her life.

For life, Ouyang Nuan is not a person who does not know the importance. If you want to live now, you must support each other.

The crackling fire gently burned out a small spark, Xiao Tian looked at her, and a hint of surprise slowly flowed between her eyebrows.

In his impression, Ouyang Nuan has never been so gentle.

What should I say? Although she always smiles, she is also alienated, as if the cold lotus flower is extremely beautiful, but if you dare to climb the fold, the better result is that the monkey missed the moon, and the worst ... it fell Into the icy lake.

Even so, knowing that this lotus does not belong to him, he couldn't help but reach out.

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Nuan couldn't help asking when he saw that he was in a bun.

Xiao Tianzhang suddenly woke up, showing a somewhat flustered expression, Ouyang's dark eyes stared at his face, and he was a little surprised for a moment, this—it wouldn't be blushing.

blush? Would such a thick-skinned guy be as blushing as Xiao Tianzhang?

Because no one spoke, the cave became silent for a while, Ouyang Nuan was quiet for a long while, staring at the man with a complex look for a long time, and then slowly murmured in a low voice: "Have a good rest for a while, while They haven't come yet ... "

She said that they would not be a rescuer. Xiao Tianmao was more soberly aware of their environment than Ouyang Nuan, so he just went out not just to find firewood, but more importantly to wipe out traces. Although the rescuers would come down to find them, the enemy would do the same. The long life in the army made Xiao Tianmao highly alert. After confirming that the landslide was artificial, the first thing he did was to hide them all the way. trace.

But he didn't expect that Miss Qian Jin, who was raised in deep boudoirs like Ouyang Nuan, realized the same. Sure enough, it was the woman he chose, and Xiao Tianyi raised his corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Ouyang Nuan looked at his eyes and suddenly felt that the atmosphere was too ambiguous and could not help moving.

The wrist was grasped tightly by the man's cold hand, Ouyang Nuan looked at his pale face with a dreadful expression, Xiao Tianmao's bloodless lips closed tightly, opened slightly, and spit out a somewhat dull voice. ︰"it is good……"

The cold wind screaming outside the cave, Ouyang's constant look from time to time because of the reflection of snow, whether it is day or night outside the cave, when he turned his eyes to the drowsy man lying on her knees, he was always subconscious. Tighter lips.

This guy, always take advantage of weakness and deliberately take advantage ... Although it is an unmarried couple, after all, has not married, after all, wouldn't such an action be too intimate?

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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