MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-~ [Extra] Chapter 5

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Being abducted and returning to the house where he originally lived, Ouyang Nuan was frustrated for a moment and was about to succeed.

"I really underestimated you. It really is the woman that Xiao Tianzhang fancy. It's not easy!" Ming Ruo had no pity for Xiangxiyu, and threw her to the ground.

Ouyang Nuan looked up at him subconsciously.

When Mingru was looking at her, he frowned suddenly: "It's so cunning. If I hadn't looked around in both directions, I didn't see any talents who became suspicious. Who would think you would be generous from the door? Fang went out! "

The forehead was soaked and wet by the snow, Ouyang Nuan's voice was slightly hoarse and unconsciously mocked: "No, I couldn't escape?"

Ming Ruonuan answered quickly: "You-you won't have this opportunity again."

It seemed to be silent for a while, Ouyang Nuan glanced at Ming Ruo, and lowered his eyes: "What do you want?"

If there was a slight chill in Ming's voice: "You should be able to guess ... I am Nanxun. Although Xiao Tianzhang fled to Nanxun, after all, the blood of the Dali royal family was left on him. We would be accidentally caught by him I took a bite, so I don't want this marriage to continue smoothly ... "

The purpose of this person is to destroy peace and closeness.

"So who are you?"

Ouyang Nuan whispered softly. After this day, if he kept speaking softly to her, as long as no major events were involved, he could maintain a good manner. Such a person would not be an ordinary lower-ranking officer.

Even at a distance, you can feel Ouyang Nuan's aversion to his instinct. Ming Ruo smiled: "You will know soon ..." Then he squatted down, brushing his face unintentionally. , Fingertips stained with a little crystal powder. Suddenly caught off guard, a swell of turbulence that could not be resisted pervaded. Ouyang Nuan wanted to open his eyes, but seemed to be endlessly hindered, tired, and unable to move at all.

Mingruo ’s voice resounded in a distant place: "This is the river grass growing in Nanzhao. This herb is usually used by doctors for anesthesia, but if it is used in large doses, it will slowly lose people. Self-control, everything you originally remember will slowly disappear, is n’t it interesting ... Xiao Tianmao is a soft and hard person, so let him see what the woman he has always wanted to marry back. Hate him. Sleep well, you will forget everything that happened today when you wake up ... "

I don't know how long after that, Ouyang Nuan opened her eyes, and the sunlight outside the window came in with a slight temperature, making her originally weak body even more unwilling to move.

Ming Ruo was sitting on the only chair in the room. Since Ouyang Nuan tried to escape and almost succeeded, every time the dumb girl came to deliver meals, Ming Ruo would come together, and he stayed in the room significantly longer. .

When Ouyang Nuan woke up, he was sitting in front of a window, and the window turned open. He quietly flipped through a book, his actions were elegant and noble.

This person's description and behavior all indicate that he grew up in an environment of pride and respect. No, maybe his status is very high in Nanxun, Ouyang Nuan thought.

When Ouyang Nuan awoke, Ming Ruo stood up with a mild voice: "You have walked in the snow for so long and suffered a lot of cold. If I hadn't found you in time, you would have really woke up."

If you don't find me, now I have found Xiao Tianzhang. Ouyang Nuan sneered, but soon she froze. When did she start counting on Xiao Tianzhang to save her? She always solves the problem herself, of course, the problem is very troublesome, and this trouble is brought by Xiao Tianzhang. But anyway, she saw him in person today, which shows that he got the news and brought someone to save her.

Since you can't escape, you can only count on him.

Ouyang Nuan sighed in his heart. If it wasn't for the women in the backyard who could only play with their minds, since he dared to use explosives to hurt so many people's lives, he wouldn't give up without achieving his goal. So when is he going to do it to himself? Looking at him from a distance, Ouyang Nuan's eyes flashed a little confusion, immediately sober, and the words helplessly said: "What the **** are you going to do to me, just leave it like this forever?"

If Ming didn't answer the question, he smiled slightly: "Are you dizzy? When I brought you back today, I looked like you were standing still."

Ouyang Nuan frowned gently: "I'm fine."

She did not deny the term "today", if she said gently, "How many days have you been here?"

Ouyang Nuan's brain buzzed, and she paused for a moment, saying, "Maybe three days, no, four days."

She has been held here for five days. Although it is restricted in movement, after all, the day and night alternation can be discerned by light. If Ouyang Nuan is as normal as before, this will never happen.

It seems that the effect is already working.

Thinking of this, he smiled and turned the topic: "Don't you be afraid when you run away?"

Ouyang Nuan faintly remembered that when he ran away, he felt that the cold wind was terrible like a devil. Every time he passed, he flew with snowflakes and blew on his body. It was not only cold enough to make his teeth tremble, but even his breathing was not smooth. But she also noticed the desolate and vast snow, the white world, the frosty dead trees, the hazy sky, and all kinds of strange stones in the distance. She smiled: "I thought the scenery of the Dali was already very beautiful , But did not expect Nanzhao to have such a magnificent view. "

Ming Ruo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ouyang Nuan, such a weak Dali woman, to feel the grandeur and grandeur of Nanxun's unique snow scene. He originally thought she could not adapt to the hard life and desolate scenery here, thinking that this completely different lifestyle and environment from Dali would damage her delicate vitality and obliterate her strong fighting spirit, but now it seems that he wants to It's too simple.

Although Ouyang Nuan's body was not strong, her mental and willpower made him look impressive. Later, he was inexplicably open to heart, yeah, this is the woman that Xiao Tianzhang fancy, naturally it will not be just an embroidered pillow.

Ouyang warmed to the life of intrigue in the big house courtyard, what is this little storm? As long as Ming is not endangering her life and not approaching her casually, in fact, the life of this prisoner is not so bad.

When it was time to change a living environment, Ouyang Nuan thought so, and automatically lay down with his eyes closed.

"Are you sleepy again?" Ming Ruo whispered.

Ouyang Nuan looked at Mingruo with a strange look, and then looked out the window, wondering: "Yes, it's daytime now, why am I so sleepy."

Mingruo's eyes flashed a light: "Maybe it's because you're too tired."

No matter how tired he would not sleep for five hours, he would continue to sleep, but he did not tell Ouyang Nuan this sentence.

"You're right, I'm not only sleepy, I'm tired." Ouyang Nuan's voice prolonged slightly, as if thinking, but the frown frowned the next moment, "What's going on ..."

There was a coldness in Mingruo's eyes ...

"Nuaner is not with you?"

General Song was dead. Vice Admiral Lin, who temporarily held his post, was lifted by his collar, panicked, and his voice was terrified: "This, Lord ... I really don't know."

Xiao Tianzhang's hand was raised, and the tyrannical factor in his body almost broke through his chest. His expression instantly seemed extremely stingy, and for a moment there was almost the urge to kill the guy on the spot! Obviously he is in charge of guarding, even dare to leave his post! Doesn't he know that his mission is to defend the close Yong'an County Lord? In danger, I only know that I run away, **** it!

"Prince!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

Xiao Tianchi looked for a moment, then raised his head, and saw Aya Puyi walking towards here step by step with Ruby. The two of them were covered with dust, their hair was scattered, their faces were black and white, and Ruby's one leg He was also injured, a large hole was ripped in his knee, his flesh was exposed, and he oozed blood.

"Where is the warm child?" Xiao Tianmao's face showed a surprise. Ruby and Iris have always been Ouyang Nuan's personal girl. They are inseparable. They are here, so she must be nearby!

Hongyu looked at Xiao Tianzhang, and tears kept flowing down her eyes: "Master, save our lady! Please save her!"

Iris on one side suddenly burst into tears.

Xiao Tianzhang saw this scene, and a heart sank immediately: "Naner was not with you?"

Ruby was still injured on her leg, but she didn't dare to delay, and quickly said what happened.

"Mingruo? I sent it?" Xiao Tianying's complexion could only be described by shock. He didn't even send any messenger to meet his relatives. He personally came to meet Ouyang Nuan himself, but unfortunately he was first boarded! **** it! He turned abruptly, throwing his fists like an electric turn, and hit the carriage with a sharp punch.

The carriage's carriage shook suddenly.

Xiao Tianzhang raised his fist and punched him again. His hand was dripping with blood. He glanced at the wound and felt that the pain in his heart was far better than the pain in the flesh. He turned his head and stared gloomily at Vice Admiral Lin. "If there is anything wrong with Nuaner, I want you to pay for it with your life!" At the end, the sound seemed to be honed from the gap between the teeth.

Vice Admiral Lin's body shivered, and he knelt on the ground and did not dare to speak.

The day passed quickly again.

In the room, Ouyang Nuan got up from the bed and wore the winter clothes that Mingruo had prepared for her. I don't know why. Since she came back, the window in this room has been opened, but there are a lot of guards outside the window. Ouyang Nuan guessed that not only the window, the yard was surrounded by people.

"Are you awake?" The gentle-eyed man suddenly spoke behind her.

Ouyang Nuan stepped back subconsciously, but the man smiled and handed over a piece of white fox fur: "The mountain is freezing in the cold, put it on."

Then, he carefully handed over a plum, with red petals, green branches and leaves, and a touch of fragrant fragrance.

Ouyang Nuo bowed her head and looked at the flowers: "I ..."

Ming Ruo smiled: "You like plum blossoms. This plum blossom was hard to find. Are you happy?"

Ouyang Nuan frowned. Did he tell him he liked plum blossoms? She seemed to have woke up halfway, but at that time she and Ming Ruo had said something that she didn't even remember. How could it happen-when will her memory run down to this point? Obviously what I had said was forgotten in an instant.

"Today I ordered them to prepare rose cakes, but Nanxun's cook was made after your description. I don't know what the taste will be! I'm a little looking forward to it!" The smile on the face has deepened.

Ouyang Nuan was even more surprised. Did he even say he liked anything? Is she old enough to forget what she said at any time?

how can that be! Although she never said that she would never forget, her memory is very good! How could it be so!

What happened next made Ouyang Nuan even more confused. Not only did she start to forget what she said or did, sometimes she suddenly saw Ming Ruo, and she couldn't even call his name.

None of this is right. Ouyang Nuan suspected that she had a problem with her daily diet, but she tried it with silver needles, but she couldn't try anything. There is no poison that cannot be tested by silver needle unless it is not poison at all. As long as you think about it, you can understand that if Ming Ming would never be so stupid with a chronic poison, she would kill her, and that would be the result! If it weren't for the poison, what effect would her memory loss have?

Ouyang Nuan doubted that if Ming wanted to make her a **** under his control, he was completely pinched in his palm.

It turns out that although this guess is incomplete, it is not far off.

She knew that if the situation continued to develop, she would really become a fool. This would not work! Ouyang Nuan looked around the room. There was no pen and paper. There was nothing she could do. She quickly pulled out the mule on her head, tried it quietly on the wall, and then wrote hard.

On the surface, Ouyang Nuan's memory is getting worse and worse, but in fact, what she should remember is always hidden in the hidden place on the wall. Maybe she believes in the drug too much, and if she shows a little disguise to Ouyang Nuan, No doubt.

But soon, the dumb girl responsible for cleaning the room discovered the secret, and then told Mingruo that the next day, the words on the wall disappeared, and then no matter how many times Ouyang Nuan engraved, the words continued to disappear. She gradually realized that this struggle was undoubtedly ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of the other party.

Even though it is ridiculous, Ouyang Nuan does not want to forget who he is.

this point is very important.

"Drink **** soup." Since the escape, Ming Ruo has come in person every time he feeds **** soup.

Ouyang Nuan guessed vaguely that the problem was in the warming **** soup, but she had to drink it. Even if she doesn't drink **** soup, she can't stop drinking or eating, there is always a place to start. So after she realized this, she drank **** soup obediently in front of Ming Ruo, and then tried to spit it out.

Some medicine will be swallowed, so Ouyang Nuan's memory is still worsening, but it is much slower than the beginning.

"Xiao Tianyi ordered a search of the mountain."

Ouyang Nuan frowned slightly and shook her head gently: "Xiao Tianmao? Why search for mountains?"

Mingruo's eyes flickered and he said, "Don't you even remember Tiantian Xiao?"

Ouyang Nuan raised his eyes, his eyes looked confused: "Should I know who he is ..."

Ming Ruo smiled: "He forced you to leave the country, leave your parents, and killed your younger brother. It is your enemy ..."

Except for Jie Er, although half of what he said was true, Ouyang Nuan always felt that this sounded like--

She continued to look at Mingruo with confused eyes.

If Ming looked at her, his tone was extremely gentle, and he faintly sighed: "It's a pitiful child that you are still infatuated with him because of you. He is simply an evil devil! Didn't you hate him before you died? How can you forget it so easily? "

Ouyang Nuan's eyes blinked, as if confused.

Ming Ruo's voice sank, ringing in Ouyang Nuan's ears, with confusion: "If you think about it, why not suffer so much, suffer so much, and be locked up in this place without him. He It's your enemy! "

"..." The one who held me here is obviously you. Ouyang Nuan sneered in his heart, but his face was very convincing. She began to understand what the other person wanted to do, erased her memory, and instilled her hatred towards Xiao Tianzhang, and then he would surely send her to Xiao Tianzhang's side ...

However, is this too risky in case this medicine fails? Ouyang Nuan thought dimly. Then with a bitter smile, she vomited most of the medicine every day, but she still felt that her memory was declining. It is not without reason that Ming is so confident in this medicine.

It's really scary.

Ouyang Nuan has never felt a sense of inner fear. This time, she really felt that the gentle smiling man in front of her was far more terrible than Xiao Tianzhang.

Although Xiao Tianmao is willful, he will not really hurt her because he has affection for her. But the person in front of him was tender as water on the surface, but in fact he had no feelings for her. His actions have already shown that he did not treat her as a person at all.

Next, no matter what the other party said, Ouyang Nuan said obediently that she was very submissive, but in the bottom of her heart, she scolded the person thoroughly. She has always been a person who is indifferent to anger, but the man in front of her is more ruthless than her! She had to worship the wind!

"It's not early, you can rest." Ming Ruo turned away and said what he wanted to say.

Ouyang Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, then quietly listened for a while, and heard that the footsteps outside had gone, so she reached into her mouth with a mule and tried to spit out the **** soup that was drunk. At this moment, the door suddenly opened It's up!

She looked at Ming Ruo in surprise: "That's the case!" His voice was slightly dumb: "Why are you so disobedient!" His eyes stared at Ouyang Nuan, who just wanted to speak. Ming Ruo suddenly walked up and snatched her bitch.

Ouyang Nuan warmed up and grabbed: "Give me."

Ming Ruo raised his hand high and threw the sister-in-law out of the window: "I told you so many times, don't play tricks ..."

Ouyang warmly looked at him coldly: "It's you who tricks you! You prescribe medicine in the **** soup I drink every day, do you want me to thank you Dade?"

Regarding Xiao Tianzhang and her past, she is indeed becoming more and more vague, but she has been telling herself, do n’t forget, do n’t want to forget, even if it is a painful memory, even if it is a struggling process, that is her life!

If he frowns, his eyes finally become fierce. He has clearly instilled in her the concept that Xiao Tianmao hurt her. This woman was forced to be married, and she should have hated Xiao Tianmao, plus the constant use of Drugs blur her will ... but why is she so persistent?

He threw the door and went out, he whispered to the man in black: "Increase the dosage! Three days, I will give you three more days! Be sure to control Xiao Tianzhang before she finds us!"

He finished, looked back, and clenched his fists! Xiao Tianzhang is not easy to deal with, and he can't get close easily, so he chose Ouyang Nuan to start, but she was not a sly fox! But then, this medicine is used all year round in Nanzhao's prison to control the will of recidivism and let them unknowingly say everything! Has succeeded on countless people, it is impossible to fail! Wait and see, Ouyang Nuan, I will surely make you completely surrender!

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