MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 184

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Mother Liang said: "At first, the princess could not be loved by the prince, and she was always in a deep thought. Concubine Dong ... No, it should be called Dong now. She is from Xinglin. Her father is a military doctor. She also knows a little about medicine. Jing Youjia, the princess has a child, and she has been serving her. "

Ouyang Nuan smiled, "It's true. Everyone said that she took care of Princess Yan day and night so that she could give birth safely. The child she was going to be born in another month actually died. Distraught. "

Mother Liang took a sip and said, "If you don't know, unless she doesn't do anything, she won't do it, and she will be known after all. Other people can hide it, but how can her mother be her confidant? Can it be concealed? In fact, Dong's took the opportunity to take care of the production of Princess Yan, strangled the real son with his own hands, and replaced him with his underterm child after giving birth with drugs. It was also because the child was underterm He was born weak and ill, that is to say, the current prince is not the biological son of Princess Yan, but the son of Dong! "

Ouyang warmed for a moment, and immediately covered a layer of frost on her face, and said coldly, "Do you know what you're talking about?" She wanted to say the last sentence, but you babbled and confused the blood of the uncle, but it came to your mouth. Children, when thinking of the expression of Princess Dong at the time, it still became: "Are you sure?"

Mother Liang quickly nodded and only said: "Slave is afraid to talk nonsense."

Ouyang Nuan looked at her and said seriously: "Mother Liang, this kind of thing can't be done, not only you, but even me, will be affected. Why can I believe you."

Mother Liang insisted and said, "Slave dare to guarantee with his head!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled: "Your head is in front of you. I'm afraid that others are not interested. Just a few words will shake the status of the world son. Are you all a fool?"

It's a big thing to confuse the bloodlines of the palace. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, such a thing has never happened. If it is verified that Dong's ten heads are not enough to cut, even Xiao Zhongjun cannot escape heavy punishment. Can Dong Fei, who has always been cautious, leave a handle and be caught? Ouyang Nuan shook his head and said he didn't believe it. The ruby ​​and calamus next to each other looked at each other with suspicious expression on their faces.

Mother Liang categorically stated: "Prince of the county, my sons and daughters are all in the palace, and I dare to swear them. If there is a half-spoken word today, my family will be thunder and thunder!"

Taking a vow at this time is really sure-Ouyang Nuan slowly said: "There are so many girls' mothers when Princess Yan is giving birth. How can Dong's be changed?"

Mother Liang said: "The prince of the county has no idea. Princess Yan is a cowardly and thoughtful person. There are never too many slaves in her yard. They are too noisy, not to mention that when the princess gave birth, there were only one or two mothers. He had his heart, Dong not only bought the midwife, but also used the dystocia as an excuse to send Princess Yan's confidant at that time to invite Wang Ye and the Taiyi to come. The rest were hers. It wasn't just what she wanted to do. do!"

Ouyang Nunning thought about it and thought that it was too ridiculous to say: "This thing is always too incredible."

Mother Liang immediately said: "Prince of the county, think about it, the child will be stable in the month. How can Dong's child fall because of being too tired? Who would be so stupid in the world, risking that they have no children? Waiting for others to have children? She had already planned, and the poor princess was so stupid that she would believe such a white-eyed wolf! "

Ouyang Nuan just stared at Mother Liang, as if thinking about the credibility of her speech.

Mother Liang was anxious and immediately said: "If the county princess does not believe it, you can go to search the Qinglian House, and you will definitely gain something!"

I casually suspected that Xiao Chongjun was not the biological son of Princess Yan. This would also be a huge shock to Xiao Chonghua. If he could not come up with solid evidence, he would be misunderstood. People will think that they want to be the position of the world's concubine, so they have to make such a fussless thing to injustice Dong's family. If that's the case, they will not only lose their reputation, but also indirectly give them a chance to stand up. , But it's too much. But such a good opportunity is too bad to let go. Ouyang Nuan thought for a long time, and suddenly got up and said, "Mother Liang, I have to investigate this matter. Before I have a conclusion, please stay in this yard and don't leave in one step!"

Mother Liang immediately lowered her head and said, "Yes, slaves are waiting here. If the county princess needs slaves to testify, slaves must do their best."

Ouyang Nuan didn't say much any more, and told Changpu to take Liang's mother to settle down, but she went to a small yard in the backyard.

When Aunt Xu saw Ouyang Nuan, she looked surprised: "Why is the county princess here?"

Aunt Xu is the only confidant of Princess Yan. Others have either returned to the country or died of illness. The only one left is her. If she can really find out what happened, Aunt Xu is also a very important person. Ouyang Nuan laughed, "I'll see if my aunt is well."

Aunt Xu just smiled, her face calm and serene: "I'm fine, thanks to the care of the county king."

Ouyang Nuan's face was covered with a faint shadow, and there was some haze on the white jade-like face. Aunt Xu's expression was even more surprised: "Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Ouyang Nuan knew that Aunt Xu was a very transparent person, and she asked softly, "Aunt Xu, when Princess Yan was producing, were you with her?"

At this instant, Aunt Xu's face was as dead as a face.

Ouyang Nuan just understood her expression and understood everything. She just asked, "Why?"

Aunt Xu leaned on the threshold and sat down on her knees slowly. She lowered her head for a long time and didn't speak. For a long time, she said word by word, saying, "It is the sin of slavery. In this matter, slavery will never be able to atone for sin."

Ouyang Nuan looked at the portrait of Princess Yan who was hanging in the hall. With such gentle eyebrows, she could not help sighing, and said, "You are the princess's confidant, why should you betray her?"

Aunt Xu didn't talk for a long time, but she lowered her head.

Ouyang Nuan slowly said, "I haven't told Chonghua about this. He has always respected you. I think you don't want him to come to ask you, right?"

Aunt Xu shook her body, slowly raised her head, and smiled bitterly: "Prince County, you are indeed very different from Miss Wanqing."

Ouyang Nuan raised her brow slightly: "Do you know my mother?"

"Why don't you know?" Aunt Xu lowered her face and felt a little sad. "The prince was very good to the princess, but he never forgot about Miss Lin for a moment." When mentioning King Yan, a flash of pink flashed on her face. Red halo blooms slowly like an acacia flower. "I got married with the princess, and I waited on the princess from a young age. She once said that she would stay with me for the rest of her life."

That is to say, Princess Yan promised that Aunt Xu would be the girl to be the real dowry, and Ouyang Nuan slowly said, "Would you like to lift you up?"

Aunt Xu smiled and said, "We thought so at the time. Later, the princess married into the Royal Mansion of Yan. I saw Wang Ye and secretly rejoiced because I had never seen such a man. He made me admire and I started Hope, as promised by the princess, will let him marry me as a chamber. "

It turned out that Aunt Xu would have such an inexplicable feeling about the King of Yan!

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Aunt Xu, only to see that her face was very soft, and she could barely see the beauty of the water when she was young, she bowed her head gently, "What then?"

Aunt Xu eased her expression and continued: "I look forward, look forward, and finally look forward to the princess standing on her feet, the original wishful thinking, but ..." She sighed, "The princess is really good to me, treat me well Sisters treat it the same way, in fact, I am also her other sister, because my mother is the same as me, a dowry girl, a woman who became the father of the princess, but she has no identity at all, because the mother is good Jealous, she ca n’t even connect to the room. My name does n’t even include the genealogical tree. I only know that there is a princess and princess Jianghai at home. I ’m just a humble girl. ”She was secretly hurt,“ Princess Yan knows This point, so treat me differently from others, especially close, married Queen Queen, but she seems to have forgotten what she said, so I continue to stay with her and be my girl. "

"You like King Yan, but Princess Yan refuses to agree to marry you, so you hate revenge on the princess because of love?" Ouyang Nuan speculated subconsciously.

Aunt Xu shook her head. "She doesn't want to share her husband with anyone. Why should I hurt her for this? What really makes me blame is another thing!" She said, "One day, she suddenly told me that the guard next to Wang Ye Propose to her, she also hopes that I will marry each other and be a lady in the main room, so I do n’t have to wait for someone. Originally, for me, if I ca n’t be with my beloved man, what is the benefit of being a main lady? So I refuse There is a gleam of autumn wind coming out of her eyebrows. "But later, Dong Shi didn't know where I knew my life. She told me that my mother was a slave in the princess's house, and I would marry it. The slaves of the King's Palace so that the princess can rest assured. I have resentment in my heart, am I born to be a slave's life? My mother is not enough to be a slave, and she wants me to marry a slave as well. Ruyi? She just forgot her promise, why should she humiliate me like this! "

Ouyang Nuan's eyebrows were angered: "So you help Dong Fei do that kind of thing in turn?"

Aunt Xu was disappointed. "Just because I was upset that day, Dong Fei told me that my mother was jealous of her mother because she was favored. Later, she became ill and gradually fell out of favor. When I left the house, I let her die like this, so I felt a deep grudge in my heart. I knew that I was born inferior, and I hated being despised most of all my life, not to mention my mother's grievance. Make a big mistake. "

"So she teaches you that if you stay silent while the princess is giving birth and let her do everything, you can revenge and resentment?" Ouyang Nuan continued.

"Yes," Aunt Xu bowed her head, and the original resentment gradually disappeared. "When I saw Dong's stealing beams and changing columns, I knew that a big mistake had been made, and I didn't know how to make up for it, so I worked harder. Taking care of the princess, after the death of the princess, I put all my efforts on taking care of the county king, hoping to compensate for my sin. "

Ouyang Nuan shook her head and sighed, "You are confused, but you are also provoked. If you are by others, it is you. If you let Chonghua know, he might not be sad." She flattered her anger. Thank you for always trying to protect Zhonghua. "

Aunt Xu glanced up. "How did you know?"

"The princess was weak and the king Yan was indifferent. She couldn't always protect the county king. Since Dong's son changed his son, he naturally wanted to get rid of other sister-in-law. Chonghua didn't know how many times he had been harmed He once told me that you have helped him countless times, so he appreciates you. "

Aunt Xu suddenly said, "It's really what caused me to look like this. If it weren't for the moment when my bad thoughts helped me, it wouldn't cause people to get lost. I can only try to make up for it." She shed tears in her eyes, "Little Shizi died tragically as soon as he was born. Shizi ’s position has been occupied by people for many years. The county king lived in a state of impermanence. A few years ago, the princess also contracted the epidemic and died. I did not expect such a consequence. . I regret it, I really regret it. "

Ouyang Nuan moved in her heart and asked urgently, "Oh? Isn't the princess too ill and died? How could she be infected with the epidemic?"

"After Shizi was replaced, although I regretted it, Dong's and I had each other's handles. No one can do anything for a while. After the death of the princess, I had doubts and asked the doctor who was treating the disease. She died of the epidemic, "she groaned." It wasn't just me. The King of Jun was also very suspicious, but then Xiao Zhongjun suddenly became seriously ill, and the King of Kings had no time to get involved in it. "

Ouyang Nuan felt that this matter was inappropriate. "The epidemic is extremely contagious. If one person gets sick, it will spread quickly. So are there other people in the government?"

Aunt Xu nodded. "Yes, a girl next to the princess is called Qinghe."

Ouyang Nuan nodded and said, "Now that Dong's is about to fall, don't know if you can help me?"

Aunt Xu thought for a moment, and the locked Emei's eyebrows had been loosened a little, and slowly said, "OK."

Ouyang Nuan bowed her head. "Aunt is suspected of helping others confuse the blood of the uncle. I am afraid that if Dong's fall, the aunt will also be implicated. I will explain to you why you were forced by her. I hope he can forgive."

Aunt Xu smiled slightly, like Chunmei's snow, always a little cold, saying: "I know that there will be such a day, and I have been waiting. Besides, you are not doing this for your own sake, but it is For the sake of rejuvenation, what I did wrong will eventually cost me. "

In the afternoon three days later, the princess suddenly came to visit, and the king of Yan was taken aback. He immediately came out to greet the emperor who has rarely been out of the princess's house recently, and asked the king of Mingjun and Ouyang Nun to accompany him. .

Ouyang was warming herself in a hazy silver gown with a long rouge, and only a carmine flower was slanted on the sleek cymbals, holding the crystal pendant from the knot on the hairpin. It seemed to be more low-key and simple, and the princess leaned on Looking at her on the soft couch, she smiled and said, "Why don't you make a skirt for you? How does Jane Su look like a princess of the county!"

Ouyang Nuan just smiled and didn't speak.

The King of Yan said: "This is not to blame her. Something happened in the house, but I haven't had time to deal with it-"

The princess slightly frowned upon hearing the words, and then said indifferently, "Oh, hasn't the King's Palace always been well-managed? What can happen?"

The King of Yan waved his hand, leaving only some very close people, this is the saying: "Many things, I didn't want to worry about the emperor, but since you are here in person, I must have heard something, and I will not hide it anymore. It's yours, first Chongjun's assassination, then Rou Ning's madness. Now this matter is inextricably linked to Dong's, but I don't know what to do. "

The princess's sigh was almost indistinguishable. "It's related to Dong's? Why is everything related to her?"

Yan Wang frowned: "Is there anything else related to her?"

The princess was silent for a moment, and said, "Bring people up."

Everyone saw an old man with long hair covering half of his face was taken up, listening only to the princess gently: "You look up."

The old lady suddenly raised her head, scared the girl next to her, and took a step back. The old lady's face had a trace of burns on her face, which almost ruined half of her face. Even though it was daylight, it was also very acceptable. terror.

The princess said to King Yan: "Who is she? Do you still know her?"

Yan Wang stared at the old lady for a while and then just shook her head. "Her face has been destroyed for more than half and she can't recognize it."

The princess smiled and said, "Who on earth do you say?"

The old uncle slowly said: "Slave was the mother-in-law Gui Niang who was waiting for Princess Yan to give birth to a younger son. The prince still remembers that when she chose the midwife, Princess Yan said in front of the slaves that she had to choose He is so kind and intimidating.

The king of Yan suddenly stood up and immediately said, "How do you—become this look?" Vaguely remembered that although the mother-in-law Gui Niang was over thirty years old, she had a good-looking face and was cleaner than the ordinary mother Now, just now in his fifties, is he as old as a 70-year-old? Also ruined half of his face? Why did the princess bring her here? The questions in King Yan's heart emerged one after another, and he could hardly help himself.

Gui Niang said: "Slave-in-law becomes such a ghost, and she must blame your mother Dong Fei's mother!"

The king of Yan heard a moment's words, and he couldn't help but change his words: "What do you mean by this?"

"When the princess gave birth to the younger son, the prince was still in the palace. The house was presided over by Dong's family. The slaves and the other two princesses' confidants stayed in the delivery room to serve, and the others left the yard. Weak, as soon as he gave birth to Xiao Shizi, he passed out. Dong immediately ordered a girl to report to Wang Ye, leaving only another person with the slave. Taking this opportunity, she strangled Xiao Shizi with her own hands, and then gave birth in advance with oxytocin His own son, describing him as a young man-- "

"Bullshit!" Xiao Zhonghua seemed to have a flame burning in his eyes, he interrupted abruptly, "You know what you're talking about!"

There was a tinge of fear on Gui Niang's face. She glanced at the princess and stopped before she said, "Slave will never dare deceive the nobles. Slaves did receive Dong Fei's five thousand two silver to help her. Replaced the child! The slaver did this ambiguity in his life, and he will never forget it! He thought that holding 5,000 silver was enough for slavery and family members to worry about food and clothing in the second half of life. Who knows? Dong Fei actually sent someone to kill the slave's family on the way home from slavery, and set off a fire, pretending to be in the way of robbing and robbing, it would not be a killing. If the slavery was not fatal, she would never live today! How could you let her die when she died in her hands? Unfortunately, she is the master, and the slave is just a humble servant. How dare she casually appear in front of the palace of Yan King. He had been locked up for making mistakes, and the slave was dead and did not dare to stop the princess's car! "

There was a great shock in King Yan's heart, and she stared coldly at her: "Sizi is the biological son of the princess, how could she not recognize it?"

Gui Niang sneered: "Prince, the newborn children are all the same. Furthermore, when they were born in such a noble family, their biological mother just took a look when they were just born, then they were carried away by the nursing mother and waited for a month. Only then can the child continue to take care of the child. The princess is weak and fainted before the child can see it. What ’s weird about not recognizing her own child? Regardless of whether or not the princess ’s biological son is similar to your grandfather, your face is similar That ’s why, how could she doubt it? The most important thing is that there are slaves, and the princess is savvy. I never imagined that the slaves were bought by Dong's! "

The King of Yan suddenly spoke, and he couldn't believe it, Xiao Chongjun was not the real son!

Xiao Zhonghua looked at Gui Niang, word by word, almost jumping out of the gap between teeth: "What about the evidence?"

Gui Niang lowered her head and said, "The girl in the princess's courtyard was gone. The two confidants left in the delivery room at first were one of Dong He's daughter Wang Qing, and the other was Xu Zhen. .If you don't believe it, you can go and confront them. "

Xiao Chonghua looked at King Yan with a flash of cold light in his eyes: "Father Wang, Qing He died of illness when her mother-in-law died, and only Aunt Xu was still there. Please allow her to be called for confrontation!"

King Yan nodded his head. It was a big thing to confuse the bloodlines of the palace, not to mention, the midwife also vocally said that the son was strangled by Dong's hands. Is this really possible? He couldn't believe it anyway! He said, "Let Xu Zhen come here immediately!"

When Aunt Xu came, she knelt down and shook her three heads towards Xiao Chonghua without saying a word. Xiao Chonghua looked at her in shock. She slowly raised her head and said, "Slave said nothing today. Please listen to the king and the king. "

"As soon as Xiaoshizi was born, Qing Ping was transferred by Dong's excuses. Slave was the only princess' confidant left. Slave watched Dongshi slay the young son, and then replaced his real son with his own child. Then make the illusion of miscarriage because she is too tired to take care of the princess, so that no one will suspect that she is weak because she has just given birth ...

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