MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 182

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King Yan was somber that he didn't speak. The girl brought the tea, and Dong Fei personally delivered it to the King of Yan. He grabbed the tea cup and fell to the ground severely. He slammed a piece of fine porcelain and splashed with tea. Everyone was taken aback. Everyone except Xiao Chonghua knelt down. Ouyang Nuan was about to kneel, and Xiao Zhonghua's arm was lifted. Does this mean she doesn't have to kneel? Ouyang Nuan blinked, and she didn't want to kneel yet! King Yan breathed a deep breath and said: "This backyard is simply a dark smoke." Dong Fei was shocked and said: "The king is angry, but the girl is talking nonsense-" Yan Wang said angrily: "You also know that she is nonsense. Speak! "

Princess Dong glanced at Ouyang Nuan and sighed softly: "Thanks to the Princess Mingjun for revealing her, otherwise we would really have wronged Shi Zifei."

The King of Yan had already seen everything in his eyes, and he was increasingly disgusted with Dong Fei in his heart, and hated in his mouth: "Few people in the government have the courage to lead this girl to chase and bite. Even if there is no evidence, I can guess who it is. "

Dong Fei was shocked, and she stopped.

Ouyang Nuo was silent for a moment and said: "Master, if this matter is a big deal, whether it is handed over to the Third Division or handled by His Majesty himself, it will damage the reputation of the government to a great extent. Moreover, the son-in-law was insane and was crazy. Then you accidentally stabbed Shizi, can you fall from light? "

Xiao Chonghua nodded, agreeing: "Even if you want to punish, you have to wait for Dasao's consciousness to be awake." After listening to a moment of contemplation, Yan Wang looked around the couple and nodded.

Xiao Chonghua had already seen that Sun Rouning was pretending to be crazy. He knew that since he could see it, the King of Yan could not have known it, but he did not expose it, indicating that he also felt that things were very suspicious. In this case, it is better to fight for Sun Rouning grace.

Ouyang Nuan determined that even if King Yan knew that Sun Runing was pretending to be stupid, he would not tear it up in public. A daughter-in-law who was sick because of being cursed was far better than a concubine who was out of the wall. Already. If Dong Fei had messed up because of Xiao Chongjun's illness, this plan could be more perfect. Now, in this situation, Yan Wang will never trust her anymore, and the skeptical eyes of the girl mothers in this room will also Let everyone blame Dong Fei for driving the mad prince, killing Shizi, and buying a girl to frame her. Even if King Yan did not confess her guilt, Dong Fei's good reputation for decades has completely come to an end. But-at present, everyone is just skeptical. There is no substantial evidence. Ouyang Nuan does not intend to let Dong Fei so easily. You know, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is extremely difficult to find.

She glanced at the pandan kneeling on the ground, and said lightly: "The big brother's injury was ultimately caused by this girl, but how did she have such a courage because of her little girl, so she asked Wang Ye to be the son and the son The princess abbot is fair. "

She insisted that Sun Runing was cursed by Vanilla. What about Dong Fei?

Yan Wang glanced at Ouyang Nuan, and said, "What do you do with her?"

Ouyang Nuan laughed: "This is also very simple, please ask Wang Ye to give her to me for questioning."

Dong Fei said coldly: "Wan Er, you should interrogate this girl, what do you mean?"

Xiao Chonghua's gaze was cold, and she said, "Mother-in-law, the matter of Orchid is related to you, if it is entrusted to you for questioning, it will not be fair to Grandma."

Dong Fei's color changed, and she said, "But Nuaner came through the door for only half a year. If she were to be questioned, what would it look like if she passed it on?"

King Yan said: "Forget it, I will personally interrogate this matter. Come, search the whole Antaiyuan to see what is dirty!"

Dong Fei stared at Ouyang Nuan with her eyes resentfully, but Ouyang Nuan held up the tea cup, and Yan Wang was willing to interrogate in person, this matter would not be easily settled, this is the best!

Dozens of guards lined up in the courtyard. They searched the entire Antai Yuan carefully and reported the results to King Yan, only to see that his face became more and more ugly. The security guard searched it carefully and found a pack of powder in a girl's room. It has just been tested. It is a mild poison. If it is taken every day, it may cause weakness and death in three months. "

Yan Wang was talking, the guard twisted out a girl who had been beaten with blood. When she saw Yan Wang, she was so frightened that she fell to the ground and cried, "The king ’s life is forbidden, this medicine is the sister of the sister-in-law, let the slaves quietly Take it out and throw it away, and slaves don't know what's going on! "

A moment's whispered, and then his face changed dramatically. "You're in the mouth! When did I let you do this!"

A sneer sneered at the corner of Ouyang Nuan's mouth, which was also sneered from the bottom of his heart. This poisonous powder seems to have been used by Dong Fei and Bai Rong on Sun Rouning. If King Yan suddenly ordered someone to search the entire yard, he would not be found so easily. Dong Fei is really terrific. She has always been trying to find a way to give Sun Rouning a medicine and let her die unknowingly. It can be seen that the other party really hates Sun Rouning and hates to put her to death. But for what reason? Even if she always opposes her, she hasn't done so to the point, why should she take such a ruthless act against Sun Rouning who is not threatening her? Is it for Xiao Chongjun? The suspicion in Ouyang Nuan's heart was revealed a little bit, and it seemed that he could see a corner of it.

The little girl said indifferently: "Sister Bai, this medicinal powder is what you want me to put down in the toilet water that the concubine asked us to collect. Why do you turn your face away?"

What else should Bai Bai say, Yan Yan said coldly, "Stop!"

Bai Yan was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, and Xiao Zhonghua's tone was hidden indifferently indifferently, saying, "Bai You, can you plead guilty?"

Bai Yan looked up at Xiao Chonghua and forced himself to calm down: "The slaves didn't know what the county king said, the slaves were wronged."

Xiao Chonghua sneered: "You refuse to admit that the girl was given medicine."

Bai Yan's voice shook slightly, and said, "Slave definitely has no courage."

Xiao Zhonghua chuckled, and said, "I heard that the little girl was found out of the medicinal powder just now, and she refused to say anything. Later, she suffered dozens of battles, and died of pain several times. I wonder how many times you can take it?"

Bai Yan shuddered and looked at Dong Fei quietly. Dong Fei said indifferently, "Is it possible to use torture to arbitrarily use criminal law?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled like a beautiful spring breeze, and when she spoke, the gold beads on her earrings twitched her neck: "What is this, mother? Didn't you just let the mothers in this yard drag you out? I do n’t know if this method is not feasible? Moreover, if this matter is sent to Sansi for trial, it is also necessary to pass the court. That board is not comparable.

How light is Yan Wangfu! "

King Yan said: "Have you heard it, Bai Ye? Do you want to be sent to Yemen? Not yet accountable!"

When Dong Fei heard the words, she shook her body and looked at King Yan with incredible disbelief, and the uneasiness and anger in her eyes could hardly be suppressed. In an instant, his eyes were forced to look at Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan could not help but hesitated, but smiled slightly, looking back at her with an almost imperceptible sneer.

Bai Yan still lowered his head without saying a word.

Xiao Chonghua looked at Bai Yan and looked at him coldly: "Since he refuses to say it, he will be dragged into the torture chamber and executed directly. It is not just her, but also Pandan, who dares to use the witchcraft to murder Shi Zifei." After finishing, he Clapping his hands, the guard outside the house responded, and dragged Bai Zhi and Pandan away. Pandan slumped to the ground, Bai Zhi desperately resisted, and for a moment everyone looked at each other, looking very scared.

Xiao Chonghua added: "It's a crime with a low price to murder the master, not only her two, but also their parents, but also kicked out of the house."

Panlan was fainted when she heard it, and Bai Ai wailed in despair: "The slave was wrong, and the slave was damned. The slave should do everything and be a slave. Please let His Royal Highness let go of the slave's family."

The guard was about to drag them out of the flower hall. Bai Huo hugged a pillar, and refused to let go. Xiao Chonghua nodded to the leader of the guard, the guards let go, Bai Huo desperately crawled back with his hands and feet, and hardly scratched his head. His Highness was called in his mouth. I saw her with blood on her forehead, her face full of tears and blood, she was very miserable, and she could not help but have a strong fear in her heart.

The cold air on Xiao Chonghua's body was shocking. All the subordinates could not help lowering their heads. He said coldly, "Enough!" Bai Yan trembled on the ground. Xiao Chonghua said: "If you do well, you will spare your family. As for you, you can also consider opening up the net. Did you get the medicine?"

Dong Fei's expression became cold for a moment, and she stood upright bracing her waist.

Bai Ye trembled: "Yes." Xiao Chonghua asked again, "Who instructed you to use medicine to murder the concubine?" Bai Ye desperately scratched his head and said, "I don't know, slave Zhuo's mother was responsible for the medicine. The slave just gave the medicine as instructed." I did n’t know anything else about the toilet water collected by the concubines and slaves who entered the WTO. "

The King of Yan had been watching coldly at the moment, and was furious at this moment. The girl next to him just served tea again. The king of Yan didn't look at it, and put the tea cup heavily on the side of the yellow flower pear table, and the fine porcelain tea cup. There were harsh noises on the marble surfaces. He sternly said: "A good caretaker's shame, it's not honest to die. Drag it out and mess around!" Bai Zhi screamed miserably: "Slave didn't dare to lie, slave really didn't know, only Zhuo's mother I know!"

Ouyang Nuan shook his head and said, "Maybe I really don't know. Now I can only try that mother Zhuo again."

King Yan took a deep breath and said, "Call the mother!"

The chief of the guard nodded, and immediately took the mother Zhuo. Soon after, he came back again, looking extremely ugly, and pleaded guilty: "The slave is damned, Mother Zhuo secretly bites her tongue and commits suicide. The slave enters her room, only to find that she is out of breath."

Ouyang Nuan had already expected it, and said lightly, "She moved very quickly, and she broke off the picture to make her happy. I was afraid that I would guilty of committing sin only when I heard the movement in this yard."

King Yan's face was faintly blue, and his eyes seemed to be burning with two clusters of dark flames. Xiao Chonghua was not in a hurry, saying: "It's not difficult to find out, check who these three minions have walked with most recently, especially who just went to Zhuo's mother's house just now."

The cold sweat on Dong Fei's forehead fell down and compelled calmly: "In this way, I am afraid that people will be heartbroken. The most important thing is that things are so easy to leak. If it is known outside, it is not a joke. Is there no way? In my opinion, it is better for Lord Wang to leave the matter to me and investigate slowly later, it is worse than such a big fanfare. "

Ouyang Nuan said indifferently: "Nevertheless, this tumor will not be removed in one day. After all, it is a confidant. After seeing the madness and madness, the elder brother doesn't know anything. If the people behind him are free, they don't know what to do! Madam, I know that you are soft-hearted and can deal with those sinister and vicious people. You ca n’t have half-sweet food! Chonghua is right. The best way now is to let people who have been in Zhuo ’s mother ’s yard in the afternoon. That is it. "

What else did Dong Fei say, the King Yan had nodded, and Dong Fei's face turned white and she did not speak, and her forehead was faintly sweaty.

In a moment, the guard brought Zhang Guanshi, who had only been in Zhuo's mother's yard, and Zhang Guanshi gave a courtesy bow. Ouyang Nuan looked at him, only to see that he looked calm, but looked down at the smooth ground under his feet. No one secretly nodded, this person must be a difficult role.

King Yan said: "Zhang Ping, you are the only person who has ever been to Zhuo's courtyard. What did you tell her?"

Zhang Ping stunned for a moment, with an innocent expression on his face: "Slaves will only pass if they have something to discuss with Zhuo's mother. I don't know what the king asked me to do?"

Ouyang warmly said, "Zhang Guanshi, don't you know that Mother Zhuo has committed suicide?"

Zhang Ping looked surprised: "How could it be just fine? Is it--" He said half of it, suddenly waking up, sighing: "Well, this must be because the slaves have talked a lot. Knowing that Mother Zhuo ’s only daughter was originally lost and it was difficult to find, but it was in such a shy place that the slave was entrusted by Zhuo ’s mother to redeem her, but she did not wait for the desperate child to go to slavery. She was sick and died, and the slave told her mother Zhuo today. Presumably, she couldn't think of it for a while, and she had this kind of thought— "

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ouyang's warm mouth, saying: "As soon as Lord Wang sent someone to call, it came the news that Zhuo's mother committed suicide. The timing of Zhang Guanshi's visit was really a coincidence!"

Zhang Ping said: "What does the county princess mean? Can it be doubted that the slave deliberately picked this hour?"

Xiao Zhonghua sneered: "Can not the master doubt the minions?"

The power of Xiao Chonghua and Ouyang Nuan was not the same. Zhang Guanshi suddenly converged by two points when he heard his face, and said with a grin: "Of course, the master said nothing, and the slave never dared to complain, but it was true Coincidentally, it is no wonder that the county princess misunderstood. "

Xiao Chonghua smiled with a faint coldness on her lips: "The princess of the county has never misunderstood others. If you have done something wrong, why fear it?" The words were very indifferent, making Zhang Ping's head cold sweat, no matter what Xiao Chonghua said Nothing, he cannot argue with him. Xiao Chonghua saw him like this, and then said, "I heard that Xiang Lan was promised to your son, and he will be married in four months. And that white aunt, also her mother, asked you to recommend it to Dong Fei's mother, and then she was This was sent to Antaiyuan. In this way, both girls have a relationship with you, and you can't get rid of it anyway. "

Zhang Ping heard it, and it was a little panicky. He knelt down in the tunnel: "Yes, the slave is also unknown. The original slave only thought that the girl next to the concubine would not be wrong. After asking for her grace, she gave Vanilla a gift. My son, who knows that Vanilla will do this kind of thing, it really disappoints the concubine of the world! As for Bai Yi, the slave is only because she and her stepfather Zhao Guan are very good, only to find a job for her to make a living, the slave is really I do n’t know why she angered the master! "

After hearing the words, Xiao Chonghua favored with long eyes, and his beautiful face suddenly looked with a smile on Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but talk about you silently. She was so treacherous, she smiled and said: "Zhang Guanshi, from When you came in, no one told you what Pandan and Baiji did, but you said just now that you didn't expect Pandan to do this kind of thing! Could it be that you already knew what she did? "

Zhang Ping's face suddenly changed, and cold sweat permeated on his forehead.

The King of Yan said angrily, "Not to tell the truth!"

Zhang Ping is not confused, knowing that if the person behind him confesses that he will never have a good life, simply die hard, "Slave just sees them both kneeling here, guessing that they made a mistake, there is no other meaning ! "

Yan Wang said: "Very well, the two girls cursed Shi Zifei with witchcraft, and murdered her with poison. You dare not say anything, you have ambitions!"

Zhang Ping was shocked and said, "The slaves deserve to die, these two girls dare to do such a thing, the slaves really don't know!" But they insisted not to say who was behind them.

King Yan sneered, "You **** it!"

Zhang Ping knelt on the ground, rolling down the sweat beads on his forehead, only the slaves in his mouth did not dare. The King Yan became even more angry and shouted, "Pull him down!"

Dong Fei was relieved, but the King Yan was angry and looked pale. Dong Fei Shi Shiran gave him a few cups of tea and said softly, "Wang Ye is not worth the frustration of these little slaves. "

King Yan shook his head and said, "Be careful about things in the court, and there is no peace in the family."

Xiao Zhonghua glanced at Dong Fei, and smiled, "Father Wang, leave Zhang Guan to me."

King Yan frowned and said nothing, put down the tea cup in his hand and stood up: "It's up to you." Then he glanced at Sun Rou-ning, who was taken care of by Mother Zhou, and said, "Take care of your elder brother and optimistic about the concubine. . "

Dong Fei watched King Yan go out and wanted to say something, her mouth moved, but she didn't say a word.

Ouyang Nuan said to Mother Zhou: "Hurry up Dasao back to rest."

Mother Zhou wiped her tears, and supported Sun Rouning in a voice.

Dong Fei sneered coldly: "No matter what the reason, she finally hurt Shiji, but it's better to be locked up."

Ouyang Nuan smiled: "Mother-in-law, Dasao is just a moment of mental damage. The Lord hasn't said how to deal with it, why are you so anxious? Let's wait until things come out."

Dong Fei sank her face and said, "What if she hurts someone before the matter is over?"

Xiao Zhonghua interrupted: "This will not bother you, and I will naturally send someone to watch."

Dong Fei snorted and took people away.

Ouyang Nuan looked at her leaving back, and said, "I still don't want to worry about it so easily. I don't know-can you do me a favor?"

Xiao Zhonghua glanced at her and smiled, "Do you want to cheat again?"

What is she trying to cheat? Does this mean she has been cheating? Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "It depends on whether you want to cooperate!"

Xiao Zhonghua's eyes had a momentary smile, as if cleared of heavy clouds, clear and clear: "No matter what you do, don't hurt yourself, everything else doesn't matter."

Ouyang Nuanqiang smiled and smiled, "Let me be an assassin with high martial arts."

Xiao Chonghua trembled in his heart and said, "Who is this to kill?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded, as if to say very seriously: "Just to kill people, can you go?"

Xiao Zhonghua suddenly understood everything. He looked out of the door with deep eyes and said, "It's a good idea, I hope this method works."

That night, an assassin sneaked into the dungeon and killed Zhang Guanshi. Fortunately, the guards found out in time that the assassin's murder was unsuccessful and ran away, leaving the frightening Zhang Guanshi. The thing shocked the King of Yan, who ordered Zhang Ping to take To the main hall.

When Xiao Chonghua and Ouyang Nuan arrived at the hall, King Yan was already sitting there gloomily, and Dong Fei was also sitting in the main hall, looking pale, but still calm, and could not see the mood.

Dong Fei said, "What's wrong? You have to invite Wang Ye here in the middle of the night?"

Xiao Chonghua stretched out his hands and gave high fives, Xu Xu, and the guard waiting outside brought a man in. The man was covered with dust and frost, his hair was scattered, his clothes were mostly dusty, and he knelt and shivered.

Xiao Chonghua gave him a cold look, and said, "Look up!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at Dong Fei with a smile, but saw her expression change instantly. The man shook all over, and finally slowly raised his head, who is not Zhang Guanshi!

The King of Yan turned his eyes to condense, and said coldly, "What happened?"

Zhang Guanshi was so scared that Volde made no words.

Xiao Zhonghuasen coldly said to Zhang Guan: "I won't torture you with confession, but if there is a half-sentence in what you say today, I will teach you that it is more uncomfortable than death."

Zhang Guanshi's body trembled obviously, and he was trembling all over.

When Ouyang Nuan saw this situation, he suddenly smiled and said to Zhang Guanshi, "Zhang Guanshi, you can naturally say nothing like daytime, but if you continue to use this attitude, Yan Wangfu will not keep you , What will happen once you get out of this door, but it's not necessarily. "

Zhang Ping remembered what happened tonight, and he was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

Zhang Guanshi stopped for a long time, and trembled, "Slave really can't say."

Dong Fei stared at him with the same murderous vision. If he said something, I'm afraid it was--

Ouyang Nuan laughed and said: "Then you leave here at once! Whether it is death or alive in the future has nothing to do with Yan Wangfu!"

Zhang Guanshi was startled, immediately raised his head, and a dark, scared light flickered in his eyes: "The slave was indeed ordered to go to Zhuo's residence and forced her to commit suicide."

The king of Yan had a cold chill in his eyes, condensed, "Destined? Whose deed ?!"

Zhang Guanshi hesitated again and again, dare not speak. Ouyang Nuan glanced at Dong Fei with a pale face and said, "People are going to kill you. Don't you tell me now, are you going to tell the king Yan underground?"

Zhang Guanshi was anxious, and finally screamed loudly: "It's Princess Dong! It's Princess Dong! Everything is her ambassador! Wang Ye spares your life!"

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