MTL - Rebirth of the Marquis’ Di Daughter-Chapter 150

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Zhou Zhilan slammed the vase in desperate anger, and the little girl came over to pour her tea and broke the tea bowl. Zhou Zhilan suddenly became furious. She took the things on the table and slashed her head and covered her face, and hurled at the girl. Dead little, want to scare me to death ?! "No one else in the room dare to persuade him, and everyone was kneeling underground.

However, Zhou Zhilan was more and more angry, and her hands became more and more powerful. The little girl was beaten sobbing and crying, her face was covered with injuries, and she begged for mercy: "Master, the master is angry, and slaves will not dare, and dare not It's up! "

When the mother next to me saw that she was fierce, she dared to persuade him: "Master, let it go. Your body is important. You don't have to be angry with a girl. The master can hurt his hands carefully."

Zhou Zhilan still said fiercely: "Such a girl even came to follow me. They looked at me so that I couldn't bully!"

The Crown Prince had just died, and the Zhou family couldn't wait to send in Zhou Zhilan. Because of this, Tai Yufu looked down on her all the way up and down. The Prince had always loved her, which made her stand fast in Prince Edward. Heels. But after all, she didn't grow up with Mrs. Zhou, and she was completely different from those with sophisticated skills. The only thing that is the same is that she looks like a delicate beauty in front of people.

At this moment, someone outside the door said, "Oh, which one is this trouble?" Picked the curtain, and came in a neat mother.

When Zhou Zhilan saw that she was Ning ’s mother in the courtyard of the prince, she stunned, immediately stood up, and quickly smiled: "Mother Ning laughed, but the slave was disobedient, and I was teaching it."

Ning's mother didn't care, and said with a smile on her face: "Congratulations, the prince will take you to the hospital for three days." Zhou Zhilan's mouth moved slightly, and she seemed to stop talking, and Ning's mother said: "Lan Concubine, what's wrong with you, are you glad that you don't know how to get better, hurry up and prepare to go out and wait? "

Zhou Zhilan just didn't speak deeply, and the girl next to her bust laughed and said, "Yes, get ready!"

Mother Ning opened the curtain, and the little girl who came with her asked in puzzlement: "Mother Ning, the master next to him heard the Prince's call and was overjoyed. Why this Prince heard that she was going to take her out? Not happy? "

Mother Ning chuckled and said, "What do you know?" Another young girl said, "The slaves are young and inexperienced. Of course, you must rely on your mother for guidance."

Mother Ning laughed and said, "Little girl, she can talk like this-don't blame me for not warning you, what is the most important thing for us to be slaves? It is to know the intention of the master. In this house, it is also the master and the mother. But to be favored and not to be favored, that's a heaven, an underground. This is the way the damsels are, so are we, who can understand the master's mind, who can climb up. There is only one that can be remembered! No matter Whatever you see and what you hear, it **** me up. Don't talk so rashly next time! "Then, she quickly walked ahead.

The next two little girls still talked quietly, one of them said, "Hey, what does mother say? What do I not understand?"

"That is, now the most favored person in the house is not the Qianjin of the Zhou government. She is just a niece. When she entered the house, she confiscated her concubine. For 30 days a month, Her Royal Highness rested in her. There are many things to reward her, and she is also rewarded today, and Minger is also rewarded. The government said that if she could give birth to a man and a half daughter in the future, she might not be in the position of the concubine— "

After talking halfway, the other girl quickly pushed her, and when she originally talked, she looked up, but saw that in the corridor opposite, Lin Yuanxin was slowly coming over, and she was pale and frightened, holding her breath.

Lin Yuanxin's footsteps didn't stop at all, and she quickly passed the corridor. The two girls looked at each other for a while, I don't know if the mother had heard those words just now.

The next day, after lunch, Zhou Zhilan got on the carriage, and she only brought two girls with her. She is going to accompany the prince to live in the Beijing suburbs for two days. This is undoubtedly not a big blow to other women in Prince's House. Xiao Yan is so busy in business every day. Playing in the mountains, not to mention going to the beautiful scenery of Yanyu Mountain Villa, so that everyone would hate Zhou Zhilan who had just entered the house.

The carriage went all the way to the other hospital. A long time ago, Ning's mother waited outside the door. When they saw them sending Zhou Zhilan, they clapped her hands. The four girls came up and helped Zhou Zhilan down from the carriage. They sent Zhou Zhilan into a small courtyard in the deepest part of the other courtyard, and then stood at the door to prevent anyone from entering or leaving.

Mother Ning then returned to the study in the other hospital. Xiao Yan had already arrived and was sitting there watching a book. Mother Ning came forward quietly and replaced the girl who was waiting for her ink. When he saw that he paused, he said, "Lan Fei It's all settled there. "

Xiao Yan thought for a while and said, "Is she here?"

"Not yet. Should you send someone to pick it up?"

Xiao Yan said: "She should come naturally when it is time to come."

Mother Ning laughed and said, "The slave sent someone to the back door to meet him." Xiao Yan frowned, and then said, "Is the back door clean?"

Ning's mother responded and said, "The master is assured that there will be no interference from others, and no one will find it. Everyone thinks that the master will bring Lan Fei's mother to live with her. "She glanced at Xiao Yan's face, and then she paused and said," Slave goes out and waits. "

After an hour, when she got back right, Xiao Yan's discount was almost the same. When she saw her, she asked: "Are you here?" Mother Ning said cheerfully: "Yes."

Xiao Yan's eyes were loose, and he nodded and said, "Go and prepare."

Mother Ning saw that the master was happy, and her face was a little bit brighter. She lowered her head to cover a sneer in her eyes, and quickly walked out of the study, but saw the little girl waiting there, seeing her, just like seeing her. The savior, quietly said to her, "Lan Fei in the backyard is in trouble to see His Royal Highness."

Mother Ning frowned, and said, "Tell her Royal Highness that she is uncomfortable, only to rest after staring, let's talk tomorrow."

The girl cried and said with a sad face: "Mother Ning, this is just after noon. If the slave-in-law said that the prince had rested, Lan Fei hadn't tore up the slave-in-law's mouth. Your old man is kind-hearted, go and see, she just lost her temper, Crying and making trouble, whoever advises, scolds her. She is the master, and slaves dare not pull her. "Ning's mother hated and said," A bunch of useless stupid things. "That being said, in the end I'm afraid of trouble. So she followed her to the back yard to see Zhou Zhilan.

Lao Yuan saw outside the courtyard. The girls who were in charge of the guards shrank their heads at the door. They saw Ms. Ning, who stood up and stood up. Ms. Ning yelled: "You can't tell who you are and you can't tell who you are. Here is a pestle, waiting for the reward board to fail? "A few girls stepped back to the side, and Ning mother stepped into the room and saw a mess under the ground, even holding teapots and cups, Zhou Zhilan sitting on the chair and humming of. Ms. Ning asked for an answer, saying, "Mrs. Lan Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Zhilan suddenly raised her head and stared straight at her. Although her eyes were red and swollen, she could only feel chill in her eyes under the sun: "I want to see His Highness."

Ms. Ning said: "If you go back to Lan Fei, your highness looked at the memorial and said that it was a headache and was already resting." Zhou Zhilan lost her normality and even her voice changed her tone: "He stopped after any sun, You ca n’t be a fool, since your Highness does n’t want to see me, why bother taking me out? ”

Mother Ning smiled slowly and said slowly: "Mrs. Lan Fei, if you really have something, you might as well take it to your Highness, and slaves would not dare to guess what Her Royal Highness meant."

Zhou Zhilan sneered: "Hah, there is such a funny thing in this world. Everyone now takes me as a nail in my eyes and ca n’t wait to eat me. Who knows that he just uses me as a shield. Why should I bear it? I got this false name. This is the last time I went to Ning Guozhen, and this time it is the same, who knows which fox spirit he went to see! "With that, tears could not help but shed.

Mother Ning replied with a smile: "The lady Lan Fei has always been clever. Why are you talking silly today? Nothing seems to listen to slaves, because slaves can forgive your mind. You are so stingy, if you pass it on to His Highness' ears, you will be decent. "

Zhou Zhilan shivered violently, and for a long while she couldn't say a word. Mother Ning said, "Tear your face with your Royal Highness, what good is it for your Lady Lan Fei? Wait, wait until your Highness remembers you. "

Zhou Zhilan didn't worry about Ning's face. After all, she was a smart person. She quickly changed her willful expression and became tears and cried, "I want to see His Royal Highness, Ning Mother, let me see His Royal Highness, even if you ask Clear! "

Mother Ning said, "Mrs. Lan Fei, why don't you understand. Your Highness has been a gift to you, how long have you been in the house, and what you eat is always the best case. There are other rewards every three chariots. There are several side concubines in the house, so many waitresses, I don't know how jealous you are, slaves say the truth, except for Lin Fei, who has already given birth to a grandson, who can be compared? You? Why are you having trouble with this blessing? By that time, your Highness was so irritated that even these graces were withdrawn, and your life will not be so good. "

Zhou Zhilan heard what Ning ’s mother meant, and immediately thought that she was only the maid of the Zhou family. Now it is only the Zhou family who passed on the prince to pass away, and then sent herself to the government. It's also because the princess has just died. If she overdos it, she's afraid that she won't eat any good fruit. When she thinks about it, she already understands that the whole person is softened, and she just shed tears. Ning's mother saw her No longer noisy, sideways: "You still rest earlier, seeing crying and swollen eyes, and no one will be visible later." Zhou Zhilan made a noise, and slowly took a silk to wipe the tears, Ning mother sideways: "Slave resigned." After another salute, he wanted to quit. Zhou Zhilan said, "Mother Ning, thank you for your reminder, but I have something to ask you."

Mother Ning said busyly, "Don't be a dare."

Zhou Zhilan's eyes flashed faintly, and the cold chill in his voice was: "Who on earth does His Highness spend so much thought for?"

Mother Ning said with a loud smile, and said, "Mrs. Lan Fei, how can you ask a slave?"

Zhou Zhilan stared at her deadly and asked, "You have been serving in His Highness's yard for so many years, and no one knows his mind better than you."

Mother Ning said: "You can't understand the words of slaves, slaves only persuade the mother-in-law of Lan Fei to stop thinking about things. This is not a good thing."

Zhou Zhilan sneered and replied: "Since you don't want to say it, just let it go. I'm going to rest."

Mother Ning stopped saying more and quit. Walked outside and beckoned to the door. The girl asked, "Good waiters are waiting, no one is allowed to go in and out. If something goes wrong, you will be killed lightly."

The little girl should be again and again, mother Ning said: "Who are the waiters in the yard of Lan Fei's mother?" The little girl said: "Except she brought four personal girls from Zhoufu herself, the rest were made by housekeepers. It was given to her. "Mother Ning said," Minger sent someone to go back to the housekeeper, and said that I said that I heard that some of the people in Lannie's room were too stupid, and always annoyed her. The grounds were sent elsewhere, and someone else was waiting to serve. "

"This--" The girl's face was a little hesitant, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

"It's appropriate or not, Your Highness has the final say! It's up to you to do what you tell me." Mother Ning said, looking at the room coldly.

At the moment, Ouyang Nuan was in Shanyu Pavilion, the most central place in Yanyu Mountain Villa. People had already prepared bathing things, and she didn't talk much. She lazily dropped her shirt and stepped into the hot water sprinkled with petals. Smelling the heat, closed his eyes and calmed his mood.

Ruby and another girl covering her eyes with long bangs are serving inside.

After bathing for a while, Ruby helped her out and groomed her. Ruby rubs her black hair and smooths it, seemingly casually but elaborately behind her head. Generally, after bathing, Ouyang Nuan does not need to put on makeup, but today, she ordered Ruby to bring a makeup box, not only on her face I evenly put on a layer of lead powder, and also applied pink rouge cream, and ordered a big red lipstick, and painted a distant mountain eyebrow. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and changed her beauty in the past. With some indescribably charming bones, I didn't even know myself.

Mother Ning just happened to come in, and smiled when she saw the scene: "Madam, slavery sees you today and you are very different, but you can't tell the difference."

In the past, I would not have used such a gorgeous makeup, naturally it is different, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Yeah, isn't it nice?"

"How can it not look good, you are really beautiful. If you say that, you can't pick one out in Prince's Mansion." Mother Ning smiled. Then he looked at her and persuaded seriously: "Since the wife has chosen to do so, she must be at ease." Ou Yang warmly nodded, but did not speak with a smile.

Hongyu only looked at Ouyang Nuan and Ning's mother with a smile. In fact, her heart had already mentioned her throat, and her sweat was slightly on her forehead.

Mother Ning laughed, "What's wrong with Ruby Girl, so nervous?"

Ouyang Nuan sighed, "She's also a real child. Don't make her happy with her. Is everything ready in the house?"

Mother took a cautious look at the outside, and then whispered: "Mrs. rest assured, Mother Lin has ordered it, everything is done in accordance with your requirements."

Ouyang Nuan lowered her head and drank a cup of tea, then raised her head and said, "That's it, hard mother."

Ning's mother looked at Ou Yangnuan's delicate face like a flower, but felt that the silky beauty was straight into her heart, and she could not help lowering her head. She has been serving in Her Highness's yard for many years. Although she has been trusted, she has only mixed up with her mother. The monthly sample and the respect of others are still limited. He, it is even better to treat yourself. Thanks to her support, life at home can be so good. After the prince's death, this prince's house is even more like Lin Fei's mother, and she can't help but refrain from trusting her. When she was here, Mrs. Lin handed a red envelope to her, asking him not to let anyone know what was happening today, but it was five thousand two, and I could n’t save so much money in two lifetimes, but after all It was very risky. I did n’t hesitate, but if I did n’t accept the money, my eldest daughter would be in the yard of Lin Fei ’s maiden ’s yard. Even the younger son was recently sent by the maiden ’s errand.

Thinking of this, Ms. Ning gritted her teeth and lowered her head, and said, "Yes, ma'am, rest assured."

Ouyang Nuan smiled, turned her head to face the bronze mirror again, and she had been putting her makeup on. However, she still had her makeup put on carefully at this time. The person in the bronze mirror was wearing a gold silk red patterned skirt, and her hair shook left and right. The long lattice hangs down, the light is colorful, and the figure is as thin as a willow. It becomes even thinner under the heavy pendant. Now it's autumn, with a bit of cold, Ruby took her cloak, put it on her from behind, and tied it to her in front. Ruby's fingers accidentally touched her skin. It seemed warm and warm forever, and Ouyang Nuan's hands were always cold.

Ning's mother bowed to open the door, Ouyang Nuan stepped out, passed through the heavy corridor, and there was a faint bell ringing in the distance. It was the bell in front of the west city gate. The wall was sent to Ouyang Nuan's ears.

At the place, Ning's mother pushed open the door in person, Ouyang Nuan walked in and stared. The curtains, curtains, and tables and chairs in the room were brand new, emitting a layer of pale yellow halo. Ouyang Nuan looked at all these casually, as if passing by by accident, and there was no movement at all.

"I don't like places that are too bright. Pull the curtains up." Ouyang Nuan frowned, as if she was dissatisfied with her hands.

"Yes." Mother Ning hurriedly instructed people to pull the curtain, which was originally rainy weather. The heavy curtain blocked the light outside the house, and the whole light was dim for a moment.

"Light a lamp." Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly, exquisite eyebrows exuding a strange brilliance.


Mother Ning walked to the table by herself and lit the glazed lotus lamp. The color in the room suddenly became more subdued. The lotus lamp also exuded a light fragrance, which was subtle and imperceptible. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "I'll wait here, you all go down."


Xiao Yan entered the courtyard, and a few people, including Hongyu, were already kneeling under the jade steps. He ignored it, and went into the room by himself, his mood turned out to be unprecedented eagerness.

As soon as I went in, I saw Ouyang Nuan sitting at the table reading a book with a glazed lamp, and her beautiful eyebrows were rendered with a thick rouge of rouge. For a moment, I did n’t know why. I added infinite charm and beauty, but she looked the same as usual. Elegant but not ostentatious, even the smile between the eyebrows is quiet like a pearl, I saw Wenrun not seeing the sharp.

He came in and stood aside without saying a word. Ouyang Nuan knew that he was coming, but he didn't know, he only looked at the book in his heart. After a moment he coughed, and she freely put down her book and got up to salute.

Saluting was just casual, it seemed that there was not much sincerity, but Xiao Yan smiled. Ouyang Nuan looked at him with a mild eyebrow and couldn't help but think. No wonder his cousin was so enthusiastic at first. If he didn't reveal his nature, he would also walk away from a handsome and handsome man. The man of the Xiao family was born from the royal family. No matter how bad, the skin looks bad, she just looked at it but didn't feel the slightest heartbeat, she just felt disgusted. Concealing this disgust, Ouyang Nuan laughed: "Why don't you talk when you come in?"

He smiled: "I looked at you with my head down and couldn't bear to make noise. What book are you reading?"

Ouyang Nuan laughed: "I just have nothing to do. I just looked for a book from the shelf over there."

Xiao Yan glanced at it, but it was a sheet music and he nodded. When she lowered her head, she saw a small water chestnut sachet at the waist, very delicate and beautiful, and she stretched out her hand without hesitation, and said, "This is pretty." Then he put the sachet in the palm of his hand and played . "Good for you."

Ouyang Nuan just smiled lightly and did not stop, thinking if Xiao Yan knew that the sachet belonged to the green waist, how wonderful the expression should be.

"Give it to me," Xiao Dumpling said.

Ouyang Nuan slowly said, "Isn't the color of this sachet too gorgeous? My cousin said that His Highness didn't like such wonderful things."

"No matter what the color is, your mind is the most precious." Xiao Yan looked at her.

Mind? Ouyang Nuan held back a laugh, but said sideways: "Give it back to me, everything, everything, and stitches on His Highness are sloppy, not to mention that the sachet is my heart, as you said. Not willing to be half-wrong, "he said, reaching for it.

Xiao Yan smiled when he heard the words, but raised his hand and put the sachet into his cuff. He stared at her for a moment, with a gaze on her clothes, with a smile: "The color on your body is very good, but in the past I only saw the plainness you wear, but this color is rarely worn." The pearl on Ouyang Nuanzhen was included in the sachet, saying: "This pearl is worn by you, and I will take this sachet on my body every day, for a while, OK?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and didn't tell him that all of these jewelry were newly acquired. No one had ever seen her wear it, not to mention her ...

While speaking, Xiao Yan took advantage of Ouyang Nuan's hand. Ouyang warmed her face and shrank her body a little before she lowered her head and whispered: "His Royal Highness ..."

Xiao Yan looked at her as if she was shy, and laughed: "I have instructed them to prepare your favorite food, and pear flower stuffed. You have said that pear flower stuffed is sweet and not easy to get drunk." Went to the small coffee table by the window and took the Liuli flask. Suddenly floating in the air was the mellow aroma of pear flower stuffing, which made people feel that the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Xiao Yan poured two cups in person and held them to Ouyang Nuan. I didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. I stepped on Ouyang Nuan's skirt and stretched out her hand to help her waist. Ouyang Nuan was bored for a while. When he was lost, he pushed away gently, and sat on the couch, leaving him standing there alone, and he felt a sense of loss.

Ouyang Nuan ignored him and supported his jaw with only one hand on the table. Several days ago, a few colored dried fruit desserts were put on. She picked up a peeled fragrant fruit and put it in her mouth comfortably. She slowly chewed the aftertaste and suddenly smiled: "It is said that the pear flower stuffed by the master of Prince Edward House, between the lips and teeth Liuxiang stays on for ten days, making people feel like being in a fairyland, isn't it? "He said, not waiting for Xiao Yan to answer, his eyes were dazzling, but there was a complex complex that was difficult to read.

Langzhong returned to that day.

Still in front of Lin Yuanxin, the moment she turned around, she said to Lin Yuanxin: "He asked me to meet."

The voice was indifferent, as if it was just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

At that time, Lin Yuanxin heard the words, opened her mouth slightly, and looked at her in surprise, only to feel that the body suddenly appeared cold.

"So cousin, you have to help me." She said at the time.

At that time, Lin Yuanxin nodded without hesitation only after a moment of shock.

Xiao Yan looked at Ouyang Nuan, but felt that an incredible thing had emerged in his heart. He knew that Ouyang Nuan's love for Ouyang Jue was almost desperate. He just stopped the two family books of Ouyang Jue. Ouyang Nuan nodded. Of course, he couldn't ignore the feelings of his sister and brother, but he was very envious, because no one in this world would care for him.

Because of his father's weakness and incompetence, he had to bear the expectations of the emperor's grandfather too early. From childhood to age, he did not know how many times he had betrayed and assassinated. Since then, he has known that everything depends on himself, and what kind of family and friendship are all deceiving people. In his most difficult time, no one will help him at any cost.

In his memory, Ouyang Nuan's face will always look like the first time he met, slightly raised eyebrows, thick eyelashes, pale lips without applying rouge, always smiling at the corners of his mouth, but the bottom of his eyes That apathy. She would never know, almost the first time he met, he noticed her. But that's just attention. For him, there are only two kinds of people in the world, useful people, dead people.

At first, he looked at Ouyang Nuan, and still used a kind of mentality towards playthings, but slowly, her resistance to her indifference gradually made him fall in love and began to fall in love. Every time I saw her, a trace of sweetness mixed with fire, penetrated into the bone and blood, and flowed into the heart with the blood. He must do his best to endure the deep desires.

He stared at her tightly, clinging to his glass with his fingers inadvertently, and the beautiful pear blossom was slightly tinged with light silver, Xiao Yan lowered his head and stared, and felt a cold feeling seeping into his heart. She couldn't help laughing, and what she loved was like her own. She was warm on the outside, cold on the inside, and without temperature, just like her heart, it would never be warm.

He believes that they are essentially the same person.

Hold up the glass and drink it last.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly, still lowering her head down, and stunned slightly: "I don't remember."

"do not remember?"

Ouyang Nuan played with the wine glass in his hand, but did not drink it, as if tossed it aside and left it aside, his smile spread, like a peach and plum: "Your Highness wants to drunk me?"

Xiao Yan seemed to be stunned, and Xun's body leaned forward. He poured into her arms. Ouyang Nuan couldn't bear his weight. One of them rolled on the bed.

He breathed a quick quiver on her neck, a little itchy, as if twitching her heartbeat. Her body was tightly held, Xiao Yan's hands became more and more powerful, Ouyang Nuan gradually felt difficulty breathing, she spread her hands, and turned her head at the same time, for some reason, he suddenly called a headache and rolled. To the side.

Ouyang Nuan smiled a little, concernfully said: "His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, it's just a headache." Xiao Yan frowned, closed her eyes, and Ouyang smiled warmly. "Maybe it's because the pear flower is too cold, and I don't get used to it for a while, just fine."

Xiao Yan just came to catch her hand, but Ouyang Nuan patted his hand comfortably, got up and left.

When Xiao Yan woke up, he only felt a headache, but he reluctantly opened his eyes and looked for the figure of Ouyang Nuan, but he didn't. He was angry for a while. Did she leave while he was uncomfortable? Just struggling to stand up and rest, but was helped by a pair of tenderness, then Xiao Yan smelled the refreshing lotus scent of Ouyang Nuan. When he opened it, he opened his eyes and saw a beautiful face, she He reached for the tea cup to feed him, but he slammed the tea cup and yanked her into his arms. The woman's hands and feet slumped softly in Xiao Yanhuai's arms, clutching his placket, seeming to be a little rushed, breathing heavily.

This time, the woman did not decline again politely. Xiao Yan has accumulated a long time of enthusiasm and expectations, and there is the same urgency and impulse of young people. And she just slowly accepted / accepted, and endured the caressing and caressing of his waves.

In the room, red bellows and golden curled feathers are luxurious and gorgeous, and they are full of splendor. The glazed lamp has been on for a long time, and the icy copperware is full of coral dangling candle tears. I do not know when it was raining outside, and there was no sound of wind outside the window. In the silence of heaven and earth, only the sound of gargle dripping when the rain fell was heard, it was light and crisp.

The room was a little sweaty. The woman lay quietly on the wide bed, Xiao Yan slept deeply, her hands tightly resting on her shoulders, unable to move. The muscles / meat of his arm and her chest / bare / exposed skin were sticking hot with wet sweat.

At this moment, the woman heard a slight movement outside. She immediately broke away Xiao Yan who was still asleep and got up. Regardless of the fact that she had only one belly / bag on her body, she walked out of the curtain and kneeled barefoot. .

The woman outside was simply Ouyang Nuan. She smiled and said softly, "Go on."

The woman's head lowered slightly, and she submissively picked up the clothes that had fallen from the ground and backed down.

Ouyang Nuo sat down slowly at the table. The lotus glass on the coffee table was ten colors, and the lights were dyed, and she was sitting there all the time. The red candle in the lotus lamp almost burned more than half. The ruby ​​outside came in. Changing, but was stopped by her, red wax like blood, dripping down the four carvings.

Under the half-bright light, Ouyang Nuan's eyes were condensed with a little flame, burning slowly, but never extinguished.

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Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World