MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 13 get off work

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   Chapter 13 Off Work

  Du Fei patted the bicycle seat, saying that money is inconvenient now, and he will come back tomorrow with money.

  Master Wang knew that Du Fei was working in the street office, and the section chief Qian was there, so he was not afraid of his denial, so he simply let him push him away, and the same would be true of sending the money tomorrow.

   After finishing the business, before leaving, Du Fei thought of Widow Qin's son Bangzhu, and was a little curious, so he asked Master Wang.

   When Master Wang heard this, he immediately became vigilant, and his eyes were full of alertness.

  Du Fei saw this and secretly thought in his heart, Master Wang's hands and feet must not be clean. He had bought stolen goods from Bang'er before, otherwise he wouldn't be so guilty.

"Master Wang, don't be nervous, I don't mean anything else." Du Fei smiled and said: "That child belongs to my yard, and everyone can't see you when you look up. It's not easy for a widow to pull three children. It’s fine if I haven’t seen it, but since I have seen it, if I don’t hear it, I’ll feel bad about it.”

  Master Wang blinked and looked at Section Chief Qian.

   Section Chief Qian smoked a cigarette and said lightly, "When Xiao Du asks you, just say it. It's none of your business. What are you doing in hiding?"

Master Wang smiled and looked at no one left or right, and simply opened the chat box: "If you want to talk about that kid, don't look at his age, he is really brave! It's just over half a year, and I've been here twice. Beginning. It's all steel scraps and slag, and it looks like scraps from the steel mill. I didn't really want it, but I couldn't bear the boy's entanglement, so I gave him a few cents."

   Du Fei looked at Master Wang with a half-smile.

   His sharp eyes made Master Wang feel like two knives, he couldn't help laughing again and again, his voice getting lower and lower.

   Du Fei didn't get to the bottom of it, and instead asked: "Since I have already accepted it before, why didn't I want it this time?"

  Master Wang twitched the corners of his mouth, looked around again, lowered his voice, and smiled bitterly: "To tell you the truth, those were originally scraps, but this time is different. Do you know what he brought?"

There was no need for Du Fei to guess. Master Wang took the lead in asking and answering his own questions. Dare to ask for it! This is so special, if you find out, you have to squat on the fence."

   Du Fei and Section Chief Qian took a deep breath.

   Don't underestimate these three gears, the rods are stolen and sold at the price of scrap iron, but they are fundamentally different from the previous scraps.

   Once the incident occurs, this is theft of state property, digging a corner of socialism, and the juvenile control center will be gone, and you will have to go to prison directly.

   Leaving the car repair booth, Du Fei pushed the bicycle and walked back to the street office with Section Chief Qian.

   Along the way, the two of them chatted and chatted, and they never mentioned anything about stealing things with sticks.

   Almost to the street office, Section Chief Qian turned a corner and went to the small cafeteria.

  Du Fei parked his bicycle in the carport in the street office, and then returned to the office, which was very lively.

   With Aunt Sun and Aunt Zheng as the core, while shaking off the wool and knitting sweaters, while Zhang parent Li Jiajian is short, spread all kinds of gossip.

   Du Fei didn't pretend to be arrogant when he came back, and immediately leaned in with a smile, interjecting a few words from time to time, and quickly mingled with the group of people in the office.

   What Du Fei didn't expect was that Zhu Ting, who seemed to be a little cold, was actually among them, and prepared melon seeds. Everyone grabbed a little bit of melon seeds and chatted while chatting, as if there was a camellia party.

   Du Fei thought about it and figured out the key.

   Zhu Ting is infiltrating the masses and inviting people to buy their hearts!

  Although Zhu Ting has a strong background, high education, and a strong roots, it is almost certain that she will be promoted to deputy section chief in the coming year, but she must take into account all aspects of the top, bottom, left, and right.

  There are some people, especially the humble little ones, who are not successful but more than fail.

   For Zhu Ting, a little peanut and melon seeds don't cost much, so why not do it if everyone says hello to her!

   After one o'clock in the afternoon, Section Chief Qian came back from outside, and finally interrupted the office discussion.

   Everyone dispersed, leaving behind a sweet potato shell.

  Du Fei saw this and quickly picked up his broom to sweep the floor.

  He is a newcomer. Although there is Director Wang's help, no one dares to bully him, but there are some tasks, so you still have to take the initiative, otherwise everyone will not talk about him face to face, but they will not say good things about him behind his back.

   And in the office, there are really well-informed, just inquired at noon, Du Fei is the nephew of Deputy Director Chen of the Public Security Department of the Municipal Bureau.

   Don't look at Chen Zhongyuan as only a deputy director-level cadre, but he has real power in his hands.

  Especially for Sun Lan, his man is the deputy chief of the security section of the rolling mill, and he has always wanted to be transferred to the Public Security Bureau.

   When she found out about this relationship, she couldn't help being more attentive to Du Fei.

   Seeing that Du Fei took the initiative to sweep the floor, he immediately got up and grabbed the broom: "Young man, let Aunt Sun come here."

  Du Fei hurriedly said: "Aunt Sun, look at what you said, I can't do anything with my family, why can't I sweep the floor. I'm young, and I can't do anything else, but I have to be diligent."

   "Okay, why don't you come here?" Sun Lan rolled her eyes: "You kid, you know how to make progress."

  Sun Lan pretended to be annoyed, but in fact gave Du Fei a high hat, and labeled Du Fei with the label of 'hardworking and progressive'.

   In fact, as a newcomer, establishing such a 'hard-working and progressive' personality often does more harm than good.

   With this character design, other people will naturally ask you for help. In order to keep the character design from collapsing, you can't refuse, and often get overwhelmed.

   But Du Fei was covered by Director Wang, so no one would come to him easily.

  Sun Lan is also a human being, and it is precisely because she saw it that she dared to lift Du Fei like this.

  In this way, Du Fei became a good comrade who was 'hardworking and motivated' on his first day at work.

   Next, there is nothing to do all afternoon.

   Du Fei simply borrowed an M selection from Section Chief Qian and read it with relish.

  Wait for five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky darkened.

  Du Fei followed the crowd home from get off work. Originally a half-hour walk, it only took ten minutes to ride a bicycle.

   He was not wearing gloves, and his hands were freezing cold as he grasped the handlebars.

   "Wear a pair of gloves for everything tomorrow!"

  Du Fei was thinking in his heart that the wind under his feet was almost reaching the courtyard, but he saw three and a half boys at the corner of the alley, dancing and dancing, blocking the corner of the wall, what were they doing?

  Du Fei's eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he saw the head of the pot in the green cotton jacket standing at the front, which was the guy from the stick.

   He had an intuition that these three boys must have done something wrong, so he came behind them and squeezed the brakes.

   The bicycle stopped abruptly, and Du Fei shouted: "Bangbang, what are you doing!"

   The voice was full of anger, and the three boys shivered in fright.

   The two standing behind, ignoring the loyalty of the buddies, turned around and slaughtered.

   Bang Zhuer also wanted to run, but he was standing at the innermost position, and his name was called again, and he couldn't help but feel even more panic. As soon as he turned around, his legs were mixed with garlic, and he first fell a dog and ate shit.

  Du Fei looked funny and was about to make fun of it, but after the three of them moved away, he saw the situation inside, which made his face sank.

   (end of this chapter)