MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 262 Go to the door

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"Take me back to your home, is it good? Even if I don't have a name, I just have to be satisfied with you! I don't want people to look down, I don't want to..." The cry of the woman in the red dress faintly came, followed There was a gentle sigh from the man.

Qin’s disgusted “smack”, whispered: “Is this kind of goods still wanting to enter the door of others? Don’t make a fool of the dog, and the person will turn it over! This man looks at the person who is right. However, I was planted on this head, and I was entangled in a squatting goods that had no face and no skin. I wonder if his Laozi’s mother was angry and sad at home!"

Liu Ye suddenly smiled: "The accent of these two people is somewhat like our Qingzhou people!"

Mulberry suddenly stood still and looked back and looked awkward. Although I only looked at my eyes twice, I can think of it at this time. The man’s appearance is similar to that of the Feng Fen. At this time, not far from the point of looking forward, the figure is also like.

Is it a man, actually it is when the south is down? The woman called him "Jiro", what did he call the woman? Qinger? Mulberry in the heart of a move.

"Grandma, if you are tired, let's go back!" Qin said that Mulberry stopped the footsteps.

Where does Mulberry still have a mood to play at this time? The words just nodded, and said: "Qin Niangzi, these two people are too rude, let the two nephews follow them, and see where they settled!"

If you run into it, whether it is mulberry or not, you must find out.

"Yes, Grandma!" Qin's promise was clear. These two people are really abominable, and it is no wonder that the grandmother who is gentle and gentle is also annoyed.

Going back to Bezhuang, Sangyu called the housekeeper and asked about the whereabouts of Fengju today? When will it come back?

These days, Feng said that he was busy with the Chamber of Commerce and contacted people. Sang Yi never asked him. Although the housekeeper heard the slightest surprise in his heart, he turned his mind and relieved. It’s no wonder that Grandma would be unsettled. The young master's family is rich and rich, and the person is handsome and handsome. Every year in this season, Hangzhou is the place where the Jiangnan glory gathers. Don't look at this for only eight short days before and after. I don't know how many "good words" have been promoted. Grandma is worried that it is quite normal.

The housekeeper will return as it is, and the laughter is "I don't know."

The things of the masters, can you not participate or not?

Who knows that Mulberry did not intend to let him go, and even said: "Then send someone to inquire and inquire, tell the young master that I have something to say to him, if you are not busy, come back soon today!"

The housekeeper was helpless and went away.

Mulberry thought that even if the phoenix would return early, it would be before and after dinner. Who knows how long it will come back, and he smiled and stepped into the mouth and asked: "What are you looking for?"

Mulberry saw that he was so eager to go so far, and he got up and greeted him and smiled. "It’s a bit of a thing. In fact, it’s OK later, can you delay your business?”

When Feng Feng smiled and shook his head, he sat down with her. "It's rare for you to find me. I also steal half a day!"

Mulberry saw him waiting for his own open mouth, and he was about to hesitate to say something, for fear that he would guess wrong.

"That, your second brother is also south? Are you saying that it is also possible in Hangzhou?"

When Feng Fen’s light flashed, “It’s possible! The second brother likes to be busy, maybe he will come here. But I must come back, he knows too!” That is to say, if he does not want him to find it, most of them will avoid it.

"The woman who walked with him, there is a word in the name?" Mulberry asked again.

When Feng Feng listened to her, she asked her eyebrows a little screaming. "Calling Su Qinger, isn’t it a serious woman, how can she tell her what to do?"

At this time, Mulberry had a two-pointer in his heart, and he would see it on the West Lake Dike today.

When Feng Fen suddenly became a cold face, "The woman is so frivolous, dare to go forward to entangle you in the light of the day?"

Mulberry saw him so concerned about his warmth in his heart, softly smiled: "Who can expect this kind of thing on the road? At that time, Qin Niangzi negotiated with her, I did not talk to her."

When Feng Feng raised his face, this eased. "Qin Niangzi is a steady and capable person, and he does not dereliction of duty."

"I have told people to follow them secretly, but I am not sure if I am a young master. You see -"

When Feng Feng made a slight indulgence, he smiled and said: "When the people who come with it come back, let me know! I will know it if I go to see it! If this time I can bring the second brother back, it is also a big event."

Mulberry suddenly remembered the words that came with the wind after leaving. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "The meaning of Su Qinger seems to want to return to the government! When the second master insists on taking her, you May agree."

"How could it be!" When Feng Feng thought and did not want to object, he said: "If the woman can enter the government, the second brother will not be angry and escape. Let's not say that the woman in the brothel is corrupt, and my grandfather was in time. Once I made the rules, this article will not be able to pass! After so long, did the second brother still read the woman?"

Mulberry slightly recalled, the mind is more than just thinking, it is all right! Even if he sent him to ask for tea, he could do it, and the young master actually did it.

"When you see it at a glance!" Sang said with a smile: "I don't know when they will come back and report, can you still go out?"

When Feng Feng shook his head, he smiled and said: "Where do I have the heart to go out and do something else? I will wait!"

Who knows this, wait until the evening, the person who followed did not return. The sang sighed, and he ordered people to put on dinner. The two used rice and the meal was good for a while. The two women married in a hurry to report back.

"How come you have been going for so long? Didn't you lose it?" Sang Yi heard that they came back and rushed to the front.

Both of them looked very tired. When they saw Mulberry, they asked a person to laugh and replied: "Grandma is relieved, where is this in Hangzhou, we are not familiar with it? You have to lose the child! It is that the son and the woman are too strolling. After that, I sat in the teahouse and sat in the commercial area of ​​the city for a long time. Then I used the dinner in Furong Building to call the place where the carriage returned. The slaves didn't dare to walk away, they followed!"

"It’s hard for you both! Go back to the account and get one or two silvers!" Mulberry nodded and smiled, and asked where they lived.

The two daughter-in-law saw the young master's face screaming and sitting quietly, and knew that the grandmother must have slammed the case. The young master must be mad and rushed to vent his grandmother. He said the address was busy. Come out, a small yard at the same hundred and sixty thousand in Nancui Liuhu, Guanglin Street.

"婉娘, you and me, this is the past, you should rest first!" Shi Fengju immediately got up after listening.

"Be careful on the road!" Mulberry got up and sent him. Seeing him was not too good, he couldn't help but softly persuaded: "If it is, you should say to him, don't make trouble!"

When Feng gave a smile, he stroked her face. "Reassured! This time I caught it, I will not let him escape!"

Mulberry smiled and saw him go.

The two widowed women looked at each other and secretly envied in the bottom of their hearts: the young master is really good for the big grandmother! So late, I have to go out and give my grandmother out!

Shi Fengju took Changchun and other four little sisters, two savvy and powerful women to rush together, and found the place easily.

Not waiting for the long Huanxia, ​​when Feng Fen jumped out of the carriage and stepped forward to personally shoot the door, the rude and messy voice revealed the anger and intolerance in the heart.

"Who is so unruly! Knock your uncle to knock!" There was an impatient voice in the yard, and the door was immediately opened, and the Tsing Yi, who opened the door, blinked and looked at it. In front of him, his face was cold and his body was phoenix, and he suddenly stopped, stuttering: "big, big, young master-"

"Hey!" When Feng Li took a cold look at him, he pushed him to the side, "Let it open!"

"The young master!" Lu was suddenly anxious, and he was hesitant to block. Before he even hesitated, Feng Feng took the person to grow in, and Chang Huan pulled him, whispered: "I said brother, you are stupid! The young master is coming to the door. You still want to report?" Can persuade the two young masters to go home, you will not be able to benefit you, you will be an accomplice, the second master, the second lady will not kill you, you will blame!"

When the deer's face was "唰", it became pale.

This small courtyard has a total of two inside and outside, but the place is not big, but it is quiet. When Feng Feng was killed, the two guarded the flower door in the middle, and took two women to slowly walk in.

There were lights in the front room, and the two figures reflected on the window paper shook gently, and it was clear that it was a man and a woman. There is another faint shadow on the side, which should be the waiter.

When Feng Fen made a gesture and stopped the two women under the porch, he lifted his foot and stepped forward, standing outside the window. The voice inside was clearly heard.

"Jiro, what can I think about today?" Su Qinger asked softly, and the figure was slightly swaying. It should be the arm of Fengming when she said that she was shaking.

Shi Fengming had some vague and perfunctory smiles: "This thing, let's say it, Minger, then, is it good? Qinger, are you still tired after visiting for a day? Calling Xiaolian to bathe, let's go earlier. Take a break..."

"Don't!" Su Qinger snorted and said: "Where is this thing to consider? You clearly look down on me and refuse to take me back to your house! I don't want any name, really, just stay with you. After a long time, your temperament should be almost the same. Let's go back and ask for his two old people. You are their biological son. They are so patient to reject you! Erlang, you are Jin Yu is generally a respectable person, but for me to go through these wandering days, how can I care about my heart? And you are a mother, I am worried at home, I miss you at night, my sins are getting worse. Big! Let's go back, okay! We can't live like this forever!"

"Qinger, you are so kind!" Shi Fengming sighed: "It is difficult for you to think so well for me, but I don't know if I swear, he never likes me, if we go back, he It won't be easy to spare us! So many people in the government, when we want to escape, it will be impossible! If he wants to be with you, I-"

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