MTL - Rebirth of a Supermodel-Chapter 228

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"The first meeting was at a time and place that was not very pleasant. I can't say more, but you have to know that I really don't have a good first encounter with this person.

The second time I met was on a late autumn night, I never thought he would appear there.

Before these two times, I chose this name only on TV.

We were far away, but no one thought that one day, they could be so close. 』

Simple and plain text, flashing on the screen of the computer and mobile phone. These words do not have many gorgeous words, and there are not many lyrical words. They only tell the story of themselves and their lovers in a plain way, but each word has clasped the hearts of the fans.

"The choice of this person is very arrogant, but I fall in love with him, and love is his pride. He is very talented, he is very patient, he treats everything (especially his career) to the extreme. I only walked through a fashion show with him, but that rehearsal made me know: this man is my opponent in this life.

At the same time, this man is the only lover of my life.

When we were in London, we both got off the bus near Tower Bridge. Walking on the banks of the Thames under the night, I asked when you left the circle.

Because I know that even if he is, he will not care about so many things.

Now, this moment has finally arrived. In fact, I have already noticed something a few days ago, but when he really decided to leave the circle, I knew you at the same time.

The text I wrote is not good-looking. Do you think so? I chose to write better than I did. He wrote very well and walked very thoroughly. There was no mourning and disappointment for you. However, I think that when he wrote the paragraph, his The mood is definitely much heavier than all of us imagine.

There is no model, not a fan of myself.

We love this industry, and we also love you who are behind us and support us.

Xi is not a person who is not good at expressing, but he does not like to show his negative feelings in front of others. Even when I was with him, he always appeared in a very powerful image, even I have never seen his fragile side.

But this does not mean that he will not be sad, he will not be low.

Before I sent this word, I had already walked to the door of the apartment. When I pressed this button, I had already ringed the doorbell. I am waiting for him to open the door for me, I will go to comfort my lover, I will let him know that I will always stand behind him, but I think, at this moment, what he needs more is your support.

I heard his footsteps, then these words can only be said here.

I thought about the first sentence I opened the door, it should be -

Good evening, my lover. 』

This long post was posted on the evening of December 14, 2019 at 19:31.

At the same time that the post was published, the netizens of the Muse Fan Forum, which paid attention to the similes in the world, immediately clicked in and saw this post. After Mingyu sent this post, it really seems that he has not paid attention to the movements on the Internet. Even the top and the red are made by other moderators.

Compared to the choice, Ming Yu often communicates with his fans, at least once every two weeks. The words and contents of the exchange are not necessarily many, but there must be exchanges, even if the last sentence says "Today's dinner is xx, very delicious."

This time, it is also the first time that Mingyu has published such a long post.

Looking at it, countless fans couldn't help but red-eyed, slowly groaning, and finally someone couldn't help but cry.

Such a simple letter, even the title is taken "untitled", but the love expressed in it is enough to make anyone who sees it move!

The boy is writing a love letter and he is writing a long, long love letter. In this love letter, he did not go too far to describe his love with his lover, and did not even say how much I love this person, to what extent. But he does not need to say that what is revealed from the line between the words is a love that cannot be described in words.

Many people from the outside look at the fashion world, they will feel that this is a world of eccentric, extravagant and gorgeous. The people here are all dressed in glamour, each with many things that ordinary people can't have. They are far away from most people in the society and seem to be difficult to touch.

But in this love letter of Ming Yu, all fans saw an ordinary person who cares about their lover, their own lover, and who wants their lover to be recognized by the whole world.

He is a simile, he is the world's hottest top supermodel, he has 40 million Muse official network member fans, he has more than 100 million Weibo fans. The movie he starred in, just won the Oscar's best adaptation of the film. As a cover magazine, he sold more than 2 million sales.

But even then, he is only a simile.

When Xi choose to leave this circle, countless people bless him, hoping that he can get better, but there are also many small people hidden in the shadows. They pour dirty water on this former king and continue to ridicule. Even filthy him -

[Xie chooses to worry that he will not be able to get the first place next time, so he will hurry back. 】

Even though the blessings of the world's supermodels later hit their faces, there are still a lot of sunspots still sarcasm. Even some of the fans who made the choices were somewhat unbearably disfigured, indicating that they were greatly hurt. Why did they choose to become a designer, not a model?

Xi Jie will not care about these people, but the simile is very concerned, so he shows at the end of the love letter: Xi Xuan needs your support, he is not as strong as the surface looks, he is also a normal person with flesh and blood.

This is how deep love is loved, will it feel like the lover’s loss in the depths of my heart?

For a time, fans around the world were silent. Fans of countless choices and similes couldn’t help but cry out. Some people even compared the announcements of the choices with the love letters of the similes. Then they discovered that, in any case, at the end of everything, these two people I think of my own lover.

He chose to worry that others would anger the siege because of his retreat, so he took the initiative to mention him.

The simile is to let those who smear the choices shut up, take the initiative to stand up, and cover the wind and rain for the lover.

Within an hour after the publication of this metaphor, countless people blessed the message below his post. Even a lot of fans who were not cp powders at the same time, sincerely wish this pair of lovers.

Because the love between them is too real, watching those simple words, can really make people feel the thriving, fermenting love.

Later, after He Chaoman, Du Ruo, Luo Cheng, Cecilia, Fei Sixin, Xu Yizong, Xiao Biqing... countless people once again spoke in support of Xi Xuan and Ming Yu, bringing the event to the last big high | tide. Even Adenis, who has always been unsatisfactory, has forwarded a microblog of He Chaoman, once again expressing his blessings and wishing for a simile.

No supermodel in the world can get such a large blessing!

Of course, Ming Xiaoyu’s fans have said: [No, we are not willing! It’s absolutely not a matter of retreating! ! ! 】

But even if the day of the Ming Dynasty really reached that point, I am afraid that it could not cause such a big sensation. The eight-year-old tyrants have made the name "Xi Zhe" really linked to fashion. He is a well-deserved leader in both the design and modeling circles.

So on the evening of the announcement of the retreat, the people of the world were discussing it enthusiastically.

The popularity of similes and choices is skyrocketing, especially in the simile, and his Muse fan forum has added a full 10 million fans overnight!

Even because of the retreat, the fans who have now chosen have reached a horrible 55 million, but Ming Xiaoyu’s fans also broke 50 million at 5 am the next day, and are following their lover and working hard. The land catches up with him.

Under the bright and bright moonlight, the man glared at his lover, and the two gradually fell asleep. As many days ago, after Ming Yu had closed his eyes, after a moment, he chose to bow his head and gently kissed him on his forehead.

However, this time, Ming Xiaoyu did not sleep, but immediately opened his eyes and said: "I did not sleep!"

Hearing words, Xi choose to raise an eyebrow: "I didn't sleep?"

Ming Xiaoyu smiled and nodded: "Yes, didn't sleep, in fact, I didn't sleep at the last time."

Xishou nodded thoughtfully, and his eyebrows converge, then sighed with a look: "Since you can't sleep, it's better to continue to do something interesting."

Responding to the choice is the boy’s sudden kiss on his lips. The two quickly rolled into a ball, and the quilt was wrinkled and wrinkled, and it was dangerous to fall off the edge of the bed.

Under the moonlight, it is a beautiful room, and the sound of the cymbals keeps reverberating, making the night more intoxicating.

When Ming Yu returned to his home, he really did the same as he said in his post. However, there were words in the two talents for a few minutes. The choice was made and the local said: "To comfort me, I should pay some practical action."

So, the two people who were not shy and ignorant quickly stopped talking about the messy things and started to move their hands. Undressing, undressing, kissing and kissing, until now, both of them are tired, still can't help but come again.

When the tide is high, the tide can't help but shout out: "How much do you love me?"

Xi chose to laugh low, while releasing, biting the earlobe of the boy, saying: "Love, kill you."

Love wants to break this person into the body, and thoroughly integrates with him; loves to want to give himself everything for this person, and make him the happiest person in the world.

No matter how simple or shallow the love at the beginning, after all three years of acquaintance, they have long been deeply rooted. Until today, after the simile sent out the love letter, he discovered that he had loved this man so deeply. The point of the bone marrow.

The same is true of the choice.

On the second day, Ming Yu participated in an interview program of a TV station normally, and was asked to go to the election to retreat at the same time as the live broadcast. Xi Xing also began to accept interviews from some reporters, and ended this round-off event.

Both of them performed very calmly, and fans accepted this fact.

However, most people did not find one thing. A brand that should be very very loud at this time was always silent, and even a word did not say anything.

It was not until ten days later that "Ji He Ya" posted another announcement on his official website -

["Ji He Ya" is about to hire a simile to become

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