MTL - Rebirth of a Movie Star-Chapter 52 Flip

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After three years, the street will be re-continued, and many places need to be adjusted.

Including clothing styling, buzzword design, etc., directly used to take out three years ago, some places are still not. Just looking at the mobile phone is good. The TV series appeared three years ago. It is different from the three years later. All the considerations that were originally placed in the marketing are all removed.

Coupled with casting, some of the body has changed too much in three years, and even the schedule can not be connected, it has to be retaken or replaced. However, fortunately, the chaotic street was originally presented in the form of a unit of the case. There was a paragraph between the drama and the drama. The series was not so close. This adjustment was made, and most of the parts of the street were still available.

Of course, the crew can also not be so hard, and it is impossible to cut a piece of paper in a small place. Only this drama is the first work of Bai Lang's comeback. The golden enemy Qiu Qian behind it puts out early and asks every detail to be the best, and the production cost is not considered. So after the funds were very abundant, the entire script and the part of the filming were reviewed again.

However, the man did not change. The director is still looking for the first Qin Gang. Qin Gang heard that he would continue to shoot, and he said that he would immediately squeeze out the schedule. When the chaotic street was dead, he was definitely the most regrettable person in the crew.

In fact, 80% of the staff in the crew have Qin Gang's mood. From the director, the screenwriter to the actor, the crew actually gathered a lot of excellent people. Under the excitement and excitement, everyone took the most eager attitude to participate in the work. Cohesion and centripetal force are very strong.

Therefore, when the soul figure in the drama must be changed, many people can understand it, but it is difficult to accept emotionally.

Because Bai Lang created the contradictory boy who had a southern accent and was able to calm down in a second, and brought a lot of unique interactions between the characters in the play, the image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the second half, if you change someone, no one is confident that it will be coherent and original.

The poisonous tongue is not responsible for Bai Lang’s irresponsibility. There is also the performance of the fallen white lang, the golden thigh. Don’t be too real, but when you get paid for the squad, even if it is quite rich, everyone’s heart is still regrettable.

Therefore, after three years of remake, as big as the director, small to the field, the new owner of the whole entertainment, the original team of the crew, all the contacts were given, no omissions. If you can come, you will come and you will not be able to come and replace it. These meticulous considerations made the enthusiasm and identity of the three-year-old and 80% of the familiar faces return to the same scene.

Of course, Bai Lang had a meal on the first day. The number of nearly one hundred people, Bai Lang can not be all-inclusive, but also personally cook a few fried, and lost the second gift. Even Qiu Qian and Qiu Xiaohai also attended the Bailang platform. I sincerely thanked the crew for lending them to Bailang three years ago and letting the family survive.

And let the enemy boss open his mouth to say this, most people still have more grievances in their hearts. Supplemented by the re-starting work remuneration is excellent and generous. In the atmosphere of understanding and harmony on the set, Bai Zhan successfully launched the shooting of chaotic streets.


card! Ok! Qin Gang took a knee on the director's chair and shouted, opening the seventh act in the afternoon!

The crew members heard the instructions and acted in vain. Receive the reflectors, pull the wires, and pack the props. Then there was a team of three people who rushed straight to a corner of the street scene.

It turned out that Bai Lang had just climbed up from the gray concrete floor. The footsteps were actually a slap. Immediately, the Sun Xibin next door was scared and shouted. Hey, white brother, can you not do it? I said that I quickly got out and helped.

After Bai Lang stood firm, he looked down and saw that the plastic laces were broken by the pinch. Nothing, the shoes were mixed. Thank you.

At this time, the three-person team also came to Bailang, and the young people who took the lead nervously came up to help, Big Brother, please sit down and rest immediately! We will measure your blood pressure heartbeat right away!

This exaggerated reaction, Bai Lang seems to get used to it, only smiled and raised his feet, I am very good, just because of the slipper.

One of the three strong young men turned around and snorted, Xiao Wang! It’s this broken shoe! A couple of pairs! ? This time, Big Brother almost stepped on his feet! !

Xiao Wang in the distance; also responsible for the field, and jumped up. Shima! ? Come again! I, I will change now! ! Hey, I knew that I wouldn’t buy x, so how bad this quality is!

One side, then a lot of voices, Lala, make fun, hahaha, Xiao Wang, you are a fool, buy a shoe, what do you save! ? The budget is not full, and the boss can't wait for you to save money!

The younger brother of the field has a bitter face, but this one can pick a limited one. If you are too luxurious, you have to wear gold slippers!

The scene was a burst of laughter and began to discuss the possibility of sticking the slippers to the three-second glue.

Even Qin Dao took over and told him to buy all the pincers in the mall next time. He picked it up.

While talking, at the same time, someone has bent a pair of shoes and put them on the feet of Bai Lang, let him replace them, and the thoughtful appearance is like holding the Bai Lang Dang Ying Emperor. Not to mention, another male master, Sun Xibin, also picked up the one that Bai Lang wore, and turned the soles back and studied it quite seriously.

In the above, the crew of the crew are used to it, but some who have just joined the group can't understand it.

A pretty young **** the side of the field, holding her arm and snoring, really never seen such a big card, wouldn’t it be too warm? The style of this crew is really bad.

Fei Hong, who was standing in the same place with her, heard the slow movement of her eyes to the girl, and she simply looked at her head. Compared with the girl's pure and pretty temperament, after comparison, it is more beautiful and mature.

The girl who spoke seemed to be aware of Fiji’s line of sight and blinked innocently. Isn’t it the rainbow sister? That Bai Lang is not named, no, the previous nomination has passed three years, so many people around him, is not to see Mr. Qiu's share? He still takes it for granted that the face of this person is also thick.

Fei Hong looked at the girl up and down, smiled slightly, what if you?

I? The girl is a glimpse.

Yes, Feihong squinted at the direction of Bai Lang. If you were held by Mr. Qiu, what would you do?

The girl’s pure face is a bit thin, and if she wants me, she will never add so much trouble to her surroundings.

The blush on the face is like hinting that I had thought about it. Fei Hong’s eyes slid over the smile, and he didn’t say anything about this kind of slyness, but he turned his head and went to the place where Bai Lang rested.

The fifth unit of the chaotic street, the story tells the story of a big star being perverted and seeking police assistance. The original big star was scheduled to be played by the channel. Three years later, the **** of the big star in the script was changed from male to female. When the crew re-elected, they asked Fei Hong, whose popularity and strength were rising. Therefore, Feihong will appear in the street scene. The young girl next to Feihong, Xu Xinping, is acting as an assistant to Feihong, and also a fresh-blooded actress in the past six months.

Far away, Bai Lang saw Fei Jin, who was light and had not changed into a costume, approached, and wanted to stand up, and was pressed back to the seat by the young man who was nervous. This is really measuring blood pressure. Bai Lang had to greet her mouth, Miss Fei, long time no see. Sorry for not letting the station.

I haven't seen you for a long time, Fei Hong smiled, you are busy with you, I just thank you. This is a drama of the Red Chamber, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the performance.

It’s the director’s choice and not me. Bai Lang laughs, let alone, this is what we said. Thank you for reminding me.

People with clear heads will do this, Fei Hong smiles, but unfortunately did not really help.

Anyway, thank you for your reminder, Bai Lang said sincerely.

Looking at Bai Lang’s expression, Fei Hong turned his head and said suddenly, actually, earlier, you reminded me.

Bai Lang is a little surprised, I remind you?

You said, be a person who knows how to worry.

Bai Lang glanced, smiled, then in the past few years, you can do better than me.

I believe that you will catch up, Fei Hong raised his eyebrows, and his hand extended gracefully. Please advise.

This time, Bai Lang successfully stood up and caught Fei Hongying's hand, and briefly held it. Please advise.

Fei Hong skipped the heat from his face and palms. When he smiled, he said what he wanted to say. The corner of his eye saw a sneak sneak from the other side. Fei Hong had a slight meal and took back his hand.

And Qiu Qian strode to Bai Lang, after taking off the sunglasses, first frown, the body is not comfortable?

On the small table next to it, the sphygmomanometer that was opened was a pattern that had just been used.

Routine inspection, Bai Lang patted the enemy, shifted the focus, accompanied me to wash the face, some hot.

Qiu Qian was not satisfied with the words, and his eyes sharply swept to the young people who had just helped Bai Lang to measure his blood pressure.

The young man nodded quickly, no problem, the boss, we just confirmed it!

But how can it be hot? Don't heatstroke, Qiu Qian stretched his head and put his forehead against Bai Lang.

This kind of bright and close, from the first day of the boot, the scene is seen every day.

Bai Lang is still not used to it, pushing the enemy, all normal, let's go, I am also hungry.

Isn't it hungry and hot? Walk around and eat lunch!

Qiu Qian detained Bai Lang’s hand and walked to the indoor lounge set up on the side of the studio.

But in a few steps, suddenly screamed, a thin voice of pain passed.

Just a few steps away, a young girl was like a foot, and was bending over to support the calf and pumping.

A few pieces scattered on the ground seem to be the documents that the girl originally held, and one of them still floated to the feet of the enemy.

The girl saw it and looked up at the two eyes with tears in her eyes; or it was said that it was the enemy of the two.

Bai Lang then bent down and was saved by the long-handed enemies.

After a few sheets of paper were smashed into the girl's hands, no one waited, and Qiu Qian took Bai Lang's hand to continue their pace.

A few steps of the vengeance did not lower the volume, how old did the woman fall? Do you want to change your mind with Qin?

Bai Lang did not look back, only replied, not busy, standing well when filming.

Young girl; she was just talking to Feihong, Xu Xinping, immediately changed her face, and looked at the two people who bite away, biting their lips, and then left.

Farther away, Fei Hong saw it and smiled softly.

Even if she envied the person around the person, she knew them.

She looks good in the distance.


Two months later, a bear* became a mantra that everyone was catchy.

That is exactly what is in the chaotic street, Luo Zi most often mourns his words.

Just as Qin Gang, Fei Hong or most of the staff expected, the street was broadcast and immediately boarded the throne.

In the compact, the suspenseful plots are constantly fluctuating, with just the right amount of funny, beautiful and fallen martial arts, and the splendid blasting. From the first minute of the broadcast, these features are very vividly presented to the audience and bring out the drama. The full image of the protagonist.

In particular, Chen Fengge, the male No. 1 with the off-line in the blood, and the stubborn male No. 2 Luo Zi, who has the old man in the slick, hold the audience's attention in the first episode of collision and misunderstanding.

After the forty-fifth minute of broadcasting, the ratings of the chaotic street climbed to the top three in the same period. At the end of the first episode, Chen Feng Geka took Luo Zi’s neck and pressed people to the wall, rising red face: You, you thief! Return my pants to me! ! In this scene, the ratings should be based on the superiority of the majority of corrupt women, and they came to the first place in the same period, and since then they have established the throne of the red street.

Of course, I have to clarify here that there is no rot in the chaotic streets. Come on, the male second is the lover behind the gold master, and there is a diligent presence on the studio every day. Who dares to arrange any homosexual plot in the drama? It’s just that Luozi’s setting is a very punk with a lot of charisma. It’s like a small star that attracts the surrounding planets. Chen Fengge, the male’s No.1 player, is also one of them. In the plot, how much will be revealed. Rotten smell.

Therefore, after the first episode was aired, there were hundreds of comment articles on the discussion board opened in the chaotic street.

God, how can someone be handsome and handsome! ! Handsome and awkward! ! After the handsome man is a trend! !

I just licked my eyes! ! Bai Lang actually rolled on like this! ! This is this, my prince---! !

Not very handsome! ! It’s cool to roll up! ! This is to let the prince roll! ? Right? Right! ?

Don't say that Sun Aunt is also very good! ! Playing a police can be so stupid! ! Not easy! !

That's right! ! Good match with Bai Lang! ! What is the enemy? ! Old Sun is the true love of Bai Lang! !

Roll over and go to these women! ! Obviously the spark of friendship is good! ! Rotten a fart! !

If you want to rot, you have to use your ass! Hahahaha! ! Passionate! ! I like! !

Hey! ! Where is the moderator? ! Come out quickly to maintain order! !

But wait, is there a heroine in this drama?

what? who is it? I listened to Fei Hong, how did I not see her?

It seems to be a guest, who is the woman! ? Is that the act of female righteousness?

Please! ? Who is she to distribute to! ? Aunt Sun is still Bai Lang! ! Who do I have opinions! !

Yeah! ! I feel that there is no gas field! ! too weak! Want to be stronger?

Who is important to the female lord? ! No need to do it, this is not a vigilance film! ?

If there is no woman, then it will be even more basic! ! Calling the woman! ! Guess who it is! !

I guess there! ! No +10086! ! No +2!


When the hot and chaotic street commented on the line, Bai Lang was reading the script from the last episode of the screenwriter.

It’s like a dispute in the commentary. It’s really a hidden woman.

Looking at the scene of the kiss written in the script, Bai Lang took a look at the sofa and stared at Qiu Xiaohai to write homework.

Then he silently slammed the script and thought about how to open the day.

The author has something to say: * Probably a deaf dialect, xd

Thank you for the big gunpowder, thank you t port! (stunned and fainted) 2k novel reading network

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