MTL - Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine-v2 Chapter 57 , Two more

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn noble lady concubine!

"General Yun Yi?" Ding Beihou apparently froze, then glanced at the carriage behind Qin Beiyi, his eyes suddenly became dim.

Hou Dingbei stopped at the gate of the city, raised his eyes and narrowed Qin Beibei, "If I remember that General Yun Yi should go to the border, why should he suddenly return to Beijing?"

Qin Beidai looked down at Dingbeihou, his mouth slightly raised, "I haven't congratulated Houye for his promotion all the way. I did go to the border. It's just three months since today. It's not, I'm back to life."

Dingbei Hou raised his eyebrows and did not mean to give way. "It turned out that in a blink of an eye, it took three months. General Yun Yi could not be seen for many days, but he forgot the time. Even after returning to Beijing to order, Ben Hou didn't dare stop. Just recently, Kyoto was accidentally peaceful, and a group of unknown people came to take away the secret map. The emperor ordered Ben Ho to investigate thoroughly. Anyone who suspects must not let go, so ... "

"Houye laughed, and cooperated as he pursued that palace."

The curtain was raised, and a glorious person came out of it. There was a sharp breath between the eyebrows, and the corners of the mouth were curved, smiling and smiling. The preciousness and elegance of the whole body could not be learned by others.

Xiao Xuan helped Qing Yu's men in his carriage, and her elegant long dress did not affect her momentum, and she slowly walked towards the gate of the city step by step.

In the eyes of Dingbeihou, there was no surprise at all, and he suddenly arched his hand. "How could the Queen of the Beibei suddenly visit Dongming, and there was no news at all? If there is something wrong in this halfway, will it not affect the peace between the two countries?"

Said Dingbeihou and looked at Qin Beibei again, "How could General Yunyi come with the Empress Beibei?"

Qin Beiyi turned over and dismissed his face, his face looked pale, "I just happened to meet Princess Yihe halfway, and my great-grandfather ordered me to **** Princess Yihe to Kyoto City. Dongming Kyoto City is also the family of Princess Yihe. See if we need ultimatum? "

Xiao Ming is Dongming and the pro-princess. It is not reasonable to have such treatment, but it was Dingbeihou who met him.

Dingbei Hou smiled and did not take this into account. "General Yun Yi and Princess Yihe have already married as married women and married husbands. Now that they are a noble country, if they knew in advance, they would send them. When people come to welcome you, how dare you neglect to come to the door, and let ’s say that Kyoto is inadvertently safe. How can Yun Yi general play? It is better to let the Empress Beibei enter the palace. Here is Dongming. Ben Ho can't wait for his duty. "

After that, Dingbeihou made a look, and immediately many guards stood by, Dingbeihou respectfully gave way.

"Mother Queen, please."

Xiao Xing squinted his eyes at Dingbeihou, and suddenly smiled, "Dingbeihou, a heartfelt man, when he met the Emperor Dongming at the Japanese Palace, he would praise the Dingbeihou."

Dingbeihou's complexion changed slightly. This seems to be saying that Dingbeihou is a dog who sincerely protects his master.

Xiao Xun glanced at Qin Beichen, "Thank you General Yun Yi for taking the picture all the way. Now that you have arrived in Kyoto and at the foot of the emperor, this palace must be safe and secure, but I would like to ask General Yun Yi to do me a favor."

Qin Beixun nodded, and Qing Yu handed Qin Beixu a box. "Must be delivered to Emperor Dongming as soon as possible. This palace is not in a hurry. Both sides are about to enter the city gate, and they will accompany Ding Hou and Xu Shuxu."

Qin Beichen took the Jin Box and turned over, and glanced at Dingbei Hou, Dingbei Hou stunned, but did not expect the two to part ways.

"Why, Dingbeihou shouldn't suspect that he would be a wrongdoer?" Qin Beihou lifted his jaw, his eyes were filled with coldness and sarcasm. In the eyes of everyone, Dingbeihou didn't dare to embarrass Qin Beihou.

The Qin family, the three generals, and the two government officials also had a book of dynasty, which was very important in the middle of the dynasty. It was also the one that Dongming Emperor wanted to win most.

"How?" Dingbeihou smiled. His goal was not Qin Beishou. When Dingbeihou waved his hand, the guard immediately gave way.

Qin Beixuan clenched his lips and said nothing, and rushed to the palace with a golden box.

Xiao Yan tightened his face, his face seemed calm, but in fact he was angry, and the fists under his sleeve were already clenched.

Suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes in his ears. Xiao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and he saw the honor guard not far away, erecting a long sail, magnificent.

Xiao frowned and sneered.

"Queen Beibei, since the emperor sent someone to pick it up, it's not too late to meet the emperor before returning to the palace." Dingbeihou was like Ming Jing in his heart. What Emperor Dongming wanted was Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and he didn't have to think about and knew that Qin Beizhen must have been left in the palace. Xiao Yan sighed and landed on the side of others.

"Welcome the Queen Mother to Beijing, isn't this Queen Mother!"

Suddenly someone shouted in the crowd, followed by many people.

Dingbei Hou frowned.

Xiao Xuan frowned, and turned to Dingbeihou, and raised his voice, "Dingbeihou, forgive me. I went back to Kyoto to visit my grandmother. I was so anxious that I still wanted Dingbei. Hou Tongrong! "

"I heard that Mrs. Xiao was ill, the oil was exhausted, and Xiangfu was already preparing for the funeral. The Queen of Beibei was the granddaughter of Mrs. Xiao, and she hurried back with such filial piety. Come in. "

"It's really uncomfortable that Dongming has always served people with filial piety.

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, which meant that they were about to accuse Dongming Emperor of being cold-blooded and unkind. Dingbeihou sank and began to let the guards blast the people away. Who knows that the people are gathering more and more. Separate the guard of honor.

"It was the old lady who applied congee and donated medicine to control the plague in Kyoto. It was the grandfather who used his own power to stop the imperial court from building a city, so that the people in Lincheng who were infected with the disease survived. Now a granddaughter How can you be so cold-blooded to see your grandmother! "

One of them mentioned the events of the year, and everyone was as excited as having beaten chicken blood. Right to the officials, everyone was disgusted, but in the eyes of the people, they were good officials. They never embezzled and accepted bribes. For the people.

Especially after the right-handedness was delegated power, the place where he was responsible was replaced by others, and it was even more prominent. People did not dare to mention the grievances.

"The grandfather is devoted to the people, but the court did not act. Beibei was a neighbor of Dongming, but after treating Beibei like this, this was not an intentional provocation between the two countries. Where did the people go?"

"Mother Queen, we will send you home!"

"Right! We'll send you home!"

A shout overwhelmed Dingbei Hou more and more, and he held a long sword, "Will you have to rebel one by one, who dare to come and fight!"

Coincidentally, the Guardian Army brought by Dingbeihou today was built by the right hand, so hesitated before moving forward, no matter how the Dingbeihou was anxious and spoiled, he could only watch the guards be separated, the crowd was restless, just Find a way to let Xiao Yan pass through.

Xiao Xun moved forward step by step with a crowd of escorts, all of them were people.

Soon the news came from the palace, letting people open the gate to welcome Xiao Zhe back to his home, and let people go to Xiangfu to settle down and take good care of Xiao Zhe.

Xiao Ming sneered, it must be that Dong Mingdi got the news or opened the brocade box. In this case, if Xiao Ming was forbidden to enter the government, Dong Mingdi would inevitably lose the hearts of the people.

The guards at the door of Xiangfu had just evacuated. Xiao Yan stood at the door of Xiangfu, who had been away for a long time. He couldn't help tears, and his heart was very unpleasant.

"Sister Nine!"

Xiao Shaoyu threw himself in excitement, and it turned out to be Xiao Huan, "Sister Nine, you are finally back, grandma ... Grandma is waiting for you."

Xiao Min touched Xiao Shaomin's head, before he could tell, he hurried to the yard of Mrs. Xiao with a skirt.

"Grandma?" Xiao Yan knelt before Mrs. Xiao collapsed, shaking her voice, and staring at the silent Mrs. Xiao on the couch, her heart was violently choked.

When Mrs. Xiao opened her eyes slightly when she heard the movement, she turned her head to look at Xiao Yan. She was very surprised. She reached out and held Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao busy held Madame Xiao.

"Little .... Xiaojiu, come back ... Come back." Mrs. Xiao's words were not clear, intermittent, tears appeared in her eyes.

Xiao Yan squeezed a smile, "It's Xiaojiu who is not sensible. She hasn't been back for many years. Grandma has to take care of herself. In return, she punished Xiaojiu and continued to copy the house rules.

Mrs. Xiao shook her head and asked with her eyes what Xiao Yan said one by one, "Relax, everything is fine, Xiao Jiu has a happy life, and never has any worries."

Mrs. Xiao then nodded and smiled, and gently touched Xiao Yan's dark and beautiful hair, holding Xiao Yan's hand tightly, smiling peacefully.

Mrs. Xiao's breathing changed from superficial to non-existent, her eyes narrowed and she did not open, and slowly she did not even see the undulations in her chest. The palms of her hands gradually became cold.

"Grandmother!" Xiao Xuan mourned, holding Madam Xiao's hand, sad.

The right-handed man bended to the ground and knelt on the ground. The rest of the people knelt down, and there was a cry in the room for a while.

A white canvas was hung in front of Xiangfu's door, and at a glance she looked white and solemn, and when Mrs. Xiao left with a smile on her face, she experienced a strong wind and waves in her life and was considered a strange woman.

Under the corridor, Xiao Minhong looked at the right phase, but she didn't see the right phase. She opened the door to see the mountain. "The emperor is already high this year, eight sons below his knee. Who do you think is likely to be in that position?"

"The second prince died early, the third prince was useless, the fourth prince was weak and moderate, the fifth prince entered the empty gate, the sixth prince ..." Xiao paused, "Although the seventh prince has the support of the Meng family, the mother is too weak In the future, it is destined to be a prince. If the emperor supports the seven princes, the seven princes' road will be too difficult in the future. The eighth prince is the same as the fourth prince. As for the sixth prince ... "

Xiao Zheng shook his head. "Although the six princes have geniuses, the only fatal flaw is that they are not pure in blood. When Chun Fei was born in July, a healthy prince was born, and it was an impenetrable thorn in Emperor Dongming's heart. Emperor Dongming is still not sure whether the sixth emperor is the emperor, so the possibility is extremely small. "

Having said so much, the only thing is to leave the great prince, and the right phase nodded, "You're right, the emperor has been anxious about being his father for so many years, and he has never seen victory or defeat in his life. The emperor's heart is always the most fancy It is the great prince who disparages the great prince to be the king of the county, but it is just a disguise. "

Xiao Yanran, "Because of the princes, only Lian Jingming has the deepest resentment against his father. Once he is in the throne, he will try every means to uproot Xiangfu."

"This should be the way for the monarch. The emperor was not the same at that time." The emperor entrusted him at the end of his life, and he vowed that he would never shake Dongming Emperor's rivers and mountains and swear to protect Dongming Emperor from his position .

The rightist has done it for so many years, and now it is Dongming Emperor who wants to kill everything, how can the rightist wait to die?

The right words are not mentioned any more, just let Xiao Yan not think about it.

The people in Xiangfu removed their filial piety, and Xiao Xun unloaded Zhu Zhu, kneeling in front of the spirit without losing her fate, but the memories in her mind were from the past. The past and present Mrs. Xiao was very fond of Xiao Xun.

The right sighed only, "It's normal for you to be old, sick, dead, and your grandmother is dead. It's you. Dongming is not safe for you. Go back three days later. Your grandmother knows that you are satisfied. Now. "

Xiao Yan bit his lip tightly. "Yes, my father, Xiao Jiu, keep in mind."

Mrs. Xiao passed away, and Emperor Dongming also made a trip in person. After putting on a stick of incense, he looked at Xiao Yan aside.

"That day was a misunderstanding. Xiaojiu, please don't misunderstand. I have severely punished the guards, and dare Yang Fengyin to stop Xiaojiu from entering the city is really abominable."

Emperor Dongming explained to Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming looked at Dongming Emperor with a cold look, "Every minister under Emperor Dongming is dedicated to his duty, and it may not be a bad thing. I dare not blame the sinner in this palace. It is not easy to eat, and Emperor Dongming does not need to blame. "

Xiao Yan at the moment represented Beibei. He looked at the boundaries with ease and ignored the little nine.

Emperor Dongming also didn't care. "Since Xiaojiu spoke, the grandma gave Xiaojiu this face. Xiaojiu is a noble guest from Beibei. It ’s important for the host to treat him well. He will host a banquet for Xiaojiu in three days. Wash the dust ... "

Xiao Yan smiled without saying a word, knowing that he could not go out, and said, "Thank you, Emperor Dongming, for your kindness. This palace has received the heart, but my grandmother has just passed away. This palace has no intention to attend the banquet. Emperor Mingming is assured that Beibei will never blame Emperor Dongming for contempt. "

Emperor Dongming had long been prepared to come to Xiangfu, but it was just a process and he hurried away quickly.

Xiao Yan glanced anxiously at the right phase, and the right phase was silent.

A few days later, Xiangfu was still immersed in sorrow. Suddenly, news broke out and the dispute was closed. Qin Yu, a soldier of the Ministry of War, was promoted by Emperor Dongming to promote the special commander Sima, and he immediately led the soldiers to Bianguan to calm down the war.

Qin Yu jumped to become the second-ranked official with only the right position, but now the right position is a false job, and Qin Yu is real.

Qingle and the entire Qin State Mansion were imprisoned, and the intention was extraordinary.

Xiao Xun simply stayed at Xiangfu, and was not in a hurry to leave. Xiangfu had no movement for a while, but Xiangfu was sent by several guards. As long as Xiao Xu was still there, Dong Mingdi held it in his hand. An ace.

Dong Mingdi's mind became more elusive, and he continued to suppress the right relative's cronies, killing countless people in just two months.

On this day, several news came that several iron riders came scattered all over the place.

Xiao Yuan was no longer in Xiangfu, and God had left Dongming without knowing it, and Emperor Dongming slayed dozens of people in succession.

Time hurriedly passed for two months. On this day, the news of Qin Yu's great achievements in the border was heard. Emperor Dongming was overjoyed, and then another news came. King Qi Jun was captured and no news has been seen so far.

Emperor Dongming was furious and sent many people to seek nothing.

On this day, Qin Beixi came to Xiangfu with a hemp tied around his waist.

Xiao Shao froze, "Aren't you afraid of death, everyone can't avoid Xiangfu, are you crazy?"

Qin Beixuan's black eyes were staring at Xiao Shaozhen, watching her thin jaw, and frowning with thinner and thinner body.

"What am I afraid of? My father is half of the soldiers in charge of Dongming, who dares to offend me." Qin Beixuan said indifferently.

Xiao Shaojiu's eyes were hot, and she was grateful to Qin Beichen. He personally brought Xiao Qi back to Kyoto, fulfilling the last wish of Mrs. Xiao.

Qin Beichen suddenly said, "To marry today in Houfu, Dingbei, would you like to check it out?"

Xiao Shao froze, his eyes suddenly became cold, he shook his head, "What are you doing with me?"

"Xiao Shaomin, remember today's words, it was three months for you to deal with your own affairs, now it is five months, if you dare to cry for others, I must teach you well!"

Qin Beixuan said coldly, grabbing Xiao Shaozhen's shoulders.

Xiao Shaobi sucked his nose. "It's irrelevant, why is he crying for others?"

Qin Beixuan's face eased a bit. I came here today and just wanted to see her. I couldn't help it for two months.

"Qin Beiyu, thank you, I know you have done a lot for Xiangfu."

Qin Beixian's face tightened. "You don't need to mix in, believe me, it will soon pass. I haven't forgotten what I promised you."

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Nono 2PK, everybody seeking collection

Black-bellied right man **** Xiaojiao


According to outside reports, she relied on her status as a county master, disrespecting her grandmother, beating her aunt and killing her daughter-in-law, extremely vicious.

In reality, the sisters took turns to calculate her innocence, the hypocrisy aunt bewitched her father to depreciate her dead mother, and Song Jing changed from maggot to maggot.

Everyone on the ground stepped on one foot, so many molds fell, but who has no luck?

Finally it was her turn to Song Jing!

He is the most distinguished of Kyoto, the grandfather who is adored by the stars and the moon, and who is graced by the queen mother, no one who dares to rebel!

This grandfather just missed Song Jing.

He said, "No one in the world has ever dared to give my king a look! After being aggrieved, he will bully my king back!"

Song Jing shuddered.

He also said, "Who dares to touch you, my king chops him!"

Song Jing expressed hesitation.

He also said, "If anyone dares to find a helper, the king will make him regret coming to this world and beating his nine families!"

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