MTL - Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine-v2 Chapter 52 ,situation

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"Miss, there is a big box in the yard, and I don't know who put it." Bi Chen said strangely, dared not to care, and hurried to find Xiao Shaoyu.

Xiao Shaojie stood up and followed Bi Chen to the courtyard, and she saw a large mahogany box in the middle of the courtyard.

"Huh?" Xiao Shaoyu touched his chin and glanced at the blue marks. "Open it and see what it looks like?"

Bichen nodded, boldly stepped forward and opened the box, revealing the contents, a stack of books, some clothes and jewelry, and several pairs of delicate and small embroidered shoes.

The embroidery and patterns on the embroidered shoes are not like Dongming's. Xiao Shaoyu turned it over again. There were two letters in the jewellery box, one with Rong Yiwu's grandson, and one for Xiao Shaoyu.

Xiao Shaojiu opened the letter to himself, and a few words of explanation made Xiao Shao's eyebrows grin.

Those books were solitary books collected by Rong Hong, but they had forgotten to take them in the past, and then they were busy with Xiangfu's affairs and left them behind.

There are also several recipes with clear handwriting and strong writing skills. At first glance, they were written by people who have learned calligraphy for many years.

All of these clothes and shoes were made by Mrs. Rong when she was idle. She did so when she missed Rong Hong, but she never sent them out. Each one recorded on the front line was full of love.

Some were for Xiao Jing and Xiao Shaoyu. Xiao Shaoyu's eyes were red. She only saw Mrs. Rong once when she was a child. When she grows up, she has no impression, but Mrs. Rong and Mrs. Xiao are as amiable in her memory.

There is also a large brocade box under the box, which occupies most of the box. Xiao Shaojiu took out the brocade box and opened it to see a volume of portraits. There were dozens of people painted on it, and an old woman sitting in the middle. Well, there is a smile on his face.

There were several children playing around at their knees, and there was a gentle woman standing beside her, probably following Mrs. Rong Rong.

This painting is full of harmony, Xiao Shaohuan is sure, and I will be very happy when I see Ronghuan.

"Hold it up." Xiao Shaojiu was thinking about what to give to Rong Yi in the past few days. Now, don't worry about it.

For a few days, Xiao Shaomin had invited several cooks to do something in the yard, and sent someone outside the yard to keep anyone out.

Rong Hong came twice and was persuaded to leave by Xiao Shaoyu's soft grinding. Rong Hong smiled helplessly, and Xiao Shaoyu ran softly in Rong's arms.

"Mother is reluctant to manage her birthday and refuses to come to Heshou's husband. As long as the people in our houses are here, why not give the prepared dishes to her daughter?"

Rong Hong looked at Xiao Shaoyu with a doubt, "Although there are no outsiders, but this is not a light job. If you pick your way halfway, don't let everyone starve."

Xiao Shaoyu stumbled on Rong Hong. "Mother laughs at daughter, daughter doesn't follow."

Rong Yun's helplessness has long been softened, and he reached out and pointed at the tip of Xiao Shao'an's nose. Dad's plea is useless. "

Xiao Shaojiao smiled and nodded, Rong Huai had no choice but to rely on Xiao Shaojiao.

There was no such thing as Rong Hong's words, Xiao Shaoyu began to live a busy life, leaving everything behind for a while, focusing on the recipe.

After tasting Rongjia's secret dishes, Xiao Shaoyan's eyes lighted up, and the chopsticks couldn't be put down.

Xiao Jing hadn't seen Xiao Shaojie for a few days, and she felt uncomfortable. She smelled the scent as soon as she approached the yard.

"Miss, my son is here."

Xiao Shao cracked down his chopsticks, and hurried to stop Xiao Jing outside the yard.

Xiao Jing frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it so much, but keep it secret." Xiao Shao's mysterious look inspired Xiao Jing's curiosity even more.

Xiao Jing took Xiao Shao's shoulders by one hand. "It's not authentic. What good things used to be in the past, but I was the first one to show you. You hide it from me?"

Said that Xiao Jing did not wait for Xiao Shaoyu to react, she walked straight into the house with long legs, and a large table of good wine and food was waiting. The color was bright and it was appetizing.

Seeing that Xiao Jing could not be seen, Xiao Shaoyu had to compromise and put aside his lips, only to hate his power as Xiao Jing.

"Bichen, add another tableware." Xiao Jing sat down politely, Bichen quickly put on a tableware.

"You're in luck, I haven't tasted enough yet, you're here as soon as you're done." Xiao Shaochi thought to himself, Xiao Jing must be a dog nose.

Xiao Jing smiled, "It's no wonder that he didn't want to go out. It turned out he was studying to eat. The taste is really good. The cooking made by the kitchen chef is a bit greasy, and changing the taste is also good."

Xiao Shaojie was even more proud when he heard it, and said generously, "Go back and give you a cook."

After the two brothers and sisters had eaten and drank enough, Xiao Jing took a sip of new tea, then looked at Xiao Shaoyu, and saw her smart eyes wandering around, looking at Xiao Jing with a flattering look.

Xiao Jing saw Xiao Shao's thoughts at a glance. "There are many people at the temple fair, so haven't you learned the lesson from the last incident, my mother won't agree."

Xiao Shaoxi listened to Xiaolian's face and said, "Isn't the three princes arrested? There are so many bad people at the foot of the Son of Heaven."

Xiao Jing put down the tea cup, his sister was daring, and it took only a few days to forget the previous thing.

"In a few days Loulan will come with several envoys and bring a lot of new things. I will take you to see when that happens."

After that, Xiao Shaoyan's eyes lightened, "Really?"

Xiao Jing nodded, Xiao Shaozhen was lost, just as Xiao Jing opened her mouth, she would definitely do it.

Soon it was Rong Hong's birthday. Xiao Shao-yu was confident that he would make Rong Hong satisfied. Rong Yue declined the banquet and invited only a few familiar wives.

Qingle followed Qin Yu to the outer city, so he didn't come, but sent someone a gift.

Mrs. Dingbei brought Jiang Wanyan and Jiang Jinyu together. Regardless of whether Jiang Jinyu was married or Xiao Shaoyu, both were in-laws, so they sat at the same table.

"I heard that today was run by the eleventh hand. You are really blessed. Look at it like a decent figure, there will be no shadow for many days." Madam Dingbeihou boasted.

Rong Hong was also surprised that Xiao Shaozhen would be so diligent and orderly in the yard, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"Compared to my euphemistic sister, Xiao Shi is far from a little." Xiao Shaozhen came over behind him, and in a red and festive dress, she was extraordinarily charming and charming, which made people unconsciously shine.

Mrs. Xiao beckoned at Xiao Shaoyu, and Xiao Shao shook in the past. "Grandmother, the tenth year old will also give the grandmother a birthday party."

Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but smile. "Sit down. I've lost weight for a few days. My grandmother can't bear to toss you. I'm old for a birthday, noisy panic. The family sat together to eat. Reunion dinner is excellent. "

"Okay, you're going to bother your grandmother and sit down and have a meal." Rong Huan smiled and pulled Xiao Shaohuan.

Soon the girl served the food, and the whole table was full of dishes. Mrs. Dingbeihou was surprised, "It's strange that I don't even know any of these dishes, and I must have spent a lot of time trying to come to Xiaoshi."

Rong Hong's eyes were red, but nobody knew him, but Rong Hong recognized it at a glance.

Rong Hui nodded, picked up the chopsticks and tasted, it was exactly the same taste as the wife of Mrs. Rong, and looked at Xiao Shaowan in surprise.

There is also a West Vietnamese cook in Xiangfu, but Rong Hong rarely eats it. He always feels that something is worse. Over time, he is used to Dongming's food.

The opposite Jiang Jinyu could not bear to see Xiao Shaoyu as much as possible, but always looked at her uncontrollably, and smiled deeply into the hearts of the people. The scars on his face were almost invisible.

Xiao Shaojiu's color is very good and lined with a bright red, the whole person's aura is compelling, which is unparalleled by others.

Xiao Shaojie noticed his eyes, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Jinyu. It seemed that Jiang Jinyu was not the same for many days. He was thin, dark, and silent.

The moment Jiang Jinyu looked at Xiao Shaojiu, he immediately turned his head and looked away.

Xiao Shaoyan frowned slightly, it was already afternoon after lunch, Mrs. Xiao and Rong Hong and Mrs. Dingbeihou sat in the room and had tea and talked about their daily routine.

Jiang Jinyu said goodbye to the elders, and left Xiangfu after turning around.

"Sister Wanyan, is there anything wrong with Jiang Jinyu? I always think it's strange." Xiao Shaojiu pulled Jiang Wanyan to speak under the corridor, frowning at Jiang Wanyan, "Is something happening in Dingbei Houfu?"

Jiang Wanyan shook his head with a sigh and smiled quickly, "How can I guess the elder brother's thoughts, but it's you who entertained a table with a good dish today, only to make people look good. Aunt Rong

Very happy. "

Xiao Shaojie was transferred to the topic, but she kept thinking about it. Seeing that Jiang Wanyan could not ask anything, she thought about turning back to ask Xiao Jing, Xiao Jingri and Jiang Jinyu got along, and they must know something.

As night fell, Mrs. Dingbeihou and Mr. Jiang Wanyan were sent away. Xiao Shaojiu looked mysteriously and sent the scroll to Rongyao's room.

Rong Ye had just washed and bathed, and looked at Xiao Shaoyan in annoyance. "What's so strange?"

When Rong Hong opened the scroll, the whole man was as if he was a chicken and looked at the man in the painting, including Mrs. Rong and General Rong.

"this is……"

"Mother, great-grandmother had a great time, her children and grandchildren are surrounded, and her bones are tough." Flowing.

Rong Huan rubbed the upper finely, which was indeed done by Mrs. Rong herself.

"Misunderstanding, also made your mother shed tears." Right-handed happened to enter the door, staring at Xiao Shaoyan, Xiao Shaoyan spit out his tongue, "Daddy, mother is crying happily, isn't she angry, since dad came back and the daughter I'm leaving."

The right-handed man looked at Xiao Shaojiao's back as he carried the group, leaving him helpless.

"It's going to be empty some days. I'll go back with you for your husband."

Rong Zheng shook his head when he heard the words. "No need. I can see my grandmother so contented. How can I beg you to look at it? Besides, the emperor has been doing so frequently in recent days, and my grandfather still doesn't have to be distracted for me."

The right phase faintly hummed and said nothing for a long time.

Half a month later, Lou Lan envoy went to Beijing to worship Dong Ming Emperor, and the next day held a banquet to receive wind and dust. This time it was Dingbei Hou who was in charge of the banquet.

"What, the Emperor wants to assign Princess Loulan Xu to Dingbeihou Mansion?" Madam Dingbeihou froze. "How could a good emperor have such an idea?"

Jiang Jinyu froze, "Mother, the emperor only had this idea, but it was not announced, and Meng Fei also listened to it by accident."

This is what Lian Xuan told Jiang Jinyu. Although the two have been fighting for Xiao Shaoyu, they have not used any means. Both are bright and clear. They persisted for so many years. The two have long forged a deep friendship. Therefore, Jiang Jinyu believed in Lian Xuan. Never lie.

Mrs. Dingbeihou was shocked for a while before she said, "Since the emperor has thoughts, Dingbeihoufu may not have escaped. I heard that Loulan had come to kiss her, but I didn't want to hit her on your head. No wonder, no wonder The emperor will order your father to take care of the banquet. "

Mrs. Dingbei was more and more unable to guess what Dongming Emperor meant.

Jiang Jinyu smiled, "In the past, the three queens stood up. The power of the queen mother has been put into the hands of the emperor for a long time. Now the queen mother has been vulnerable. The news came from the palace. Watching your own body, how can Yishan tolerate the two tigers without a common enemy? "

Mrs. Dingbeihou listened vaguely, "Why do you choose Beihoufu?"

Dongming Emperor naturally did this to deal with Youxiang Mansion. Jiang Wanyan married the right son's only sister-in-law. First, Dingbei Hou lost his real power, Dingbei Hou was detained everywhere, and then he gave a helping hand to Dingbei. Hou House Opportunity.

Dingbei Hou will definitely cherish this opportunity twice. The purpose of raising a tiger is naturally to make him fight on the battlefield with his enemies.

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