MTL - Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine-v2 Chapter 5 Into the palace

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The queen of Wei was trembling with anger, staring fiercely at Qing Guifei, but seeing that she closed her eyes in the arms of Xiyue Emperor.

The emperor Xiyue swept away the eyes of the Empress Wei, and the Empress Wei was frightened. "The emperor, not the courtier, was the concubine Qing Qing who committed suicide by herself. It has nothing to do with the courtier."

The Qing Concubine in the arms of Xiyue Emperor had long disappeared, and her palms gradually became cold. However, Xiyue Emperor held her arms tightly and felt guilty.

It was he who had delayed the best time of a woman's life, forgot to promise, and married another, and he himself imprisoned Qing Concubine in the deep palace compound.

When he first met, what Zhao Qingxi longed for was freedom and chic. He never cared about his identity. All the emperors of Xiyue knew this.

Emperor Xiyue held Zhao Qingxi's cheek in his hand, as if he saw the smiling, wanton, innocent and romantic woman again.

"Qinger, I'm sorry."

Emperor Xiyue didn't hold back, and angrily spit out blood, and his body fell suddenly to the ground.


The crowd was shocked and immediately carried the West Vietnamese Emperor away in all directions.

Two hours later, the Emperor Xiyue woke up quietly, his bland eyes turned slightly, and the open voice seemed to be struggling with his whole body. "Take a trip to the palace with a token and arrange a few people to clear the concubine ... … Miss Zhao sent out of the palace, and found a place to be buried next to the mountains and the water, so there was no need to write a tombstone. "

Gong Li paused, then nodded, "Yes, the slave will arrange it."

As soon as the people left, the Emperor Xiyue slowly got up, covered his mouth, coughed, and looked at the falling snowflakes outside the window in a daze, saying for a long time, "Open the palace door tomorrow morning."

The guard was shocked. "Emperor ..."

Emperor Xiyue waved his hand, "You don't have to say much, just follow your instructions, and you can't resist or argue."


Fengqi Palace

The queen was stopped by the guards in the palace. She was stopped several times before going out.

"How can this be true, this palace is the queen, and you dare to commit the crime!"

Queen Wei was really panicked. Although the Emperor Xiyue didn't make anything, she just waited tortured. There was no news from the outside world, and she was really tortured.

The guard looked cold and ignored the Queen, and turned a deaf ear to the Queen's shouting. The Queen was angry and angry, but had no choice but to return to the palace to wait.

"It's all blame Zhao Qingxi, bitch!" Queen Wei's teeth tickled. "It's so dead, it's really cheap for her."

Empress Wei can't wait to demolish Zhao Qingxi's bones, and it's difficult for Empress Wei to learn the truth.

West Vietnam was defeated, and the Beibei soldiers would soon ban West Vietnam under the city. The Queen Emperor could originally marry the Emperor Beibei, but it was broken by Zhao Qingxi, the more she wanted to be more angry.

"What happened to Nan Jiang, how about Brother Wang?"

Queen Wei did not want to stay in West Vietnam any more for a moment, and wished to return to Nan Jiang immediately.

The maid shook her head. "The queen maiden, Sheng Jing is blocked, and the news can't get in or out. I don't know what happened."

Queen Wei fisted angrily, walking around the house uneasily.

"The queen and queen, only the emperor ordered, to open the palace door tomorrow morning and surrender Beibei, no one can resist, now the whole palace is spreading."

A palace maid hurried over and said anxiously.

Queen Queen's face changed drastically. "What ?!"

Tomorrow morning, there is only one night left. West Vietnam died so soon? Queen Wei is not yet willing to accept this reality.

It wasn't just Queen Wei, Queen Mother Song fainted several times. After waking up, I heard that I surrendered and immediately went to the Emperor Xiyue to ask for more information.

"Mother!" Princess Chonghua hurriedly hurried, "Brother Huang is going to open the gate. Is this true? What shall we do?"

Mother Empress Song gritted her teeth, "Go to your emperor and ask for it!"

The two hurried along to the Palace of Parliament, and saw the emperor Xi Yue unhindered.

"Emperor, you ca n’t go crazy. You actually want to open the gate to surrender. Do you know what this means?"

The Empress Dowager Song looked at the Emperor Xiyue utterly, and was extremely disappointed with the Emperor Xiyue. "Emperor, without Xiyue, how should you explain to the West Vietnamese subjects and to the Song ancestors!"

The Empress Dowager Song couldn't watch West Vietnam's demise. What face would she see in the future?

Emperor Xiyue sighed, "After my mother, I have no choice until now. If you insist on confrontation, you will be able to support it for a few days. It is not countless deaths and injuries."

Queen Mother Song shook her head. "Anyway, it's the child who is not filial piety, but the blood of the Song family is always flowing in his bones. After the trouble, he will converge, and the foundation of West Vietnam must not be shaken!"

"Brother Huang, Xuan Er and Zhan Er were born with a kind heart. What they want is just an attitude. As long as we are willing to bow our heads and ask Xuan Er to withdraw troops, we will be able to keep the West Vietnam.

The princess Chonghua thought about hundreds of possibilities, except that Zhao Zunhui resolutely left West Vietnam and established Beibei as the emperor. Now he quickly led troops to attack West Vietnam. All this happened too quickly, and it was too late Preparation is over.

Once West Vietnam perishes, the honour of this long princess will come to an end. For a moment's shame, in exchange for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, the long princess of Huanhua naturally chose not to hesitate to bear the burden.

Empress Song looked at the emperor of Xiyue Shen and said, "And there is Zhao Suyi. You have not only had many years of husband and wife feelings, but Xiyue is also the hometown of Zhao Suyi. How can you watch Xiyue's extinction?"

The princess Chonghua nodded, and immediately followed the companion. "The words of the mother-in-law are, the emperor, write a letter to the Zhao family. For the sake of the old love, let Xi Yue once."

Emperor Xiyue stood silent in front of the window sill. The Empress Dowager suddenly glanced at Xiyue Emperor and hummed, "What time is it, you are still thinking about a dead person, can you really watch Xiyue trampled ?! "

The West Yue emperor was not shocked, and was not affected by the words of the Empress Dowager at all.

For a long time, Queen Mother Song took a deep breath and glanced at Princess Huahua, "Let's go, your emperor can't let go of his son, so it's useless to say more."

"Mother-in-law ..." Princess Chonghua was a little reconciled. "Mother-in-law, the horse is still in Song Ye's hands, the brother-in-law is dead, and the whereabouts of the brother-in-law are unknown. How can the son-in-law watch the West Vietnam perish! "

Emperor Xiyue suddenly moved his finger and turned his head to look at Princess Huahua. "You are so distressed at the horse, why can't you use yourselves for the sake of yourself and consider it for Xiaoer? Why did you bother with Xiaoyue and chase him? With Xiao Xiao, how much trouble did it take for the horse to be horses, and who can blame all this today? "

The princess Chonghua stunned, and then forgot her humility and refuted directly, "I am the princess of Xiyue, and my son is the Prince of Xiyue. I would like to ask which prince is not the third wife and the fourth wife. How to compare ?! "

Princess Chonghua replied, "In the beginning, you were the emperor, and you agreed to Yun Le as the side concubine, and agreed with Zhao Qinglin, whoever gave birth to the eldest son was the princess, why did another Xiao Xiao and relatives come up? Yunle can accommodate Yunle, and I won't care about her, but she, occupying the Prince's Mansion, encouraged her to not approach Yunle. Yunle is only 16 years old. How can I be a mother? "

Emperor Xiyue was too lazy to argue again. In the past, they were all in the middle of the game, and they only harmed the people around them in their own interests. It is no surprise that Xiyue Emperor has reached the point where he is today.

"Let's go and let me be alone."

Emperor Xiyue waved his hand, a long sigh, and stood under the window in a daze.

The Empress Dowager Song glanced at the Emperor of West Yue, stopped talking and pulled Princess Chonghua away from the Palace of Government.

"Mother ..."

Empress Dowager Song looked at Princess Huahua, "Your brother is right. We were wrong. Song Mi was treated as Song Zhan. Song Yi was always ruthless. He was not as gentle and kind as Song Zhan. He hurt Xiao Xiao a few times. Now, Dongming ’s right hand covers the sky with one hand. If Dongming had not stopped Nan Jiang this time, there would still be Beibei and Zhonghua in this world. Do n’t be naive. ”

The Empress Dowager Song suddenly understood the Emperor Xiyue, and her back was straight. Even if she died, she had to die well and could not be taken lightly.

"Then let's ask for Zhao's ..." The Princess Chonghua was unwilling to accept the reality.

"Zhonghua, the Zhao family is destroyed. Even though Zhao Suyi is dissatisfied with the Zhao family, after all, it is the daughter of the Zhao family. Do you think Zhao Suyi is willing to help us, wake up!"

The Empress Dowager Song chilled by three minutes, "Chonghua, you will always be the most honorable long princess of West Vietnam. Don't be scorned. The more so, the more you must raise your chest. Without West Vietnam, Beibei will inevitably suffer. They accused us not to panic to God and hand the handle to Beibei. "

Princess Chonghua's proud head slowly lowered, biting her lips, her eyes were unwilling.

"After the mother, if Beibei breaks the city ..." The princess Chonghua's voice was a little trembling, and she dared not imagine the consequences.

The Empress Dowager Song was firm in her tone. "The emperor is Song Ye's biological father, and Song Ye dare to destroy his father, and he is not afraid of retribution!"

With the determination of Empress Song, the heart of Princess Chonghua slowly settled.

"Even if West Vietnam surrendered, we are all Song Ye's closest relatives. He will not be so stupid. He will leave a bad reputation for us. At most ... he will give up his throne to Song Ye. He didn't dare! "

Queen Mother Song even made the worst plan. The big deal was that she was placed under house arrest in Tszwa Palace, and she did not believe that Zhao Zunhui would kill her.

Princess Chonghua nodded, "What my mother said."

I didn't mention a word of the extra words, this night some people are destined to sleep all night, waiting for dawn torment.

As soon as the genius was brightened, the gates on both sides of the palace were opened. An army entered the palace first, and the torches illuminated the entire palace.

No one resisted. Except for the sound of footsteps around it, it was surprisingly quiet. The **** of the palace stood with her head down, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Then came a man from the crowd, a slender figure, exquisite facial features, and the cold scent that emanated from him could not help looking up.

"Emperor, all the guards of the palace are here." Zhao Qi whispered.

Zhao Zundan calmly said, very satisfied that these people did not resist, everything went very smoothly.

"Go to the Parliament Hall!"

Zhao Zun lifted his feet and went to the Palace of Political Affairs. The palace stood on the West Vietnamese civil and military officials. He heard every movement and turned to look at Zhao Zun, with a little fear in his eyes, and then opened a way.

Zhao Zun's stiff body stood amidst the crowd, and he was undoubtedly the most conspicuous.

Emperor Xiyue looked up at Zhao Zun, "Emperor Bei, it's been a long time since you've seen me. Don't come here."

Zhao Zungou said, "Naturally, I'm troubled, everyone cares about it. After a few months of departure, now it's no change to return to Yizheng Hall."

"Second brother, how is the father emperor also your biological father, no matter if the second brother is the prince of Xiyue or Emperor Beibei, this farce should be almost the same. Don't forget that the blood of West Vietnam is still flowing in the elder brother's bones. "

It was the three princes who spoke. He had always been honest and loyal, and when he heard that it was difficult for Xi Yue to rush back immediately.

"Second brother, leave some room for everything, it can be regarded as a way for yourself. The father has always hoped that the second brother inherited West Vietnam. Even without this change, the position of the prince is still the second brother. West Vietnam cannot die. , Ask second brother to think twice. "

The three princes kneeled on the ground after speaking, and the ministers also knelt on the ground, "please beg your highness."

Zhao Zunwen made a lip-hook look and glanced down at the three princes. "The three brothers are more concerned, West Vietnam is not popular, and He is also able to reach West Vietnam so smoothly according to the wishes of the people. Even if you change the country name, you are still the minister of Beibei. , You can continue to work for Beibei, changing the dynasty is a history, so ... "

Zhao Zunton paused. "You don't have to make unnecessary resistance."

The three princes lowered their heads, and opened their mouths to justify a familiar but stranger.

Emperor Xiyue suddenly smiled, "Since ancient times, defeating kings has always been the norm, and I can't afford to lose."

Zhao Zungo chuckled lip, walked step by step towards Xiyue Emperor, stepped on the steps, and stopped only one step away from the dragon chair.

Then he looked at the ministers, and suddenly someone took the lead in kneeling and said, "See the emperor, long live the long live my lord!"

A response immediately rang outside the palace, "Long live my lord, live long live!"

The voice of my emperor shouted naturally to Zhao Zun. Nuoda's voice was deafening, making the whole hall's ministers unable to resist.

Mercy palace

A woman in a cloak, holding her hand down the soft car carefully, the woman's lower abdomen was slightly raised, her face looked stunning.

"Too ..., Prince?" Yuan Zhen was surprised.

Xiao Yan looked up at Yuan Yuan, then slowly walked into the hall.

Yuan Zhen immediately said, "Prince, the queen mother was not asleep last night, and she only took a nap half an hour ago. This is going to sleep."

Xiao Yan turned a deaf ear and walked in, and the figure of Princess Chonghua appeared a short while later.

"Noisy and noisy, do you know if my mother is asleep!"

The princess Chonghua was displeased, and at first glance Xiao Yue paused, "Is it you ?!"

Xiao Yan looked up at Princess Chonghua, stepped into the hall step by step, found a place to sit, and glanced at Princess Chonghua slightly.

"Since the long princess is also here, I'm looking for them one by one."

Princess Chonghua's eyelids flickered slightly and hummed, "I didn't expect to see them for many days, but I still don't understand the rules."

Xiao Xuan chuckled, "Yuan Zhen's son has a similar temperament to the long princess. He is indomitable and stubborn. He would not beg for mercy before he died."

When mentioning Yuan Zhen, the princess Chonghua was furious. "You are not afraid of retribution. You are so ruthless. Don't think that having a good father can do whatever you want. What about West Vietnam? With you so strong, this palace will one day watch you cry! "

Xiao Yan covered his mouth and smiled, "I don't care, I'm afraid the princess didn't have that blessing to watch."

With a look, Qing Yu kicked fiercely towards Princess Chonghua's knee, and Princess Chonghua's legs were soft, and she caught her knees towards Xiao Yan.

"Long princess!" Aunt's face changed slightly.

Xiao Yan's gorgeous red lips slightly lifted up, "Zhonghua, you may be too deserving of yourself, no wonder the emperor could not see you. If you did not look at the emperor of Xiyue, you would have been dismissed. So restless. "

"What qualifications do you have to say this palace!" Princess Chonghua struggled to stand up, Qing Yu held it firmly with one hand, struggling to move.

Yuan Zhen was so anxious, "Prince ..."

"Yuanzhang, the Queen of Beibei is in front of you, not a princess!" Red sleeve sneered.

Yuan Zhen was suddenly out of training and could only worry about it.

"Who is Ai's family? It used to be Princess Yihe of the past, but now she is a queen and she is holding the shelf."

Empress Dowager Song helped the palace maid to lift the curtain and came to her side. Yun Fangfei stood next to her. Yun Fangyun glanced at Xiao Yan quickly, and was hurt by Xiao Yan's bulging belly.

How Xiao Xiao lives so well, being taken care of by such an excellent man, has given Xiao Yuan a distinguished identity, considerate care, and can not bear Xiao Xiao's grievance.

Yun Fangfei lowered her head, her eyes moist.

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