MTL - Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine-v2 Chapter 3 Self-destruction

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Xu Guifei bit her lip so that she would not lose her mind, and raised her eyes to look at Qing Guifei, who had just lost her child on the couch.

"Sister Qing, you are so hard-hearted ..."

Qing Guifei closed her eyes, and suddenly Wenbo shouted, "It's not good.

After that, Xu Guifei's heart sank more and more.

Emperor Xiyue froze, "What are you still thinking about, and you are not ready to save Qing Concubine!"


All the people in the room were busy driving, Qing Qing's little face was pale, and the whole person was helpless and sad, as if she had seen no love in the world.

Emperor Xiyue looked at such a concubine, and suddenly remembered that when she first met, she was very lively and lovely.

In just a few months, the concubine Qing became a taciturn woman with little smile on weekdays.

Emperor Xiyue's heart felt like a needle stick, holding Qing Gui's hand tightly, "Qinger, if you insist on it, I will stay with you, and you will be fine."

Qing Guifei opened her eyelids and opened her mouth intermittently. "The emperor, the minister has a few words ... I want to speak to the emperor alone."

Emperor Xiyue nodded, "Except for the doctors!"

Xu Guifei was helpless to stand up, and then left the hall.

The Queen of Wei was nostalgic, and turned away. The two left the room together. Although the face of the Queen of Queens was slapped, the arrogance and glee of her eyes hurt Xu Guifei.

Xu Guifei took a deep breath and let go of the girl-in-law's arm. "Let's go down, Chen Ye has a few words to talk to the queen mother alone."

"Madam ..."

Xu Guifei insisted, and Aya left.

Queen Wei smiled, "There are so many people here. If there is something wrong with Xu Guifei, this palace can't explain it."

Xu Guifei looked at the two maids beside the Queen of Wei, and could not help but set her sights on the Queen of Wei.

"The queen mother-in-law is so good that she can attract the concubine Qing silently, and she is really curious. What benefit does the queen mother-in-law give the concubine Qing Qing, which can let the concubine use the child in the stomach to make chips and use a prince to give the concubine It's too embarrassing to stumble. "

Xu Guifei always stared at Queen Wei. She thought it was a simple role, but she did not expect to persuade Qing Guifei.

You must know that Concubine Qing is from Song Emperor Song. There is no shortage of grace status. Nowadays, there is no prince in West Vietnam. According to Emperor Xi Yue ’s love for Concubine Qing, as long as Concubine Qing wants to compete, the crown prince is likely to fall. On Qing Guifei's son.

Xu Guifei wanted to break her head and did not understand why Qing Guifei was so stupid and gave up all this.

Empress Wei reached out and touched her cheek, and her mouth was a little numb, and her eyes narrowed. Xu Guifei said, "Xu Guifei did such a damaging thing, but she can still question here. If you were in this palace, you would have kneeled in front of the Buddha. Forgive me and pray that Princess Qing is safe and sound. Otherwise, I do n’t know how the emperor would treat Xu Guifei and the Xu family. "

When Xu Guifei heard the words, she was slapped with a slap, and angry and angry. The Queen Wei was right. If there were any three advantages and disadvantages for Qing Guifei, the Emperor Xiyue could never spare herself, and would also involve the Xu family.

The little prince was dead. The next thing Xu Guifei thought about was how to calm down the anger of the emperor of West Vietnam. When thinking of this, a cool air came out of the soles of his feet and went straight to his brain.

"Don't the queen maiden have to kill her like this? Chen Chen asked herself if she did not offend the queen maiden ..."

Xu Guifei's voice weakened by three points, and she couldn't think of any solution.

Queen Wei sneered, "This man always has to compare the baht, and Xu Guifei has suffered many crimes in her house, and she knows in her heart that if it wasn't for Qing Qing's right and wrong, now this house can't explain clearly, Xu Concubine, do it for yourself. "

After that, the Queen Emperor was about to leave when she raised her feet, and Xu Guifei bent over and fell to her knees.

"The queen mother-in-law is the fault of the court lady. The court lady should not be confused and offend the queen wife at once. Dade. "

There is no other way around Xu Guifei, and now only Queen Wei can give her a way of life.

"The queen mother-in-law is the fault of the courtier." Xu Guifei gritted her teeth and slap herself with a few slaps.

"I beg the queen's wife to raise her noble hand. The children in Chen Wei's belly are always innocent, as well as his family members. What kind of anger and resentment does the queen wife have?

Xu Guifei's crying movement was miserable, and it was not easy to kneel on the ground with a big belly. It would be pitiful if someone else would be sorry. Unfortunately, the woman on the other side was Queen Wei, an iron hearted woman.

The queen hummed, and bent over and pinched Xu Guifei's jaw. "What is Xu Guifei doing? If someone sees you, you still think that this palace bullies Xu Guifei. What is the use of this palace? The little prince died. Sad and sad is Princess Gui, Xu Guifei might as well ask Princess Gui to raise her hand. "

After speaking, Queen Wei pulled off her skirt and left with a smile.

Xu Guifei knelt on the cold ground, her knees were soaked for a long time, and the cold weather was full of cold sweat.

"Madam, it's cold on the ground, so be careful."

Xu Guifei bit her lip and cried, letting two maids help her up.

"It's a pity that the queen mother-in-law and the long princess went out to pray today, otherwise they can still find the queen mother-in-law."

A little palace girl suddenly said, Xu Guifei's eyes moved slightly, "Hurry up, send a letter to the queen mother-in-law, the sooner the better."


Xu Guifei stood waiting outside the main hall. The longer the time, the more uneasy she felt. She never experienced the despair at this moment, praying that Qing Guifei would be safe and sound.

Xu is in the mercy of the heavens. After dozens of princes' efforts, he finally saved Qing Guifei's life, but Qing Guifei hurt her body, and she will have a hard time conceiving in the future.

Until the evening, the palace lit a candlelight, and Xu Guifei's legs were numb and her palms were cold.

When I heard that Qing Qingfei saved her life, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon after listening to the girl's joy, "Mother-in-law, Queen Mother and Princess Long are back."

When Xu Guifei heard that her tight back was loose, she didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.

"My sister-in-law met her queen mother ..."

Empress Dowager Song waved her face ugly, and glanced at Xu Guifei. "The person who sent the letter didn't know clearly. When the Ai family heard about the incident, she immediately rushed back. What happened!

Xu Guifei sucked her nose. "The queen mother-in-law, Chen Ye and sister Qing are walking in the Royal Garden. At this moment, the queen mother arrives, and sister Qing accidentally falls ..."

Xu Guifei didn't dare to conceal her. She told the situation in one hundred and fifty, and did not forget to sigh for herself.

"The queen mother-in-law, the court officials are wrong, the court officials really did not harm Sister Qing."

The princess Chonghua heard that the little prince died, her pupils shrank, "What are you saying, the little prince is gone?"

Xu Guifei sternly looked at Princess Chonghua's stern eyes and nodded in pain. Princess Chonghua was annoyed.

"But after a while out, why did something go wrong?"

Ms. Song waved her hand, "Go and see how Concubine Qing first."

The princess Chonghua couldn't return to her for a long time, and staring at Xu Guifei's eyes became worse and worse. Xu Guifei immediately said, "Long princess, Chen Ye has always been An An, and who knows that sister Qing bit the Chen Ye in one bite and helped. The queen maiden was cleansed ... "

Princess Chonghua narrowed her eyes, looked at Xu Guifei inquiringly, hummed twice, raised her heel to follow the steps of Queen Mother Song and went to visit Qing Guifei, followed by Xu Guifei.

Qing Guifei, who had just walked away from the gate of the gate, was weak and pale at the moment. The whole person seemed to have been drained of all her energy, staring at it in one place.

The **** smell in the room continued, and the more intense it approached, it was unbearable.

Queen Mother Song took a deep breath and glanced at the equally decadent West Vietnamese emperor. "The emperor, as well as the events of the previous dynasty, are waiting for the emperor to handle it. The emperor cannot forget the entire West Vietnam. Don't be too sad, concubine. Promise you, Xu Guifei's children will be held for you as soon as they are born. "

Xu Guifei suddenly raised her eyes and moved her lips, after all, she dared not say.

"After the mother, Qinger has just lost her child, and it is inappropriate to say these now." Emperor Xiyue lowered his voice, for fear of disturbing Qing Guifei.

Queen Mother Song glanced at Emperor Xiyue, "You go out first, and the Ai family persuades Qing Concubine. After all, the Ai family is a woman who came from this time, and naturally understands you better than you."

Seeing this, Emperor Xiyue nodded and agreed, standing up and staring at Xu Guifei coldly.

Xu Guifei's eyelids jumped, and there was an unpredictable hunch. She only listened to the Emperor Xi Yue pointing at Xu Guifei. "From now on, Xu Guifei won the title of concubine and was degraded to the last grade. She must not step out of the palace halfway before production. "

Xu Guifei stunned, "The emperor ..."

"take away!"

Xu Guifei was forced to pull down by two guards before she could struggle.

The Empress Dowager Song pretended not to see that the Emperor Xiyue was angry, and at this time it was useless to plead for Xu Guifei.

After the emperor Xiyue left, she did not know what Empress Song had said to Princess Qing, and Princess Qing agreed to pleading for Xu the next day.

Emperor Xiyue breathed a sigh of relief, and responded in a random way, but privately depreciated the Xu family again and again. The past favors no longer exist.

Xu promised to know that he had a fetal gas on the spot, broke the amniotic fluid, and gave birth in advance.

Except for Princess Chonghua's visit, no one in the palace cares about Xu's promise.

Xu promised to mourn for a whole night, and did not give birth to the child until dawn. It turned out that she was a baby girl. Princess Chonghua glanced away and immediately left the hall without Xu promise.

Xu promised that the child born from a life-threatening ninth death would be rejected, and grievance and resentment would come to mind, but what can be done, even the house can't go out.

"I gave birth to lose money!" Said Princess Chonghua angrily, with a regretful look, "It is a pity that Princess Qing's child, otherwise, according to the emperor's favor, it must be a prince."

Queen Mother Song sighed, "The princes under the lap of the emperor are all incompetent, so it's hard to have a little prince, let alone, now that I'm hurrying to plan, when the Beibei war is over, immediately accept the concubine , And another concubine advised her, and the emperor would not refute. "

Princess Chonghua nodded, "It can only be so, but the son-in-law always thinks there is something wrong, but if you think about it, you have no thoughts."

"The concubine has no desire or desire, she is safe and secure, and she will not promise Xu with the child in her belly, and she almost lost her life. At that time, no one would forgive the person who pushed her behind."

Queen Mother Song said lightly, "It's strange that Xu promised not to be funny. It's all her fault at this point. She used to think she was clever and clever. I didn't expect it to be so useless."

This remark was made by Princess Chonghua, thinking that Princess Qing's brother is still in her own hands, and Princess Qing is afraid to be obedient, maybe she really thought about it more.

While everyone was waiting to overcome the good news, bad news suddenly came.

The Beibei broke through. One hundred thousand troops were blood-washed overnight, and three lost cities were recovered. Zhou Guo and Wei Guo had insufficient troops. This morning, they lost their helmets and abandoned their horses and evacuated West Vietnam.

In other words, only West Vietnam and Beibei are at war.

Not only that, Beibei used soldiers like gods, often winning more with less, but West Vietnam lost a lot of generals in a row, and the coaches who did not have any hand to compete with it.

When the news came, the Empress Dowager was stunned. "How could this be, more than half a million troops opposed less than 200,000 troops, but they could still be beaten without any help ..."

It is ridiculous that Queen Mother Song should cry or laugh.

Fengqi Palace heard the news, and the queen Wei banged the table angrily, "How can West Vietnam be so wasteful, even a little Beibei can't figure it out, waste!"

The Queen Queen is more and more despised on West Vietnam, if West Vietnam is to destroy the country, then she might as well end up in prison after her country.

Queen Wei was also anxious, glanced at the maid, "What's the news over Nan Jiang?"

"The big prince was spreading the word. He was entangled by Dongming. He couldn't get rid of him, and he asked the mother to try to persuade Xiyue to send troops for support as soon as possible."

The Queen Queen heard her words and frowned tightly. "The lightness of speaking, West Vietnam can't help themselves, how can it send troops to support Nan Jiang!"

Queen Wei frowns all over, annoyed not knowing what to say, wondering how things might get to this point.

"Niangniang, the great prince said that as long as Xiyue sent troops to attack from the rear of the Dongming Army and wait for the second prince to arrive, it would certainly destroy the Dongming army. It would not be too late for Nan Jiang to support West Vietnam against Beibei Even if West Vietnam is recaptured by Beibei, when the state teacher leaves the border, Nan Jiang will surely recapture Beibei. "

Empress Wei frowned, "This can only be the case now, this palace wrote to the big brother, Xiyue now has less than 300,000 soldiers and horses, and it is not difficult to provide 200,000 to support Nan Jiang."

The maid immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Queen Wei glanced at the maid, "Go and send a letter to Concubine Qing, and let West Vietnam send 200,000 soldiers and horses to support Nan Jiang, and keep Nan Jiang first."


The following day, Emperor Xiyue suddenly sent a message and withdrew 200,000 troops to support Nan Jiang.

The ministers were completely stunned. At the moment, it is crucial to be indifferent to Beibei. Without the main force of 200,000 troops, wouldn't it be equivalent to taking the initiative to surrender and ceding West Vietnam to Beibei?

"The emperor thinks twice, this soldier cannot be withdrawn. Once the soldiers are withdrawn, the Beibei will drive in and win the entire West Vietnam in one fell swoop."

The opinions of the ministers were very unified, saying that they would not run the risk of losing their country to support Nan Jiang.

Besides, Nan Jiang has never helped West Vietnam.

However, the Westward Emperor was just like the magic barrier, and he tried to disagree with the two imperial edicts, withdrawing 200,000 troops to support Nan Jiang.

After hearing that Queen Mother Song could not care about her ancestors, she came directly to Emperor Xiyue. "Emperor, you ca n’t go crazy. Xiyue can't protect herself. You dare to draw troops to support Nan Jiang!"

"After the mother, the harem is not allowed to do anything. Please avoid it immediately."

Emperor Xiyue kept his face cold, his eyes as if he did not know the Empress Dowager Song. The Empress Dowager Song had a sweet throat, and said nothing to allow the Emperor Xiyue to withdraw.

Emperor Xiyue waved his hands, and immediately two palace ladies asked Empress Song to go out. The empress Song was shocked and furious, and was extremely disappointed with Emperor Xiyue.

With the insistence of Emperor Xiyue, he withdrew 200,000 troops overnight and rushed to Nan Jiang. So three days later, Beibei drove straight into Sheng Jing.

Empress Song heard that the whole person shook, and a fierce blood spurted out.

The next moment I heard Yuanzhang enter the door, "The queen mother-in-law, it's not good, the people of Shengjing City opened the gate of Beibei to enter the city, and now they have entered the city."

Xu was too disappointed that the people of Xiyue were disappointed with the withdrawal of Emperor Xiyue, so they turned to Beibei. After all, Emperor Beiyue was also the Prince of Xiyue and won the hearts of the people.

Queen Mother Song heard that her eyes were completely fainted when she closed her eyes, and the anxious Yuan Zhen immediately shouted, "Quick, call the doctor!"

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