MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2365 Do you like me

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Chapter 2365 Do you like me?

Cloud painting did not expect that his first major practice was so dangerous.

The injured person was cut throat, the trachea ruptured. Fortunately, the carotid artery was not cut, but the blood in the throat once again flowed into the ruptured throat, which was equally dangerous. At the moment, the most dangerous thing was that the wounded tube was broken and there was no way to breathe normally!

If left untreated, the injured person will soon suffocate. After a few minutes, the injured person's brain will be deprived of oxygen due to suffocation. Hypoxia will cause permanent damage to the brain, and if it is serious, it will lead to death.

In 1978, the medical conditions were also very poor, and there were many advanced things in the rescue.

Even if the injured person has been taken to the hospital at the moment, the injury is basically only waiting for the death, and the injured person will not even be too painful, because only a few minutes will pass.

How to do?

The nurses are all messed up, not to mention that there are still many people around.

Cloud paintings ordered the nurse to go to the attending doctor and go to the first aid kit. She could not stop.

She pulled out the pen tube of the pen, inserted the broken pipe of the wounded person, took the pressurized oxygen balloon from the running nurse, and manually supplied oxygen to the patient. If not, the patient's lungs would collapse quickly.

When Director Lu came over, he saw this scene.

"What is stuck in the injured neck!" Director Lu asked with anger.

The cloud painting said: "The pen pen tube."

"Is it disinfected?"

"Did not have time."

"Do you know what the consequences will be!" Director Lu was not very angry.

Cloud paintings are not too flustered. "Now it can only be so. The most important thing is to send the injured to the operating room and continue to rescue."

Director Lu was so angry that he did not dare to delay, and quickly made people think of ways to send the injured to the operating room.

The work of cloud painting was replaced by other experienced medical staff.

She stood in the same place, picked up the pen and the refill that had been removed from the ground. This pen was sent to her by Bo Siqing. She was reluctant to lose it. Just to save the person, she broke the pen tube and waited for the surgery to end. It can be turned back from the surgical waste to reassemble.

She didn't care about anything. The white coat on her body was all blood. She quietly knelt down and picked up the pen accessories and put it back in her pocket.

When Zhou Shengbei Qian came over, he saw this scene.

But he only had time to take a look, just went to the operating room, brushing the table.

The situation of this wounded person is very complicated, and it is also the hero of the gangster. If he can't save it, the negative impact will be great. He intends to go on stage.

The operation was carried out for 5 hours.

Successfully ended.

The injured person was out of danger, but still in a coma, has been sent to the intensive care unit, with professional medical staff watching.

The surgical nurse helped Zhou Shengbei Qian take off his surgical gown and unplug the medical gloves.

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is washing his hands, and Director Lu has come over. All of them are admired.

Originally, he also had great opinions on this young vice president. He believed that he relied on the relationship at home, but this operation has already made Director Lu completely convinced him!

This is not the same as studying abroad from abroad. The level is too high!

There is an intrigue in the world, but no matter where it is, strength is the best way to win respect!

"Dr. Zhou Sheng, really great! Our hospital, under the leadership of Dean Zhou Sheng, will definitely be able to take it to the next level." Director Lu convinced that the oral administration complimented.

Zhou Shengbei Qian shook his head slightly. "I can't change anything by myself. Only by cultivating more excellent medical workers, the medical strength of our country as a whole will rise."

These words made Director Lu more admired.

"Right, what is the doctor who took the pen and pen tube to intubate the patient?" asked Zhou Shengbeiqian.

Director Lu was too angry to raise it. "Intern students who don't understand anything! Professor Ouyang introduced me to me. I thought this girl was very practical and I was very steady. I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. The sterilized pen tube dares to let the patient's wound insert, how dirty, she has no concept at all! I have to talk to Professor Ouyang, or let her study in the school for a few more years of basic knowledge."

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian was silent and said: "Director Lu, I think she handled it very well."

"...ah?" Director Lu couldn't answer.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian said: "The first step is that the core is a word of urgency. The patient is in critical condition. The doctor must find a solution in the shortest time. Many times, even if there is a solution, but there is no suitable medical equipment at hand, what should I do? Is it for the patient to dry up the equipment, or to find a way to get the material on the spot? The local material has the possibility of infecting the patient, but if nothing is done, it is very likely that the patient will miss the best treatment opportunity, resulting in death."

Director Lu nodded. "You are right."

"Infection and death, the two evils are taken lightly. First of all, we must guarantee the patient's life, and secondly, it is something else." Zhou Shengbei Qiandao said, "The battlefield doctors in our country faced more difficulties and hesitated. It may be a human life."

Director Lu nodded again. "I understand."

Zhou Shengbei Qian smiled and patted Director Lu’s shoulder. “Of course, under the premise of conditionality, it is of course necessary to avoid patient infection.”

Director Lu sighed and smiled. "The girl called Lin Yun painting. She had been sorting out the case file of the emergency department. What I showed you was what she had sorted out."

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian slightly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed a touch of interest. "Well, I will go back and talk to her."

The two men came out together from the operating room.

The cloud painting was waiting outside, holding a water glass in his hand, too tired, she sat down on the chair and fell asleep.

Director Lu stunned and walked over to wake up the cloud painting: "Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin, wake up, surgery is over."

Cloud painting woke up and stunned. "Director, the surgery is over."

"Well, the operation is very successful, the patient has been sent to the ward. What are you doing here?" Director Lu asked.

Cloud painting yawned, not too slow to say: "I am waiting to take my pen and pen."

Director Lu is speechless. "You are so big in your heart. You wait, the pentain Zhou Sheng will keep it for you. Later, you ask the equipment nurse. Come, just, I will introduce you, this is our hospital. Vice President Zhou Sheng, the dean of Zhou Sheng, this is Xiao Lin, Lin Yun painting."

Cloud painting looked at the past and stopped for a moment.

Zhou Shengbei Qian!

She actually saw Zhou Shengbei Qian again!

What is going on here!

Bo Siqing came to this world, she is very fortunate, but Zhou Shengbei Qian... How can it appear?

Bo Siqing came over before she met her at the age of 19, what about Zhou Qian?

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is also coming through, or is it born and raised? If he passed through, when did he come through?

In addition, in that world, the world order has been very stable, and Zhou Shengbeiqian can still stir up such a big situation. Now the world order is still unstable, everything is developing at a high speed, and there are too many loopholes. Zhou Shengbei Qian is really Like the last generation, the harm he brought is comparable to a world war!

"Xiao Lin, I know that our Dean Zhou Sheng is very handsome, you don't have to keep staring at it." Director Lu said with a smile.

The cloud painting suddenly woke up and smiled. "President Zhou Sheng looked familiar and didn't think about it where he had seen it."

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian came over and rushed her to the bottom: "Your reaction is very fast, and the treatment of the patients is also very good. Director Lu showed me the case file management you did, very good, I want to promote in the hospital. And there are some details, you will come to my office tomorrow."

"……it is good."

The official tone of the business.

Cloud painting can't be seen from his eyes.

He should not know her.


not sure.

People like Zhou Shengbei Qian really want to hide their words, she can't see it. He is a master of psychology himself, and the leader of PN. He is the mastermind behind so many events...

Such a person is placed in a troubled world.

Cloud painting thinks that IQ is good, but I don't think I can win Zhou Shengbei Qian.


At first, if Zhou Shengbei Qian was disheartened and wanted to end everything, then they still have fun.


Yun painting finally got his pen pen tube from the equipment nurse, and some deformation.

After cleaning, it can be used.

When I got home at night, Bo Siqing had already cooked the food. The two little guys were writing homework, and the final exam was going to be done soon. The school arranged a lot of homework.

These assignments are very simple for the two little guys. They don't have to bother to do it, but Mom and Dad teach them to respect the teacher. Even if the teacher's assignment is simple, they have to take the time to finish it seriously. It is respect.

When eating, the cloud painting asked Bo Siqing: "When are you going to the final exam?"

Bo Siqing said: "From next week, July 3rd, what happened?"

Cloud painting thought about it. "We are more concentrated. We will open the exam next Monday and we will be able to finish the exam in a week."

“How is the hospital internship?” asked thin secretary.

Cloud painting is an internship with the seniors of the seniors. This semester is not over yet, and she will come back to the final exam of the school.

Cloud painting said: "Difficult. The medical conditions are too bad now, there are not many medical equipment, and the training of medical staff is not in place... Hey, people in this era are really not easy."

Bo Siqing gave her a piece of braised pork. "It's not easy. Not only the medical industry, but also all walks of life are not easy. In terms of infrastructure, there are not so many advanced siege devices, all of which are manpower to fight. Our chemical industry is the same, foreign technology blockade, equipment restrictions... If it is not in it, I really can't imagine that there will be so many difficulties. The key is... We really develop the country in such a difficult situation. It’s up, I haven’t experienced the era you said, but I can imagine it, and I really want it.”

Cloud painting understands what he means.

When he came over, it was 2006. At that time, the country was still far worse than foreign countries in many aspects. The nation did not have self-confidence, and worshipped foreigners and discarded many things that belonged to them.

When she came over, time has come to 2018. The country has become extremely powerful in all aspects. The economies of the developed countries in the world are in decline. Only our country is constantly improving, and all aspects are in the forefront of the world. No one dares not to listen to the voices of our country!

All of this is the achievement that the country has achieved in just a few decades.

In the past few decades, we have completed the road that developed countries have used for hundreds of years.

The difficult dilemma can be imagined.

I used to imagine it, but now I am in it and feel the dilemma myself.

"I hope that our efforts can be more useful," said Yun.

Bosi Qing smiled and took a rice bowl and touched the cloud painting. "To make a toast, fight for the country's rich people."

Cloud painting laughed, and it was a good job to dry a rice soup.

After eating, Bo Siqing is washing the dishes.

Cloud painting took out his pen and told him about the first aid today.

He listened very seriously, washed the bowl, took her pen and looked at it. "Some deformations, I will fix it for you. Let me put it here first."

She nodded with a smile.

He looked at him. "Leave two little guys at home, let's go for a walk."

"...well." Cloud painting squinted. "Is this a date?"


The heart of the cloud painting jumped and couldn't help but snicker.

The two walked side by side in the hutong, and Bo Siqing gave her a comment on these courtyards: "There is a good preservation here, and the value will be higher in the future. But like this, it will be listed as a protection unit in the future. How do you say it? No city, because these houses are very uncomfortable to live in the future, but there is no way to renovate."

Cloud painting suddenly thought of a question, "What are you going to do in the future? Like the last generation, do research?"

Bo Siqing was silent. "I plan to do business."

Cloud painting looked at him.

Bo Siqing said, "I don't have enough money in that world. I don't have enough support to do anything. But not here, no money, it's hard to do anything. Only enough money can support me to do something. And you and the children, I have to give you a carefree environment, an environment that doesn't need to worry about money."

The heart of the cloud is sour and sweet.

Bo Siqing said: "I am not sure how long I will stay in this world, and I am not sure about our future. I just want to do my best in a limited time, so that you and the two little guys can be happy. Do whatever you want."

Cloud painting takes a deep breath, "What to do, I have to fall in love with you again."

He stopped and looked at her.

Cloud paintings don’t go over, the ears are red.

He couldn't help but grab her hand and tightened. "Why do you want to say it again?"

Cloud painting didn't say anything, I don't know why, she wanted to cry.

It is an unspeakable emotion.

"Don't want to say?" he asked.

Cloud painting came back and looked at him: "You, do you like me? Take care of me and the children, because... responsibility, or..."

She has too much anxiety and sensitivity in her heart.

She did not dare to gamble on his feelings.

Bo Siqing looked at her and reached out and gently wiped her tears. "There are many ways to do my duty. I never think of myself as a prop to do my duty..."

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion