MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2359 Wind and snow night return

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Chapter 2359 Wind and Snow Night Return

The Tang family and the old house are both invisible and invincible.

The pointing fingers in the village, Mrs. Tang did not care at all, the Tang family did not care, just wait for Bo Siqing and Lin Yun painting to apologize, and by the way, the house and the money!

Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying sneaked over and stuffed Lin Yun with two hundred dollars: "I am here."

How can Lin Yunhua collect this money? "Two brothers, you can take it, you don't need it."

"What about the mother? You can't easily test such a good result, but if you want to go to college, you can't really let them get together! You don't have to hold on, no matter what the future is, go to college first. Besides, "After Chen Ying's business, people are also very cheerful and whispered.

Cloud painting smiled and nodded. "We won't make a joke about the future. You can rest assured at the second. It's really okay."

Chen Ying still has some unbelief.

The cloud painting said again: "Do you still believe in my skills?"

When this was said, Chen Ying really didn't worry.

The other brothers and sisters may not know the skills of the three younger brothers. Chen Yingke knows too well. If she does not have three younger siblings, she would not dare to think that her second house should be smashed!

The Murakami people do not know how to deal with Lin Yun's paintings in the end, but the probability is to bow.

The Tang family is waiting.

After eating at noon, Bo Siqing came back from the county, and also put a knife in his hand, obviously this is to give the Tang family a gift.

Tang Jinwu, the second grandson of the Tang family, flew home: "Milk, milk, my uncle has a knife! A big knife!"

"Is it my family?" Mrs. Tang immediately sat up straight and her face was bright. "I know he can't!"

Bai Xiumei also smiled and said: "I still have the ability to be a mother. Jinwu, where did your uncle go?"

“I just entered the village.” Tang Jinwu said, “I will go out and see.”


After waiting for a while, Bai Xiumei couldn't sit still. "Mother, I also went out to see, this is so slow."

"Not good, not good, San Shu brought the meat home!"

Tang Jinwu rushed back and shouted.

Mrs. Tang’s face changed. “Do you see it?”

Tang Jinwu nodded his head and sweated. "I can see it really. My uncle is just taking the meat and going home. I haven’t stopped since the door of the door!"

Bai Xiumei has some sway, "Mother, can this be done?"

"No hurry, he also knows that the light is not a knife, and it is definitely going to call Lin Yun painting together." Mrs. Tang said.

Father Tang came in from the outside and squinted. "It’s called Jinwu, and a village called has heard it."

Bai Xiumei took a slap in the face of Tang Jinwu. "If you hear your words, you are not allowed to shout."

Tang Jinwu was not afraid of the roots, and ran out quickly. "Hey, go and inquire about intelligence!"

Bai Xiumei is somewhat worried, "Is it true that the third child will not come."

"He dares!"

Mrs. Tang sneered. "If he doesn't come, he will be on the university!"

Father Tang’s brows were crumpled. “You still said! You don’t even listen outside. The conditions you mentioned are all the people in the village who have poked their spine and bones! I don’t dare to go out!”

Mrs. Tang said: "Why don't you come and talk to you? Look at you and don't tear his mouth! You said that you are always in the house, and you will get it."

Bai Xiumei nodded again and again. "Yes. This Jinwu does not know to run over and see, there is no preparation for it."

Half an hour later, Tang Jinwu ran back again.

"Grandma, I didn't come out after my uncle came home. I heard my three dumplings stuffing dumplings, they must be dumplings! So big meat, grandma, I want to eat." Tang Jinwu I can't do it.

Father Tang sat on the donkey and smoked, not snoring.

Mrs. Tang is angry and angry: "No matter who he is, I don't believe that he dares not come! I don't believe that he really doesn't go to college! Eat and eat, how much they eat today, I will tell them how much they vomit." Eat some meat, not afraid to die!"

Yun painting is indeed making dumplings, but also adjusted several kinds of stuffing, pork cabbage, pork celery, pork green onion, pork fennel.

"Mom, I hate fennel."

Dudu said, "I like it."

Bo Siqing also said: "I hate it too."

The cloud painting and the toot hit a palm, "just two or two. Let our father hurry up and knead the dough, dumplings."

The technology of the thin shovel is superb, and one person can supply cloud paintings and two small bags.

The dumplings in the bag are very creative and have a strange shape.

The dumplings of the toot bag are like the ones carved out in a mold. The rules are neat and tidy. What the cloud paintings teach him, what he looks like, the size and shape are exactly the same.

Cloud painting fingers wiped the tip of the nose of the pocket. "Take a classmate, the dumplings you pack will be cooked separately for you to eat."

"Good mother, you see how cute my bag is. It will be the most beautiful and best to cook in a while!" said the bag.

A large piece of pork belly, a family of four people who make dumplings will definitely not finish it. The cloud paintings are not too much. There are still some plates left. The variety of fillings prepared by the cloud paintings is not too much, just enough for the family. Eat it.

When you are wrapped, start cooking dumplings.

Each flavor is boiled separately, and the grotesque ones are cooked separately.

The gap between the dumplings, the cloud painting and the vinegar dish, two vinegar dishes, one with chili, one without pepper.

The dumplings in front have been cooked and served on the table.

After a few minutes, when the dumplings of different shapes were born, they were dumbfounded.

It’s all broken!

All dumplings, all intestines wear belly.

"Take a classmate, this is your fault."

The cloud painting gave the dumplings a pocket.

I was crying all over.

In the end, Yun and Dudu each ate two dumplings that were worn by the intestines, and Bo Siqing helped to eat eight, and the remaining six went to solve themselves.

"Mom is so delicious! The fennel flavor is also delicious. If there is a leek, it is better." After a brave attempt to fennel, confidence increased.

Bo Siqing also tasted an fennel, but said that it is not easy to try this in the future.

The family eats dumplings and eats round belly, sitting around on the raft, Bo Siqing is telling stories to two children, and the clouds are also on the side, it looks like three children.

Tang Jinwu ran a few times outside the Yunhuai yard. Seeing that the sky was completely dark, the three dumplings of the three uncles and three donkeys were all finished. The doors were closed and they were going to sleep. They didn’t even have to go to the Tang family. !

Tang Jinwu called a disappointment.

Run home, screaming angrily: "Three uncles and three sisters have already eaten and slept, not coming back!"

The Tang family waited for these hours, and there was already a bad feeling in the heart. At this time, Tang Jinwu said that the hunch was completely true.

Mrs. Tang’s wife was so angry that she was lying in bed and screaming.

Just from the outside of Tang Jianguo, his face is also very ugly. "This old three, really do not want a future?"

Bai Xiumei whispered: "Maybe they can't pull their faces, or look at them tomorrow, maybe... maybe they will come tomorrow."

Can I still do it?

If people don’t come, can they still catch people?

But the second day, the third day, the fourth day...

Three days have passed!

Tang Jianqing didn’t even mean to come to the Tang family to apologize!

Although the villagers are also poking the backbone of the Tang family, they also disapprove of Tang Jianqing’s disregard of the future. The big land is big and the future is the biggest. It’s really necessary for this little thing to delay the future and destroy it. Still yourself!

Many people have been persuading Bo Siqing and Yun Painting.

Cloud painting simply locks the door and directly says no one at home.

Deadlock for a week.

The old lady of the Tang family began to make trouble again, but Bo Siqing did not see Mrs. Tang, and he did not mention anything about the university. Could it be true that he would give up going to college?

We must know that the thin board is the provincial champion. The river village has not eaten a champion for many years. This is a great glory for the county to the commune to the village.

The boss of Bo Siqing can't really go to college. It's not him who is shameful, but the whole Xiaheshu village, and the commune!

The emperor is not in a hurry.

This is the case at this time. Bo Siqing is not worried at all, but others are anxious.

"Fukuyama Uncle, you don't care about this, we can definitely go to college." Lin Yunhua said to Chen Fushan, who came again, "Really, I promise."

Take it with you.

Chen Fushan sighed and knew that Lin Yunhua and Bo Siqing were very timid, and he would not say anything.

There is no news in the county.

Xiaheshu Village was admitted to the university. In addition to Bosi Qinglin Yunhua and Xie Qingling, there was Wu Aiqi. Although Wu Aiqi’s score was very low, he just passed the admission score and was able to go to the normal university in the province.

Xie Qingling was admitted to Haicheng University, and the notices were all down.

Only the notices of Bo Siqing and Lin Yunhua were not seen, and no news was delivered in the county.

It’s true that the whole village is anxious for them, but they are both husband and wife, nothing to do, why should they do it.

This is all about the New Year, they have the heart to prepare for the new year, the couple went into the city to buy things, ready for the New Year.

In this era, the shortage of food in the rural areas, the Chinese New Year is simply simple, like the thin brothers and Lin Yun paintings, good things into the basket to move home, who really looked at the eyes, who can call people Both of them have the ability to do things, and others are not jealous.

Twelve lunar months.

Chen Fushan went to Lin Yun’s painter again.

Yun Huayuan thought that he had to persuade something, but never thought that Chen Fushan came here with two admission notices, one from Beihua University and one from Beicheng Medical College.

The thin board is on the Department of Chemical Engineering of Beihua University, while the Lin Yun painting is to study clinical medicine at the North City Medical College.

Both were accepted by one of the best universities in the country!

Chen Fushan gave the admission notice to two people, and the files and identity materials of the two were given to them.

"Don't be too loud," Chen Fushan said.

Cloud paintings instantly understood the meaning of Chen Fushan. The leaders in the county were soft, but they couldn’t pull the following to promote this. After all, the tough attitude of Bo Siqing and Lin Yun’s paintings is really not letting the leaders come to Taiwan. However, as Lin Yunhua analyzed, the leaders could not hold them both, and they would not go to college. Otherwise, it would be a big deal, and the future of leading their own will be finished!

With the admission notice and the files, the cloud painting is relieved.

After thanking Chen Fushan, Yun painting put things in order.

They plan to leave after the end of the year.

Bo Siqing is already trying to buy a ticket, hoping to buy a berth ticket. If you buy a hard seat ticket with two children, it is too inconvenient.

"I am going to go to the North City." Bo Siqing said.

The cloud painting stunned. "I have a New Year in ten days. Now I am going to the North City?"

Bosi Qing nodded. "I went to find a house first. After we came back, we could send the luggage, so that we would not have to carry a lot of luggage to catch the train."

"But going to Beicheng, it takes at least two days and two nights by car. Now it is during the Spring Festival, the train is more crowded..." Cloud painting is very worried.

"No problem, I will definitely come back years ago." Bosi Qing smiled. "Don't worry about me, you should wait for me at home."

Cloud painting can only nod.

Bo Siqing did not delay, and immediately set off, he took a small bag, but brought the money at home.

When he left, it was on New Year's Eve.

On the last day of the 1977 lunar calendar, New Year's Eve.

Cloud painting with two children, including the thin pork celery and the dumplings of the leek and egg stuffing, the cloud painting is still simmering in the pot with a fragrant mutton, just wait for Bo Siqing to come back.

"Mom, Dad still can't come back?" The sky is already dark. Every family is on New Year's Eve. They don't have a father. They can't help but ask cloud painting. "Don't Dad not come back?"

Cloud painting touched the head of his pocket and stuffed him with a twist. "Reassured, Dad promised to come back, he will definitely come back. Let's go outside to welcome, go?"

There is snowing outside, the ground is already white, and there is a layer of ice under the white snow. This way, the road is the easiest to slip.

Dudu looked at the fire at home, and the cloud painting took a trip to the village.

When I walked to the village road, I saw a black shadow moving slowly.

Cloud painting clenched the machete in his hand, and the other hand held his hand tightly.

The shadow was near, and it was near.

Finally, she is sure, it is him!


He shouted loudly and ran to the thin board.

As a result, I just rushed out a few steps, and I slammed a dog's mud.

Bo Siqing rushed forward, put down the carrying bag with both hands, and picked up his pocket. "How can I be so careless? Is it broken?"

"No, no! Dad, you are finally back, I thought you were not coming back for the New Year," said excitedly.

Bosi Qing smiled and looked at the cloud painting before he said to his son, "Reliably, what Dad promised can definitely be done."

I blinked and rubbed my eyes. "Wow, Dad, Mom said so!"

Bosi Qing smiled.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion