MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2348 Her thin serge

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Chapter 2348, her thin boss

Tang Jianqing is not dead!

Tang Jianqing is back!

This news is even more exciting than Lin Yunhua and two children being harmed by gangsters.

The gangsters were arrested, Lin Yun's paintings and the two children were not serious, and the remaining villagers did not care.

What everyone cares most is that Tang Jianqing, who has been awarded a martyr's card, has not died and is still back.

For a time, the whole village was discussing this matter.

When the cloud painting woke up, I saw two small faces that were worried.

She only felt that her brain was a little dizzy and it hurts, but she didn't want to show her discomfort. The two children were still young. She could wake up and it wouldn't be a big problem. There is no need to let the two little guys worry about her.

Cloud painting smiled. "Dudu, go out, are you injured?"

The two little guys shook their heads desperately. "Mom, we are fine. We have nothing at all. Mom, do you have a headache? Qin said that your head may be dizzy, let you not move, Grandpa Qin said this is a concussion. You may still vomit..."

If you haven't finished talking, the cloud painting will be disgusting.

Dudu immediately brought the prepared tub to the pocket, and he took advantage of his strength to try to lift the cloud.

Cloud painting retched for a while, only spit out a few mouthfuls of sour water, nothing in the stomach, vomiting can not spit out.

But it is true that the head is very dizzy and the whole person is very uncomfortable.

This is indeed a symptom of a concussion.

Dudu held the cloud painting and sat up. He immediately put the tub in his hand and put it on the edge. He quickly washed his hand and poured a glass of water on the cloud painting. "Mom, you should drink some water first. The porridge in the pot is also Ok, do you have some porridge first?"

"Good." Cloud painted and laughed.

It is very gratifying.

These two little guys are too sensible and sensible.

Cloud painting drank half a glass of water, and then began to retching again, and suddenly spit out the water.

The head is very dizzy and uncomfortable, like the symptoms of a particularly serious motion sickness.

"Mom, you lean on the quilt." Dudu moved the quilt next to it and let the cloud draw on the cup, so that it would be convenient to eat later.

The dizziness of the concussion, the most fear is that people are staggering, the human body is stable, and the feeling of dizziness will be less.

Dudu and the two people together, put the back of the cloud painting and let her sit.

Dudu has to run fast to porridge.

Afraid that the porridge is too hot, Dudu also took the sink and put on the cold water, put the enamel jar of the porridge into it, and then quickly stirred it.

Sure enough, the porridge is not so hot soon.

Dudu helped the mother, and carefully took the porridge to her mother.

Cloud paintings can't be laughed, and I want to come by myself. "Mom is just a little dizzy, not disabled yet, don't take care of me like this."

"But mom, you will be dizzy when you raise your hand, it will be uncomfortable."

Dudu nodded solemnly, "Mom obeys."

There is no way to cloud painting, let's go, and the porridge is fed by the sons. It is also a very novel experience. Enjoy the treatment of 70 to 80 in advance.

After eating a small bowl, it was still disgusting. The cloud painting whispered: "Yes, my mother lay for a while."

"it is good."

The two little guys carefully put the cloud painting on their backs.

The cloud painting looked at the two little guys and kept getting sick and nausea, so she didn't even want to say anything. "Have you eaten?"

"We have eaten."

Dudu and the bag said immediately.

Cloud painting slowly closed his eyes and signaled the children to know.

"Mom, you sleep for a while."

Two little guys are going to pack things up.

Cloud paintings close your eyes with confidence.

But sleeping is impossible to sleep.

She is not sleepy, she does not want to sleep, it is because of concussion, dizziness is still very vomiting, the whole person is embarrassed, do not want to move and do not want to talk.

The brain is not confused.

and many more.

Cloud painting suddenly thought of the picture before his accident.

The two children were saved, and if they were not the other, the two children would definitely have an accident.

The person who saved the child is...

The face suddenly appeared in the mind of the cloud painting.

The face that kept her in a nightmare and stayed up all night.

A Qing.

The same face!

The cloud sits straight and sits straight.


This action was too fierce, and the vertigo and tingling of the brain came in an instant, and the nausea in the stomach also rushed.


The porridge just eaten, all spit.


Dudu and rushed in quickly, one towel to wipe her, one to hold her.

After the spit is over, gargle.

Still very uncomfortable.

Cloud paintings quickly reached out and grabbed the toot: "Dudu, save your people? Saved where you went with the people who are going around? I should remember correctly, someone will save you, that person?"

Cloud painting is too exciting.

Dudu and all the pockets were shocked.

The two children looked at each other and whispered, "Mom, don't worry. Dad is fine. Dad... Go to the grandfather."


Cloud paintings hold on.

I looked at the cloud painting a bit strangely. "Yeah, my father saved me and toot."


Cloud painting is still unbelievable, "Tang Jianqing?"

"Yes. Mom, what's wrong with you?" He was worried about his pockets. He quickly looked at Dudu. "Dudu, is Grandpa Qin saying that he is hurt, and his mother may have other symptoms?"

Dudu looked serious, "amnesia."

Cloud painting pumped the mouth of the mouth. "I have not lost my memory, I am..."

She didn't know how to describe her feelings at the moment.

Is he Tang Jianqing?

Clearly his face is the face of Bo Siqing!

Between the electric and the flint, there is a thought in the mind of the cloud painting, will it be... Will it be that the thin board is also passing through? After all, this bizarre thing can happen to her, and it can happen to Bo Siqing.

The head is as painful as the needle.

But the whole picture of the cloud painting is extremely exciting.

"Tang Jianqing... Your father, he, how long has he been going?" asked Yun.

"Going to the present in the morning, but Dad said that he will come back to cook for us at noon."

Cloud painting asked again: "Now it is noon?"

"It’s coming soon." The voice of Dudu was a little stuffy.

The cloud painting was not aware of the son's mood for a while, and her whole person was nervous and excited.

Tang Jianqing just grew a thin face of Shi Siqing? Or is his soul thin?

Cloud painting is uncertain, she is eager to figure out.

"Mom, you..." I snorted and licked my lips. "Mom, do you want Dad's right?"

For a long time, my mother never mentioned Dad. Dudu and Dudou felt that Mom didn’t like Dad originally, otherwise she would not always want to go back to the city.

In my memory, my mother has always been cold and hot for her father. Every time, Dad is pleased with her mother...

Coupled with the gossip of Da Bo Niang and other people in the village, both of their brothers felt that the mother did not look up to Dad, and that the mother would definitely return to the city.

But now...

When my mother woke up, she was so anxious to find her father. The two children were in a very complicated mood and did not know whether it was good or bad.

Of course, they also hope that their mother can really like Dad and never leave this home.

Cloud painting does not know how to answer the question of toot.

Like the children's father?

No, she likes only Shi Siqing.

If the other party is not Bo Siqing, then it is useless to stare at the face of Bo Siqing.

Cloud paintings lie down again.

No hurry, at least not in a hurry.

Just because she thought of Bo Siqing, she got too fierce, and this time it was particularly uncomfortable.

The cloud painting lay down, curled up, closed his eyes. "Tot and go, my mother sleeps for a while. Your father is back, call me."

"it is good."

Cloud painting closes his eyes, and his mind is in a mess. He simply cannot understand his thoughts.

"Tet a go, do you wake up?" A clear voice.

The cloud painting lying on the raft suddenly opened his eyes.

A handsome and straight-eyed man, coming back from the light.

It is his face.

It is his voice.

It is his gesture.

"Woke up?"

The man walked up to her.

The clouds painted motionless and burst into tears.

After she became Lin Yun's painting, she never thought of what Tang Jianqing was like. In memory... She seems to have never paid attention to the appearance of Tang Jianqing!

The memory of the original Lin Yun painting is like a scene when she dreams. You remember the plot and even know who the other person is, but when you think about his face, you probably never really dreamed. See each other's face.

Cloud paintings are not very interested in Lin Yunhua and the memories of the past. They are not interested in Tang Jianqing. In her mind, Tang Jianqing is just three characters. She never thought about his appearance. !

Cloud paintings are blurred in tears.

in case……

If I have known that Tang Jianqing’s face is like this, she...

She may not be so calm at all.

Bo Siqing is a bit awkward.

The wife of the original Tang Jianqing saw him burst into tears. Obviously, for his return, the other party’s emotions were very excited, and Lin Yun’s eyes were clear. Everything clearly told him that the original wife’s feelings were very deep. It is not the original owner in the original memory.

The original owner died. The Lin Zhiqing had a very difficult time. He should have learned that he knows it. Now that she sees her husband return, Lin Zhiqing will be so excited.

The problem is...

If he is really the original owner, knowing that his wife actually does not dislike himself, but is very worried about himself, then he must be happy.

The problem is that he is not the original owner!

He has no way to respond to the strong feelings of Lin Zhiqing.

Bosi Qing light coughed: "You have a little concussion. These days may be very uncomfortable for the time being. Try to be as light as possible. Can you eat porridge?"

In a word, the cloud painting has already been determined, it is him!


What is wrong with it.

This person is definitely not Tang Jianqing.

There is no doubt that he is Bo Siqing.


If he is really her thin boss, how could he not recognize her?

Not to mention that she is like this now, even if she is a hundred times more miserable, as long as this face is facing, he will definitely recognize her in the first time!

The cloud painting calmed down.

"Dad, are you coming back?" The bag ran in from the outside. "I just ran to the backyard to pick up the dishes. Mom, Dad is back."

"Yeah." Cloud painting should be heard.

The head of the thin sergeant, "Do you have a mother to eat?"


He said quickly, "but my mother spit again."

Bo Siqing raised his eyebrows, glanced at the cloud painting, and looked at it again: "Go and have another bowl."


Go out and fly out.

Dudu silently poured water to pick up the clouds.

Cloud painting can't control my own vision. I have been sticking to Bo Siqing. Oh no, it should be said that it is Tang Jianqing's body. She is observing him.

Bo Siqing was quite helpless. When the porridge came, he took the porridge. "I feed you?"

Cloud painting sighed.

Bo Siqing is not tempted, and one hand raises the cloud to sit firmly, and then he closes his hand, carefully feeding her porridge, and blowing it before feeding, to ensure that it is not hot.

Cloud painting is reluctant to miss him.

Bo Siqing's mood is not very beautiful, the Lin Zhiqing's eyes are too red fruit, and he is out of control. He always warned himself that it was not the original owner, he could take over the child of the original owner, but he could not take over the wife of the original owner. That was too... scum.

But the problem now is that this Lin Zhiqing is not a general deep feeling for her husband who has escaped from the dead, that look...

Bo Siqing has some red hearts.

Moreover, he did not expect that this Lin Zhiqing would be so beautiful, beautiful like a fairy daughter, even a thick cloth, can not cover her brilliance.

It is no wonder that the original Lord will be patient with this wife, and loves it.

After feeding the cloud painting half bowl of porridge, Bo Siqing helped the cloud painting to lie down again, and said with a light cough: "I will prepare for the children's lunch, you don't have to worry, you should raise your wounds first."

Cloud painting snorted and did not speak.

Bosi Qing touched his nose and went out to cook for the two children.

His craft is better than her, she is not worried.

This rural stove can not be used by ordinary people, but Bo Siqing can certainly.

It is determined that he is.

Cloud paintings are sour and sour, it is really uncomfortable.

How do you determine which thin squad he is?

If it is the thin world of the parallel world, then it has nothing to do with her, but if it is the thin world of her world... then he is her thin boss!

"Mom, Dad is called a chicken!"

Excited to run in and tell the cloud painting, "Daddy washed the pheasant, stuffed a lot of things in his stomach, wrapped in banana leaves, wrapped in mud outside. Dad said it was called a chicken, very delicious! ”

Cloud painted and laughed, "Yeah."

Going around and saying, "Mom, is it good for you to eat chicken legs?"

"Mom can't eat now." Cloud painted, "You and Dudu, and... your father, hurry up. Only food, have rice?"

“Yes!” said, “Daddy also steamed the rice and sprinkled sugar on it, so eat it!”

Steamed rice, sprinkled with white sugar?

Cloud painted and laughed. "Then you have to eat a little more, grow taller, taller and stronger!"


The father and the son did not avoid the cloud painting, and they ate in the house.

smell good!

The locusts in the belly of the cloud painting are all hooked up. Unfortunately, she really can't eat it now. If she eats it, she will definitely vomit.

The cloud painting is almost obsessively watching the three fathers and sons eating at the dinner table, as if they were dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion