MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2345 The best solution

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Chapter 2345 The best solution

Zhang Yaqiu was also brought.

She still looks awkward.

"I said it was awkward... I didn't say anything."

After understanding the situation, Zhang Yaqiu immediately looked at the cloud painting: "I am sorry to draw, I don't know if I can say a word with her mouth, she can understand so much. The captain likes your business, the people who know the green. I also know that it’s been how many years have passed, and you all have their own family. Whoever takes those things seriously is also an old thing. Everyone is jokes..."

The face of the woman was changed, and she immediately pointed to Zhang Yaqiu and said, "What do you say by Zhang Zhiqing? You are clearly deliberately telling you."

"How did I deliberately!" Zhang Yaqiu cried. "I know it's my fault. I have a broken mouth. We talked and talked and said more. I didn't check it for a while. But I found myself missing." I will tell you immediately that this kind of words must not be passed around, which will have a bad influence on the captain and the painting! I said nothing?"

耿婆子支支吾吾, "You said, can... But who told you to tell me this thing! You all told me, you can guarantee not to go out!"

Zhang Yaqiu was trembling with anger and pointed to the crying of the woman.

The villagers on the side saw it and couldn't help but say: "Forget it, Zhang Zhiqing is not intentional. If you want to blame, you will blame the woman's mouth. When it happened many years ago, she will make a story for the students who have no reason!"

The cloud painting looked at Zhang Yaqiu.

Zhang Yaqiu cried and plunged to apologize to Yunxiao: "I am sorry to draw, I am really sorry, I should not mention the past, I am really sorry, it is my fault... Hehe..."

This is really not a good deal.

In the eyes of the villagers, Zhang Yaqiu is not intentional, and Zhang Yaqiu only said the facts many years ago. When Tang Jianqiang and Lin Yunhua were not married many years ago, Tang Jianqiang did chase Lin Yun’s paintings, Zhang Yaqiu’s nothing else. Did not say, there is no rumor.

It was only this incident that was heard by the 耿婆子, and was also heard by Tang Jianqiang’s wife Cao Ying. Later, Cao Ying thought more, and the **** were broken, which led to the rumors crossing the wide...

Chen Fushan smashed his cigarette bag and said with a calm face: "Why do you want to stay in Xiaheshu Village? If you don't want to, you will take you with Gui Guichang! Usually your mouth is broken. This kind of filthy thing is you. Can do it all, do you know how much damage to Lin Zhiqing is caused by these rumors?"

When I heard that I was going to be expelled from the village, my wife was suddenly scared. "Can't! You can't rush to leave the books, this... This is a small thing, sesame is a big thing, you rush to go, It’s just killing the two of us! I won’t leave, I won’t die! I see who dares to drive us away, let’s hang in front of the door!”

Chen Fushan was so angry that his face was blue.

Tang Jianqiang looked coldly at the woman: "Are you true?"

The sorrowful son was scared by Tang Jianqiang’s cold-eyed knife.

The wife is stupid, but she has lived in these decades and has been very clear about some things in the village.

Indeed, she really forced her to die, and the village did not dare to drive her away, otherwise she would die, and Chen Fushan’s branch secretary and Tang Jianqiang’s captain would not have to do it anymore.

The problem is that even if she wants to stay, the two books and the captain are united to wear shoes for her and her son. Are they affected?

This is the most serious problem.

Never underestimate the authority and ability of a village party secretary and a captain in the village.

Offend one, maybe you can pull another to reach balance.

But if you offend the village's one or two hands at the same time, it is really a dream to stay.

Yan Pozi immediately regretted it.

If Xiaheshu Village drove her out, she and her son were really homeless.

Can't go.

She regretted that she had just been forced to die and directly offended the village party secretary Chen Fushan.

This kind of person can't afford to put it down, there is no self-respect, and she will always be willing to give up the following.

She stumbled directly to the ground and rushed to Lin Yun's painting: "Wrong, Lin Zhiqing, I know it is wrong. It was just anxious. This is really wrong. You want to swear by the swearing, only Ask Lin Zhiqing not to care, ask the branch secretary and the captain don't let the mother and son go, the mother and son are the people in Xiaheshu Village, where can I go..."

The woman began to cry.

People are squatting, and the weak are big.

In the end, the woman was also an elderly person. The villagers saw her apologizing and could not bear it.

"Lin Zhiqing, if you have to."

"That is, all the women know that they are wrong. Besides, this matter has already been said. You will definitely not talk again in the future. You will forgive the woman."

"If the misunderstanding is solved, it will be good if you don't dare to talk about it any more. You have to spare people and spare people. You said that it is Lin Zhiqing."

Lin Yun smiled.

She looked at Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang: "If you misunderstand it, you will listen to it. I will listen to the secretary and the captain. The secretary and the captain will not let me chill."

Tang Jianqiang clung to his lips and said nothing.

Chen Fushan sighed: "Let's do it, then I am. Lin Zhiqing is generous, has a lot of energy, and does not care about the woman. But the grandmother is so big, it is light to drive her out of Xiaheshu Village. Look at Lin Zhiqing's face and spare you for a while, but even if you don't drive you out of Heshu Village, you have to pay for what you have done!"

After a week of continuous time, the woman was holding the copper cymbal three times a day, and she yelled a word. "When you are wrong, you shouldn’t break your mouth and make a forest, you will not dare to do it later." Around the village for a week, three times a day, thunder can't move.

I don’t think about what I want in my heart, but I have to do it.

Chen Fushan also found a cloud painting in private.

Cloud painting smiled. "Fukuyama Uncle, I understand what you mean."

It’s really because this thing drove the 耿子子 out of Xiaheshu Village. The villagers may not say anything at first. After a long time, they will definitely have opinions on Lin Yun’s paintings. After all, the time spent by the sorrowful son in Xiaheshu Village is comparable to Lin Yun’s painting. It will be much longer.

Like now, Lin Yun's paintings "greatly" pleaded with the sorrowful son and let the sorrowful son stay in Xiaheshu Village. The villagers would think that Lin Yunhua is still kind.

As for the slogan of the slogan, the village confessed to the mistake of the village. For the rural people, this is the matter of moving the mouth, not playing and not swearing, and ultimately, a piece of meat is not a punishment, it will not feel Lin Yun's paintings are mean and careless.

At the same time, Yan Pozi’s confession around the village three times a week, can also completely clarify the previous rumors. Similarly, this is also a warning to other people. In the future, if anyone dares not to see it with their own eyes, it will be indiscriminate. Passing on, you have to think clearly, and you are the best in the car!

Chen Fushan is worthy of the old branch secretary, and all aspects are well thought out.

This thing seems to be a concession for Lin Yun's paintings, and there is no loss for the woman, but it is actually the best way today.

Not only that, but Tang Jianqiang’s wife Cao Ying also publicly apologized to Lin Yun.

"Sorry, I just heard about your previous things, a bit jealous. I am sorry to build strong, Jianqiang these years to me and my children, I can see clearly. I know that you will be married again I can't help it without any contact... In fact, it is jealousy, it is jealous. I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry for Lin Zhiqing."

Cao Ying said such a saying in front of everyone, and thoroughly extracted Lin Yun's paintings.

As for Zhang Yaqiu, she has nothing.

No one accused her, Lin Yun painting did not say anything.

For the results, cloud painting is still quite satisfactory, this is the best solution at present.

What makes her a little surprised is that Cao Ying’s attitude will directly lead to a 180° turn and apologize directly to her.

In the courtyard of the cloud painting, Cao Ying gave a cloud of apples to the cloud painting.

At this year, food is not enough to eat, people simply do not have the heart to plant fruit trees, apples are also rare.

"I'm sorry." Cao Ying once again apologized to Yunhua.

Cloud paintings received Apple.

She smiled at Cao Ying: "You are very smart."

Cao Ying is indeed smart. She also knew that there was nothing wrong with Tang Jianqiang and Lin Yunhua, but she still jumped out to make trouble. In fact, it was to open this matter, so that there was no chance between Lin Yunhua and Tang Jianqiang. .

However, after the incident, she immediately publicly apologized, completely abandoned her face, and publicly apologized to Lin Yun, so that in the eyes of everyone, Cao Ying is a jealous woman.

Jealousy is not a black spot for women.

In fact, both Yun and Cao Ying are very clear. If Cao Ying does not apologize to Yunhua and does not help to clarify the rumors, then Tang Jianqiang can really be angry. The marriage between Cao Ying and Tang Jianqiang is also the end. .

Now, Cao Ying apologizes, and things will turn around again. Tang Jianqiang will also be moved. He will try to understand Cao Ying’s thoughts. The relationship between the couple may be able to take it to the next level.

So cloud painting will tell Cao Ying that she is very smart.

Cao Yingchong Lin Yun draws a smile: "Lin Zhiqing, you see through me, why should you cooperate with me?"

Cloud painted and laughed. "You don't want me to cooperate with you?"

"Of course I hope."

"That's it." Cloud painted and smiled. "If possible, I still hope that everyone in this world will be happy."

Cao Ying licked her lips. "Lin Zhiqing, your intellectuals are really big. Anyway, I can't manage that much. I count our small family. I don't allow anyone to destroy our little home! Any spearhead, I have to get rid of it from the beginning."

Get rid of Tang Jianqiang's thoughts on cloud painting and get rid of all the variables.

These are all expected by Cao Ying, and they are indeed very smart.

Cloud painting just smiled.

Cao Ying looked at her for a while, her eyes were a bit complicated: "In fact, Tang Jianqiang is against you..."

"Hold it." Cloud painting knows what Cao Ying wants to say. She said faintly, "Some words don't have to be said."

Cao Ying sighed. "Oh, I am serving you. If there is anything you can find me in the future. Also, remind you that your best friend, Zhang Zhiqing, is not necessarily a good thing."

Cloud painting chuckles, did not say anything, sent Cao Ying out.

Zhang Yaqiu is not a good thing?

Of course, this does not have to let Cao Ying say it.

However, the cloud painting does not intend to do anything for Zhang Yaqiu, she is still curious, why Zhang Yaqiu wants to drive her away from the village.

First, persuade her to help Lin Yun draw contact with the first love, continue to encourage Lin Yun to return to the city, see Lin Yun painting refused, and use the things of Yao Jiajia to calculate Lin Yun painting, let the family wrapped up Lin Yun painting, the result is still cloud The painting was resolved.

Then, it was pretending to inadvertently disclose her situation to a second-rate child like Wang Mazi, trying to get Wang Mazi to rush her. If Wang Mazi really got it, then she wouldn’t say that she had no face to stay in this village, she even No face to live! Of course, this is for the former Lin Yun painting, which is absolutely unwilling to be humiliated.

After Wang Mazi returned without success, Zhang Yaqiu did not stop, and began to make a fuss about her and Tang Jianqiang's affairs.

Honestly, if you change to Lin Yun's paintings in the past, such rumors are really enough to force her away, because the former Lin Yun painting has no way to solve these rumors.

Tang Jianqiang will not say "drinking water does not forget to dig wells" and "grateful Lin Zhiqing", and Chen Fushan will not threaten Lin Yun's paintings to rush to the village, and Lin Yun painting can only be trapped in these rumors. With Cao Ying’s troubles, Lin Yun’s paintings are absolutely no longer able to stay in Xiaheshu Village, and will definitely find a way to return to the city.

This ring is another ring, it is easy to see that Zhang Yaqiu's purpose is to let Lin Yun draw back to the city, not let her continue to stay in Xiaheshu Village.

This is strange, why?

Cloud painting really can't figure out.

Now, Lin Yun's paintings are too lazy to do anything about Zhang Yaqiu. She has to look at it. After these tricks are not working, Zhang Yaqiu can do anything to catch her away.

These days, toots and pockets seem to have something to worry about.

Finally, I couldn’t help myself. When I was cooking, I went to the cloud painting and whispered, "Mom, do you want to go back to the city?"

“What's wrong?” asked the cloud painting. “Someone said something in front of you?”

I bite my lip and bite: "I think they are quite right. If I am not with me, you... you can go back to the city, live in the building to eat commodity food, no one is jealous of you. You stay in the village, Those people will not see you."

Cloud painting couldn't help but pinch the face with a hand with flour. "I think so much. My mother just stays for a while and will definitely return to the city later."

Take a trip and nod, "Oh."

Cloud painting chuckled, "Mom returns to the city, what do you do with the toot? But you can also cook for yourself now. Mom will send you money every month. You can buy food yourself to cook. Do not?"

The eyes of the pockets immediately became red, but they still bowed their heads and nodded. "Yes. We will cook."

Dudu also looked nervously at the cloud painting.

Cloud painting is really helpless, and one person enjoys a violent eating.

Seeing that the two little guys are squinting with their heads, the cloud paintings slowly said: "Mom, if you are willing to bother you, you have already returned to the city, but still wait until now? Rest assured, this world is the most important for mothers. It’s two of you, no three!”

Well, there are no three.

When Yunhua said this, I absolutely couldn’t think that I would be beaten soon.

(End of this chapter)

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