MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2343 Gossip

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Chapter 2343 Gossip

Cloud painting looks at Tang Jianqiang, "What do you want to say?"

"Wang Mazi went to harass you?" Tang Jianqiang asked with a calm face.

Cloud painted nodded and snorted: "I don't know who gives him confidence, harass me, huh, if you kill people without breaking the law, you will not see him."

Tang Jianqiang was iron-faced and serious and angry. "Why don't you say it!"

"What to say?" Cloud painting is very light. "First of all, he wants to take advantage of it from me. It is impossible to have a single point. I will report this revenge. Secondly, why should I say it? After that, after saying it Do you think that this kind of public opinion will treat me as a victim?"

Tang Jianqiang was a bit shy. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about it."

As the captain of Xiaheshu Village, he knows the current situation better than anyone else. Although he has said that women can top half of the sky, they can actually target the moral shackles of women. However, after thousands of years of evolution, the shackles are increasing. It is definitely not a complete solution for a while.

Cloud painting is indeed a victim, but if this matter is really exposed, it will only give people a talk.

"You can tell me privately." Tang Jianqiang whispered. "Or if you don't trust me, you can tell Fushan, there is no need to lie on your own."

"Wang Mazi has paid a price for his actions. I don't have to complain again." Cloud painting said faintly.

She has enough strength to say so.

In fact, if you change to other women, but if you are weak, you will probably be defeated by Wang Mazi. Even if you are not beaten by Wang Mazi, Wang Mazi will be degraded.

After all, Wang Mazi can be completely feared, and when he sees the cloud painting, he will tremble in a conditional reflection.

Tang Jianqiang sighed. "So what are you going to do with him? You can be regarded as revenge if you call him like that. If you continue to fight, Wang Mazi may not be able to bear it. If it is a human life, it will be troublesome." ”

Cloud painting only looked at Tang Jianqiang with a faint look, and hesitated in the heart. After all, he still did not say anything about Zhang Yaqiu.

Zhang Yaqiu was bullied by this matter, and it was good to be rotten in her stomach.

What I can't think of in the cloud painting is that Zhang Yaqiu's business has not yet spread from the village, but it is about her anecdote with Tang Jianqiang, flying in the village.

That's right, it's an anecdote.

Of course, this fashionable word is not very familiar to the villagers. Anyway, it is a gossip. It coincides with the current slack farming. The men in the village drink tea and drink tea, play furniture and furniture, women dress up clothes and shoes, etc. , sitting together, can you just pass the gossip?

What's more, this gossip can be related to Lin Zhiqing, the most eye-catching member of the village, and Tang Jianqiang, the captain of the team.

"I heard that Lin Zhiqing and the captain were drilling the woods in the back hill, and they only came out for a long time."

"This is awkward, and some people have seen the captain in the house of Lin Zhiqing at night.

"Lin Zhiqing is really not ashamed. He goes to the wall and goes to the pro-captain."

"The captain of the team is also the waist of Zhilin Zhiqing. It’s just not on the spot."

A group of awkward women, dare to talk about the topic of privacy, and the more the color is more and more, all of them are seen with their own eyes.

Adults say that these words never evade children.

The children in the village are learning very fast.

"Dudu, you. Mom and the captain are sleeping on a squat? You can hear you at night. Mom cried?" Tang Jinwu took a group of boys and blocked the toot. He asked, "You. Mom." The skin is not white?"

"You. Mom’s voice is not loud? Is it so bad?"

"Roll, how can you shake, not a broken bed."

Dudu's eyes are dark as ink.

In the siege of a group of children, Dudu suddenly made a fuss, and a brain rushed to Tang Jinwu, holding a waist of Tang Jinwu, and smashed people and squatted on the ground.

Afterwards, Dudu directly grabbed Tang Jinwu’s neck and won Tang Jinwu’s eyes.

The children around were shocked. Seeing that Tang Jinwu was taken over by the control, the children were willing to rush and rushed to the toot and kick.

There were too many children who had been besieging him. Even though he had learned a few days of learning with Yunhua, he couldn’t cope with it at all, but the goal of Dudu was very clear. He said that other children didn’t care, he just kept it. Tang Jinwu one!

Even if he was besieged by the children today, he would kill Tang Jinwu, and he would not lose money if he died.

Tang Jinwu was directly stunned and rolled his eyes.

"It's not good, it's not good. Dudu put Tang Jinwu to death."

Some children saw Tang Jinwu turn his eyes and immediately ran to tell the adults.

The adults were shocked and rushed to the scene. Some people rushed to the Tang family to report.

When the cloud painting arrived, the group of siege children had already stopped, but Dudu also rode on Tang Jinwu’s body and glared at Tang Jinwu’s neck.

"Dudu, let go."

The clouds are drawn down and the voice is gentle and firm.

Dudu turned to look at her mother, the body on his face, all traces of being beaten by other children, the cloud painting is distressing, but it is necessary to let the toot loose first.

When I saw the cloud painting, Dudu finally let go, and my eyes were red.

The cloud painting put Dudu on one side and let Dudu sit down. She began to give Tang Jinwu first aid.

Tang Jinwu was shackled for too long, and he had stopped breathing and heartbeat.

Cloud painting simply couldn’t think of anything, and immediately began to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation to Tang Jinwu.

Standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation, other people can't understand, only when the cloud painting is still in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

When the villagers arrived at the Tang family, the cloud painting was still doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to Tang Jinwu.

"The swearing sluts, dare to beat me and grandchildren!" Mrs. Tang’s voice sharpened to the extreme and flew directly toward the cloud.

Just when Mrs. Tang was about to rush to the cloud painting, Tang Jianqiang stopped her.

"Tang Jianqiang, what do you want to do? Hey, have you forgotten that you still have a name? Don? Sleep with her even his own name, whoever forgot? You are not even a ancestors for a woman!" Mrs. Tang is a monk. Quite ugly.

Tang Jianqiang’s face immediately darkened: “Hey, you have to talk nonsense, I will turn my face!”

"You turned your face? You still want to take your urine on your door! You must be killed by the little animal, and the woman will not let go of Jinwu’s body. You are still doing it. what!"

Mrs. Tang’s wife was so angry that she jumped up and down.

Tang Jinwu’s aunt has also arrived quickly.

Tang Jianguo held a wooden stick in his hand and was very angry. "Look, I will not kill this monk today!"

Bai Xiumei is crying and robbing the ground. "I have no reason, I am dying of Jinwu..."

"To shut up!"

The cloud draws a cold drink and ends the cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Tang Jinwu also woke up, immediately began to pant, coughing constantly, but the complexion clearly restored ruddy.

The onlookers realized that the cloud painting was not in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but was saving him.

"Her son killed me in Jinwu, she shouldn't have saved me from Jinwu? This account should be calculated!"

"The things that are mourning the stars, I have to do the shameless things, I see, it’s time to soak the pig cage!"

"The neck of Jin Jinwu, the little beast can really be a dead hand, the heart is really poisonous, exactly the same as his slut, this wolf can not stay in the village!"

"Get them out of the river tree village!"

"Yes, drive them out of the river tree village."

The Tang family have been screaming, and most of the other surnames Tang have followed suit.

The late Tang Jianbing’s face was flushed and angrily blocked in front of Mrs. Tang’s wife: “Mother, you are here to make a noise! ​​The three younger brothers are not doing anything wrong!”

"Hey, this is still talking for the younger brother, and it’s really tight. Is it the same as the captain of Lin Zhiqing?"

Tang Jianbing was shocked.

He did not dare to look at Bai Xiumei who said this.


Tang Jianbing reacted slowly for a second, and after he reacted, he almost subconsciously gave Bai Xiumei a slap in the face.

The strength of a man can be much heavier than a woman.

Tang Jianbing was a person who used to work hard. When this slap went down, Bai Xiumei’s mouth was directly broken. There were a few fingerprints on his face, and his face swollen quickly.

Bai Xiumei looked at Tang Jianbing in horror: "You can dare to follow me with Jianbing! I am a big man! Well, I see you are guilty, you have a leg with the fox, or are you irritated?"


Another slap.

However, this slap is Chen Yingfan who came over later.

Chen Ying was trembling, and the whole person was shaking: "You will have blood and people, I will fight with you today! I have been working with my three younger brothers for several months. The three younger brothers are clear and white, you are not I want to ruin her! I tell you, if you dare to say it indiscriminately, I will fight for it and kill you!"

Chen Ying’s attitude made everyone surprised.

You must know that Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying are two couples, but the famous old yellow cattle in the village are stuffed with gourds. The old yellow cattle only know how to work hard and never spare strength. More than half of the work points in the family are earned by the couple, while the stuffy gourd is Said that the couple are three sticks can not play a fart, usually do more to say less, practical.

This kind of personality is the most lovable, and people are being diligent. Who doesn't like it?

At this moment, Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying and his wife actually made a forehead for Lin Yun, and so fiercely directly fanned Bai Xiumei's slap in the face, and this behavior was too far from their consistent image.

People are talking about it.

It’s shameful, but it’s still the face of the Tang family, and the rest of the people are watching the lively.

"This Tang Jianbing and his mother-in-law have reacted so much, I am a bit skeptical."

"Tang Jianbing is more honest with his wife! They will tell lies? That Lin Zhiqing is really clear and white."

"No. I hope that Tang Jianbing will lie with them. He said that he would reveal the stuff."

"Lin Zhiqing is also pitiful. One person stays with two children. It’s hard to get better, and there are so many troubles."

At this moment, Tang Jianqiang also said with a calm face: "Who is here to pass me and Lin Zhiqing's gossip? Stand up and say in person! Where can I see Lin Liqing and Lin Zhiqing privately pull it, or it is awkward, in front of me Say! I Tang Jianqiang is sitting right, I dare to swear to Heaven, there is no embarrassment between me and Lin Zhiqing, otherwise I will call me five thunders, and I will not turn over in my life!"

In this year, although feudal superstitions have been broken, in fact people will still fear the gods and ghosts, even if there is no clear proof that they will be fulfilled, but many vicious vows, the average person will not easily say it.

Seeing that Tang Jianqiang is so determined, everyone is not snoring.

In fact, everyone is telling gossip to read jokes. Who really sees Tang Jianqiang and Lin Zhiqing? Haven't seen it before!

"I don't know where the gossip came from. I just sighed here. Who saw me with Lin Zhiqing, and stood up, I will give you a thousand dollars on the spot!"

Tang Jianqiang said with a cold face, "I don't know that some of you are delusional. In this year, our villages are decent and decent. In the New Year this year, there is no meat on the table in our village? You have no points in your heart? Not to mention other villages, it is like last year, who would dare to think about the meat on the table of the Chinese New Year? But this year, there is meat on the table! There are many homes, not only the meat on the table, but also the food. The meat dumplings, the meat bones! Some people took the meat to change the money for something else! The great man also said that the draught does not forget to dig the well, you eat the meat and forget who the meat is hunting?"

"Original Lin Zhiqing himself will be hunting, and he will be alone in the mountains. No one will use any points. But Lin Zhiqing has unselfishly taught us to hunt and personally bring us into the mountains to tell us the safe route. Not to mention, but also help to set up traps to catch prey. You did not enter the hunting team is not clear, it is not clear to enter the hunting team? The hunting team hit the prey, at least 70% of the thanks to Lin Zhiqing!"

Tang Jianqiang pointed at the onlookers and sneered: "Look at your virtues, but also face your face and don't point your face? Pick up the bowl and eat the meat. When you put down the bowl, you will start to marry the mother. We will have these ungrateful things in the village! Lin Zhiqing does. It’s the wrong thing, the mistake is that she shouldn’t take us to hunt, shouldn’t let us eat meat, eat meat, and have the strength to arrange people!”

The villagers are silent.

Even Tang’s wife, who was suddenly released, was given a living by Tang Jianqiang.

Seeing that everyone is wearing a shackle, Bai Xiumei is not doing it, and the seal of her son Tang Jinwu’s neck is still there.

"My poor Jin Wujun must be killed, but no one said a fair word!" Bai Xiumei began to cry and pour.

"To shut up!"

Chen Fushan, the village party secretary, opened the crowd and walked in, directly screaming. "Old Tang, are you going to throw people away?!"

Father Tang’s face changed slightly and began to yell at his eldest son: “I still don’t bring your mother-in-law back, and told her to be a shame.”

Tang Jianguo took a black face and walked away Bai Xiumei.

Chen Fushan looked at the people seriously: "The water does not forget to dig wells, we can't forget the meat of Lin Zhiqing's hunting meat. Today, I have to discuss justice for Lin Zhiqing!"

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion