MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2340 Marriage without feelings

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Chapter 2340: A marriage without feelings

The hunting team entered the mountain again.

This time the cloud painting did not go, it was Tang Jianqiang who led the team, and Tang Jianbing also went. After all, for Tang Jianbing, this time is to fight.

On this day, when the Yun family made pumpkin cakes for the children at home, someone came.

"Is Lin Zhiqing there?"

Cloud painting came out, "Xie Zhiqing?"

Xie Qingling.

The text is weak and weak, and the book is full of enthusiasm. It is very popular with girls. For example, Chen Hongqi, the daughter of the village party secretary Chen Fushan, likes Xie Qingling.

"Lin Zhiqing, I want to ask you a favor." Xie Qingling said.

Cloud painting gave him a chair, "You said."

Xie Qingling was somewhat difficult to talk about, but eventually he said, "I want to borrow from you and borrow twenty dollars."

Cloud painting is a little surprised.

As far as she knows, Xie Zhiqing’s family will send money to him every month. He usually does not spend a lot of money. He should not be short of money to borrow money.

"What happened?" asked the cloud painting.

Xie Qingling whispered, "I, I am getting married."

“Ah?” The cloud painting was shocked. “Who?”

"Red Star."

Cloud painting is even more unbelievable, "Chen Hongxing? Chen Hongxing of Fushan Uncle?"

"Yeah." Xie Qingling's expression is very embarrassing.

Cloud painting at a glance knows that he is not willing.

"Xie Qingling, why do you want to marry Red Star? Do you want to get the quota of the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University?" asked Yun.

Xie Qingling shook his head.

"What is that?" asked the cloud painting.

Xie Qingling hung his head. "Don't ask. The money will wait until next month when my family sends money, I will pay you back."

Cloud painting was silent for a while and gave him money.

After Xie Qingling left, the cloud paintings are still somewhat unreliable. After all, the village party secretary is not bad for her from the Chen Fushan family. Chen Hongxing is also a very good girl. These two people are obviously not suitable.

Now all the educated youth, including Xie Qingling, do not know that they will resume the college entrance examination next year. They may feel desperate and take root in the countryside. But once the news of the college entrance examination resumes next year, Xie Qingling definitely wants to take the college entrance examination. Can Chen Jia can stop him? ?

Even if Chen Jia stopped him from giving him a college entrance examination, he could stop for a while and could not stop for a while.

Men are different from women. Many women reluctantly marry a man and have a child. That is a lifetime, but a man can hold him for a moment, and he can’t help him.

Cloud painting went to Chen Fushan's home.

When she used to, she saw Chen Fushan smoking a cigarette in the yard, which was very boring.

"Fukuyama Uncle."

Cloud painting went over.

Chen Fushan looked up and saw that she was, and she didn’t have much strength to talk. "Sit down."

Fukuyama blushes and drops a cup of tea for the cloud painting.

"Fukuyama Uncle, what the **** is going on? I heard that Xie Zhiqing and Red Star are going to get married?" The cloud painting asked directly.

When I mentioned this, Chen Fushan couldn't breathe and breathlessly began to cough.

Fukuyama hurriedly took him back.

The cloud painting looked at Fukuyama.

Fukuyama cried, "a shame!"

"What happened?" Cloud painting frowned.

Fukuyama took the cloud painting to the side and whispered, "Throwing the dead. Yesterday, Xie Zhiqing drank a few drinks with friends, drunk, and Red Star helped send Xie Zhiqing back. Who knows them...he both……"

Cloud painting lips.

Fukuyama smeared his tears. "That is known as the rural people, and he really doesn't like the red star. I don't want to let you with the red star and Xie Zhiqing. But who knows her is a mess? This is not the case, I don’t want to get married."

Cloud painting does not know what to say.

Fukuyama said again: "Red Star, this dead girl, cried with me. Night, said that it is not married to Xie Zhiqing to die. I can still do with your uncle! Moreover, this thing, the villagers know, If they are not married, the Red Star will not be a man in the village."

There is no solution.

Cloud painting can't look at the problems of these two people with the eyes of later generations. This is the case in the current rural situation.

No matter how opposed it is at the moment, it is useless.

"Fushan, I am talking to the Red Star."

"Yes, you go." Fukuyama said, "I will keep her in the house."

Cloud painting has passed.

Just as soon as I opened the door, a pillow came over. "I don't care, I just want to marry Xie Qingling. You don't blame him. It's my initiative. I am willing to do it myself!"

The cloud painting caught the pillow and looked at Chen Hongxing, who was crying and shivering.

"Sister Lin..." Chen Hongxing saw that it was a cloud painting. Some of them were embarrassed and their eyes were still red. "Lin sister, my mom asked you to persuade me, right? You don't have to say much, I have made up my mind. I am going to marry Xie Zhiqing."

Cloud painting put down the pillow and walked to Chen Hongxing to sit down: "Red Star, do you know what is called a strong twist, the melon is not sweet, Xie Zhiqing is not willing to blame you, even if he is forced to swear by you now, then What? Can you guarantee that he will spend a lifetime with you?"

Chen Hongxing gritted his teeth. "The strong twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches thirst. Anyway, I can understand it. It is impossible to expect him to take the initiative to like me. When he gets married, he will naturally like me when he is older. Even if it doesn't matter if he doesn't like me all the time, I just want to be with him!"

Cloud painting frowns, "You have been enchanted. Red Star, feelings are never forced, but from the heart of the heart. So forced to get, will not be happy."

"Then you are not the same as Jianqing brother?" Chen Hongxing said, "You didn't like to build a brother, but after you got married with Jianqing, isn't it good?"

Cloud painting: "..."

The beginning of Lin Yunhua and Tang Jianqing is really not so beautiful. Lin Yunhuan married Tang Jianqing, but also to hide those second-rate people in the village, and Lin Yun’s people have always liked them, all of them are like Ning Shuhang, not Tang Jianqing. That kind……

Sure enough, it is not good to persuade people to live.

She should not come.

People, only after they have suffered a loss, will they wake up, especially in the emotional, no one wants to persuade.

The cloud painting simply went away.

Three days later, the hunting team came back. Five days later, Xie Qingling and Chen Hongxing got married.

Cloud paintings also sent a gift, which is not special at all.

Cloud painting knew that the days of Xie Qingling and Chen Hongxing would not be better, but she did not expect that only a few days later, Chen Hongxing cried and ran to find her.

"What's wrong?" asked the cloud painting.

Chen Hongxing cried like a tearful person: "Sister Lin, he wouldn't touch me. I slept with me at night, and I didn't want to tell me, oh...Sister Lin, what should I do?"

Cloud painting is awkward, what should I do, and where does she know?

Can only comfort Chen Hongxing silently.

After Chen Hongxing left, Dudu and his pockets felt a bit puzzling.

Cloud painting by the way to educate two sons.

"First of all, if you don't like it, you must not marry. No matter what you have to do, don't marry." Yun said.

Dumb nodded.

The eyeballs of the pocket turned and turned, "Would it be married?"

"If you promise to get married, you must at least fulfill your responsibilities and obligations. Everyone must be responsible for their words and deeds, or they will not agree, and they will be responsible for the promise." Yun said.

If you nod your head thoughtfully, you don’t know if you listened.

It is already cold.

It is now November in the lunar calendar.

The cloud painting burns the cockroach and it is very comfortable to sleep at night.

On such a cold day, it is impossible to take a shower every day, but the face, hands and farts still have to be washed.

After the two small washes, the cloud paintings began to teach them English.

"Mom, why should you learn English?"

"Mom, Grandpa Qin, they will speak Russian."

Cloud painting smiled: "English is a tool, just like a dictionary. You will use it in your work and school."

"Mom, English is a dictionary-like tool, so why can't it be a dictionary? Do you know what it means when you check it out?"

Cloud painting said: "The meaning of a single word, and the meaning of the combined sentence will be very different. But after that, there will be a machine, and when you record it, it will be translated automatically."

"Wow! Is that a tape recorder?"

"It is a translation machine." Cloud painting said.

Speaking of this, the two little guys are particularly interested, asking about the cloud painting.

The translation machines of later generations are indeed very popular. Even mobile phones have software for automatic translation. After you speak, they will automatically translate into the corresponding language, which is very convenient for people who are traveling.

However, this level of translation can only be used in general daily communication, real professional aspects, or conference records, literature, translation machines are not accurate enough to meet the requirements.

Cloud paintings talked to the two children about the future, chatting and chatting, the two little guys fell asleep.

The cloud painting lay on the raft and sighed. Both hands held a little guy's hand and slept.

The marriage of Chen Hongxing and Xie Qingling is really annoying to cloud painting.

Chen Hongxing ran to her two days and Xie Qingling also came to look for her.

However, Xie Qingling came to look for her, not to complain, but to pay back the money.

He couldn't get much money at hand. His family seemed to have something wrong. The money he sent to him every month suddenly broke. Xie Qingling had no other income, and he could only let the cloud painting give him some time.

Cloud paintings are not in a hurry to ask for money. Xie Qingling feels sorry for cloud paintings. He thinks that there are no men in the cloud painting family. He can help me with anything, such as helping chopping wood.

"You can forget."

Cloud painting looked at the scholar who had smashed a few firewood and gave his waist a flash. He said directly, "You will give it back to me later. I am not in a hurry. You should not think about what to compensate me. No, it's really not needed. You can solve your family's problems, don't always run to me is the biggest help for me!"

Xie Qingling’s shame is still desperate.

"Lin Yun painting, you said, do we still have the opportunity to return to the city in this life?" Xie Qingling held the axe and squatted on the ground, and said with a downcast, "I want to serve the motherland. I want to apply what I have learned. I can only use this." Way? What is the meaning of such a life!"

The cloud painted lips and did not speak.

Dudu and the two children don’t know what Xie Qingling is complaining about. The two little guys have their own tasks, recite words, and shake their heads to recite words.

The two little guys are actually very fast, but they forget too fast, so they need to memorize memories repeatedly and form long-term memories.

Xie Qingling saw the words of the two little guys, and he couldn’t help but look at the cloud painting: "Do you let them learn English so small, is it useful? In the future, it is not only in the countryside, it will not be used in a lifetime."

Xie Qingling stood up, as if there was any spirit that was taken away from him.

"What is the difference between living like this and walking dead?" Xie Qingling went out.

The cloud painting sighed deeply.

"Xie Qingling."

The cloud painting called.

Xie Qingling, who has already reached the door, stood up and looked back at the cloud painting. "Is there anything else?"

The cloud painting smashed his fist and walked over. He whispered: "There is news that the college entrance examination will resume next year."


Xie Qingling turned suddenly and looked at the cloud painting incredulously.

Cloud painting rushed to him slightly nodded.

Xie Qingling’s eyes are about to come out, and the whole person is shaking with excitement, but soon he calms down and shakes his head constantly. “No, no, no, at first, everyone still has expectations, but one year and two years. In the past, the struggle has become more and more fierce, but the school has no news... impossible..."

Yes, people are not too convinced.

The cloud painting whispered: "You should review and prepare early. In addition, the channel I learned about this incident is very special. You should pay attention to confidentiality, don't say it, otherwise there are variables, I can't tell."

Xie Qingling stared at Lin Yun's painting with a pair of eyes, and that look was like eating Lin Yun's paintings.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed the arm of Lin Yun's painting. "You, don't lie to me? Not yelling at me?"

"You love it or not." Cloud painting opened his hand and went back to the house to get a mathematical textbook. "I am watching this book. You should also look for an opportunity to go to the county to buy it."

Xie Qingling’s tears came down at once.

"thanks, thanks……"

Of course, he knows that if the news is true, there must be more vibrations, and there is no wind outside. Lin Yunhua can know such news, absolutely not ordinary.

But she is willing to share such news to him!

In addition to gratitude, Xie Qingling did not know how to express his emotions.

He is too eager to return to the city, too eager to leave this remote and backward countryside.

"Xie Qingling, I tell you this, there is a purpose."

Cloud painting said, "With your foundation, you can definitely get into college with a little effort. At that time, your marriage with Red Star..."

Xie Qingling's face was white.

Cloud painting sighed, still said: "You will not let yourself be trapped in the countryside, no one can stop your footsteps, right. If you are destined to leave, don't hurt the red star. Especially, don't let the red star A girl bears the responsibility of both parents."

The meaning of cloud painting, Xie Qingling understood.

His face suddenly turned red and immediately said: "I won't, I am not that kind of person. I... I have never touched her. You can rest assured that I will divorce her before returning to the city, I will compensate her... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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