MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2337 Benefits

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Chapter 2337 Benefits

Let the woman pay for it?

That is almost the same as asking her.

Besides, I really want to draw three hundred and five hundred for Lin Yun, let her find it back. It would be better to give another one to Gui Guichang.

Although Lin Yunhua and the educated youths all said that the boy is a man's fault, and has nothing to do with the woman, how can the woman believe?

Since childhood, I have never had a male baby, it is a woman’s fault!

I really want to give Guichang another woman, maybe I can give her a grandson.

My wife’s heart is clear.

Even so, you can't let Lin Yun draw this little monk in vain.

It’s just that the village party secretary and the captain are here. The two men obviously don’t help Lin Yun’s painting, and the woman doesn’t understand her face.


Tang Jianqiang saw that the woman was stunned. She glanced at Xiao Guichang, who was hiding in the crowd. She snorted directly. "I didn't see your old lady falling on the ground? I still don't hurry to get back to rest."


Yan Guichang quickly squeezed out of the crowd, and helped the squatting son to leave.

Watching the excitement, there are also many discussions on the side.

Chen Fushan took a swig of smoke. "I will leave if nothing happens."

Lin Yun's painting suddenly opened: "Fukuyama Uncle, and the captain, you stay, come in for a cup of tea."

She looked at Chen Ying and Tang Jianbing again: "Two brothers, you will stay and help me."

Zhang Yaqiu saw that the woman didn't make trouble, and she had some drums in her heart. When she saw Lin Yun's paintings, she left the village party secretary and the captain to stay. She didn't know that she wanted to do it. She also wanted to stay and listen.

Kelin Yunhua said with a smile: "Yaqiu, did you just say that there is something in the school, you should go back first."

"I... I'm fine, I didn't miss it, see if you have something to help you," Zhang Yaqiu said.

Lin Yun painted a faint look at her: "Ya Qiu, Yao Jiajia came to me to borrow money, said a sentence, saying that you told her that I have money on hand..."

"Ah? No!" Zhang Yaqiu denied it. "I may tell her that you have money!"

"Not you?"

"It must not be me!" Zhang Yaqiu said quickly.

Cloud painting smiled. "It’s weird. It’s not yours. Why is Yao Jiajia saying you?”

"It's not me!" Zhang Yaqiu anxiously defended, "Draw a picture, you have to believe me, really not me."

"Oh." Cloud paintings are not much to say, but just look at Zhang Yaqiu with a faint look.

Such a gaze, Zhang Yaqiu finally can not stand, quickly said: "Drawing, I think there is still something, I will go first. But it is really not that I let Yao Jiajia come to you to borrow money, you must believe me!"

Zhang Yaqiu is gone.

The cloud painting snorted and closed the door.

In the yard, Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang had sat down around the small table. Chen Ying took the tea bowl and gave them tea. Tang Jianbing was on the side.

Chen Ying saw the cloud painting coming in, and he quickly moved a chair to sit on the cloud.

"Thank you for your second visit."

Yun painting drank a cup of tea and looked at Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang: "Fukuyama Uncle, the captain, I will just say it."

"Now the wheat has been planted, and there are not many other vegetables to grow. Everyone is basically idle, right?" said Yun.

Chen Fushan took a look at his own dry smoke and nodded.

Yun Cai said: "I have an idea. Now that I haven't arrived in the winter, I can still go in the mountains. Everyone is more free. I want to take everyone into the mountains to hunt. I am still idle, no matter how much I can hunt. It’s a bit of oil for everyone’s bowl.”

Chen Fushan a trip.

Tang Jianqiang frowned. "Lin Zhiqing, I know that you have never stopped to enter the mountain, but it is dangerous to enter the mountain. It is the experienced old hunter who dare not say that you will enter the mountain with you, in case something happens, but It’s going to kill people."

Cloud painting nodded: "It’s all voluntary. I have entered the mountain a lot during this time. I have come up with two safer routes. As long as I don’t mess, there should be no problem on these two routes. It’s a real thing, and I’m sure to bring people out for treatment. Of course, nothing can be foolproof. If you walk on the road, you might fall and die, let alone go into the mountains. So this is the case. Voluntarily, I am willing to enter the mountain with me, even if I don’t want it. As for the things that I hunted back, twenty-eight points. The hunting team that entered the mountain took 80% of the average score, and the remaining 20% ​​was paid to the village. The village will divide the law to the people in the village. If the amount is too small and not enough, it will exist, or see who is willing to pay for it, and the money will be counted in the public account."

Chen Fushan’s dry smoke was forgotten and he looked at the cloud painting with surprise.

Tang Jianqiang also looked disbelieving.

As long as the weather is good, the cloud paintings go into the mountains almost every day. The worst is to go into the mountains every other day. Every time there is a harvest, many people have already reported to the village, saying that cloud paintings invade public property.

After all, this year, the things in the mountains belong to public property.

Both Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang have crushed these black-skinned ones. It is dangerous to enter the mountains. If it is not forced to the road, who is willing to go to the mountains to change?

Even the cloud paintings with Chen Ying secretly cooked food and took them out for sale. Tang Jianqiang and Chen Fushan’s heart is also like the mirror. After all, the village is so big that it may not be discovered at first. It has been more than a month. So many times, how could it be impossible to find it at all?

Both of them are thinking, if the county cuts the tail of capitalism and is attracted to the village to catch cloud paintings, this matter must be handled, and the villagers are stunned by the black, and they are a branch secretary and a captain. If you give it down, you will be a little troubled if you don’t know what’s going on in the commune or the county.

But neither of them thought of it. The cloud painting actually offered it, and brought the people from the village to hunt!

"Lin Zhiqing, are you thinking about this? It's not a simple matter. Besides, the things in the mountains are limited, and it's not easy to fight. For a few pheasants, if you go in so many people, maybe the family can get a bite." Meat is not worthwhile..." Chen Fushan said.

Cloud painting said: "This season, there are a lot of things in the mountains, and even the prey have already posted the autumn scorpion, which will only be more fat. Of course, we have principles in hunting, Xiaoyan can't, and no one can move. As for how many things you can hit, try to know."

Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang exchanged a look.

Tang Jianqiang said: "I will mention this matter."

Cloud painting raised his eyebrows to see him.

Tang Jianqiang said: "To enter the mountain to hunt, you must sign a voluntary agreement, you must obey the command, or you will be responsible for anything. If you are willing to go, you are not willing to go, and the proportion is based on what you said. In addition, tomorrow I will call three or five people to try with you."

"Okay." Cloud painted nodded. "That would thank the captain."

Tang Jianqiang is not trying to rob the merits, but to rob the responsibility. If the cloud painting proposes to form a hunting team, it will be strange if people do not tear the cloud painting, but Tang Jianqiang’s proposal is different. Tang Jianqiang is very leadership. People listen to him. It’s true that Tang Jianqiang is screaming, and people will not find the head of cloud painting.

Seeing that the cloud painting understood his intentions, Tang Jianqiang did not say more. "People who go in tomorrow, besides me, build a soldier, and Fushan’s uncle red flag counts one. I will call Jiansong and Hongwei separately. ”

Cloud painting has no opinion on these candidates.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Jianqiang brought people directly to Houshan to gather.

The cloud painting has arrived, and the second brother Tang Jianbing has arrived. Together with Tang Jianqiang, Tang Jiansong, Chen Hongqi and Chen Hongwei, their team will be together.

In this year, people are short of food and clothing, and meat is rare. If it is not too deep, the old forest is too dangerous. People have already gone in, so the periphery has been turned over all over, even a wild egg is eager to find, want to hunt, Only go to the mountains.

Only Tang Jianbing has some understanding of cloud painting, Tang Jianqiang and several other people, this is the first time I saw the cloud painting into the mountains.

Her speed is very fast.

Because it is going to go deep and far, if the speed is not fast enough, how can it be enough in one day?

In the real mountainous areas of the people, the hunters who enter the mountain often go in for several days. There are two children in the cloud painting family. There is really no way. They must go early and return late, and she can only continuously improve her speed.

This is the case, and it is enough to go to noon before it is the initial arrival position.

Walking in such a deep breath, the cloud paintings on the road continue to explain to them the various knowledge that comes in, all kinds of points to pay attention to, and have not stopped to rest for so long.

A few people in Tang Jianqiang could not describe how shocked they were.

"A rest, eat something." The cloud painting finally stopped.

Tang Jianqiang nodded.

Chen Fushan’s son, Chen Hongqi, couldn’t help but say: “Lin Zhiqing, I really can’t see you so much!”

Tang Jianqiang’s younger brother, Tang Jiansong, also said, “I almost can’t catch up.”

Chen Hongwei did not say anything, but it was also obviously admired.

Yun Cai said: "In the past, I had to go early and return late. If the speed is not fast, it would be too late. After we see the hunting team, we don't have to be too busy, we can be safer, and we have time to catch more prey. I mean. Yes, come in once, stay for three days, so that you can have time to lay traps and catch wild boars safer... To the front, there is a pool of water, there are a lot of fish inside, let's go to the north first..."

This time, the cloud painting team was able to return to the village at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Chen Ying has already cooked at the cloud painting home, and a group of people are eating at the cloud painting home.

There are not many prey that they bring back, mainly to explore the road and assess the degree of danger after entering the mountain.

Overall, very satisfied.

A group of people are also very excited.

Chen Hongqi couldn't help but say: "There are really wild boars! If we are hunting a dozen, we will be better this year!"

"You want to be beautiful, but it is a wild boar." Tang Jiansong said, "If you don't pay attention, you will die."

Tang Jianqiang nodded: "Jian Song said right, red flag, you can't be a donkey. Like today, Lin Zhiqing told you not to tamper with those leaves. It is a nest of mountains and winds. You still don't listen. If you want to try it, if Lin Zhiqing is quick to respond, he will be bitten by the mountain wind and can only quickly cut your legs, otherwise you can't keep your life!"

Chen Hongqi looked ashamed. "I... I will definitely listen to Lin Zhiqing in the future."

After eating, Tang Jianqiang said: "Lin Zhiqing, you are also taking a good rest. Let's start the day after tomorrow. I will gather people tomorrow and talk about it."

Cloud nodded.

The outsiders are gone, only Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying stay.

"Dudu and all the pockets have already slept, these two small, have to take a shower to sleep, clean." Chen Ying said.

Cloud painting smiled.

Chen Ying whispered again: "Brother and sister, you are going to hunt with everyone, and you are not thankful."

Yun Cai said: "I have entered the mountain too often, and if I go in less, the people in the village don't care. The more people go in, the more people are jealous. In addition, you are doing things here, the villagers. It’s impossible not to know. It’s just that everyone is still unclear about the situation and is still secretly understanding that if you are figured out how much you can make... then don’t think about it.”

Chen Ying was shocked.

She remembered that although she had already saved a lot of money, she did earn a few tens of dollars for so long. The two wolves were too bitter. She couldn’t help but buy the milk cream from the baby and the clothes of her own man Tang Jianbing. The patch couldn’t go up, she also bite her teeth and make clothes for Tang Jianbing...

Don't look at this thing, it really caught the attention of others. Some of the nephews of this family asked her side by side, and they had money to buy cloth to buy things.

Daxie Bai Xiumei also ran to her yard in two days and looked into her house...

"If you want others to be not jealous, you can only share the benefits." Yun said, "Let everyone get some benefits, naturally no one will say anything more. Moreover, I am also tired when I go into the mountains alone. I can only take the lead and be able to play a lot more prey."

"But there are so many people in the village, there are more people coming into the mountains, and there are fewer things to be assigned." Chen Ying said.

Cloud painting smiled. "Not everyone dares to go in. Look at the legs of Lao Chentou, you can scare off many people."

Sure enough, the cloud painting is correct.

Tang Jianqiang said that the formation of the hunting team, the village did not respond much.

"Let's have a birthday, but the net is toss."

"If it is so easy to hit the prey, the old Chen head is not doing it? If you do it, you will be the best."

"I don't dare to go in anyway, if there is a long and two short, the family is young and young."

"Yeah, anyway, if you hit the prey, you have to pay 20%. You can eat it with a bite of meat. If you kill it, you will not enter the mountain."

"I might not go in for a few days, I didn't hit it, I lost the grain and hurt people..."

Do not blame people for being timid, because the farmers at this time, no, it should be said that the farmers who have been there for many years have no ability to resist risks.

If you don't have a problem, you can barely maintain your life. Once someone is injured or sick, you can directly drag a family.

Later, with rural medical insurance, many medical expenses could be reimbursed, but many people still could not look down on the disease.

At this time, the land is collective, everything is collective, and the farmers have no money at all, and they have no ability to resist risks.

Who dares to go into the mountains?

Tang Jianqiang’s hunting crimes have attracted a total of 12 people, which is not bad.

Into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)