MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 205 When you are hungry, you have to eat buns (middle)

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After the explanation of the staff, Chu Yan finally understood the truth of the matter.

Yes, these two buns... cough, the two nutritious compartments are really the containers for cultivating the embryos.

Chu Yan is not a person without common sense. He has been in this era for ten years. What kind of personality is incompatible? Chu said at least that the artificial embryo synthesis in this world generally refers to the fusion of the cells of both sides into one. In a transparent oval nutrition cabin, it will be cultivated for ten months.

Listening to the words of Chu, the staff wiped the sweat on his forehead and quickly said: "Because of the personal differences between Mr. Chu and Mr. He, these two embryos were successfully combined after more than 60 million experiments. The nutrition compartment used was also specially made and different from the others on the market. The fusion was confirmed last week, but the embryo is still quite unstable. Until today we determined that the embryo was completely stable before deciding to inform.

The possibility of one billionth is really never deceiving.

More than 60 million experiments, which lasted for six years, did not know much if the funds were invested, but still had no effect. A year ago, He’s father was really unable to sit still. He doubled his investment and added equipment and personnel to the laboratory. This was the result today.

However, in fact, the two buns...cough, before the two children, the laboratory has also been successfully integrated. But without exception, it only died naturally in a few days. One time, He Boshen got the news and rushed to the lab. Unfortunately, the child lost his vital signs in front of him and made him quite hurt.

This time, after confirming that it was impossible to fail, the experimenter dared to inform He Baishen, so there is now this scene.

Chu Yan holding this plate, looking down at the two buns (?) in the plate, my heart is mixed, I don't know how to express it.

In the evening, Chu Yan and He Baishen watched the two buns in the lab. It seems that it is really two white buns, soft, and with a sweet smell of flour after fermentation, whoever said it is not a steamed buns, it is absolutely impossible.

The experimenters have already left, and there are only Chuyan and He Baishen in the huge room.

He Bai Shen reached out and hugged Chu Yan from behind. He put his chin on the shoulder of Chu Yan and smiled lowly. "I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you directly. Waiting for me to see through the glass." When you actually want to eat them, I really don't know what it feels like... Well, words, you are really good and powerful."

When I mentioned this, Chu Yan was very depressed, but looking at the two buns, he could only helplessly sigh.

"You said it, you are going to eat soon. Now I will show you these two... The same nutrition compartment as the buns, even the taste is very similar. How can I not misunderstand?"

He Bai deep smiled low and did not answer.

Chu Yan took the hand of He Baishen. He thought for a while and said, "What do you say that this buns will be stuffed?"

He Baishen: "..." After a while, he was right: "Speaking, this is our child, not a buns."

Chu said where to deal with him: "I think it will be streaky stuffing."

He Baishen raised his eyebrows: "Why is the streaky stuffing?"

Chu Yan said of course: "Because you are a pork belly."

He Baishen: "..."

After so many years, you are finally exposed!

After watching the buns for a while, He Baishen arranged for the lab staff to go to their homes. In the three days, they also arranged a room suitable for embryo culture in the home so that they could take the two buns home. Then leave the buns in the lab.

After waiting to order all this, He Baishen suddenly thought: "Notice my grandfather?"

The head of the lab glanced and then shook his head: "I will inform you first, Mr. He."

He Bai stunned his eyes wide and his eyes were a glimpse. The two looked at each other and finally smiled at the dagger.

After leaving the lab, Chu Yan and He Baishen did not go home immediately. The levitation vehicle flew to the other side of the capital star at the fastest speed, and landed in this scenic area with beautiful scenery and heavy mountains.

When He Baishen and Chu Yan entered the door, Wang Guanjia was already waiting at the door. He was sitting at the table and was planning to open a meal. He ignored his grandson and grandchildren... until the Chu Yan and He Baishen went to him. He still looked down and didn't seem to see them.

He Baishen raised an eyebrow: "Grandfather?"

Chu Yan also laughed: "Grandfather."

He father picked up a chopstick dish, chewed it and ate it.

See you, Chu said a little strange, turned to look at He Baishen. The latter is very accustomed to such a situation, he calmly helped the Chuyan to open the chair, let him sit down at the table, and put the chopsticks in the palm of the Chuyan, softly said "you are safe to eat" Then I went to the other side to sit down.

Seeing Chu Yan and He Baishen really started eating vegetables, He is not happy.

He took a table and said: "Why, I haven’t seen me in a month. Now I suddenly came to my backcountry. Is it going to find me the old man’s trouble, or is it just a meal? There is no such thing, are you so empty-handed!"

Hearing words, Chu Yan suddenly slammed, and the chopsticks in his hand stopped before he reached out.

He Baishen gathered his nephew, a pair of old gods in the appearance, and put a piece of pork belly into the bowl of Chu Yan.

Neglected He Laozi: "..."

After a long while, He’s father said: “He Baishen! You don’t want your grandfather now if you have Chu Yan? I’m talking to you, not even a gift, you just look at your grandfather empty-handed. Is this appropriate??"

He Bai said calmly: "With gifts, I see more."

He said with a sneer: "I will not come to see this old man once a month. Do you still tell me outside?"

The meal was so delicious that the old man was quite blocked. When he heard the news that He Baishen and Chu Yan were coming, the whole person was very excited. Hurry to make the kitchen add two more dishes, and put on a formal dress, has been guarded at the door, it is simply looking through the autumn.

When He Boshen and Chu Yan entered the gate, he quickly ran to the table and sat down, pretending to look like nothing, in order to let these two stinky sons apologize to themselves, let them know what is called " Caring for the elderly, everyone is responsible!"

Yes, you are busy with work, one working overtime every day, one day shooting!

But take a day... Oh no, it’s half a day! Just look at him for a long time, this is a bad old man, everyone eats a reunion dinner, how good this is!

Seeing that his grandson kept giving the Chuyan food, even the rest of the light did not leave for himself, and the old man’s heart smothered the rice, and it was not a taste. After the meal was finished, He’s father took a table and shouted: “Well, it’s good to go to my old man’s house and show good love. It’s not awkward. Now that the meal is finished, you and I have seen it, let’s go. Let's go, don't sway in front of me, bother!"

Upon seeing it, He Bai calmly and sighed, and took the hand of Chu Yan and walked away. It seemed that he really had to leave. And Chu Yan is frowning with a grin.

Chu Yan has no relatives in his life. He can be said to be his first relative. Naturally, he could not understand He Laozi like He Boshen, and even calculated the mind of this old man so accurately, but he did not want to be so twisted and twisted.

Chu Yan broke the hand of He Baishen and walked in front of He Laozi in the strange eyes of the latter. He smiled and leaned over, grabbed the arm of He Laozi, took the angry old man and went to the sofa to sit down. He asked softly: "Grandfather, I remember you said that the family has a single pass of 400. For many years?"

Chu’s gentle attitude made He’s father very useful, but he still snorted and said: “It’s four hundred and sixty-three years.” The voice just fell, and He’s father took a look at He Baishen and said: “This is me. There is a second grandson, I am sure to drive this stinky boy out of the house. He has always loved to be right with me when he was young. It is a little white-eyed wolf."

Chu said with a chuckle, and the little white-eyed wolf spread his hand.

Chu Yan glared at He Baishen, turned to look at the old man, and saw the old man still seeing "You don't talk to me, you and the little white-eyed wolf are a group", Chu said deeply sighed. The corner of the mouth is a cocky, revealing a sly smile.

His tone was sighed and sighed, and he said very awkwardly: "That's a pity. Grandfather, there are two at this time. I am afraid that the myth of the single-passion of the family will end. In 643 years. What a pity."

He said that he is subconsciously: "That is, in 643 years, it is also a loud voice to say that it is going out..." The voice stopped abruptly, and the old man slowly turned his head to look at the Chuyan, watching the smile of the young man, and the heart of the old man. As soon as it was broken, it took a long time for him to stutter and say: "What...what two?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Your two great-grandchildren."

As it turned out, after learning the news, He’s father was so excited. He rushed to the lab and saw his two great dice. The old man first refused to hold the buns, and then happily gave the lab a generous bonus. In the end, he also said: "Put them in my house, I want to see them every day!"

He Bai Shen reached out and said: "No, I have decided to put it in my house."

He father took a table: "I am your grandfather!"

He Bai Shen went one step forward: "They are my children!"

Chu Yan was on the sidelines and calmly smiled: "Well, it's my streaky stuffing buns."

The final result is that in the ten months of cultivating the embryo, as long as Chu Xiang returns to the capital star, buns... cough, the child must go home. If Chu Yan is not in the capital star, then He He can bring back to his home to look after, but if He Baishen wants to take them away, He can not stop.

He said that he accepted this suggestion with enthusiasm, thinking: Chu said at least three movies a year, can be at home for a few months! This suggests that I am too valuable!

However, in fact, when the matter was settled, Chu Yan directly pushed three notices, left in the house with a smile, pinching the buns every day, poked the buns, and specially bought a lot of streaky stuffed buns! He sat in the nursery room for two days, looking down at the growing white buns, while holding his own pork belly stuffing buns.

He Baishen on the side: "..."

He is in the old house of Hejia, and he wants to cry without tears: "..."

When the two buns were born, Chu Yan began to eat buns.

The boy is called Chu Yuxi and the girl is called He Sizhen.

The boy is a brother, a small name big treasure; a girl is a younger sister, a small name.

The original Chu Yan is to let the girl surname Chu, the boy surnamed He, who is expected to congratulate the little princess when he saw the little beggar. The big eyes flickered and flashed, and the white and tender face seemed to be able to pour out the water. What about the big treasure? I slept all day and slept to eat! Not at all cute!

And He has always had another calculation in his heart: "This boy must be like his father. I knew it was right from childhood! Or a girl, how cute, oh, come, grandpa hug, grandpa kiss! ”

The big name is thought by Chu Yan and He Baishen, while the Xiao Ming is decided by He. Contrast the "Dabao", a sincere name and the sly name of "瞳瞳", you can see that the heart of the old man is too biased, it is completely biased to the United States!

However, Chu Yan and He Baishen, including He Laozi, did not know at all that from the day when Dabao and He was born, their life of flying chickens and dogs was just beginning.

The author has something to say: Chu Wei: My streaky stuffing buns!

He Wuhua: Hey, let you eat the real five-flowered clam meat stuffing stuff tonight.

Fuwa: Mom, today's little theater is a bit dirty _ (: 3 ∠) _ dirty can not bear to look straight!


Thank you

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