MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 193

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A "holographic simulation version" is really a stone that stirs up a thousand waves, so that the whole network suddenly boils!

[What is a holographic simulation version? How can I not understand, is this different from holographic projection? 】

[simulation? Hey, is this better than holographic projection? How can this be better? I feel that the holographic projection technology that was innovated last year has been very realistic. I have watched many movies, and the new technology is particularly special. It is impossible to be real. 】

[Sleeping, holographic simulation? Sounds a bit tall! Seeking to break! Where is the technology emperor! Who can say what is called holographic simulation, never heard of it! Ah, ah, I am looking forward to it! ! ! I must go see it! 】

Before the interpretation of the "Entertainment Explosion" crew, many of the blacks in China, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other galaxies questioned the film. Because there is no drama in the world like the film crew, the propaganda is so small, just released a promotional film ready to release, it is too much to believe in their own strength.

And the "Entertainment Explosion" crew did this, and the fans actually paid for it!

This makes fans of many other movies very unpleasant. Their beloved male goddess and goddess did not appear in this movie, but the film was in a state of turmoil and seemed to be able to defeat all other films. It can even be said that no matter the quality of this movie, it will definitely be the box office champion of this year!

As a result, some blacks with a bad mind couldn't help but splash the dirty water, trying to stir up the circle and let the passers-by as much as possible to resent the Entertainment Explosion.

In any marketing and promotion process in the entertainment industry, the most powerful is the passerby. Whoever gets the passer-by will get the main force of public opinion. But it is very difficult to get passers-by to stand up. Few people can get support from passers-by.

The sunspots never imagined that the "Entertainment Explosion" crew actually used only one Weibo, and the people who had been on the wall had pulled down and excitedly expressed their opinions.

At this time, who still manages your sunspots? Who still manages the issue of propaganda and not propaganda?

What exactly is holographic simulation?

What is the difference between this version and holographic projection?

This is the issue that everyone cares most! The sunspots want to do anything more, and they are completely unable to return to heaven.

- This is the strength of the king.

If you have the strength, then how the blacks will scream, and can not shake your fundamental foundation. Because strength is your sufficiency, it is the true fact that no amount of marketing and promotion can change.

Half a month before the release, the "Entertainment Explosion" crew began officially promoting.

All the founders of the entire crew were present and the first round of roadshows was promoted in Huaxia Capital.

In terms of investment personnel, Xu Yurong and Simmons were all present; in terms of production staff, Felton and his son, Chu Xiaoqing appeared. There are also the starring performers who are most looking forward to the audience, An Yuyang, Chu Yan, Raymond, Zhao Muge...

These stars, as long as one is present, they can call a crew! However, they are now all promoting the "Entertainment Explosion", and they all sincerely want to introduce this movie to their fans, so that everyone can see this excellent movie.

The first trailer for "Entertainment Explosion" has come out, and many fans have found that this should be a big male movie.

The so-called big man movie, naturally opposed to the big girl movie, mainly tells the story of the male lead, and the main perspective of the film is also biased towards the male lead. Such a film is of great benefit to the actor who plays the leading role. It is a big boost to nominate and win the prize in the future, but there is a slight lack of the heroine.

So some reporters stood up and asked questions sharply at the road show: "The movie propaganda meeting that An sister had participated in in the past is still not much. As far as I know, you have recently taken over the endorsement of 'Starlight' and should be very busy. What made you decide to participate in the promotion of the big man movie "Entertainment Explosion"?"

The tone of this passage is very flat, but the needles are hidden and the sentences are very sharp.

In the face of such problems, An Yuyang smiled and got up and asked: "I don't have much movie promotion?"

The reporter stunned and said: "You have starred in the last film "Lanxiang" in a total of 14 publicity sessions, and you only went to four games."

The reporter did not say anything wrong. "Lanxiang" is the big movie that An Xiangyang is preparing to hit the award this year. It is her starring movie. However, even so, Anyang had missed ten publicity meetings and caused some controversy at the time.

Wen Yan, An Yuyang calmly smiled: "At that time I was already filming "Entertainment Explosion", so I could only take time to go to four of them."

Such an answer is reasonable, so that others can't pick up the stab.

I only listened to An Yuyang’s tone and said softly: “In fact, in any movie, I admit that there is a preference for a man or a woman, but for its performers, it is for each of us. If you must ask me why you value "Entertainment Explosion", then I can only say: This will be an epoch-making movie, it deserves my attention. I am now looking forward to it, looking forward to this movie. Released, I hope that this movie will be seen by more people, and I hope that this movie will bring you shock."

Three expectations, let the reporter dumb silent.

They couldn't find more explosive news from Anyang's mouth, so some people put their eyes on the side of Chu Yan: Chu Yan only debuted for six years, unlike Anyang, it is an old fritter! I can definitely dig out interesting things from his mouth.

"Chu said, as the hero of such an epoch-making movie, do you have any pressure? Do you think this film can win the award for you? What kind of expectations do you have for this movie?"

As soon as this sentence fell, An Xiangyang was a glimpse. She looked at Chu Yan quietly and smirked her lips.

This reporter is too bad. I even used the words of An Xiangyang to block the Chu words. It is clear that I want to dig up big news.

However, just as the reporter was confidently prepared to get his headline news, but under the bright and dazzling lights, the handsome young man stood up gently, his eyes calmly looking at him, his mouth slightly tilted. From the beginning, there is a quiet smile.

Two years have passed, and time has left a small footprint on this young man.

The exquisite face of Qingjun has grown and shaped, with the elegance and calmness of young people, but there is no more youth and tenderness. In some rankings in the past two years, the name "Chu Yan" has often appeared in the top three of the major rankings, becoming a well-deserved "dream lover in the hearts of fans."

The star who wants to hug him the most, the star who wants to date him most... the star who wants to kiss him most.

He is the strongest male **** in the hearts of all the girls in the whole galaxy. Every character in his heart is still fresh in his memory. Even the movie of Chu’s last year’s deliberately ugly and acting as a villain has countless fan madness. Like, it really reaches the point where "as long as it is Chuyan, we all think it is the best, we all like it."

And I am afraid that only the reporter can feel it. After Chu Yan stood up and looked at him, he seemed to be locked in an invisible gas field. The gas field was very warm, but it was so powerful that he felt that he was seriously looked at by the other side, but he was also deeply suppressed by the other side.

Chu Yan smiled and nodded. Wen Ya said softly: "The pressure is definitely there. The award is not chosen by me. As for the expectation, I can tell you. From the next movie to the present station. Answering your question here, my expectation is only one, that is - let "Entertainment Explosion" become the best movie ever."

A word fell, the audience was in awe!

Even Anyang is a glimpse, and my heart thinks: Xiaoyan is actually more aggressive than me!

Many reporters have looked at the reporter who asked the question because the question was raised by the reporter. According to the unwritten rules in the circle, only this reporter can continue to ask questions. They are waiting for the reporter to make persistent efforts, and then quickly raise the issue of sharpness, holding on to the words of Chu Yan.

Who would have expected this reporter to nod and nodded... Say it!

Other reporters: "..."

Have you made a mistake! Why are you sitting down? Shouldn’t it be pursued by victory and accused of saying too much? !

The publicity will continue, and no one will have the opportunity to ask questions. The superstar sat calmly in the position and chuckled and talked to the next Anyang. The two men just sat down in a low-key manner, but there was a gas field that was completely different from others, and it seemed to be incompatible with the surrounding.

Many reporters couldn't help but photograph the scene of this scene.

After the end of the publicity session, the reporter who asked the Chuyan questioned out of the venue and was despised by many of his peers for a long time. Until the moment when I really walked out of the gate, the reporter suddenly realized that I had a chill, and I was stunned by the heart: "The Chuyan is terrible, and the eyes are too scary. Who will dare to set a trap for him in the future..."

With the end of the ten Star Trek publicity sessions, the premiere of "Entertainment Explosion" finally arrived.

In the ten publicity sessions, all the creative staff were present and no one was absent. Even in the last game, the total producer He Boshen came to the venue in a low-key manner, sitting in the middle of the director Lyon Felton and the actor Chu Yan, accepted the reporter's visit.

All of this is to show everyone's attention to the "Entertainment Explosion" and to make the audience look forward to it.

[Lianhe’s bosses are coming, this is simply exaggerated! In the past, Tiansheng’s investment in the movie, the boss did not appear at all, but this time he actually attended the scene, sitting in the middle of Felton’s director and Chu Yu, and accepted questions! This time it is really terrible! 】

[Yeah, the gas field of the boss is really powerful. When he was sitting next to him, I was still worried that he would bully us. After all, I heard that the boss was very ignorant of the artists of Tiansheng, and he was a shopkeeper. 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha, you did not see He Boss still talking with us, but also for the chair to pull it ~ Hey, as a **** hidden for many years, He Chu party, hurry up, I will give you Amway! In fact, a few years ago, we had a conversation with He Boss. 】

【what? Have you ever had a communication? When is it wow! 】

[23333 You also know that as long as it is a Tiansheng artist, basically there will be a lang with a lang? That's right, it's the cp with He's boss He Bai deep! Because this boss is really good, and it is a diamond king, this kind of "president x star" cp is really too sense...]

[Quickly say the key! What communication does he have with my family? 】

[Don't worry, I am not saying this! It was on the red carpet of the Golden Awards of the year... I remember it was five years ago, we nominated the best newcomer, and then he went to the red carpet alone, and the result came halfway, Heboss also came...

After all, such discussions are a minority. On the entire galaxy network, everyone is more concerned with the movie "Entertainment Explosion" and what is the holographic simulation version.

With such expectations, as early as the film pre-sale system has just opened, the entire galaxy's 50 million holographic simulation version of the movie tickets are all sold out! It is obviously more expensive than ordinary movie tickets, but no one would say that Tiansheng and Sinclair are in the money.

[Dare to sell so expensive, just

The author has something to say: There must be such a reason! "Entertainment Explosion", I am coming! ! ! 】

On June 27, 3022, "Entertainment Explosion" was released simultaneously in the interstellar!


He Wuhua [Resentment]: Words, you and many people are cp.

Chu Yu [sneering]: Oh, all the stars of Tiansheng and you are cp! ! !

He Wuhua died!


Thank you

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