MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 172

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"Cape Echo 2" is very different from the first one. First of all, in the plot, this sequel tells the story of five years later. Secondly, in the personnel change, in the second film, the male lead changes. It became a revival and began to tell the story of the next life.

At the end of the first part, the story has already looked into the sights of the next five years.

Ke Yuanyu, the hero of Qin Borong, got the trust of the Hongyi community, and swarmed up and captured the hearts of the people. Instead of recovering, he became the most respected second-ranked person of Hongyi Society. The death of his own son and his adopted son, Fu Fu, made the great master feel tired. However, in the past four years, the great master died of illness, and Ke Yuanyu became a big master.

Six years ago, it was still a normal Hong Kong. I just came to this prosperous and lavish port city and didn't understand anything. After six years, I became the big gang of the biggest gang in Hong Kong. This kind of life is too ups and downs, full of excitement and danger, and the charm of the movie "Cape Echo".

In "Cape Echo 2", it is the civil strife of Hongyi Society. Even if Ke Yuanyu had a high prestige, the younger generation of members were very respectful to him, but there were still many people in the older generation who were not convinced, making the gang infighting very serious.

At this time, a group under the Hongyi Society was taken over by a pot, causing Ke Yuanyu's attention. Then, the horrible man who had disappeared for five years and was handcuffed and thrown into the sea appeared.

After coming to the crew, Chu Yan was making up, Qin Borong and Liu Meng went over.

Two years have not seen, this pair of well-known screen couples have already announced the relationship between the two to the public, immediately got the fans' excited blessings, and also formally married six months ago.

Qin Borong is now ranked 22nd in the Huaxing Star list, which is three times lower than Chu Yan. Liu Meng still has not crossed the threshold of super first-line artists. But two years ago, neither of them thought that this young young man had reached the level of Liu Meng one step at a time, and even went farther than Qin Borong.

Liu Meng smiled and said: "Small words, it is really the waves of the Yangtze River, and Bo Rong was photographed on the beach."

At this time, Chu Yan was turning a special effect makeup. After listening to this, he smiled helplessly: "Liu Jie, we have not seen it for several months. You will bury me when you meet, I am not happy."

Liu Meng raised his eyebrows and his tone was very serious, but his face was a smile: "Where, you haven’t been able to attend our wedding six months ago. I can still remember this thing now. You are hurt. You Liu sister my heart."

Chu Yan immediately apologized, and the three laughed at once, as if they had returned to the time two years ago.

At the end of the first part, Ke Yuanyu has achieved career success, but he does not have the female voice of Liu Meng, who is in charge of the police, because he is a policeman since he was a child. I have a boyfriend who is a gangster.

In the second part, they are naturally together, and Qi Fu has become an image that is both right and wrong.

Soon, when the "fake hand makeup" of Chu Yan was painted, the first scene of "Cape Echo 2" was officially started.

This time, it is a very bold choice for Qin Borong and Liu Meng to do the supporting role together. Not everyone can let them play a supporting role. If the protagonist is an actor who is not as good as them, then this arrangement is naturally very inappropriate.

However, even if Raymond Wester has given a supporting role to Chu Yan, then Qin Borong and Liu Meng certainly have no problem.

The first act was filmed by Chu Yan. The director Jiang Hongzheng paid more attention to the traditional aspects of some of the crew, so the first scene had to be repeated. The protagonist of the first scene must be the hero and the hero.

This movie has no heroine, and it is natural to let Chu Yan be alone.

In the studio lit up by the lights, a brutal and sinister youth wore a black tight-fitting vest, and the simplest moves made the thirteen punks on the scene play without resistance. He recruited hot and savage, hitting the key, after a neat hook, it was a decisive side kick, and "啪-" slammed the punk three meters away.

This black figure changes back and forth in the old and ruined warehouse, and the figure is ghostly. Every movement is gorgeous, with the unique temper and madness of this person, so that the last little gangster is scared to hold the iron rod. , shaking and watching him.

The light bulb that fell from the ceiling was shaking gently, and the man raised his head, revealing a beautiful face.

Without one hand, there is no way to weaken the strength of Qi Fu.

He is still the same as five years ago, like the Shura evil spirits who climbed up from Hell, and his eyes were ruined. He just looked at the little punk and let the latter scared and sat down on the ground.

The blood on the ground flows into the river, and it is impossible to keep alive. He lifted his foot and slammed on a little punk who was struggling to get up, let the person vomit a blood, and the whole person twitched twice, really losing his breath.

The little punk tears and noses flowed out. He didn't know the person in front of him, and he didn't even hear the name of "mad dog". He was just a new member of a group at the end of the Hongyi Society. He had just joined for a week, but he did not expect to encounter such a scene.

He jumped up to the legs of Qiufu, crying and begging for mercy: "I beg you, spare me, spare me..."

The crying voice was miserable, but the object of begging did not change the color of the iron bar next to it, raised his hand indifferently, raised it high, and then suddenly went down!

At this moment, the gangster knows that he is mortal, and he hates to scream: "Hey! I hate you!"

The sharpened iron rod suddenly stopped at the moment when he hit the back of the little punk, and a faint light flashed through the dark eyes. He looked calm and suddenly lifted his foot and pulled the mixture out three meters away.

The latter stayed unaware of what had happened, but saw that the terrible demon suddenly stepped on his hand with his foot. When he was unable to breathe himself, he only heard a low, hoarse voice screaming coldly: "毙Brother, who is it?"

This scene is over!

Jiang Dao likes to cooperate with actors like Chu Yan and Qin Bo Rong. For the outstanding actors, they will try to figure out the character's character beforehand, and at the same time, the lines are backed up. Working with them rarely fears ng, because they are so good that they are not picky.

After the filming of this scene, Chu Yan went to deal with the fake hand of the special effect makeup.

After Zhou Hehui sent the Chuyan to the a-14 film and television planet, he first dealt with the endorsement, leaving only the small assistant Yu Yu to take care of Chu Yan here. Yu Yu carefully prepared the towel for the Chu Yan, handed him the water, and then curiously asked: "Small words, it is difficult to use fake hands to act."

Wen Yan said, Chu said with a smile: "The makeup technology is very good now, it is not difficult, it is to pay attention when playing."

Yu Yu immediately nodded: "Oh, this way, but I think your play is especially good, and Jiang Dao also praised you."

Listening to this, Chu Yan shook his head gently, just laughing but not talking.

The little assistant saw that he had done a good job of shooting, but he forgot how long he had practiced with the martial arts director in the crew after he came to the crew yesterday.

Five years ago, Qiu Fu was cut off one hand and then thrown into the sea. This is almost a mortal ending. Bloody smell will pass through the sacks to the sea, not to mention that this anti-tied and thrown into the sea has been doomed to the result of sudden death, even if it is not drowned, the ferocious carnivorous fish will swim along the **** taste. Keep his body alive and clean.

However, there is no death!

- Cough, the sequel has been taken, but also the protagonist, it must not die.

In the past five years, Qi Fu has not appeared again, but five years later he suddenly appeared, and when he appeared, the Gangbang gang was stirred up.

"I think this play is very different from the first one," the little assistant took the towel and said: "The first part focuses on the fast-paced plot, but in the second part, although Fu and Ke Yuanyu teamed up against the forces of the older generation, and at the same time beat the hostile gangs down, and it was also very worth seeing, but what attracted me more was the change."

Junxiu Laiyi’s youth raised his head and asked for a thin lip. “I changed?”

The little assistant suddenly looked down and looked down subconsciously. He suddenly looked at the dark and deep scorpions of the youth. After waiting for a moment, he came back to God: "Small words, you are too bad, how do you suddenly play again?" It’s time!”

Chu Yan smiled and quickly got up and went to the studio to continue shooting the next scene.

After all, the story background of the film is more than a thousand years ago, and it is also a gangster story. At the same time, Chu said and "lost" a hand, so when he was filming, there were many inconvenient places.

On the first day of shooting, Chu said a total of four times, because the fake hand was worn.

In this regard, Jiang Dao frowned, and the tone was dignified to tell the props group: "The problem with this hand is very serious. After that, there are a lot of playful games. Chu said that tomorrow, I will take a picture of 'Kuang Fu to kill Ke Yuanyu'. The show is very important. If it is not solved, we will not shoot well all day tomorrow!"

The person in charge of the prop group immediately nodded and said that it would solve this problem quickly.

So the first day of the filming ended, everyone returned to their dormitory to rest, Chu Yan can finally relax, soothe soothing muscles, and then look at tomorrow's drama.

It didn't take long for the script to be seen. A man's phone was called.

Chu Yan smiled and pressed the answer button, and soon, a tall and handsome figure was projected into the room.

When he saw Chu Yan, He Baishen was also a glimpse. He did not think that his young man was kneeling on the bed at this moment and looked at himself very leisurely.

In order to play this role, Chu Yan deliberately left the hair long, and now it is about the shoulder. While watching the script, he tied his hair to the back of his head with a rope, and only a few hair fell on his eyes.

The face of the white enamel and the black hair, the contrast between black and white is sharp and glaring.

He Bai deepened his throat, and his eyes quickly looked down from the neckline of the young open pajamas. After seeing the red color of two points, he quietly raised his lips and said: "I want to see it." what would you do?"

One opening is this sentence, Chu said and raised his eyebrows: "Then you come."

He Bai shook his head regretfully and sighed: "It’s been a bit busy recently. For our honeymoon, I have to finish my work ahead of time."

This made the Chuyan heart happy. He held his knees with one hand and still kept the posture of lying on the bed. He looked up at the man in front of him and said, "Then you will work hard, I will work well, wait for the filming. After the film, and then do the endorsement things well, then we can go on vacation."

This posture is too tempting, and the youth's body curve is outlined by a white robe, as if it is silent.

He Bai’s deep ochre gradually deepened, but he did not change on the surface and asked: “Want to go there for a vacation.”

Chu Yan turned to the blind man and thought: "I remember you said that the a-1 film and television planet is owned by Hayes?"

He Baishen took a light eyebrow: "So?"

"Let's go to the a-1 movie planet vacation!"

He Baishen: "..."

After a while, He Bo sighed a deep mouth: "Speaking, have you heard that someone will go to the movie planet on vacation?"

Chu Yan blinked and asked: "Is there not? I don't know what people think now."

The young man’s stupid appearance made He Bai couldn’t help but raise his lips. He thought for a while and said: “Probably, an actor is not likely to have a holiday, or to go on a honeymoon holiday. He is pulling his lover to run. Go to h City Studios or Hollywood to go on holiday."

Chu Yan said: "Do you know H City Studios and Hollywood?"

He Bai said with a deep smile: "Well, I still know that you have a lot of things."

The two chatted and chatted, and it was in the middle of the night. When the clock on the wall had pointed to twelve o'clock, Chu Yan suddenly realized that he was actually wasted by this man and wasted so much time! In this regard, He Bai Shen said: "I thought that chatting with me is a very happy thing for you."

Chu said with a sigh: "The beauty does not die for you."

Saying, it is necessary to hang up the phone, but He Baishen suddenly stopped his behavior: "Words."

Chu said in a puzzled manner, he saw that on the virtual screen about one meter wide and one meter high, the cold and elegant man sat on the sofa, folded his hands on his lap, and looked at himself with deep gaze. The extremely high resolution of the communicator allowed Chu Yan to clearly see the expression of He Baishen. He seemed to be holding back something, his face was deep and his lips were tight.

The hot line of sight seems to penetrate the space, so that Chu Yan’s throat is tight and I feel that my body temperature has risen.

Just listening to He Bo’s deep voice, said softly: “The new communicator... is it easy to use?”

As the spokesperson of the new communication device of Fengchen Technology, Chu Yan got the test supplies and has not yet released it on the market.

The fingers slowly squeezed, and Chu said whispered: "Well, it's fine, the resolution is higher."

During the conversation, the young people moved uncomfortably, and the neckline immediately pulled out the points, revealing a large chest and white skin. The red above seems to burn the man's eyes, let He Baishen lick his lips again.

After a while, He Bai said in a deeper way: "I miss you."

Chu Yan: "...I miss you too?"

He Bai said with a deep face: "The resolution is so high, I miss you."

Suddenly understood what the Chuyan said: "..."

Chu Yan slammed the pillow next to him and yelled at the brazen man. The pillow fell through the virtual screen and fell on the ground. In the projection, He Bai deep smiled, and Chu Yan couldn't bear to close the communicator. After that, He Baishen called again.

This time is a simple voice call, He Bo deep voice sounded: "I really miss you, words. We just got married, you are like this to me, I think you can't sleep at night, can only smell every day The smell you left behind falls asleep."

Chu Yan’s mouth is pumping, saying: “Do you smell sweat?”

He Baishen: "... words, you are not romantic."

Chu Yan: "Romantic is like you, don't want to face, all day thinking about doing that kind of thing!"

He Bo Shen said in a different way: "A few days ago, I was entangled in saying that I was going to the crew. It was not enough in the evening. I had to come several times more... You said, you don’t know?"

Chu Yan: "..."

That is a nightmare!

Chu Yan always knows that he and the man are extremely close in bed, it is a natural pair. Probably related to the genetic matching index, so that the rapid destruction of the top | sense that he will completely lose his senses every time he reaches the high tide, and even say a lot of words that make him regret.

A few days ago, Chu said that he had to drink some wine before leaving the capital star. Under the influence of alcohol, the things that have been refreshed have become more pleasant.

So, he was deeply concerned about his body and mind. He knew that he was going to film the next day. He also wanted to let him take a break twice, but he was surprised that he himself was entangled in the waist of He Baishen. In the gaze, licking the upper lip with a sly tongue: "Just twice, deep, are you suffering from kidney loss?"

...but how bold he is, and that is when the mind is stunned!

It is absolutely impossible for him to make use of audiovisual calls, directly face to face...

No, this kind of thing can't even say it!

In the communicator, He Bo’s deep resentment came: “Speaking, this is the second time you refused me.”

Chu Yan: "..."

He Bai deep whispered: "I guess, you only wear a bathrobe now, nothing is worn inside, right?"

Chu Yan: "... Roll."

He Baishen: "I guess it!"

Chu Yan: "You didn't guess at all, I wore clothes!"

He Bai said with a deep oh, and then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will take it off."

Chu Yan: " still have to shame!!!"

Since ancient times, there have always been people who say that marriage is the tomb of love. Chu Yan is never expected, although the cohabitation before marriage, this man has no rhetoric, but after the marriage, his color | wolf's face is completely violent | exposed, people are unprepared!

Seeing that He Baishen was still there, he said that he was calmly saying that he was calm and ruthless, so Chu said with a sneer, and suddenly said: "Then we will do it once on the phone, deep, okay?"

He Baishen suddenly stunned: "..."

This time, the opportunity to speak to men is not given. The voice of the youth’s low-pitched and hoarse voice sings softly, with the taste of love. Every word of Chu Yan is avant-garde and bold, so that He Baishen can't react. When he really returns to God, he finds that he is already hard--the words and descriptive words that are ridiculed by his lover, one word and one word. Have to seduce like this!

According to Chu said, he has already stripped his clothes, and the two have already reached the last minute.

At this time, He Bo was dumb and dumb, whispered: "Speak, hurry."

In the last second, the voice of the youth is still color | full of anger, the next second, but he suddenly sneered at him, said in a cold voice: "Then I went to you, you cry and make all kinds of pleading, but I No matter what you are, how to get on it, you will be my little wife from now on."

He Baishen: "..." Don't be afraid that he is dying, and your sexual life will be over in the future! ! !

So, Mr. He, playing with an actor, you will never play with him~

By the next day, Chu Yan was refreshed and did not care about how the man who was scared by himself should solve his own problems. After all, it is officially entered into the main plot. Chu said that one of the most important plays of the whole drama is to be photographed today. To really meet with the first male lead Ke Yuanyu, Chu said very much.

In fact, when Chu Yan saw the script of "Cape Echo 2", he did not think that it would be such a story.

When "Cape Echo" was released two years ago, Chu Yan also thought about it. If you want to make a sequel, what kind of movie will be made. At that time, he thought that the protagonist was Ke Yuanyu, and Qi Fu really came back. This time, Ke Yuanyu really killed the big villain. Finally, he and his beloved daughter, Li Ran, got a happy life.

However, the real story is that it is good to come back, but he has changed.

Five years ago, this man like a mad dog was violent and cruel. Even if he was cut off by a hand, even if he knew that he was facing a deadly situation, he still sneered and calmly let go, saying that he would come back sooner or later. His people used their heads to repay them one by one.

However, after the return, the recovery is not to get the position of the great master who once made himself feel exhausted, not for revenge, but for one person.

A person who once disgusted him to the extreme, but in the end he held the body of this person, as if his heart was dead.

Five years ago, Qi Fu was saved because a fishing boat passed by and happened to catch him. In that fishing boat, the honest and honest fisherman looked at the black-haired youth who was bitten by the big fish and looked at the wounded wrist. After he cut his hand, he was not afraid to give up this life, nor because of the gallbladder. Little gave up saving this person.

He carefully and thoughtfully took care of the strange young man, took medicine for him, bandaged the wound for him, put on clean clothes for him, and received the white eyes of other companions on board.

"Ahua, this man has been cut, it must be black | help people, we can't accept him. I heard that there is a punishment in the Gangbang gang, that is, throwing people into sacks and throwing them into the house, this It’s killing! You still have to throw this person back into the sea. Anyway, he should have died, you should not see him.”

"A Zhong, what are you talking about? This is a living person! He is alive and well, so he will not die."

"That won't work, Iowa, we can't do this with the whole boat."

"Well, I will take him away tomorrow. I will drive my own small ship to go fishing. You don't have to wait for me this year's harvest season."

The simple and honest man smiled sillyly under the glory of the setting sun. For a stranger, he gave up this year's harvest. He doesn't look so handsome. He talks with a bit of stuttering, but his eyes have the sincerity and enthusiasm that the world is about to disappear.

Five years later, when he stepped on the face of the enemy, the other party yelled and asked, "Who is Ihua, I don't know, you are wrong, crazy dog."

At this moment, the sternness and brutality of the past seemed to disappear suddenly. After returning to the port city, the man who quickly picked up the hurricane and **** gently twitched his lips, revealing a gentle smile, and his eyes were nostalgic. It is grief, and it is countless regrets.

"His name is Oahua. Put your dog's mouth clean! Remember to Lao Tzu, he is called Oahua!"

The author has something to say: I don’t tell you that there are still a few movies, but it’s definitely countdown~

Then ~乖, wait for four more!

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