MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 157

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Most of the time has passed by, and Chu Yan has come to the a-2 movie planet for a month.

After the release of "Dark Invasion", as everyone expected, it swept the movie market of the whole galaxy, and became the box office champion of the week and the box office champion of the month with an insurmountable box office. It took only fifteen days to refresh the box office record of the year. . And, after that, its box office did not have a slight downward trend, it was still very stable, climbing up every day, and even after the last three years of box office records!

In fact, such an ending is very reasonable.

The director is Arlando, the heroine is Anyangyang, the hero is Raymond West, and the adaptation of the novel is "Dark Invasion". Even a small supporting role is a popular first-line artist. If this movie is not The fire is really an insult to the strength of these people. What's more, the original positioning of this movie is a commercial blockbuster. It is only natural that such a box office is taken for granted.

At the same time, the filming of "Listen to the Wind" has also been carried out for more than half, and has already come to the high tide section of the whole movie.

During this time, Chu’s face was more and more smiling, no longer as serious as it was at the beginning, because the actors and staff in the crew began to rhythm, and the number of ng was less and less. The more it fits her idea.

In particular, Chu Yan and Raymond, their opponents are wonderful, full of tension, even Chu Xiaoqing looked very satisfied, very few ng. Under the interpretation of these two people, the image of Li Yue and Hill is vivid, and their roles have their own progressive growth and complex psychological changes as the story progresses.

For example, this scene taken this morning, from a certain point of view, is thoroughly thoroughly showdown.

After Hill discovered his own wrong behavior, Li Yue did not take it seriously, and even pretended to be a okay person. He still went through the numerous monitoring devices that were interfered by the electronics every day, came to the corner and talked to the sixteen-year-old blonde angel.

Hill didn't stop, but every time I did an experiment, I always wanted to stop. After three months, he finally couldn't help it anymore. He hoped that Li Yue could be careful. The people above did not allow them to contact the outside world. And there is something he hasn't said, but he is very anxious: can this girl who is near the base really be an ordinary person?

None of them knows what the world is like. Hill has not left the base for almost a year, but he does not believe that the above people will not have any defense outside the base, allowing an ordinary person to casually Close to the ground!

However, in the face of his problems, Li Yue only had one answer: "The wind is not deceiving."

This kind of answer makes Hill unclear, but he doesn't have time to think more, because they have prepared for a year's experiment and finally come to the end: the micro-test is successful, then the formal design and assembly, if successful, this It will be a level weapon that shocks the world!

Who said that solid bismuth and sulphur substances cannot react?

Even if 999 people have obtained such experimental results, then Li Yue is the thousandth person!

Hill was hired for the No. 1 laboratory, and when he came in, he even more admired the leader. In the end, he did not pay too much attention to the affairs of Li Yue. He believed that he could think of things that Dr. Li could have thought of, even thinking that he was more comprehensive than him, so he did not have to worry.

The story progressed here, and the afternoon was the last time Li and Maria met.

At noon, everyone rested, and Anfia kept watching the ai script very nervously. This is her last scene, and she will be able to kill this afternoon and become the first founder to leave the crew.

Chu Yan looked at her like this, could not help but smile, and appease a few words. However, this has no effect on Anfia. After all, in the entire crew, in recent days, she has been the most frequently directed by Chu, and she does not want to retake it three or four times in the last scene.

After watching the ai script for a while, Amphia looked up at Chu Yan and suddenly whispered: "Small words, do you think... Maria didn't like Li Yue?"

Chu Yan heard a sneak peek, and after a moment, he chuckled and nodded: "Well, in such a situation, a simple innocent girl can't fall in love with a demon who harms her."

Amphia was silent for a moment, and finally could not help but said: "But that is not the case of Li Yue."

"A sixteen-year-old girl, where she thinks so much, and the bottom line is that Li Yue has become such a thing."

The voice of Chu Yan is calm and indifferent, without a hint of emotion, as if it is only a fact. Listening and listening, Amphora’s lips slowly disappeared. She sighed softly and said: “But I still feel that pushing all the faults on Li Yue is a bit too cruel. And... Xiaoyan, do you really disagree with him at all?"

After listening to this, Chu Yan smiled softly. A handsome smile appeared on the face of Hao Junxiu. At this time, the Chu Yan also transformed the appearance of Li Yue, wearing a white lab coat, so that Anfia really saw the laughter of Li Yue.

Just listen to Chu Yan and whisper: "Huaxia has a saying that the poor person must have hatefulness. I want to wait for this movie to be released, there must be a lot of people who sympathize with him, but if it is a bit more thorough, very The person who pays attention to the truth will probably evaluate this person from an objective point of view. I am very sympathetic to him, but I also know that he has made countless mistakes. The ending is his own choice, no one forced him."

Next, Aphalia grinned and didn't talk anymore.

When I was shooting in the afternoon, what happened to Anfia was the most worrying thing: she ng twice in a row!

Chu guide rarely had a happy time, but there was no time to be too angry, so she just colded her face and said calmly to Anfia: "Everyone is forced to the limit and will make even himself. Unexpected move. Aphelia, now you are a normal girl who has been forced for three months. Your home is all destroyed in the war, but you are still forced to do it. You are very reluctant. Things, what do you think you should be?"

Thinking of what the Chu said before, Aphelia carefully thought for a long time before he replied tentatively: "Maybe... I hate Li Yue?"

Chu guide gently shook his head, and finally sighed and said: "According to your feelings, don't think so much, I think this time will be better."

When the voice fell, Chu guide let Anfeia leave first. Instead, she found the Chuyan and asked: "What do you think?"

At this time, the Chuyan is already ready, just wait for the boot. In the face of such a sudden problem as Chu, he did not panic, but smirked and replied: "What does Chu mean?"

Chu Xiaoqing said straightforwardly: "The last scene of Anfia is also her most important drama in the whole movie. If possible, I hope that you can help her rehearse and let her grasp the feeling."

Chu Yan slightly decapitated, directly should be down.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Chu Xiaoqing sat back in the director's chair and looked at the sixteen virtual screens in front of him, whispering a "start".

In an instant, the entire stadium's 121 miniature cameras were all activated, floating in the air, and the scene was taken from one side of the wall and the other side.

On a verdant green lawn, a wall was heavily pressed there, separating two young people. The blonde girl is as beautiful and beautiful as ever. The blue eyes are like the clearest river in the world. It is gently swaying in the hearts of the young people, drawing the most beautiful encounter.

Maria smiled softly, her voice was pleasing, and Li Yue listened carefully to her ears, occasionally nodding her head.

This short five minutes a day became the most relaxing time of Li Yue. He never thanked his top memory so much that he could remember the girl's smile, even a low-pitched cough and a cheerful laugh.

Just like today, Maria is reading her poem again. It was the song that was made last time, the sun and the moon, but she couldn’t write it later. She wanted Li Yi to help her continue to write, but Li Yue opened his mouth and burst out. A helpless smile: "This poem belongs to you, I can't intervene."

Maria frowned and didn't ask for it.

When the two of them were leaving again, this time, Li Yue suddenly asked: "What do you think about the war that has lasted for so many years? Maria."

Maria's exquisite little face showed a shocked look, although only a short moment, but it still entered the eyes of Li Yue.

Li Yue did not have any special reaction. He looked at Maria for a long time and thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said seriously: "I want to let the war end. The war is a slap in the face of life. I want my country to win, so that the war can end. ”

This is very much in line with the guess of a young girl. Li Yue looked at the girl with clenched fists calmly, then nodded softly and smiled and said goodbye to her.

However, when Maria got up and left, she had not turned, and suddenly she heard a low, hoarse voice rang behind her: "I have something to do recently, Maria, we have agreed, can we meet again in a month? I will give you a present at the time, as my apology."

Maria slammed into the ground, and behind her, the little hole had disappeared. She was opposite the wall and said happily: "Okay, then I will wait for your present!"

The picture disappeared in the girl's delicate smile, and this scene ended.

When Chu Xiaoqing shouted "ok", the whole person of Anfia was like a leaky balloon, and he calmed down at once. Waiting for the next moment, led by Chu Yan, suddenly a salute, and said with a smile: "Anfia, congratulations, kill!"

Afiya glimpsed, and then the entire crew took out the salute from behind and smiled: "Congratulations to Anfia, killing!"

Even Chu, who has always been relatively indifferent, smiled and walked up to the golden hair of Diane Fia. He said: "It’s very good, little angel, congratulations on killing you."

In the evening, the crew held a grand farewell party for Anfia.

As Chu Xiaoqing said before, she wants an angel that can make anyone look bad. Since Anfia is such an angel, she naturally likes Anfia. In fact, outside the shooting time, the entire crew loved the little angel, and her age was very small, only one year older than Chu.

This time, the banquet, a large piece fell in the crew, and even Raymond was given a little wine by several scenes, and thoroughly understood what is called Huaxia's wine table culture.

However, this can't blame these fields. They naturally can't really drink without a limit, but they didn't expect them. Raymond is such a big man, so he can't even drink half a glass of white wine. It is really unexpected.

Chu Yan did not drink too much, because tomorrow he has more plays, he said goodbye to Afia, the two exchanged contact information. The little angel from Russia looked at him reluctantly, gave him a hug and whispered: "I don't know if there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future. Xiaoyan, I really like to cooperate with you."

Under the bright and dazzling lights, Chu said a slightly shaken wine glass, the red wine in the cup hits the transparent cup wall along his movement, forming a trace of red. He listened to the words of Aphelia and smiled and said: "I believe that there is definitely this opportunity."

Anfia nodded hard: "Okay, I think there will be!"

When Chu Yan turned and left, Amphia had been staring at his back, and had not turned his eyes for a long time. Her clear eyes reflected a small figure, until Chu Yan was blocked by a crew member, she shook her head and whispered: "Today's last scene, I really want to thank you. Lazy, small words..."

Near nine o'clock, everyone plans to go back to the dormitory and take a rest to prepare for the next day's shooting.

Chu Yan stood at the door of the parking lot, waiting for Zhou Hehui and the assistant to drive the suspension car over. However, this time, he has not waited for Zhou Hehui to wait for a beautiful and generous woman.

Chu Xiaoqing wore a yellow cardigan and walked to the side of Chu Yan, stopping her footsteps: "Also waiting for the assistant to drive the car over?"

Chu said with a smile: "Yes, Chu guide, are you too?"

Chu Xiaoqing gently beheaded.

The two people have a long silence. After waiting for a long time, Chu Xiaoqing said to himself: "I wondered why you can defeat Gu Shenze and get this role?"

Chu said a long time, he said: "I believe that the audition is fair."

Chu Xiaoqing nodded: "Well, it is fair. But in the audition results of the leading actor, you are in third place, two points lower than the first Gu Zize, lower than the second place Zheng Xiaoxuan. one cent."

Such an answer is completely unexpected. The beautiful face of the beautiful face reveals a touch of twilight. He mistakenly looked down at the great director. Chu Xiaoqing also looked up and looked at Chu Yan.

After watching the two for a moment, Chu Xiaoqing suddenly said: "Your age is as big as my son."

Chu Yan: "... Chu guide?"

Chu Xiaoqing slowly showed a smile on her serious face. She smiled twice and said: "There is nothing, just a digression. Xiaoyan, you are only twenty-one years old, but you are not at all Like a young child, I just have a feeling." After a pause, she asked: "Have you thought about the reason?"

The topic went back to the beginning, and Chu Yan shook his head: "My thoughts have been denied by you."

Under the bright moonlight, Chu’s predecessor’s singularly “oh”, then said: “Is there really no other idea?”

The young man smiled and opened a white tooth and said: "I think, Chu guide should want to tell me."

After a while, Chu Xiaoqing whispered a sentence "Surely like my son," and then said: "The reason is very simple. In the eyes of others, you may be a little worse than Gu Shenze and Zheng Weixuan, but in my eyes Your performance is better than them. One of the most essential things."

Chu Yanwei: "The most essential thing?"

Chu Xiaoqing nodded gently: "Yes, your Li Yue, not so thorough and strong and resolute, when you audition, I saw the fragility of Li Yue. He is also an ordinary person, not a good person, but definitely not A complete bad guy. I think you and my thoughts seem to be the same. There is no pure black or pure white in the world. This is what I want to express in this movie."

Chu said slyly at the female director. When she said this, Chu Xiaoqing looked calm and calm, but in her eyes, she wore a whole movie "Listen to the Wind" and she wanted to express everything.

The next day, Anfia officially left the crew, and there was not a few days left until the whole movie was filmed.

The make-up artist designed the makeup for Chu Yan a little decadent, because in the past month, the scientist has been studying the manufacture of new weapons day and night, and today, it has come to an end, just waiting The test of the next day.

Li Yue sat at his own experimental table and looked calmly at the weapon not far away.

Other experimenters cheered and celebrated the successful completion of the experiment, and Hill also excitedly celebrated with them. No one will manage the idea of ​​Li Yue, because they are very afraid of this genius. Only Hill, after everyone else has gone, carefully walked over and whispered: "Dr. Li... you are not happy. ?"

After a long time, I did not get the answer from Li Yue.

In this case, Hill has also encountered many times. Li Yue often falls into meditation. When he returns to God, he will immediately start a series of deduction calculations. At this time, they often trouble them. The problem will be solved - you don't have such wisdom, it doesn't mean that others don't.

This time, Hill thought it was such a situation, so he turned around and left without interest, and did not intend to disturb Li Yue’s thinking. However, just as he just turned around, he listened to Li Yue and whispered softly: "What is the reaction?"

Hill suddenly stopped and subconsciously replied: "The reaction is a phenomenon of ionizing strong radiation that combines sulfur and strontium. This phenomenon usually occurs between gaseous substances because of temperature and density. The radiation distance is often small, although serious, but it will not be very threatening."

When the voice fell, Hill asked: "Dr. Li, how do you suddenly ask such a question?"

This time, answering Hill is a long silence. No matter how he waited, the arrogant scientist did not give him a reply, so he could only sigh and turned away from the laboratory.

In the end, there was only one person left, staying in the huge laboratory and watching a new type of weapon that was about to succeed.

The time was slowly flowing, the night was deep, and no one knew how long it took. The genius scientist sitting at the experimental table suddenly smiled low, then reached out and covered his face and wiped away the tears in his eyes.

The thin young man sat alone at the table, and he had only the experimental product he had received for a whole year, but his eyes were empty and there was nothing.

After waiting for a long time, Li Yue got up and put his hands in his coat pocket and stepped out of the lab. The lights in the hallway were closed as soon as he left. At the end of the picture, this tall and thin genius scientist stood at the end of the corridor, standing in the boundless darkness, standing silently for a long time.

There is no light, no sound, no one's company, from beginning to end, only one person, open the door, leave.

One day later, "Listen to the Wind" is full of drama!

The author has something to say: In the strict sense, there is no sister guessing the ending, Fuwa will open the ending later.

But your brain hole is really interesting~

In order to thank the sisters for their long-term support, after the two days of the exam, Fuwa will find time to add more 哒~

There are only two more today, but...there are two long and thick ones! [Knock on the blackboard! 】

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