MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 153

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In the No. 1 laboratory eight hundred years ago, Li Yue had the highest voice in the entire experimental base. Just as in the "Listen to the Wind" crew, Chu Xiaoqing's words are the most important instructions, even above the producers, everyone must implement.

The opponents of Chu Yan and Raymond just shot very well. Both of them performed extremely well. The fierce conflicts and the character of the characters were also revealed. The other staff members in the crew did not understand why Chu Xiaoqing made such a decision. Even Chu said that he was stunned, and the action of drinking water was stagnant in the air, and he looked at Chu.

I saw that in the middle of all kinds of complicated equipment, the female director had already stood up from the director's chair and looked seriously at the video I just shot. In front of her, there are sixteen square virtual screens that are about twenty centimeters long and wide. Because each scene has more than one hundred miniature cameras, the sixteen lenses follow the instructions of Chu Xiaoqing. Change changes, and she makes judgments in a very short time.

As for her judgment?

- That is a remake.

"You can try to figure out the emotions again. The lab assistants are almost enough. Chu said and Raymond pay attention to it." After a pause, Chu Xiaoqing looked up and looked at the handsome blond guy who was stupid not far away. Said calmly: "Raymond, you look at the script and control your acting skills."

This sentence fell, and Chu’s brain suddenly flashed an aura, but it did not catch and disappeared.

Raymond was completely stunned. If he was thundered, he looked at the female director who was talking with the assistant director with an incredulous look. After a long time, he looked at himself and looked at him. The same strange Chuyan.

Raymond’s agent, Richard, sighed and said: “The Chu guide sees it.”

After a while, Raymond whispered: "In fact, this is a little different from my feeling of facing Anyang. Anyangyang took me from beginning to end, the first time with her. I really can't stop the play, I can only make some reactions subconsciously. But Richard, when I was playing against Chu, I had control over acting."

Richard gently shook his head: "Raymond, you are still too light enemy, how do you know that if you have not played "Dark Invasion" with An Yuyang before, then you can not be taken by the feeling of Chu Yan now. Going away?"

Raymond had a heart in his heart and did not speak again.

Richard’s words are correct. An Yuyang brought some shock to Raymond and understood how far the sixth place and the first place were. But in the same way, An Yuyang also honed Raymond, and his acting skills have improved. Even in the late filming of "Dark Invasion", Raymond has not been ng once in a month, and won the praise of the director of Orlando.

However, in the first scene of the "Listen to the Wind" crew, Raymond was ng.

Thinking of this, the American film empire even wrinkled his eyebrows, and there was a sense of challenge in his heart.

Chu Xiaoqing is very powerful, and the requirements for the film are very high, but he is not an ordinary actor. Even if he didn't face up to the truth, let the other party bring himself into the play and follow the emotions, then he will definitely not make this mistake again next time.

The burning confidence made Raymond energetic. After a few minutes of rest, he went to the studio again and continued to shoot the next scene. big, how big is disappointment!

This time, Raymond was not brought into the play by Chu, he maintained his own rhythm, and perfectly interpreted the encounter between Li Yue and Hill.工具 singly, after the gaze, the picture is still moving.

Raymond: "..."

Chu Yan: "..."

Then the third time, the fourth time...

Chu Yan’s first scene after entering the group was only ng twice, but Raymond’s first scene was ng three times!

After the fourth disposed, Raymond had some stunned. The performance of Chu Yan is in his eyes. This young man is extremely talented and his acting is superb. Even he just barely controls his emotions, so he can not be brought into the play by the other party and follow the rhythm of the other party. However, Chu guide has been asking for a remake.

Can it be said that this is because of the problem of Chu Yan? Or is it... this is his own problem?

This time after ng, Raymond took over the water cup that the assistant handed over and sipped. Today, he has revisited his own ai script for the 18th time, and with the text script, he feels that his interpretation is absolutely no problem. He is acting in strict accordance with the requirements of the script.

Looking at the virtual image projected by the ai script, Raymond's expression is getting worse and worse. He squeezes the cup tightly and his fingers are white. After he became the world's sixth super-line artist, this is his first consecutive ng three times, and his most ng record is the first time with Anyangyang, when he ng four times.

Suppose that he is the fifth time this time, and that is to break a record hidden in his own heart.

This kind of thing should not happen, and it is not allowed to happen. This is a retrogression of acting. This...

"Raymond, are you looking at the ai script?" The sound of the young Qing Yue’s good voice suddenly sounded.

Raymond subconsciously turned to look at it. When he saw Chu Yan, he sighed for a while, then smiled softly and said: "Yeah, it’s been four times. Chu, I have to take a good look. If there is any problem, we can rehearse a few times first, and I don't want to be ng anymore."

The "Listen to the Wind" crew is a good financial atmosphere, but for each scene, Chu Xiaoqing will use all of the 121 cameras to ensure that there are no dead ends. If you have money, you can't help with such expenses. It is naturally best to reduce the number of ng, and this is also related to Raymond's self-esteem.

The ear was a noisy and noisy voice. In front of him was the handsome and beautiful American film emperor. Chu said with a slight smile and stepped up to Raymond’s side. He first looked at his virtual screen casually and then said: “Raymond, Your face is a bit unsightly, is there anything? Can I know?"

It was said that Raymond’s face had changed and his smile could no longer be maintained.

Although it was not known to Chu, but Raymond knew that this young man had a good personality and good character, he could never harm himself. He also really wanted to be friends with Chu Yan.

So under such circumstances, Raymond said: "Well, Chu, I am telling the truth, I don't want to be ng anymore. I have strict requirements for myself. I came to participate in this play to improve myself. As for what. Fame, awards and rewards, these are secondary. But now I am caught in a strange circle. The negation of Chu’s guidance makes me very lost. I want to know where I am doing wrong, but there is no clue. ""

"Do you think you have something wrong with you?"

Raymond thought about it and finally shook his head: "No, I think I performed very well. Chu, do you think that I am not performing well?"

The young and handsome face showed a smile on his face, and Chu Yan gently shook his head and said seriously: "You performed very well. Especially for the first time, I feel that it feels very good and very good."

Chu said so, Raymond is even more confused, and his heart is very wrong. In the end, he decided to go to Chu to talk about a play and ask what kind of feeling Chu Chuan needs, and Chu said it.

In a movie, it is a matter of course for the director to give a lecture to the actor. You don't say, how do people know what lens you want to shoot? What effect do you want to get?

However, in the "Listen to the Wind" crew, Chu has very few words and will only briefly mention a few words. Unless it is a supporting role, she may carefully give the other party a lecture. Once she encounters the main actors such as Chu Yan and Raymond, she is basically in a state of letting go, and these stars are thinking about how to interpret.

Of course, this is also true for Raymond. This seems to have become a default rule in the entertainment industry. The top super-line artists have their own interpretation style, the director will only play a role, but can not teach them how to act.

- Because they are top-level super-line artists, the strength is obvious to all.

However, now that Raymond is confessing, he took the initiative to find Chu and carefully explained his confusion. The content of the speech is "I don't know where I am doing well, please remind me more," but the tone is a bit wronged and unwilling: Raymond does not feel that his play needs to be retaken.

In this regard, Chu Xiaoqing did not get angry, but instead said straightforwardly: "You control too much, Raymond, the best you shoot is the first show, although your own acting in ten seconds A little mistake, a bit of a play, but the rest of the time you are doing very well."

This answer surprised Raymond, and Chu said was also surprised: "Chu Tu, what do you mean?"

Chu Xiaoqing suddenly laughed, she looked at Raymond: "Unveil your short, do you care?"

Raymond was in a stiff position and seemed to understand something. He first shook his head, then nodded, and finally turned his face to the face, not letting the two "Chu family" see their appearance.

Chu said that after reading the mistakes, I already understood some things, and then, Chu Chuan analyzed the details of Raymond in detail.

In the first shooting, Raymond was brought into the play without precautions. He felt that his acting skills were not controlled, so he broke away from the acting skills of Chu Yan and continued his "sensely" again. Play.

There is nothing wrong with this choice. No one said that shooting must be in a state of entry. For example, this time, Chu Yan brought Raymond into the state, but who said that the state of Chu Yan was good? Maybe this is a wrong sense of drama? Maybe according to Raymond’s own acting skills, will his performance be better?

Chu guide does not negate Raymond’s choice, but she said: “The first shot, the shot of your play is very obvious, I am not satisfied.”

Others can't see it, Chu Xiaoqing sees it, and she doesn't allow actors to "go out" when filming.

So in the following, in order not to be taken away by the Chuyan, Raymond has always used a tight state to film. He did not regard Chu Yan as his own partner, but regarded him as an "enemy." He could not be defeated by the other party, so he had to guard against it and even wanted to attack.

"You two have just filmed the first opponent's play. It is normal to have no way to get in touch with each other. If there is more cooperation in the future, the situation will be much better. This is normal. Don't worry too much." Looking at the face of Raymond, said: "And now if you don't want to ng anymore, then Raymond, I hope you put down your defense and use my real acting skills to perform for me again."

Who said that Chu Xiaoqing was indifferent, and that art is more important than everything else, and the emotional intelligence is extremely low?

That is the prejudice!

When this was said, Raymond, who was originally depressed and even unwilling, was confident and took the initiative to take the rehearsal of Chu, and must not be the fifth time.

Chu Yan saw it and smiled and said: "Raymond, you are not enough friends."

Raymond laughed twice and said: "Chu, you have to give me a preparation time, isn't it?"

The two said a few more words and began to formally rehearse.

This time, without any friction and abruptness, everything went down. Raymond no longer suppresses his emotions, he devoted himself to the soul of this character, even if it is rehearsal, the acting is also brilliant and gorgeous.

Under Anyang, Raymond is the highest ranked actor who has collaborated with Chu Yan.

The first opponent's play was that Raymond was not prepared. After 2,345 times, Raymond deliberately suppressed himself and did not let Chu Yan feel his true strength.

After this time, Chu Yan finally understood why the Chu guide would say "use your real acting skills to perform for me once again."

The American film actor is really worth every trophy he has won!

The next shot, one after the other, let the staff of the audience cheered a little, and the celebration of such a "difficult" scene is finally over. However, only Chu Yan, Raymond and Chu guide know that this scene is never difficult for them, but it is the first cooperation between Chu Yan and Raymond.

After being suppressed by Anyang's acting for three days, Raymond found a way to show his own characteristics under the strength of the other party. Now, he only used four times ng, and he found the feeling of running in with Chu.

With the advance run-in, the next shots are getting better.

When the night decided, Richard decided to leave the a-2 movie planet first. Before leaving, he smiled and said to his artist: "It seems that you already know how to work with the excellent one." One person's cooperation, Raymond, I am really proud of you. Let me show you your acting skills, I believe you will cooperate happily!"

Hearing the words, Raymond shook his head with a smile and said: "Richard, why do you say that there are so many freaks in China?"

Richard glimpsed: "Freak?"

Raymond thought thoughtfully: "Yes, there is Anyangyang, Gu Shenze, and now there are Chuyan."

From knowing Chu to now, this is the first time Raymond called his full name. For Raymond, who has English habits, he doesn't like to yell the names of these Chinese friends in reverse, because he personally feels very strange, but this is the habit of China. He is not against it, so he usually calls the other person's last name. To call it.

In the entertainment circle of China, Raymond only shouted the names of three people.

- An Yuyang, Gu Shenze and Chu Yan.

This means that he fully recognizes the other party and even admires each other.

Richard’s eyes widened and said: “Do you evaluate the Chu’s words so high? Raymond, are you too overrated...”

"Richard, do you know why when I cooperated with Chu Yan, will the Chu guide be so satisfied? Because I gave up. I decided to go according to my own style and no longer deliberately avoid each other, so I have several times I was still brought into the mood by the acting of the Chu, but I was not angry and didn't feel sad."

Richard frowned in confusion.

Raymond was laughing: "Because, Richard, I found that Chu Yan and all the actors I met had something different. The strange qualities are very powerful, not Anyang. I feel that I have not cooperated with Gu Shenze, but I don’t know what he is like. But when I was working with Oliver, I didn’t have this wonderful feeling.”

Oliver, the top film actor in the United States, is currently ranked second in the entire galaxies, second only to Anyang.

Richard asked curiously: "What the **** is that?"

Raymond slowly condensed his smile. He solemnly said: "It is an understanding of the character. When playing against him, Richard, you can't believe it, I really think he is Li Yue, he is not Chu. He is the terrible scientist who is crazy and indifferent. He is as arrogant as the scientist, and he is as lonely as the scientist."

In the end, Richard did not understand what Raymond said, but Raymond did not explain it. He just smiled and said that he really could make a breakthrough in this play, let Richard Germany is waiting for his good news.

As for the conversation between Raymond and his agent, Chu said that he did not know.

At the beginning, he and An Yuyang played the show, and the two also worked together for a long time to be able to accommodate each other and perform well. However, because Chu said that there are too few plays, he did not have the opportunity to cooperate with Anyang Yang several times, but now he has the opportunity to cooperate with Raymond for a long time.

After collaborating with Raymond, the Chuyan also felt a wonderful thing. Raymond had something that Hill did not feel about Hill's performance. His interpretation had a magical sense of picture. This made Chu Yan think carefully for a long time, and finally suddenly opened his own ai script and watched it seriously.

Just as Zhou Hehui walked by, he suddenly saw that his artist was actually watching the ai script, which made him stunned and asked: "Wait a minute, how do you suddenly think about watching the ai script? You are not only Will I watch the ai script before each boot, and will never open it again after that?"

Wen Yan, Chu Yan helplessly looked up, smiled and looked at Zhou Hehui, said: "Zhou Ge, I can not see the ai script?"

Zhou Hehui immediately shook his head: "Of course, you see! Look at it!"

This script was produced by Zhou Hehui and spent a lot of effort. Every time Chu said it was only once again, I would never touch it again. Even if Zhou Hehui was calm and rational, I knew that Chu Yan was an actor who focused on the script, and his acting was very Awesome, it is a little sad.

Now Chu’s words actually look at the ai script, can Zhou Hehui be upset? His own labor results have been paid attention to, but he is a bitter tear!

After a light smile, the young narrow-necked nephew slightly curled up. Chu said that his face was relaxed and his voice was very serious. "Zhou Ge, I used to ignore the ai script. I really worked hard for you." It is."

Zhou Hehui immediately shook his head and said that he did not need to.

However, Chu Yan shook his head meaningfully, without much words.

History will always improve, and the appearance of the ai script will certainly have its reasons. This reason is absolutely impossible to simply reduce the threshold for the entertainment industry. It must have its essence, and it can only be abandoned for hundreds of years.

The moonlight of the clean and tidy clouds slowly sprinkled from the night sky, so that the entire a-2 film and television planet was shrouded in cool and bright light. It was dark and the first day of shooting was over. Everyone in the crew of "The Sound of the Wind" fell into a deep sleep and recharged the next day's shooting work.

On, "Dark Invasion", which has been killing for many days, once again appeared in the eyes of fans, and climbed to the second place in the hot search list with an irresistible trend. Wait until twelve o'clock in the evening, #暗袭预告片# officially summited, into

The author has something to say: Become the first hot search on Weibo, the third place in the whole network!


Good night = 3=

Today's double merger! No updates!

Finally, pray for Fuwa’s hometown.

It was a peaceful and peaceful place. I lived for twenty-one years. There were no earthquakes, no big water, no mudslides, no disasters that I knew well. So until now, I can't imagine how disaster would happen there.

Blessing Suining, everything will be better, and a bright tomorrow will come.

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