MTL - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil-Chapter 175 175

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The underground training grounds of the Yasai family cover a wide area, which is divided into several areas, such as gravity zone, mech zone, comparison zone, and medical care zone. The complete equipment is comparable to the military physical fitness test center. Only one round trip in the training ground, through a variety of high-end instruments can indirectly recognize the strong financial strength of the Yasai family. However, after the outbreak of the war, it is not a good thing to have such a huge wealth. If there is not enough strength to guard it, it will be taken away sooner or later.

The old marshal glanced at Geram's mother and son. The situation of the heart is very similar to that of the empire. Now Orr does not have to fear any conspiracy calculations. I hope that the future empire can stand again under his guardianship. The peak of Sa Star.

“What to test first?” Zhao Xuan took the person to the medical area, took off his nightgown, and showed a strong and powerful body. The original Orr physique was great, but now he is like a sculpture made by God. Every muscle of the hair has a devastating power. No need to test, standing alone beside him, you can intuitively perceive his danger.

Jeram saw the temperament and appearance of his brother, who seemed to finally realize what. His face was pale, his heart trembled, and he secretly told himself that it was impossible. How could the legendary super race be the idiot of Orr? He didn't even have enough brains, how did he evolve?

But the reality quickly shattered his self-comfort. When Orr just put his mental power into the tester, the body made a sharp and screaming, and then exploded in a huge bang. Fortunately, everyone was wearing protective clothing and was not hurt. This is already the highest-end mental tester, but still can't bear the pressure of Orho, such as the Bohai Sea. His strength far exceeds the expectations of the military. They have enough reason to suspect that he can kill people with invisible mental power.

Marshal and others finally realized the power of the super race. After a moment of silence, they asked Orr to continue to test his physique. Undoubtedly, all the instruments could not bear the power of his exhaustion. When all the test sessions were completed, the ground was full of broken machine parts, and there was a burnt smell. The air is spreading. This is a test, but a destruction. Medical experts can't even get an exact value. They all sigh: strong, unprecedented power! A place that can accommodate the violent amount of superhuman races is probably the only universe.

Mrs. Yassie tried to hold her son's arm and did not let herself faint. She barely maintained a calm tone and asked, "Is Orr evolution? What level? 3S?"

"How could it be 3S." The marshal spit out a sigh of relief, and said slowly in the desperate eyes of Mrs. Yass. "It is a super race, the first superhuman race of Asa Star." Your guardian."

"Of course, defending the empire is the duty of every soldier." Zhao Xuan replied slyly.

The Marshal and the four generals were grateful, and Geram’s mother and son were crumbling. Sure enough, it is a super-ethnic, which means that the whole empire, no, even the entire Asa Star, no one has the ability to kill Orr, unless he does not want to live. His appearance has changed, his temperament has changed. Do you know if the temper will change? Have you noticed the conspiracy before them? Will there be retaliation? Both mother and child want to be more fearful and upset, and hate can't go back in time. They will definitely stop Carnaugh's stupid plan.

This is the case with the so-called one-powered ten-member meeting. When a person is strong enough to be unattainable, others can't afford the slightest rebellion in addition to looking up. I knew that Orr would succeed in evolution. Why did they calculate him? If you flatter him and attach him, rights, wealth, status, and prestige, you will come to them sooner or later, which will be bigger than the entire Asian Games family. They have no doubt that Orr can become the most powerful person in the Star of Asa, and his strength is there.

“Is the test finished?” Zhou Yunqi’s hands clasped his chest and leaned against the door. The sloppy attitude was in stark contrast to the shock and fear of Jeram’s mother and son and the joy of the marshal and others.

"The test is over. Baby, you don't even look down at your husband's heroic attitude, too disappointing me." Zhao Xuan strode over and licked his shoulder and kissed.

Zhou Yunxuan pushed his head away and smiled. "You don't have to look at it. I have personally experienced your strength. When the test is over, I will go up. I want to talk to the marshal about your case." He twisted the bulge on his chest. Seeing his darkness and deep breath, the peach blossoms glided through the sly light.

Zhao Xuan loved his small appearance that he wanted to refuse to greet. He grabbed him in the back of his head and kissed him.

The marshal naturally wants to quickly solve the murder case of Orr, but it is not good to disturb the two people in the lingering. There are not a few couples with deep feelings, but it is so rare that they are so deep. Before that, the tyrants were cool and handsome, and Orr became a dog skin plaster for a second, and he couldn’t wait to stick to Joe and tear it. I didn't kiss enough. When Joe changed his breath and kissed, it was dense and inexhaustible. It seems that Joe's lips are the most delicious things in the whole world. They don't eat enough for a lifetime.

Seeing that Orr picked up people and got back to the room, the marshal was eager to scream and shouted, "Mr. Zhou, because Phoebe Selayan is a famous figure in the Star of Asa, now the outside world There is a lot of embarrassment about Orr’s reputation. This matter should not be delayed, or it should be resolved as soon as possible."

"I think so too. Dear, let me down, let's do business first." Zhou Yunyi used his fingers to dial the hair of the back of his lover.

"For me to eat you is the right thing, the other is the ass." Zhao Xuan put down his sweetheart, biting his ear whisper, but also with patience to invite Marshal and four generals to the study room long talk. When a group of people walked away, Geram’s mother and son were sitting together and holding their faces, and they were scared.

They know the plans of the military, and there is no doubt that in order to appease Orr, they will certainly erase the case, even if the fans of Nanqing protest again, it is useless. Now Orr is the pillar of the empire, whoever wants to defeat him, who is the enemy of the empire. Their previous plans were all in vain, and it was possible for Orr to grasp the handle. The two called Khan and told him that Orr had evolved into a super-human race. The silence was only a few minutes before he opened his mouth. "Don’t fight against Orr again, please win over him. The snake and the prison officer we have The handling was clean and the military did not ask for clues. As long as we stabilized, Orr would not notice the same."

The two repeatedly questioned and learned that before the military interrogation, the snake and other people had already been smashed, and this was the peace of mind.

Zhou Yunqi and the Marshal long talked for more than an hour. After sending people away, they found that Geram and his mother were still sitting in the living room, so they walked over.

"Give you five minutes to pack up and leave immediately." He looked at his watch.

"Why?" Mrs. Yasai asked. Who is this person? The owner of the Asian race?

"I am about to become the legal partner of Orr Yassell. If I remember correctly, the old Asian Games has made a will, so that you will move out of the old house of Yasai immediately after his death. You refuse to execute the will, I have Power expels you."

"Deportation of us? Joke! It is my hard work to raise Orr, how can I not have the right to live here. Orr, look at what you are looking for, and start bullying me and Jay before you get married." Ram, when your father died, you were only ten years old. If I didn't take care of you and help you take care of the industry, can you have it today?" Mrs. Yasai shed tears.

Zhao Xuan mouthed a cigar, holding a glass of milk in his hand and slowly coming out of the kitchen. He handed the milk to the juvenile, and he slammed it carefully, and then he looked at Mrs. Yasai, and smiled. "If the subordinates of the father have been secretly protected, I think I must have been killed by you. You can’t be blatant. I started to throw me into the military camp at the age of twelve. Every time I come back, you will persuade me to perform the most dangerous task, saying that I hope to be a big hero like my father." He said that he spit out a smog here. The tone is more ridiculous. "You see, you want me to die like my father, but I really became a hero like him. I was promoted to a general at the age of twenty-five by my own efforts, because Your 'encouragement'."

Mrs. Yassin barely dared to continue listening. She never imagined that Orr's IQ had evolved and made her previous calculations clear.

"Brother, what are you talking about, my mother is for you, how can I hope you die early?" Jeram complained.

"Do you think that I was still the one who had been fooled by you, Orsay?" Zhao Xuan took the time to help the man to wipe off the milk stains on his lips. Shen Shen said, "I got an interesting news in prison, knowing that someone spent three Billionaires buy my life, who are those people, I remember in my mind. If you don’t roll now, I can kill you right away.” He doesn’t want to kill people indiscriminately, it will affect his reputation, no one will I hope that the supreme ruler of the empire is a tyrant, so it is best to use legal means.

When he finds Nanqing, he will pay the price of those who have persecuted Orr.

Jeram can no longer be sophistry, pulling the lost mother to escape from the Asian Games. They understand that the Asian Games family will never shelter them from now on. On the contrary, when they don't know, Orr will give them a fatal blow. Death is not terrible, and the process of waiting for death is the most terrible, not to mention the most powerful man in the entire Asa Star.

"It's finally gone. Poor Orr, forget it, he has experienced no less than ten murders in his life. It is a miracle to live to be swallowed by the Queen." Zhou Yunyi sipped milk in one breath and sighed for the honest and honest man. He didn't see the true face of the mother and the child until he died. He didn't know how the person who loved him dismissed him, and he didn't know how the closest friend was holding him. In this way, he is a complete tragedy.

"When he left, he thought he was very happy. This is probably the best ending for him." Zhao Xuan took a cigar and took the hot smoke into the boy's mouth. He saw him coughing and cried. Pick him up and turn back to the room.


Once the military department intervened, the case soon turned around. The investigation department continued to find new evidence to prove that there were outsiders at the scene of the murder, and the drugs left in Orr proved that he was in a coma and was unable to commit crimes. The Ministry of Military Affairs and the Metropolitan Police Department are currently working hard to trace the third person and clean up the reputation of Orr on the Internet. Nanqing has a large fan base, they are saddened by the death of idols, and naturally dissatisfied with the results of the military and police departments.

Some people believe that Orr's innocence, that the hero of the Empire will not kill, but more people believe that he is the murderer, the military is sheltering him. Condemning Orr’s voice for a long time, as long as the case failed to resolve the day, the title of his murderer could not be removed one day. The reputation of the Asian Games family was still affected, but it was only among the ordinary people. In the upper class, the Asian Games family became the most important family of the Empire almost overnight.

Carne Selayan first incited the people to condemn Orr, and then stood up and issued a statement saying that he absolutely believed in Orr, he was noble in character, acted correctly, and was very caring for Nanqing, not a murderer. The victim’s brother stood up and clarified that some people chose to believe that there is still a part that is always hostile to Orr. Carne tried to show his way to Orr in this way. He understood it. The rise of Orr was unstoppable, and he had no advantage in being hostile to the Selayan family. On the contrary, as long as he wins him, there is limitless possibilities in the future.

He regretted that he set up the bureau. If his younger brother is still there, and by Orr’s fascination with his younger brother, the Yasai family and the Selayan family will be able to successfully marry, and the Selaya family who is supported by the Asian Games family can become an empire. One of the top families. However, such a great opportunity has been missed like this. Now he only hopes that Orr is as simple as before and has never been able to find out the truth.

But he soon learned from Jeram that he knew everything, and he would not appreciate the other side, and he would retaliate once he found the evidence. This news made Kahan unable to fall asleep for a few days, and the body quickly lost weight. Several other families who joined forces to persecute Orr were equally worried and racked their brains to think about how to recover. If they could not recover, they would hire another killer to kill Orr. Orr is always a person, can you still have the power to fight an army? Without seeing it, they can't imagine the terribleness of the super race.

But the reality quickly told them how stupid it was to kill Orr.


The federation has united several other forces to encircle the empire and attempt to divide the empire's vast wealth after winning. The black-pressed starship surrounded the Emperor's star, and the shadow of death enveloped everyone's head. After the Queen’s riots, the empire once again faced the danger of ruining the country. The public did not have the extra energy to care which star was killed, the pain of losing the idol, the imperial hero is a murderer and other trifles, they only worry about whether they can live to see the sun the next day.

The five 3S-level powerhouses of the empire were swallowed up by the Queen, leaving only the marshals to survive. But he is 278 years old this year, so old that he can't even drive super-armor, and the federal and its forces have seven 3S-level powerhouses. When they drive super-powered mechs into the battlefield, their combat power is comparable. Seven cruise starships are enough to blast the Emperor Star into powder.

After repeated analysis, the people came to a desperate conclusion that the war empire would be defeated. They had no second way to go except for surrender, cedar, indemnity, and colonization from an independent country. The pessimistic atmosphere permeates the people, and they keep praying, hoping that God can send an angel to save them.

Then the miracle happened. A silver-black super-armor jumped from the Imperial Army. Only one heavy punch crushed the mech of a 3S-class powerhouse and crushed the cockpit. I took out a giant sword of the laser and shuttled it through the particle cannon at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The other three super-strong mechs were smashed and smashed. The explosion of the rumble was endless, and the war started less than fifteen minutes. The loss of four 3S-level powerhouses by the federal coalition forces is like a nightmare.

Waiting for the army to wake up from the nightmare, the silver-black mech hit the energy of a cruise star ship, scrapped it, and then screwed off the head of another super-capable mech, which was taken to stop him. The cockpit of the armor's abdomen came out and crushed. In the blink of an eye, another 3S-level powerhouse fell into his hands.

"Retreat, retreat! He is coming over, can't let him get close to the command ship! Retreat immediately!" The federal commander screamed insanely.

"Who is that? What level is he?"

"It's horrible! How can he kill five 3S-level powerhouses in half an hour? Is he a super race? When did the empire appear super-ethnic?"

"Don't ask, fast **** retreat!" The commander is on the verge of collapse, because in the gap he ordered, the silver black mech actually shattered a super-capacity, the federal army's seven 3S-class strong The only one left is left, and if that person is dead, the federation will surely be torn apart.

The last 3S-level powerhouse apparently realized that the enemy was terrible, and immediately flew toward the vast universe at the fastest speed, and then hid into the meteorite belt. Fortunately, the silver black mech was not chased, and stood in the starry sea that was extinguished for a while and flew toward the emperor. The federal coalition came to the fore, and fled. The Imperial Corps collected six broken bodies, photographed them to the imperial people, and sent video signals to the president of the Federal Republic.

Those who once stood at the peak of the Star of Asa, never thought that they would die so easily. Their scary faces still have horrifying expressions, like seeing the most horrible monsters in the universe. The federal president was so angry that he had a heart attack, and he was ordered to find out who was driving the silver-black mech.

The Imperial people want to know more than the Federal President who is saving them from the abyss of despair. The man is too powerful. His picture of wielding a giant sword and swaying the universe is amazing, worshipful, and bloody. What kind of imperial hero is Orr? He is! Can kill six 3S-level powerhouses in one fell swoop, he is definitely the legendary super race! He is the pillar of the empire!

When the silver-black mech was slowly landed on the ground, the people took a shot in the real-time shot of the military and held their eyes on the cockpit. Someone was kneeling in front of the display and was ready to scream. The hatch door was opened, and the handsome man with his long legs stepped out and jumped easily from the height of 48 meters. He stood firm and stood up. The huge impact force crushed the hard ground to form a circle of spider-like cracks. The neatly arranged mechs immediately opened an aisle and raised the steel arm to pay tribute to him.

He walked in the mech, looked so small, and the strong momentum made these steel giants bow down and seemed to notice that the military was shooting himself. He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the flight video recorder. . The people only saw his five-souls as beautiful as sculptures, and they took a breath. Although the appearance has undergone subtle changes, they will never misunderstand that the man is Orr Yasse, who has been denounced, questioned, and embarrassed by Orr.

He turned out to be the superhero in their mouth? No, he was originally the superhero of the empire, always!

All the condemnations, doubts, and defamations were replaced by surrender and worship. The people also said that the military had been attacking Orr, but now they feel that the military is really clear, how can Orr be a murderer? Some people even think secretly: What if he really killed Nanqing? He saved the hundreds of millions of people in the empire, which is enough to offset this little crime.

Kahan failed to participate in this war, and several families with whom he joined forces with Orr were excluded from this military operation. Obviously, Orr intends to expel them from the power center step by step, but they have been unable to resist. Continue to seize power? As long as they post this message to the black market, it will definitely become the joke of the entire Asa Star. Who dares to kill Orr, who has the strength to kill him? There may be a glimmer of hope in the dream.

Nanqing finished the cosmetic surgery, the effect is exactly the same as he expected. He hides in a remote and backward asteroid. There are only orcs and animals and plants, no network, no floating cars, no entertainment, no bustling metropolis. As time went by, he became more and more unable to endure the boring life of the primitive people. He bought a snake head and sneaked into the sphere of influence of the federation, and several times he turned to the federal star. Now his appearance is more prosperous than before. No matter where he goes, he will lead a chase of a large group of admirers, and he is deeply tempted to seduce. Two or three times, he is hooked up with one of the most powerful 3S specialties in the Federation. It is.

The man fell in love with him at first sight, only spent more than ten days to buy a ring to propose to him. Nanqing is very self-sponsored. He always believes that only the most powerful talents are worthy of themselves. Considering a few days later, they will readily agree. There are no more than ten 3S-level powerhouses in All Yasaka, and this person is the youngest and handsome, and the future is the most limitless. He thinks he will miss the second one if he misses him.

At first he felt guilty for the fact that he had framed, but now he is secretly glad. If it weren’t for Orr, how could he have the courage to do cosmetic surgery? How can I marry the best star in the world? Everything is the arrangement of fate! However, the joy of joy lasted only two weeks, and he received the news of the death of his fiance. He is actually dead, how is it possible!

Nan Qing found a video on the Internet and saw him being smashed by the silver black armor. When the mech landed, Orna Zhang Junmei’s innocent and arrogant face was revealed, he almost could not control the tip. call. He quickly slammed his mouth and whispered, "Who is he?" Orr's eyes are not pure black like this abyss, and the five senses are not so sexy.

"His name is Ory Yasai, the first superhuman race of the human race that has successfully evolved. The combat power is comparable to that of a cruise ship. The federation has fallen into civil strife, and we follow the orders left by the generals when they left." You are leaving. This is your ID and property, please accept it." The two soldiers handed over a space capsule and sent the Nanqing in the middle of the ship to the airship.

Nan Qing had to thank her fiancé for her thoughtful consideration. He is so strong, but he is also prepared for sacrifice and has arranged a path for him. This is probably the so-called intuition. But he did not want to be sent to the remote asteroid, he would return to the empire and return to Orr. He used to be so obsessed with him, and now he must not escape his charm.

Asa Star is the strongest star, as long as he thinks of this title, Nanqing is full of blood. This time, he must get Orr and firmly occupy the position around him.

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