MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 93 The end of the world female match counterattack (11)

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When the little black cat followed Jiang Nian out, he was shocked by the big jumps, and they shunned three feet and picked up the weapons in their hands. Will it be held hostage? ? ?

Jiang Nian quickly raised his hand to appease everyone, saying: "Don't be afraid, Wang Cai has decided to change the evil spirits and decide to follow me to be a cat. I won't hurt anyone in the future. Yes, it can be scratched before. I am here, I will compensate him for ten kilograms of rice, ten kilograms of flour, and five cans of canned beef on behalf of Wang Cai. I hope that you can ignore the previous suspicions and forget the previous unhappiness. This time we will shake hands and talk."

Originally, he was injured by a few black men. He was surprised that Jiang Nian could actually close the black cat. This is of course a big happy event. They have seen the fighting power of the black cat. Jiang Nian is so stupid, with a black cat, the fighting power is natural. More powerful, isn't their community safer? They are too happy to have it. When Jiang Nian actually wants to compensate the black cat for the loss, it is naturally more happy. He said that he is good, and this is not a bad idea. Later, he is a comrade!

The uninjured survivors who were next to it listened and took a sip of cool air, screaming a few times. Hey, this Jiang Nian is really stupid. It is a good thing to slap a powerful black cat. In this strong respected world. She didn't even ask her if she didn't ask for compensation. What if she didn't give it to others? Besides, wasn't it still her cat before?

This is stupid! Just give it a little, just give it so much!

Suddenly followed Jiang Nian, the small hand held her clothes, and the few powers behind Shen Shen simply did not see, Shen Ran in front of them is smart, independent and very cold, words are said less, There is no such thing as a child's naughty or timid fear after experiencing fear, so that they can't help but feel that the evolutionary brains are all so different?

Now it’s good, and Jiang Nian is not only like a 12-year-old child, but also a trend toward a younger age! The black cat was solved, and the people around him were scattered. Jiang Nian’s family went to the house. There were also three Zhang Wei’s family members. Zhang Wei saw no one else and couldn’t help but say: “Jiang Nian Although they have been injured, it is not impossible to give compensation. The meaning is almost the same. Who knows that there is no food for tomorrow? Your family is also under pressure. I know that you are kind, but also I want to plan more for myself."

This fool is a moral model of their happy community.

Jiang Nianxiao said: "It doesn't matter, my family will use my small fish to compensate me later, right?"

The little black "喵呜" screamed and looked fierce.

Zhang Wei sighed and shook his head. Now the zombies are rampant and the weather is still hot. I am afraid that the plague will erupt. Second, the zombie virus is very powerful. The dead zombies will not pollute the soil, and the third is that people are gone. The base is only afraid that it will be finished. Now everything is almost a one-time consumable. With a little less, Jiang Nian definitely knows this truth, but she is willing to give it. That is her kindness, it seems that he If you don't follow the wrong person, you can only have a long eye in the future and let Jiang Nian be cheated.


There were five or six injuries. Jiang mother went back to the room and moved out the rice noodles and canned beef. They were placed in the living room and looked at so many things. Jiang’s mother was not willing, but others were injured. Now, this world has not been hurt by even the doctors. It is even harder to find some medicine. If you are injured, it is really life-threatening. These foods are enough for them to take care of them.

Soon, almost everyone who was injured came. When they saw the rice noodles, they were bright, licking their lips, very happy, and biting their teeth and reluctantly said: "Jiang Nian, we take half of these things. Just fine, although it is nominally that you compensate us for the kitten, but we all know that if you don’t accept the cat, we are also flustered when we live here. If you want to drive it away, you’re afraid to fold it. There are brothers in it! But we are really difficult now. There are still sons and mothers waiting to eat at home. I don’t know when I can calm down. I will help you later, although we can’t help but define it!”

After listening to this, Jiang Mama was very pleased. Jiang Dad also smiled. Jiang Yuan stroked his forehead. Although the world has changed, there are still many people in this world.

Sitting quietly next to Jiang Nian, he looked at Jiang Nian, his eyes sparkling.

Jiang Nian waved his hand and said: "You all hold it, you don't have to plead for my family, it must pay me a lot of small fish, one is not allowed to pay! I will wait for the wealth to take me to eat big fish. It!"

Wangcai: "Hey!!"

Everyone: ".........???"

The words that caused the injured family became more and more emotional, and they were welcome. After thanking Jiang Nian, he took the rice noodles and went home. While reading the river, he was doing good things without name, even them. Retorted excuses are all looking for! The people who can still do this now are really too few. I can’t help but wipe my eyes, as if suddenly I am full of hope for the future...

When they left, Jiang Mama and Jiang Dad went to the kitchen to cook. This time, there were five other abilities in the Shen Ran. The abilities had more food. Jiang mother knew they were helping them. Naturally, I also pour a pot of flour, put a few eggs and pinch the dough, ready to pull the cover, pour the meat sauce on a pot, a full weight.

At first, they did not eat a few, saying that they brought their own dry food, Jiang mother face is done, not to waste it? Besides, this is not a white meal. It will be hard to work later. If you say this, it is not good to quit, and you will eat it when you call the pot.

Jiang Nian ate a bite and said: "How is it outside?"

Shen Ran said: "Not very good. We have encountered a lot of troubles on this road. Many people have asked us for help. Most of them are hiding at home and dare not come out. However, some of the abilities dare to go out, but they are not. People are organized and messed up like a mess."

"What about the troops?"

"...My dad said that this virus has lost a lot of fighters, and that the abilities have become zombies because of the injury. So, sister Jiang, you don’t have anything to do in the future, you are an actor. If it hurts too much, it will still mutate!"

Jiang Dad was shocked: "What?! Is this true?"

The soldiers who were holding the pots and squatting were serious and said: "It is true, because the troubles in this team are not small, so we have been dragged, this is late, but fortunately you will protect yourself. Otherwise, if something really happened, we don’t know how to make a difference, how to make a difference to the world!"

...... This is not true, the safety of their family does not need to cross the above, do not need to cross the world? ? ?

Seeing the Jiang family's face confused, the soldiers arrested the brain: "Miss Jiang is the teacher of all the abilities, but also the benefactor of human beings. Her "Anatomy of the 12th Duan" lets us know how to cultivate for humanity. I have recovered a lot of losses. Naturally, we must focus on the protection of the target! Without saying it out, I am afraid that there are too many people who know that it will be bad for Miss Jiang’s safety, but this is also our open secret. You... don’t know ?"

Jiang Dad is stupid, Jiang Mama is more stupid, Jiang Yuan has jumped up!

Lying in the trough! Was his old sister so powerful? ? ?

Jiang Nian was quite a good chest and said: "Yes, I am so powerful, parents can tell the ancestors of the ancestors, I am glory for our family!"


Jiang Dad & Jiang Mama: ".........!!!"

Jiang Yuan: ... um, maybe it is fake?

Suddenly, he laughed and smiled. His face was full of joy.


With the addition of Shen Ran and others, the community was quickly cleaned up, and the body found a place to be cremated. In addition, the scented wax burned some paper money, hoping that they could rest in peace.

After the completion of the happy community, I naturally thought about whether or not to clean up the streets in front of me. After all, I can tell by the news that the whole world has suffered a catastrophe. I don’t know if I have to wait until the military. When did you go, not to mention the place where the emperor is so big, it is not known to be infected with zombies. If they do not unite themselves to wait for the rescue, I am afraid that the world will be even harder.

With this in mind, the leaders of the previous buildings couldn't help but find Jiang Nian. They have to discuss the discussion together and see what to do next. Is it to guard the community and wait for the rescue, or go out?

"As soon as the gates of the community are opened, I am afraid that the zombies outside will be rushing in and will endanger ourselves. If we really want to go out, we must think of a perfect policy."

"Where is there any strategy for accomplishing everything, we are all destined to fill it. Now is the time when our human beings live and die. If we don't unite to eliminate zombies, we can only be wiped out by zombies. My daughter is only three years old..."

"Hey, Jiang Nian, what do you say we should do now?"

Although they are much larger than Jiang Nian, the ability of Jiang Nian in these few days is obvious to all, and people are derogatory, people are still good, others can not believe, but Jiang Nian is different, and she is led by her unconsciously.

Jiang Niansi said: "How many abilities do we have now? What kind of power will it make? Since you want to go out, you have to be prepared, in addition to the abilities you use, you can use them together, so that you can If the average person wants to go out, let them practice more and cooperate with the action to minimize the death. But before going out, you can train first. I have just a few particularly powerful soldiers here. The abilities are also very powerful. You can learn some coping skills with them, try to keep yourself as much as possible, and let go of the zombies.

Those leaders think that this is of course better. After all, they are only workers of all walks of life before the end of the world. There is no fighting skill. If you can learn something, then of course there is nothing better than this!

Several soldiers have always come to protect Jiang Nian. Nowadays, it is not a burden for them to pay for ordinary people to protect themselves and deal with zombies. On the contrary, they are very keen. Several people have discussed how to teach and teach. If you have more than one strong person, you will have more hope! Self-protection is also good.

The happy community is more lively, of course, and the zombies outside are not yelling. Not only men come, men and children come, but the old people who follow are learning, and they are closing the square dance at the time of peace. It is. In addition to practicing martial arts, nature also practiced abilities. The zombies walking up the streets became their best targets. Although they are a lot of money, they will always win if they work hard.

Other survivors in the nearby neighborhood naturally found the situation of the happy community. Seeing that they actually lived quite well, they could move around and could not help but ask for help, but they could say Far from being far away, saying that it is not close, at least there is a big road, and there are zombies on the road. Can you pass? It is heartless and powerless.

However, this is the case, but it is a lot of people's minds to work, others can go out, of course they can! I also tried to start cleaning up the zombies around me. At the beginning, just like Jiang, I cleaned up the neighborhood where I lived. When more and more survivors gathered, the power was great and the courage was big. Start cleaning up the downstairs of the community...

In this way, the happy community has become a kind of leading role. In fact, people are afraid. Just after taking the first step, they find that it is not so difficult in the face, and it is not impossible to eliminate it. To meet the difficulties.



Jiang Nian naturally did not idle, the seedlings she planted grew out, and she was quite good. She recently planted vegetables every day when she slept, and a small vegetable seedling was divided and dug the pit to bury it. Just wait for them to grow up quickly. And she also buried the apple core that she had eaten in the soil, hoping to grow apple trees.

The other is Wangcai, and the wealth has not brought any wealth to her family. Instead, she ate much more, too lazy, and there was nothing to lie in front of the window. When she was hungry, she would come to your feet to turn around. Where did she get a good job? Cat, obviously grabbed a rice bucket!

"What about my little fish? You must bring the dried fish back today, or you won't have to eat it!"




The fortune can only be forced to accept the baptism of the wind and rain. I went out early in the morning and came back at noon. I still had a fish with two palms in my mouth. It was proudly squatting at the foot of Jiang Nian. Looking up at his head: "Hey!"

Jiang Nian saw that the fish was quite fat, and instantly thought of grilled fish, braised, steamed, boiled... the saliva flowed out: "Fortune, how much do you say you stole? Why is there only one? This is not enough. I am sewing my teeth."



When Qin Yue returned to the top floor again, Wu Jiang and others were no longer there. He was red and chopped with a machete, but he did not see Li Ming.

After the emboli is gone, these ordinary zombies have no threat to him. They only occupy a large number and consume a lot of power.

"The older brother, the older brother... is it really you?"

The faint voice rang from behind, and Qin Yue suddenly turned back. He saw Li Ming climbing up the platform above the stairway. He seemed to have been seriously injured. His face was pale and covered with cold sweat. He was looking at him with a surprise.

Li Ming was amazed. He thought that Qin Yue’s fall to the tall building was a must. He was so desperate at that moment. Of course, he hated Wu Jiang. He was opposite Wujiang. He saw Wu Jiang push the wooden ladder down and watched him take it. The people who leave without returning, those who have helped and helped, have not come back to save them.

Li Ming felt ridiculous, and others would not make him so uncomfortable. It was Wu Jiang. They grew up together, but all the love in front of life and death is not worth mentioning.

He didn't want to live. He didn't think about living from the moment he decided to leave the emboli. But Qin is different. He is empathetic and top-notch. Why can't he live?

He was distracted for a moment, bitten off half of his arm by the zombies, and struggled to climb to the platform and temporarily escaped. But he did not expect Qin Yue not only not dead, but also came back to find him, he cried and laughed for a time, fortunately God has eyes, good people will always have good news, and suddenly shocked: "The more brother carefully behind!"

Qin Yue immediately turned back and slashed, but at this time, suddenly saw a water blade hit, the zombie was directly cut off the head!

But Yao Xiaoyue, who is in black, actually appeared on the roof! Then there were a few water blades flying out, and the remaining zombies were cut off the head, fast and neat, no sound.

"Qin Yue, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

Qin Yue face looked at her with no expression, climbed directly onto the platform and raised Li Ming.

Yao Xiaoyue: ".........???"

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