MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 90 The end of the world female match counterattack (8)

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The second virus spreads as quietly as the first time, people only feel that the last second is still normal, people suddenly become crazy, their faces The hair is blue and white, the eyes are sullen and sluggish, and the movement is slow but there is no scruples. Only the fresh flesh and blood are extended.

A total of thirteen people came together with Qin Yue, and five of them inspired the abilities. In addition to the Lei Yue of the Qin Yue and the water system of Wu Jiang, there are also the strength of Xiao Chen and the speed of the emboss and the old bear. It is also because of this that they can enter the city, find Li Ming, embolism, Lao Xiong several relatives, and also meet some ordinary people who want to rely on them, begging to go out with them, they are a group of thirteen The number of people has expanded to about forty people.

According to Qin Yue’s plan, as long as they return according to the way, don’t take extra money, then they can successfully get out.

But it takes a lot of time to go all the way to the city. It takes time to find someone. When seven days pass by, who can think of a second virus outbreak? And it is more than a hundred times more horrible than the first time.

"Ah! Why are you biting me?!"

"Ah, save me quickly, pull him away!"

"It hurts……"

But for a moment, these dozens of squads have fallen into chaos. In the past, they can tell themselves that they are involuntarily, this is the fault of this world. Now when they really face their own loved ones into the cannibal zombies, that kind of grief and powerlessness The feeling can almost kill people!

The Li mother, who was pushed away by Qin Yue, has already rushed to another big cockroach. Li Ming saw it, regardless of the rushing up and holding down Li, and said: "Cross brother, give me the rope!"

Qin Yue had no time to think about it. He found a rope to help in the past. Li Ming cried and tied his mother. But Li had already lost her mind, and only had teeth to bite him. It was completely human.

Li Ming still remembers that when they first found his mother, they both cried and cried and laughed. He was very happy, but how long did this reunion... He cried: "Mom, Mom, it is me." I am Xiaoming, you wake up!"

Qin Yue’s heart sinks, and now there is no second way to become a zombie. He can only be cut off by his head for the rest of his life. Otherwise, it is a monster that is not a ghost.

The pressure on Wujiang over there is also quite large, because not only do the people they rescued become zombies, but even four of their teammates have changed! The teammates who have worked together have become the enemy of your life and death at this moment. They are more powerful, but they are not comparable to the average old mother!

At this time, Wu Jiang was not afraid to go to the emperor's parents together with Jiang Nian. I wonder if their situation is as thrilling as they are?

Wu Jiang shouted: "What about the brother, what should we do now?"

When Qin Yue saw it, he found that the warehouse they are in now is still warm in the world for a second, and the next second has become a human purgatory!


Jiang Nian arrived at the Imperial Capital two days ago and reunited with his family.

Jiang Dao Jiang Ma looks okay, Jiang Yuan is also alive and kicking, and now lives in a two-bedroom safe area, it is said that most of the people coming from other places are allocated in this area.

Jiang Niandao: "Aunt? Are they all right?"

Jiang Dad sighed and Jiang Ma’s eyes flashed. Jiang Yuan’s flat mouth said: “We went to the emperor and went to look for aunt and aunt. We just met and said a few words, and my aunt urged us to go quickly. I am afraid that we will eat more of his family's rice."

Jiang Dad took a look at his son: "You have to say a few words. Now the situation is special. Your aunt's family and two children have to support them. It is also a last resort."

Jiang Nian's aunt is a local resident of the Imperial Capital. He is still a relocated household. There are three sets of school districts in the house. Anyone who sells one can become a multi-millionaire. It is a free love relationship with Jiang Nian. After the two married, Jiang Yan lived in the aunt. At home, grandparents will return when they are still in their New Year, but they are always a bit arrogant in their manners, as if they are very despised by their small households.

Most of the survivors have flocked to the Imperial Capital this time. In good condition, they can be divided into a suite. If they are not good, they can only set up tents in the square. If they are almost a little bit, they will not have a place to live. As a local family, I naturally lived very comfortably, and there are still a lot of food. However, the current situation is not stable, and one bite is less, and naturally it is necessary to come tight.

The reason why they are prepared for it is that they are afraid of Jiang’s family to play the autumn wind, eat and drink, not only that, but also that his son and daughter have also inspired their abilities, and their status is not unusual.

Jiang mother thought of the rice bag that was about to be empty, and smiled bitterly: "I just worried about my big brother, I went to see him. Now I am relieved to see him. Now our family reunion is even more difficult." past."

Jiang Yuandao: "Don't worry about your parents and sisters. I will try my best to cultivate my abilities. I will protect you!"

Jiang Dad also said: "I heard that the government is recruiting and repairing the city wall. I will register after a while. As long as our family is together, what can't be done."

Jiang Ma nodded with tears and licked his son's head, and his face was gratified.

When Jiang Nianyi saw this situation, he knew that his family had certainly suffered a lot after the advent of the end of the world. He did not look at people's eyes, but it was a blessing to survive. It is not a bad thing to eat hard, but it is easier for people to grow up.

Jiang Nian took two bags of rice noodles from the storage buckle, and there were some canned beef and canned vegetables, as well as some biscuits and sweets: "Don't worry about your parents, I still have some food, I don't have to worry about eating for a while, and I also inspired the power to power, and I can protect you in the future."

Jiang Dad and Jiang Ma saw that the food that emerged from the air was very surprised. They couldn’t help but swallow their throats. Jiang Yuan suddenly realized: “No wonder we will be personally escorted to the Imperial Capital by Captain Yang, and assigned to such a good house, is it not? Because of my sister?"

They were specially taken care of by God. They were shocked for a while. After all, their family is nothing special. How can they pick them up? It’s a pity that Captain Yang’s captain Yang did not say anything for a long time. He only said that he had received orders from his superiors, and he also taught them the practice of practicing their abilities. Nothing else was mentioned. Now I want to come, definitely because his sister is a rare pair. The abilities!

"Sister, sister! Are you very powerful now? Can you lift a cow with one hand?"

Jiang Nian is quite a chest, of course, of course, after all, like her so powerful, such rare talents are rare in the world!

At night, Jiang’s mother steamed the fragrant rice, and the rice was topped with canned meat, mixed with a big mouthful, full of meat and rice! For Jiang Dao Jiang Ma, who has not eaten too much food for a long time, it is simply delicious on earth, and I can’t wait to swallow my tongue!

Because of his fullness, Jiang’s father is naturally very motivated: “I will go to the construction site tomorrow and ask, now that food is scarce, we still have to eat tightly.”

Jiang Nian said: "This is not anxious. Now the situation is still unstable. You are only going to the Imperial Capital. Let us first look at the current situation and say it."

Jiang Dad thought about it and should have come down.

Jiang Yuan let out his room and ran to sleep on the sofa. Jiang Nian went back to the room and looked at the female aura that had risen to fifty. She decided to try her jade, and the jade space was so good. Things can't be left naturally. The most important thing is that it can be planted. This is the second time that the virus is coming. Not only the majority of people have changed again, but also the flora and fauna have changed. These changes not only destroy the ecological balance, but also pollute. With the soil, the clean soil becomes precious.

Therefore, Jiang Nianyi saw that her female aura had broken through 50, and she could try to recognize the Lord again.

She found a needle and poked a drop of blood on her fingertips. After a while, she didn't seem to feel any special changes. Wouldn't it be that you can only recognize the Lord once?

She is a female lord, and the female aura blessing, can certainly be made! Thinking about it, I squeezed a drop of blood and calmed down, but for a moment, she felt the spirits relax, and when she returned, she actually came to the jade space, only to see a vast land. , and a Wang Qingquan, a wooden house.

It really is a good place, with ample aura, not only to plant storage, but also for people to practice.

Jiang Nian also saw a very modern coffee table and chair under the peach trees in the yard. The wooden house was still neatly placed with a pile of grain rice noodles, and there were boxes and boxes of vegetables and fruits on the ground. Still not bad, good guy, this Yao Xiaoyue is definitely robbing a supermarket!

Jiang Nian looked through and thought, waiting to go out to find more seeds, so that she can make full use of her jade space.


When Shen Ran came home, his big brother and big sister went out of the mission and didn't come back. He was at home, and his grandmother was holding him and crying. He thought that he would die and he couldn't see it anymore. She was dying of her death, and even Shen’s grandfather, who was indifferent to color, even said a few good words. Shen Jingguo heard that his son was back, and naturally he was excited. He took a look at lunch time and patted his son’s head. Said: "When I come back, I will feel at ease at home. The world is in chaos. I have to wait for a long time to restore order. You should not run around in the future. Yes, your grandparents, are you..."

Suddenly bowed his head and silenced.

His mother died of dystocia when he was born. This time he went to city A to see his grandparents, but after the virus broke out, his grandparents... he was escaped by the bodyguards, and the bodyguards were infected with the virus. If it wasn't for Jiang's sister who saved him, maybe he would die too.

"Dad, I can come back alive thanks to my sister Jiang. Can we take Jiang’s sister to our community to live? I am afraid she is not safe outside."

Shen Jingguo thought: "We don't have a house near here. I will ask first, Jiang Nian is your savior and our benefactor. Moreover, her contribution is one and a half points. Thanks to her, I will inspire fire. It is natural to let her live in a safer place."

Slightly a little bit, he said again and again: "Then you want to be faster! Yes, Jiang sister said that the situation may be a little bad recently, she is afraid of an accident, let me tell you to prepare."

Shen Jingguo has already got the news that Jiang Nian is aware of the energy change and does not know what will happen to him. Therefore, he has stepped up his defense and concentrated his training on the abilities to cope with various emergencies. Now, I am reminded again that I am afraid that the situation is more urgent than before. It seems that these days must be guarded.

Suddenly returned home, sleeping on a clean big bed, but nostalgic when I was playing with Jiang’s sister, although it was hard and crowded, it made him feel at ease.

He will go to Jiang’s sister tomorrow, and he will take a lot of food. Now he can take care of her.


But after two days, I really broke out of the catastrophe again. This time, I completely broke the order that has not yet been stabilized! What is even more frightening is that the survivors found that the zombies that were mutated this time were actually several times more powerful than before. Not only did the action become faster, but even the skulls that broke the zombies took more effort than before. You can even smell the more subtle blood donation and hear a lighter sound...

Qin Yue also quickly found that it was wrong, because the bundled Li mother actually broke the rope and once again threw herself at Li Ming who was crying in front of her!

Qin Yue had no time to think about it. He kicked Li Ming with one foot and raised the chair to Li, but only got her a shackle.

"Li Ming, Li Ming, you are sober! Your mother won't want you to die in her hands, so she will die!"

"But she is my mother..."

Over there, Wu Jiang was attacked by the enemy. He took the weapon and quickly leaned on to Qin Yue: "Most of us have changed, and have you found that this mutation is more powerful than before? If you are a brother, we must withdraw quickly!"

The scene was a mess, and the screams were mixed and crying. For a time, it was impossible to control, because not only Li Ming, but also the situation of the emperor and the old bear was extremely fierce. How can they think of it and receive it? The moment when my loved ones have just enjoyed the joy of reunion, when they think that the future will be able to face together even if there are many difficulties, they will once again be a headache!

How can this be done in the face of a variant of a loved one?

Wu Jiang became more and more panicked: "The older brother, the older brother! What should we do now?"

If this continues, they are afraid that they will be wiped out!

Qin Yue fast road: "Wu Jiang, you take people upstairs to run, Xiao Chen, you and Zhao Ke, Jiang Ming open the way, Hou Jin, Xiao Li you and me behind!"

Wu Jiang immediately took the uninfected survivors upstairs. Similarly, there are too many infected people. They will come to eat them according to the flesh and blood. They must resist! They must break their skulls!

How can emboli and old bears endure their loved ones dying in front of them? They were saddened and could not bear to endure. They could not help but attack the attacks of Wu Jiang and Xiao Chen. "Don't kill my mother, I believe she will be good. If they find antibodies, they will definitely recover and become human again!" Yes, we can go to Jiang Nian, Jiang Nian is so powerful, she must know what to do..."

Qin Yue held Li Ming with one hand and shouted: "Old bear, don't be stupid. If Jiang Nian knows antibodies, why should she teach us how to be self-reliant? If she knows how to restrain the zombie virus, she will not say Come out? If you are really good for your parents, don't let them become a walking dead!"

The old bear is more fat and strong, and he is also extremely optimistic. Hey, haha, he has burst into tears at the moment, crying like a child. "No, I can't do it..."

The emboli is also full of pain: "...this is the parent who gave birth to me, how can I start with them?"

But at the moment they don't recognize the people in front of them as their loved ones, just follow the instinct to eat, to satisfy the hunger in the stomach, because with the old bear and the embolism, Wu Jiang and others feel the pressure is increasing, the only surviving A dozen people who came down were screaming in horror. "The older brother, the older brother is thinking of a way!"

Qin Yue only felt sad in his heart. He sighed and sighed, no longer hesitated, and a thunder was stunned on Li Mu. Li Ming, who was struggling for a moment, screamed "Qin Yue!", screaming, crazy Pounce on Qin Yue -

Qin Yue’s decisive decision, since he has made a decision, it is impossible to be weak. He stunned Li Ming with a fist, and took him away, picking up a baseball bat in one hand, and all the zombies who came to him were all him. A great bat, wrapped in the power of lightning, the baseball bat is very good, as long as he is close to his zombies can no longer climb.

The old bear and the emboss saw this, and they all pointed the weapon at him.

Even Wu Jiang and others looked at him with fear and horror. The survivors hiding behind Wu Jiang and others also shrank back a few steps, watching him with fear, as if he was a monster to eat.

Qin Yue suddenly thought that when they were still studying in front of Jiang Nian, when they sat together and said how difficult the future would be, they would go down together, be born together, die together and die.

He smiled bitterly.


Yao Xiaoyue followed the B city in front of Qin Yue and others, but she did not go far. After finding a supermarket, she went in to replenish supplies. Unfortunately, her jade was taken away by Jiang Nian, otherwise she could collect more supplies. When she goes to the Imperial Capital, she must find a way to get Yu Pei back.

She knew this virus outbreak, so she prepared well early. In addition to preparing food, she had to wait for Qin Yue. According to what she had learned, Qin Yue was almost dead in this place.

She looked at the outside scene on the third floor window and suddenly heard a loud shout from a distance. Is this voice Li Ming? He is calling Qin Yue?

She smiled, and Qin Yue had to plant a big head.

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