MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 66 Allure Love (7)

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Wu Wenwen and the big brother of photography all felt that they were not attached to the body when they left. It’s like being hit by a lot of things. This Jiang family is really a small thing, Jiang It is not a common person to read.

Of course, they all have the same hunch, this interview will be a fire, it will definitely be a fire!

The last interview with the B-City champion was not only broadcast on the local station, but they also placed the interview video on the WeChat public account and the B-city TV station v on the Weibo real-name certification. The word “province champion” was used. It is very eye-catching in itself. Not only do parents and adults want to gain some experience in educating their children, but students and children also want to learn from the learning experience of Ba Ba, and they also want to see a lively event.

Then I saw the interview video and found out that it seems that things are not the same as they think. ? ?

In fact, the front is also very normal, that is, the reporter interviewed a few elite school students, the crying the most fierce said that they did not test well, because the little girl cried pitifully, they are very sympathetic, this time did not test the next time to test again After all, the heart of learning and the hard work are really good. As a result, she said that she only tested the low score of 6.4. !

... Is 6.4 a low score? Or is the world changed?

There is also a little boy who said that he is very satisfied. Although he can't get a shot, he will only pass six percent, but he will continue to work hard next time.

... can be six hundred percent really not low!

The world of learning is really difficult to understand.

Of course, these students have not forgotten to praise the legendary provincial champion, saying that she is not easy, although the body is not good, but never ruined academics, is a good example worth learning, they will target her, and then beyond her!

It is indeed worth learning. The audience friends saw that the legendary provincial champion Yuan Jiang was still very admired and very distressed. The parents looked at the children and said that they were so bad that they still insisted on learning and took the province. First, how can you still have Barabara...; it is still a bit shameful for students to see it. People can achieve such good results in adversity. What excuse can they have to work hard and not learn?

Of course not!

When the camera is played to the reporter and goes to the provincial champion, when I see the girl who is sitting at the desk, the admiration and distress are even stronger. The girls can overcome the adversity and study hard, how can they even connect one by one? Little girl is worse than that?

In the first half of the interview, they listened to Jiang Nian very seriously, and said that the most thing she did every day was in the study. When she was sick, she went to school. When she was in poor health, she went to rest at home. She also recommended her book. She also talked about her usual study habits and some small hobbies. The conversation is a love and yearning for life. There is no trace of gloomy or angry world that is unfair to her. The whole person is sunny and happy.

A viewer commented: "Jiang Nian is a very moving and admired little girl. Whether she is persistent or perseverance, strong or open-minded, she is rare among young people now, and she is only fifteen years old. I think some people who are 25 or 35 years old may not be as strong as her. At least I am not sure that in such a situation, I can study hard and maintain such good results. I admire her."

This message naturally caused many people to praise and speak very accurately. Those who can overcome the disease and strive to be up are worthy of respect and admiration.


Huo Ling has been away from City B for some time. After he returned to the army, he was not as leisurely as he was before he was injured. It was not training or a mission. The previous injury was not completely thorough, and he added several new injuries because it was too Busy, he rarely remembers the days of B City, no one will mention it in his ear, the magical little girl is also blurred in his memory.

He once again heard Jiang Nian, but he heard it from his comrades. When he finished his training break this evening, he watched Gao Qi’s kid smile and shook. Seeing him coming in, Gao Qi smiled and said: "Old Huo, look at it, this little girl is so interesting."

He handed the phone directly to Huo Ling, and Huo Ling glanced at it indiscriminately. He didn't want to see more, but because of the familiar figure in the video, he took the phone and looked carefully. Actually it was Jiang Nian?

Holling doubts frowning: "The provincial champion? Has it been tested?"

Gao Qidao: "After the exam is over, the results are all out."

Huo Ling just took a shower and wore a camouflage vest and shorts. He was tall and straight, with a handsome silhouette. He could see some scars on the bare wheat skin. The lean body was well-defined and the whole person was full of strength. There is a wild beauty that is about to erupt, a hormone that walks.

He went to the little horse to sit down and wiped the wet short hair with a towel in one hand. Jiang Nian in the video had already shared her learning experience, and then recommended a few books, not only domestic classics, such as "Dream of Red Mansions" and " The Romance of the Three Kingdoms also has some foreign classics, and she recommends the original English version, which shows that the foundation is profound.

Huo Ling found that he hadn’t seen Jiang Nian for so long, didn’t listen to her, and now he suddenly heard it. It seems that he has not become strange because he has been separated for too long. Instead, he feels very familiar and even misses. Probably... is the magical power that is wonderful?


He looked at it again. He could hear the reporter’s pity for her when she asked Jiang Nian’s question. After all, it was a little girl. He looked a little distressed, not to mention other people.

Besides, I haven’t seen it for a few months. Jiang Nian, who is seriously ill, seems to be much thinner than before. The loose dress is empty on his body, and his face is not too bloody, just her simple happy smile and that pair. The agile and lively eyes have added a lot of anger to her, and she has the youthful color of her children.

However, this distress did not last for a second, then I heard Jiang Nian said that the fate was a lot of unfairness, it was that she was smart... It was a talented man...


Holling blocked his cocked corner with a fist, how did the **** not change at all? !

Finally, I couldn’t help but laugh, and listened to Jiang Nian: "It may be that fate loves me too much. I don’t want me to eat and study hard. I want to let me eat, drink, buy, buy, buy, and make a simple and happy second generation! Unfortunately. I am destined to let it down."?

噗 ─ ─ cough, cough, cough!

Huo Ling really couldn’t help it this time and laughed.

I was so stupid to Gao Qi, and more and more sure that Jiang Nian’s wonderful position was unmatched. After all, it’s not ordinary people to laugh at Lao Huo.

Not only him, it seems that the entire barrage is silent for a second, the full screen of "distress", "refueling" all become "ha ha ha ha good distressed", "ha ha ha good envy", "ha ha ha ha no longer try to be a Xueba is going to go home to be a rich second generation of eating, drinking and playing." "Hahaha Jiang is really a strong and optimistic and humorous girl!"

Of course, there was an interview with Jiang Nian's family. Jiang Grandpa Jiang's grandmother was dressed neatly and goldenly. Sitting there was still very nervous. It was very nervous. Wu Wenwen asked, "Wang Nian has achieved such a good result. Is it not? I am very happy, Labara’s has not finished yet. Jiang’s grandmother’s eyes are red: “I don’t want to remember how good the results are. I want her to be healthy and healthy. This time, the results are very good. I am mad at me, I feel so sad..."

Grandpa Jiang took a picture of Jiang’s grandmother’s back and nodded seriously.

Really angry, can you be so angry if you are so good? Can you not feel bad?

"........."? ? ?

Comrade Wu Wenwen was dizzy to interview Jiang Dad. Jiang Dad was also very cautious and sat in front of the camera. Although he was a rich upstart, he could be interviewed. Such a tall thing has never been experienced. Have a face? When I think of so many people in front of the TV, he doesn’t know where to put it! ?

Wu Wenwen asked: "I can teach my daughter so sensible and motivated. This time I have done so well. Can you share with our parents?"

Jiang Dad was still nervous. When he heard that this, he blinked his head and shook his head. It was no longer a problem. This result is very sad. He didn’t want to mention it at all. He didn’t have much to share. He made his daughter play every day. Share?


... as if the lens could not help but tremble.

Wu Wenwen has already lost her eyes, and then interviewed Jiang mother, she thinks Jiang mother should be normal. Jiang’s mother was also very upset, but she was very sensible: “I just want my daughter to live simply. I never want to study anything. I didn’t supervise her to study, supervise her rest? Self-discipline, we can't grab the book when we get it. The family hopes that she can live as much as she wants. The score is not important. I only hope that she will not take it again. It is half a month for the senior high school entrance exam!"

Of course, I did not forget to bring a small Jiang Bao, Xiaopangdun to keep his hair from being shackled, clenched his fist and said that his sister’s grades are very good. He is very angry, very distressed and very proud...

"I hope my sister is a little bit safe, don't provoke fate any more."

Hahahahahahahahahaha! ! !

The audience and friends are going crazy, the message is refreshed, and the barrage screen is shattered.

Obviously, it is very sad, but I really want to laugh. After I laughed, I feel very distressed. After I feel so sad, I can’t help but laugh. I’m crazy for a while, like crazy.

Jiang Nian thought about her. This is a small little let the world know her cleverness. How can she watch the audience reaction and then see a series of "hahahahahahahahaha", feeling Like crazy, there are still people who say that she is pitiful to her? I also admire her for being strong!

Being strong is really strong, but what does it mean to be pitiful?

This Jiang Nian is a bit incomprehensible. Is it mad by her ingenuity and perfect family? It is very possible, after all, even the sky is smashing her.

Besides, she has nothing to be pitiful and distressing. She is so rich and so smart. As a coal niece, shouldn’t she be envious of her death?

Jiang sighed, this netizen is really very difficult to understand.


At that time, Huo Ping also read the news. They watched the TV in front of the TV. Although he was there when he was interviewing, he couldn’t help but want to lick his face when he saw the video. He was ready, just almost Being smashed by mudslides, Huo’s father was miserable, because he was so funny and sad that the tea was sprayed more than once, and the aunt’s aunt gave the antihypertensive drug.

Hey, he has suffered an old bone, and this age is still so exciting!

Huo Dao Huo Ma is also, seeing the strong little girl in the rumor, almost lost, although I heard that this is a magical little girl, but I don’t know how magical it is!

Huo Ping suddenly has a sense of superiority that everyone is drunk and I am sober. Look at it, he is the most calm... As for why it is the most calm, is probably the pride of the four big guards before and after?


The news video of Jiang Nian’s family was very hot. On the real-time hot search, Gao Qi could not see it. Gao Qi couldn’t see it. Naturally, he couldn’t give it to Huo Ling. Huo Ling wouldn’t think of it again and again. The four girls who are blessed at the moment of protection.

She did, as she said, be as stubborn and fighting against fate, as smart as she said.

However, when Huo Ling saw Jiang Nian again, it was half a year later.

In the past six months, Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother gave Jiang Nian a grand banquet, and banqueted all the relatives and friends in the neighboring neighborhood, swaying the water, saddened, angry and angry, but Jiang Nian was so good, can not celebrate ? Besides, Jiang Nian is also glory for the family, is their pride!

Their homes are eager to show off their good results, of course, they must show off and show off, I don’t want to know everything! The invitations have written countless pieces, and the two characters have been written red and big. It must be visible at a glance. Even the neighbors have personally sent them. They didn’t want to make friends, and they didn’t think they would come. It is purely to show off...

It is clear that the neighbors still said that Jiang’s life was so heavy because Jiang Nian did not test well, and suddenly he changed from school **** to B provincial champion. Can that be amazing? Moreover, after the interview news, they also sneaked and watched. Although the family is still very hot and shining, the heart of the girl is not wrong, it is still worthy of respect.

Besides, Huojia’s father is also going, they naturally went... So Jiang Nian’s champion banquet was more lively. Wu Wenwen received an invitation and ran with the photographer, not only interviewed, but also by the way. I ate a champion wine.

Of course, Jiang Nian is very happy, and can let the world pay tribute to her genius.

Liu Yingying was mad, and watching Jiang Yan, who was surrounded by the crowd, came to the air. Jiang’s performance in the last life was good, but she was not good enough to be admitted to the province. She didn’t have the scenery like this! It must be her butterfly effect. What went wrong?

She really wants to live in Jiang's home again. She is annoyed when she looks at the house, but her mother doesn't know what's going on. Not only does she not let it go, she will call and ask if she is going to be a prisoner, let her Learn to learn!

Especially after returning from Jiang Nian's champion banquet, she saw that she was more secure than before. She still whispered in her ear every day, saying that she is better than a sick man? Said that she studied more time than others, learning energy is better than others, how can it be better than Jiang Nian? Are you still embarrassed to go out to play with this result?

Liu Yingying has no choice. She also knows that she must study. She will rise three times in the next semester. She has the advantage of focusing on life. This time she also has to take a provincial champion to prove that she is no worse than Jiang Nian.

However, when she was promoted to the third year of high school, her progress was not as fast as expected. The rankings for each monthly test were also in the middle and upper reaches. She also harassed her from time to time, making her very upset. She was neither hot nor cold. Just say to be a simple friend. She planned, perhaps at the semester of her high school graduation, she would find an opportunity for Qi Bin and Jiang Nian to know...

After graduating from Jiang Nian, he went to the high school of the school and read the high school. When Huo Ling saw Jiang Nian, she was coming out of the school. In the snow and ice, wrapped in a down jacket from head to toe, a furry white hat and a white scarf. White gloves, even wearing a mask on the mouth, only a pair of eyes exposed, the whole person is swollen. Because of chills, holding a warm handbag in his hand.

Jiang Xiaobao walked in the front and opened the road. Huo Ping carried a schoolbag and handed Jiang Yan’s. Chen Yi and Xu Lihai were also there. They seemed to have gotten used to being around Jiang Nian, doing their due diligence. The duty of the four major law-protection - to protect the genius.

Holling laughed, and the white mist that spit out made his colder outline in the cold winter blurred.

Jiang Nian saw him far away. The man was black, standing under the white snow, it was particularly eye-catching, not to mention his imposing manner and hegemony, which was more dazzling than half a year ago.

"Jiang Nian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yes, it really has been gone for a long time.


Huo Ping, Chen Yi and Xu Lihai took a little fat pier in the yard to build a snowman. Jiang Grandpa Jiang grandmother got the greenhouse vegetables in the back yard. Jiang Dad’s work has not come back yet. Jiang’s mother came to Huo Ling and gave Jiang I read a bowl of hot ginseng soup. "The chicken that your aunt has killed from his hometown has just been stewed. You should drink more."

Jiang Nian snorted, and he sipped a small bowl and felt that his body was warm in an instant.

Because there is heating in the house, Jiang Nian took off the down jacket, only wearing a thick sweater is still feeling cool, the body still gave a blanket, holding a warm handbag, but even so, she still feels cold.

Huo Ling drank a cup of tea and looked up at Jiang Nian, who was shivering in a blanket. He said, "Is it so cold? Wang Lao’s medicine is not used anymore, it’s been half a year, isn’t there any effect?”

Jiang Nian lifted his eyes and looked at Huo Ling. He wore a thin sweater at the moment. Compared with him, she could be warmer: "I am like this, more chills, I have already taken medicine. It’s much better. And there is heating in the house, it won’t be cold in a while.”

Jiang’s mother came out with fruit and was worried. “Don’t go to class tomorrow, I will give your teacher a vacation.”

Huo Lingdao: "Well, rest at home, worry that if the class can't catch up, you can find someone to make up the class."

Jiang Nian’s voice did not object, after all, she was also afraid that genius would fall into a good age, which is a pity.

Jiang’s mother asked Huo Ling: “I haven’t seen you for half a year. Will you come back for a few days this time?”

Huo Lingdao: "I will go back tomorrow afternoon."

"So urgent?"

"Well, there are still some things to do."

Holling is really in a hurry. This time, unlike before, it will not last long. There are still many things waiting for him to do.

Jiang Nian looked at him and found that Huo Ling, who had not seen him for half a year, was quite determined. The sharpness between the eyebrows was also sharper, and he heard that Huo Ping said that he seemed to be promoted. In addition to his family, he could see that his ability is not ordinary.

Jiang Mama still wants to stay in Huo Ling for dinner and then go, but I think he will come tomorrow tomorrow, I am afraid that he will have to gather with Huo Laozi, and it will not stay much. Her impression of Huo Ling is very good, not to mention the military, and she has a good attitude.

Huo Ping suddenly ran in from the outside, holding a mobile phone and said: "Sick, you are on the news again!"

Jiang Nian snorted, took a picture of Huo Ping’s mobile phone, and saw the title saying: “The provincial champion, the tail of the crane today, the real version of the genius of the fallen version of Zhongyong! Sad, sigh!”

Because Jiang Nian was promoted to high school, the scores of the monthly test were very common, and Keke was only on the pass line!

Her scenery is enrolled, and now it is no longer the scenery.

Huo Ping is still very worried. After all, he doesn't know much about Jiang Nian's learning situation. He only knows that she really did the same. Jiang family naturally worried that they were very happy that Jiang Nian's performance was poor, but outsiders didn't think so. This is very angry! Obviously, what is so happy is the real version of the injury?

Huo Ling frowned and took Jiang Nian's mobile phone: "This kind of exaggerated news, no need to care."?

They can't help but worry that Jiang Nian will be sad, and the red is not much. When Jiang Yan was fired, I am afraid that some people still remember it.

Jiang Nian was shocked and happy!

"You see, these mortals have been counted. I think the fate must have been paralyzed by my wit. Since the last illness, I decided to be a low-key genius!"


Hard hit is not a wise move, what is it to hide her intelligence in order to survive?

Now I can only be wronged to be a mortal first.

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Chapter 191

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