MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 204

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Lou Yan had a dream.

He hardly cared about his embarrassed state, and immediately tidied up the bed, the tattered clothes were taken away by the old A, and the room was also cleaned, but there seemed to be a charming smell in the air.

When he came out of the bathroom again, he reached for the light brain.

"Wan Wan." He called out.

But just like before, his Wan Wan didn't respond to him. Did she see his gaffe last night? Did he do something to scare her?

He turned on the projection and tactile devices and waited.

After a while, the girl appeared in front of him, but she didn't seem to be as lively as usual, her head was slightly lowered, her light chestnut hair was hanging down her chest and back, and she didn't seem to be in good spirits.

This had never happened before, she was always energetic and bright.

"Wan Wan, what's wrong with you?" Lou Yan lightly held her shoulders with his palms, but he didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of crushing her.

"I..." Wan Tong slowly raised her head, her eyes dodged a little, and there was some resentment in her heart. Lou Yan almost shattered her incompletely formed body last night, so that it took a few more hours to generate a body now. , He seems to regard last night as a dream?

"Master, do you know what happened last night?" she asked, calling back to her old name.

Lou Yan felt that it would not be a good thing. The situation in the dream was intense. Looking at the situation on the bed, in fact, he might have done something embarrassing. He subconsciously didn't want her to remember what happened last night.

"Wan Wan, forget it." Lou Yan held her shoulders, took her into his arms, rested his chin on her shoulders, and repeated, "Forget what happened last night."

He even wanted to take the initiative to delete her memory.

Wan Tong: "…"

She squeezed her fist, snorted softly, and disappeared.

Lou Yan felt that his arms were empty, and a chill came up from the soles of his feet, which kept pressing on his heart, making him feel heavy.

He really terrified her.


Wan Wan is very naughty today.

He walked through all the games in his head, as if he was deliberately causing trouble for him.

Lou Yan's face was calm, but the ice in her heart seemed to melt in an instant, and she was happy.

"Players are almost besieging our company's building. In the forum, everyone is discussing about "Forest Elf", but this bug, we really tried our best..." Ai Rui scratched his head, wishing he could grab himself tuft of hair.

The atmosphere of the entire development department is also a bit sluggish.

Before the high-level elves appeared in the slums, they still didn't know what was going on. They just lost a high-level elves and it was over. Now, there are several times near the company, and players are all around.

"Isn't it issued a notice that it is being tested?"

"The key is that they don't give up."

"After a few days of silence, they will disperse." Allen said, motioning for Lou Yan to follow him into the office.

Wan Tong did not appear, and stayed in Lou Yanguang's mind. She entered "Forest Elf" twice today.

Well, this is her act of revenge against Lou Yan?

Anyway, this trivial matter, he can solve.

On the afternoon of the same day, Ruili Games announced a news that shocked the game industry.

Ruili Games has launched a concept of "little luck". In all its games, players have a chance to encounter "little luck", and then increase the player's lucky buff.

In fact, for Wan Tong, it was like Ruili Games opened a back garden with different themes for her.

Because she is the "little lucky", from now on, she can appear in Ruili's games with integrity, and as long as she accepts the player's favor, their luck value will increase.

As for what "Little Lucky" looks like, only players will know when they actually see it, and the luck value players get from "Little Lucky" is also different.

This project was considered Lou Yan's selfishness, but everyone in the development department agreed, and they admired Lou Yan so much that they were all curious about how he wrote the program "Little Lucky"! Also, why does Xiao Luck look the same as Xiao Wanwan! How much he likes the image of Xiao Wanwan! His light brain is full of Xiao Wanwan!

Just now, the big guys were looking at a file on his bare brain together. I never expected Xiao Wanwan to suddenly jump from the file, as if she was playing a prank. Although it looked cute, Lou Yan is so interesting, look Want Xiao Wanwan to accompany each document?

Wan Little Lucky Child realized that she herself seemed to be played tricks by Lou Yan.

On the way back to the apartment in the evening, when passing a sidewalk, she saw a large group of pedestrians with dull faces. Wan Tong changed her body, wearing a little dinosaur pajamas, and entered the forest elf again, and then she saw the next crazy scene.

In the numb crowd just now, the reminder sound collectively sounded.

In this era when 95% of people are addicted to games, almost every player who bought VR glasses will play "Forest Elf". The little dinosaur stood in the crowd, looking weak and helpless and pitiful, hanging brightly above her head A label, "Little Luck" - this is what she added to herself, just to test whether the so-called lucky value can really be added...

But now that she suddenly saw players appearing in front of her, she was cowardly.

One player first threw her a Pokeball, she took it without thinking, and then slipped away.

After seeing the reactions of the people around him, Lou Yan knew what was going on. He tapped the light brain quietly, and a weak voice came from the light brain, "Wan Wan is here..."

"Ah ah ah, little luck is a dinosaur!"

"It got my Poké Ball! God, should I go digging, maybe I'll find diamonds!"

"Little dinosaur? I saw it too. It has a tag on its head, which is easy to recognize!"

"It accepts Poké Balls? Isn't Poké Ball a system gift that you can get without spending money?"

"The Ruili Company seems to be nearby. It feels like they are doing tests now. Are we going to hang around here a lot recently?"

The sidewalk, which was still dead just now, suddenly became very lively. Lou Yan didn't seem to hear it. After getting on the suspension car, he suddenly said to Guangnao, "Wanwan, come to 'Forest Spirits'."

He sat down on the bench, the carriage was still empty, and most of the group of people just chose to stay for a while, hoping to meet "little luck".

"Why?" On the screen, the girl was still wearing a little dinosaur costume, showing only a pair of bright big eyes, very cute.

Lou Yan rubbed his fingertips on the screen lightly, and said in a low voice, "It's beautiful here."

Wan Tong was moved and entered "Forest Spirit".

There were not many people in the carriage, but the players who played this game immediately put on VR glasses and looked around.

Then I saw a cute "little dinosaur" sitting on the seat of the carriage, but this time there was no label on the top of its head. There was a handsome man beside it, and his face under the VR glasses was a little more unreal. The hazy feeling, sitting with the little dinosaur, his expression was also very calm, but his eyes were very gentle.

"It's really beautiful here..." The little dinosaur suddenly made a sound, a soft and somewhat dazed voice, which made all the players who gathered slowly stunned.

Only then did I discover that it turned out that the little dinosaur suit was actually a girl. In the crowd of onlookers, the dinosaur suit on her body suddenly disappeared and turned into a long white dress, wrapped around the girl's exquisite body.

Wan Tong didn't expect that in the virtual environment, this suspended car line turned out to be like a time tunnel. There were towering dense forests on both sides, and several people hugged such an ancient tree with dark green unknown vines wrapped around it, covering it in layers. Looking at the whole tree, it seems that the bare branches are decorated with new clothes, and in the low bushes, dots of fluorescent light are floating, illuminating the entire tunnel.

Seeing the girl's obsessive eyes, the player who leaned over was not so anxious, but looked around.

Yes, the most fascinating part of "Forest Spirit" is that this game has established an ancient and mysterious forest kingdom in the reinforced concrete world. In this game, everyone can enjoy the scenery that can no longer be seen, but the obsession Players who are catching elves rarely notice the beauty of the scenery here.

On the long chair, the girl leaned towards the man beside her, and the two were as close as lovers.

At this time, the player recognized that the man was not Lou Yan, who had been on the news several times before? And the girl next to him is also very familiar.

Wan Tong reached out and took a white bellflower that floated into her hand, and she could see that the value bar on the top of the player who gave her flowers changed slightly.

After seeing this scene, a male player suddenly gave her a beautiful retro dress, which cost money to buy.

Wan Tong didn't answer, but pointed to a spot that glowed bright green, "I want that."

When the male player was stunned, a young girl came to her with a firefly in her hands, and said carefully, "Here you..."

Wan Tong let the firefly fall on the white bellflower, and at the same time, the value on the top of the young girl's head also rose.

More and more players gathered, and Wan Tong only stayed for a while before leaving the game.

She found out that she could tamper with the player's data, so Lou Yan had already discovered it?

In front of Lou Yan, a player asked him if he was testing?

Lou Yan shook his head, "It's just that she likes to follow me."

Wan Tong pouted, he was deceiving the children!


During the time that Lou Yan was sitting in the suspension car, "Forest Spirit" was reported.

The screenshots of Lou Yan and Wan Tong sitting in the time tunnel attracted countless crowds, one was the game developer, and the other was the buff that everyone in the game yearned for.

They sat together, and there was no sense of disobedience. It was rumored before that Lou Yan was very fond of this image, and dozens of small programs in his brain all had this image, and he often projected her and carried it with him.

It was discovered that he even trademarked the image! How crazy is this!

According to reliable news, he has rejected many female employees from Ruili Company who have come to confess, and he is very obsessed with the virtual world.

There are also many women on the Internet who expressed their love for Lou Yan, and even highly threatened to chase him.

The lights of the city tore apart the night, making the whole street as bright as day. After Lou Yan entered the slum, only the bright yellow lights on both sides of the road remained.

He made an appointment with the former landlord today to settle the bill. In fact, it was enough to transfer money directly, but the landlord said that because he had remodeled the attic, he had to make it clear to him in person.

"Master, many people say they want to chase you." The girl said in a slightly lowered voice, obviously displeased.

"I don't like them, I like Wan Wan." Lou Yan said directly, the curvature of the corner of his mouth lightly raised.

Wan Tong was instantly swept away, "Oh..."

After all, she is still possessive, anyway, her body is about to be formed, and she can accompany him well in the future.

Lou Yan laughed silently as if being pleased.

Back in the familiar basement, the landlord was not here, and four men with bad expressions were waiting for him.

Also, the landlord is a nouveau riche, how could he be fussing with him about remodeling? Maybe he has long forgotten about the properties left in the slums.

"Lou Yan, you are so powerful now, and the whole internet is calling you a genius." Hei Fatty said yin and yang strangely.

After what happened last time, they were sued for compensation, and they are even more destitute. After eating this meal, they don’t know where the next meal will be. They live like beggars every day. make fun of.

They have even been disqualified from all registrations by several game companies, let alone get a job for a living.

"How am I, what has to do with you?" The light in the basement was dim, forming a gloomy dark color on Lou Yan's face.

"Of course it has something to do with us. You took a lot of it from Suoben, didn't you think about making it up to us for hurting us like this?" Hu Ming said sullenly, as if he was hungry in a dark alley. The wild dog of the sky wants to bite anyone it catches, no matter what the shameless reason.

Lou Yan glanced at the similar expressions of those people, and laughed sarcastically. After so many years of acquaintance, he didn't find such a side of them.

"I took a lot, what, do you want it?"

"Shouldn't we share a share, you stepped on us and entered Ruili!"

Lou Yan was too lazy to listen and asked directly, "How much do you want?"

The four people obviously didn't expect Lou Yan to cooperate so much, and they all stagnated for a while, and finally Li Zi said a number, "50 million."

Lou Yan listened to the number, but raised his eyebrows, his expression became even colder in an instant, and the cold words overflowed from his lips, "No."

"You're playing with us!" Hei Fatty raised the heavy object in his hand and smashed it over!

Lou Yan easily escaped.

Wan Tong was also anxious when she saw it. She didn't expect that the four people would dare to come looking for trouble. She checked and found that Lin Jielin was nearby.

It looks like you want to save the hero?

Lin Jielin was recently played around by Allen, and she made a lot of words. She suddenly disappeared a few days ago, and she didn't know what she was planning.

Wan Tong calmed down and followed the Internet to Lin Jielin's light brain.

But this time she seemed to be blocked by something. In the boundless darkness, a blue net of light lay in front of her, entwining her in strands.

Lin Jielin's light brain suddenly emitted a white warning light, she looked down at the light brain, and the corner of her mouth raised a successful sneer.

She knew that the piece of paper that Lou Yan liked was not simple. It was either a virus or an intelligent program, and now, no matter what it was, it would be wiped out!

She turned on the optical brain, and quickly operated her fingers on it, and soon a data appeared on it.

Clearance degree 20%…

The numbers above were slowly rising, and there was a fight in the basement across a door. She would find a suitable time to go out and rescue Lou Yan. Even if he misunderstood her again, she would slowly let her go. He eliminated...

Lin Jielin thought very well, and then found that the numbers on the light brain suddenly flickered a few times, and finally stopped, and the page suddenly disappeared.

"How is it possible!" He ran away?

In the basement, Lou Yan beat up three people, Hei Fatty then picked up a steel chair and smashed it over, he only had time to reach out to cover his head.

But in the next second, a figure suddenly rushed towards him, and the soft body pressed him to the ground, avoiding the steel chair.

At this time, Xiao Nuo, who had been paying attention to the situation outside, shouted, "Let's go first!"

I don't know why, but suddenly many people gathered around the basement!

Afterwards, the four of them supported each other and quickly rushed out of the basement door.

Lin Jielin, who was not far away, saw the player wearing vr glasses, but she understood that it was Lou Yan's paper man!

The chair smashed to the ground, picking up a fine layer of dust and choking his nose.

Wan Tong only felt itchy between his nose, he couldn't help sneezing a little, covered his nose, and almost collapsed on the man.

It's a very fresh experience. She never felt this way when she was a paper person.

The room was eerily quiet. Wan Tong slowly raised his head and looked into those dark eyes. There seemed to be thick black mist surging inside, revealing his incredible astonishment.

The first time she touched him, he realized that she was different from the past.

Before, she was weightless. She lacked many human physiological responses, such as sneezing. For example, she had absolutely no strength to shake his weight of nearly 80 kilograms.

But at this moment, he really felt that she was on him, and her sense of existence was unprecedentedly strong.

It was only in his dreams that he felt her so truly.

He held his breath, afraid that if he breathed hard, the illusion in front of him would disappear without a trace.

"Lou Yan, are you injured?" Wan Tong was a little uncertain and wanted to get up and check it for him.

But Lou Yan suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her arm, and clasped her tightly on his body, with a less confident voice coming out of his mouth, "Wan Wan?"

Wan Tong suddenly remembered that she was using her own body now.

She was in a hurry to escape from Lin Jielin just now, so she came out of her brain.

And she hasn't figured out how to explain to Lou Yan, is he scared now?

After all, the paper man suddenly turned into a human.

Since he couldn't explain it, Wan Tong decided to play stupid to the end, and shook his little hand in front of him, "Lou Yan, it's me, Wan Wan."

The sweet and greasy voice pierced into Lou Yan's ears, itching unbelievably.

It's her, Wan Wan.

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