MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 190

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It was said that it was a car accident, but it was actually a van that ran a red light and hit it. Because they avoided it in time, Chu Yuanxun and Wan Tong were not injured, and they did not even go to the hospital, but went to the police station.

Jiang Xianchen also came, and when Wan Tong was taking the transcript, he had a private conversation with Chu Yuanxun.

When Chu Yuanxun returned to Wan Tong again, his expression became more condensed, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow.

"What's the matter with you? What did Jiang Xianchen tell you?" Wan Tong actually had a guess in his heart, and suddenly became a little excited.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xianchen's role was so great, and Ah Xun could return to Chu's house without her intervention.

"The driver admitted that someone gave him money, and he did it on purpose, Tong Tong..." Chu Yuanxun frowned unconsciously, "I'm going to Chu's house, and I'll ask Leng Jing to pick you up. apartment."

"Okay." Wan Tong nodded obediently, "Go ahead."

Chu Yuanxun reached out and rubbed her head lightly, "Sorry, I surprised you."

Wan Tong shook his head, "With you here, what should I be afraid of?"

Chu Yuanxun was stared at by her trusting eyes, and his heart was slightly itchy. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her heart, "Wait for me to come back."

The police lady who was in charge of recording at the desk looked at the young girl who had never moved in ten thousand years, as if she had come back to life...

Mom, can young couples really sprinkle candy anytime, anywhere?

It seems that the two of them are quite famous on the Internet, and she will go to a melon when she is free another day.

Wan Tong thought that Chu Yuanxun would have to cry for a long time before coming back when he recognized his relatives, but Chu Yuanxun came back early and brought her something delicious.

Under Wan Tong's side attack, Chu Yuanxun also happily told her what happened at Chu's house.

"So, you found your family, but you're not excited at all?" Wan Tong looked at his calm expression, a little puzzled.

"I've passed that age." Chu Yuanxun said slowly, his eyes a little more dazed.

During his most difficult time, he was most eager to find his family, but that time has passed.

His eyes fixed on Wan Tong, becoming extremely soft and tender.

Now, he thinks about starting his own family every day, but he has a lot less expectation for the family that came suddenly.

"It sounds like you are mature." Wan Tong sneered.

Chu Yuanxun's pupils suddenly became darker, "How mature I am, don't you know?"

The words with some other meanings made Wan Tong's heart beat faster, and he hurriedly bowed his head to make soup.

After a long while, he couldn't help but said, "Then what are you going to do in the future? When will the Chu family make you public?"

Chu Yuanxun shook his head, "Let's talk about it, I've been busy recently."

Just as he was talking, Wan Tong's phone screen lit up.

She opened it and saw that it was a message from Mrs. Chu.

She raised her eyes and looked at Yuanxun Chu, "Mrs. Chu let me go to Chu's house for dinner..."

Chu Yuanxun didn't know what to think, rubbed the chopsticks in his palm and said, "It seems that she really wants you to be her daughter-in-law."

Wan Tong: "…"

When she mentioned this, she thought of Chu Yuanxun and Yuan Qingqing.

"That... Chu Yuanxun, what's wrong with him now?"

Chu Yuanxun's eyes darkened, "Run away."

Wan Tong nodded regretfully.


The guqin was placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. When Wan Tong was sitting down to practice, Chu Yuanxun just came out of the shower.

There seems to be a faint sandalwood fragrance floating in the air, which is particularly good.

But when he approached the sofa behind Wan Tong, Wan Tong smelled only the scent of shower gel and shampoo on his body.

She instantly got up and rushed towards the figure on the sofa.

Chu Yuanxun reached out his hand to catch her, and before he could say a word, he was caught off guard and kissed her with his face in his hands.

When she became enthusiastic, he didn't have any strength to fight back, so he just held her waist and let her sit firmly on his lap, so that he wouldn't fall off accidentally.

However, Chu Yuanxun also knew her viciousness, and was always used to flirting and irresponsible, so when she was panting to leave, he turned her back on the guest, held her tightly, and pressed her on the sofa.

"Where are you going?" The hoarse voice had some self-evident meaning.

"I... practice the piano." Wan Tong moved his fingers, because the kiss just now sounded a little soft.

"Accompany me first." Chu Yuanxun didn't care about this, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss again.

Wan Tong put his hand on his lips, "No, I have to familiarize myself with the tune today, or my mother will beat me to death."

Chu Yuanxun frowned, Wan Tong had skillfully freed himself from his arms, and sat back in front of the guqin seriously.

She plucked her fingertips on the strings a few times, and felt the heat coming from her back, her hand suddenly softened again.

"Chu...Chu Yuanxun, what are you doing..." Wan Tong bumped his elbows back, his voice sullen.

Chu Yuanxun had already leaned over from behind her, with his arms around her waist, his chin resting behind her shoulders, and whispering, "You practice yours, and I touch mine."

A strange light flashed from the half-closed eyes, and the long eyelashes cast a shadow under the eyes.

He spoiled her, and only allowed her to set fire, but not allowed him to burn it back?

"Stop fooling around!" Wan Tong heard it, his ears burned with pain, and gradually turned red under his sight.

He chuckled softly, and his movements became more and more uncontrollable.

"You... don't touch my hand."


"Don't bite my ear, it hurts..."

"It's useless."

"You poked me..."

"It likes you."


Under Chu Yuanxun's deliberate harassment, Wan Tong was stunned to want to practice the piano and insisted not to move. Instead, he got up and went back to the room after "didling" for half an hour.

Wan Tong breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at his back, and quickly returned to the guqin.

She has a good concentration since she was a child.

Male **** or something, you can't escape anyway... It's important to practice the piano first.

About an hour later, just after nine o'clock, Wan Tong got up.

As she passed the master bedroom, she pushed open the door and went in to take a look.

There was no one in the room, and the bathroom was a little quiet. She leaned over suspiciously and knocked on the door, "Xun?"

Even if it is to solve a major physiological matter, it should be over now, right?

"Huh?" Chu Yuanxun's voice came from across the door, and the slightly raised response was terribly hoarse.

Wan Tong swallowed, "Are you alright?"

Chu Yuanxun didn't answer, instead the bathroom door clacked open.

She turned around subconsciously and ran, but her wrist was still grabbed by a force, and then she was taken into the bathroom by Chu Yuanxun.

"Why haven't you..." To solve Xiao Xunxun?

Wan Tong leaned his back against the wet bathroom wall, raised his head, and stared at Chu Yuanxun in disbelief.

Xiao Xunxun also pressed against her with extra enthusiasm.

Chu Yuanxun's cheeks were stained with a rare blush, his body was closer to her, his head was buried in her shoulders, his tone was low and pitiful, "Tongtong, help me, I can't figure it out..."

Wan Tong was embarrassed and angry by his straightforwardness, but facing his pitiful appearance, he couldn't get angry, and even thought it was a little funny.

Wan Tong originally thought that dry/firewood fire, you love me, ambiguous and ambiguous will soon be ignited out of control, it is abnormal if nothing happens!

But Chu Yuanxun just borrowed her hand. After he was comfortable, and after rubbing her out of the fire, he hugged her and rested in the master bedroom.

The two of them slept in separate rooms before, but this time they shared the same bed, but nothing happened.

Early the next morning, Wan Tong left with Jian Shitong, still full of Chu Yuanxun's lonely figure.


During the busy days when Wan Tong left city b, Chu Yuanxun kept in touch with her.

Every time she heard his tired but gentle voice backstage, she felt very healed and wanted to go back to see him sooner.

During this period of time, the counterfeiter had been found out by the Chu family and severely punished, and it was revealed from his mouth that Yuan Qingqing had looked for him at the beginning and helped him do a fake paternity test.

The Chu family was naturally looking for Yuan Qingqing to have trouble, and after investigation, Chu Yuanxun also found that the online remarks against Wan Tong were actually navy and marketing accounts that Yuan Qingqing spent money to find.

These news were sent through the firm's official Weibo account, which caused another storm. Yuan Qingqing avoided the Chu family like a mouse crossing the street, and was scolded online.

Who would have thought that Yuan Qingqing, a girl who looked so pure and pure, would have such a vicious mind. In order to target Jian Wantong, so many fake stories were released.

Therefore, the girlfriend Chu Yuanxun mentioned is definitely not this vicious woman!

At the request of all viewers, the program team of "I'm about to fall in love with you" released the full version of Wan Tong playing the piano in the program without adding any later stages.

Those who had previously suspected that Wan Tong Qin Yin had been repaired were all silent at this time.

Later, someone started to dig into Wan Tong's information and found that she is not as simple as a simple scholarly family. She is not just a guqin teacher. Her elders are all artists in various fields, including herself, who often tours the guqin around the world. artist!

Teachers and artists are more than a thousand times different.

She totally deserves the title of talented girl!

Some netizens posted some reports on the Internet, and reprinted a video of a classical music tour she just participated in a few days ago. The gentle and focused girl seemed to tug everyone's heartstrings when she plucked the strings. People questioned her for cheating, and she was even blinded by the layers of halos on her body!

The Jian family has many talents, but they live a low-key life. People of the older generation still remember that when Jian Tong and Zheng Wan fell in love with each other, they were very affectionate. They never thought that Jian Wantong was their daughter. Every word feels a little more lingering!

At this time, the tenth issue of "I'm about to fall in love with you" will be broadcast, and the last issue will be launched at the same time. You can watch it in advance as long as you pay!

In the tenth issue, all Jian Wantong, Zhong Jiaqi, Chen Ruohan played thrilling projects, and Chu Yuanxun stayed with her as he said.

In the end, the two went to the bumper car hall, and the sugar sprinkled still did not stop.

#jan hoon marshmallow#

"Ah, ah, don't move, I'm going to move to the Civil Affairs Bureau! The marshmallow part is so sweet! Rounding up is a kiss!"

"Chu Yuanxun is so good at flirting! I probably guessed the ending, and it's okay not to watch the last episode! The **** show team is crazy about money! Still two dollars? I can watch it for two dollars. A little sweet essay!"

"Is this the so-called love goes deep into the depths and naturally flirts? There is no trace of acting, this pair will marry me right away!"

As time went by, probably some viewers came over after watching the last issue, and the discussion under this topic instantly changed the trend.

"I'm sooooooooooooooooo! I spent two dollars to buy a bunch of glass slag! The show team died for me! What happened to Chu Yuanxun's failure to confess? What did you do to him?!"

"It's crazy, there is still a pile of candy in front of me, until the end, Chu Yuanxun didn't go to confess! Jian Wantong's eyes made me sad! She must have thought he would go!"

"Kicked Yuan Xun at the beginning, but it turned out to be glass slag. Damn, now Jian Xun has also come to a tragic ending! The show team has no script ghost letter! What do you think of our audience!"

"When I saw the spoiler, I suddenly felt that Jian Xun's CP was not sweet. I was about to give it up. Fortunately, I didn't spend money to watch it."

"The most life-threatening thing is that there will be another episode of each couple's sugar-sprinkling highlights... Please let the show team be an individual, even if there is a script, at least two pairs should be combined. In the end, only Kemeng is in love with each other?? Han Where's Di? Where's Jane Hoon?"

"Actually, it's not without omen that Jian Xun parted ways. Judging from Jian Wantong's previous life experience, Chu Yuanxun can't even reach people's fingers. For various practical considerations, he is forgivable not to confess... But I can't take it! Ahhhh!"

#Send a blade to Chu Yuanxun#

It didn't take long for a new hot search to come up.

On the other side, Zhou Ke and Ren Jiameng officially announced it sweetly.

But what's exciting is that half an hour later, Chen Ruohan and Maddie suddenly announced that the two had already held hands in reality!

This is good, netizens can't help but start to look forward to it. Jian Xun's CP made a lot of noise some time ago. Is it possible that they will be together after the show?

In a noisy bar, there were several shirts and trousers in one corner, and men with big backs all looked in one direction, obviously curious, but restrained and did not take the initiative to speak.

"Cough cough, don't be so serious, everyone cheer up." Leng Jing broke the weird atmosphere, and didn't forget to bump Chu Yuanxun with his elbow, signaling him to say something.

At this time, a young man couldn't help asking, "Brother Chu, the office is really over, do you really want to go to the Chu family? Bring us too?"

To be honest, although the business of the firm is not bad, going to Chu's is another way out.

As the only one who knew the inside story, Leng Jing looked at Chu Yuanxun and was a little worried, but he didn't speak.

His good brother turned out to be the long-lost heir of the Chu family. Damn, he thought he was dreaming at first, but who knows that he hasn't woken up from this dream yet.

He saw with his own eyes the old man of the Chu family who only appeared in the report and the current chairman of the Chu family. He personally came to the small apartment to squat Ah Xun... He hoped that Ah Xun could go back to inherit the family business.

Ah Xun intends to bring all the people from the office to the Chu family. He brought people over, does it mean that a group of people will also be laid off?

He hasn't entered the Chu clan yet, and he has already made such a big fanfare? In any case, it didn't affect him very well.

"It's just for you to be mentally prepared, it's not impossible to go if you want to." Chu Yuanxun replied.

The others immediately seemed to be beaten with blood, "Brother Chu, are you the prince of the Chu family?"

The surname Chu is rarely seen, and they also heard some news from customers some time ago, saying that the Chu family had found their prince, and it might be made public at some point.

Before everyone could start to associate, Chu Yuanxun nodded in response.


Everyone was stunned, and jumped up from the sofa one by one, "What?? Really??"

Leng Jing stroked his forehead and dragged them back one by one, "Low-key, low-key, after all, everyone is going to go through the back door."


"Brother Chu, Brother Chu, I've settled with you! My business skills are super strong! I left the little lawyer speechless in less than ten minutes on that case yesterday!"

Chu Yuanxun didn't seem to be in the mood to make trouble with everyone. He glanced at the person who wanted to hug his thigh, and slowly stretched out his hand to block it, "Come on, I don't know what kind of virtue you have?"

Everyone else laughed and dragged the man who wanted to continue boasting back.

Leng Jing glanced at the phone, looked at Chu Yuanxun and said, "It seems that your show is all online today. Now everyone is curious about the relationship between you and Jian Wantong. When are you going to announce it officially?"

Chu Yuanxun frowned when he heard his words, and turned on his mobile phone again, but he still didn't reply at all.

"No hurry." He replied with two words.

A mocking voice came from beside him, "So... Brother Chu is thinking about his little girlfriend?"

Chu Yuanxun glanced at the past, and everyone's laughter was stifled again.

Men who keep their boudoir alone and want to be dissatisfied, they better not mess with them.

Leng Jing has been drinking Chu Yuanxun, and he also drank them one by one, but when the phone rang, he connected it to his ear immediately, and even his voice became extraordinarily charming.


"Xun, didn't you say you have a dinner tonight? Where is the exact address, I'll be there soon."

Chu Yuanxun was stunned for a moment, then stood up abruptly, then walked out, leaving behind his surprised partner.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up."

"Don't, I'll just go find you, you give me a position." Wan Tong insisted.

She hurriedly took the plane back, and just charged her phone in the taxi before calling him.

Despite what she said, Chu Yuanxun went out of the gate of the bar and quietly looked at one end of the road.

After Wan Tong came out of the circle because of the guqin video, his fans have risen to almost the same level as a traffic star. Today, the show can be watched in advance for the last episode. Chu Yuanxun and her are on the hot search again, and the videos of sprinkles are overwhelming.

So it's hard not to be noticed by him standing at the door of the bar with this iconic face.

Before Chu Yuanxun could wait for the person he wanted to wait for, a pair of little sisters approached gossiply, "Little brother, is it really impossible for you and Jian Wantong?"

Chu Yuanxun looked down at the two of them, obviously stunned for a while, and after a while, under the nervous and expectant eyes of the two, he calmly replied, "We are together."

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