MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 185

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But no matter what, Chu Yuanxun's emotional intelligence is still so low that the audience can't laugh or cry.

In this episode, Jian Wantong only arranged to eat hot pot, but when preparing to return, Chu Yuanxun proposed to go to other places.

So the two went to the nearby Luhu Ecological Park. At the rental car place, Wan Tong pointed to the tandem bicycle, "Let's rent this."

But Chu Yuanxun thought about it and looked at the shared bicycle, "This is more cost-effective."

After he said these words, Wan Tong smiled and shook his head, "Is it the time to worry about the cost?"

Even the barrage was full of "poof hahaha", I can't wait to open Chu Yuanxun's mind to see what he is thinking.

In fact, after Wan Tong finished speaking, Chu Yuanxun stared at her suspiciously, as if he wanted her to continue explaining.

But Wan Tong spread his hands and took the lead in walking to the place where the shared bicycles were placed.

It was also at this time that two people rode a tandem bicycle past them. The girl in the back seat didn't seem to be riding the bicycle. She leaned closely to the boy in front, and put her arms around his waist, from time to time. Just whisper a few words, it looks very sweet.

The camera cuts to Chu Yuanxun's face, and the audience can clearly see his black eyes that suddenly widen. He seems to be quite shocked. Then he takes a few steps and stretches out his hand to hold Wan Tong, "Riding a double."

"Didn't you say it's not worth it?" Wan Tong tilted his head and smiled.

Chu Yuanxun replied to her seriously with her words, "Now is not the time to worry about whether it is worth it or not."

Wan Tong: "…"


This is enlightenment.

After watching the whole episode of the show, everyone also discovered an important point. No matter what Jian Wantong said, Chu Yuanxun obviously listened to it and improved himself a little bit. There were also male and female guests who suggested that he could not be too straight. More active and caring, but he only goes in and out of his left ear.

When facing Jian Wantong, Chu Yuanxun really restrained his sloppy and arrogant temperament. In the past, when the female guests said it was cold, he would only say "go back to the hut and stay". Jian Wantong just shrank his neck and took off his coat. Lost to her, he never took the initiative to talk to the female guests, but he always leaned in front of Jian Wantong and said a blunt and pitiful "I'm hungry", which not only could find the opportunity to be alone with her, but also made the audience feel maternity...

In this episode, Wan Tong watched it alone, hiding in his room.

After watching it, she came out of the room, but she happened to see two figures sitting side by side on the sofa watching the show. It was broadcast until dinner time, and Wan Tong came to Chu Yuanxun's ear and whispered what a straight man was. , but Chu Yuanxun replied with the word "itch".

At that time, Wan Tong felt that his voice could not be heard by others, so he didn't feel anything, but who knew that he was still picked up, and the voice presented was still so so...

When she watched it by herself, she couldn't help but listen to it again several times, and then saw that someone on the barrage did the same stupid thing as her!

"You... do you want to take it so seriously?" Wan Tong couldn't help but complain.

Chu Yuanxun and Jian Shiyu turned their heads and looked over, one with a handsome face and one with an unpredictable expression.

"..." Wan Tong continued to stay dumbfounded, turned around and went back to the room.

The show shows the behavior of all the guests from the perspective of God, as if she is particularly concerned about the exchanges between Chu Yuanxun and other guests, Chu Yuanxun will also pay special attention to her?

Anyway, it feels a little weird, but a little exciting.

As soon as Wan Tong posted on Weibo, he saw that the trending search for #綠星cpsweetness exceeds the standard # soared to the first place. At one point, it was all kinds of Jian Xun's daily sugar cuts made by fans. Jian Xun's "itch" really did. It is also a segment with high sugar content.

There are also some details that Wan Tong did not notice, but they were all intercepted by netizens, and the comments were full of the excited voices of fans.

"In the last issue, Chu Yuanxun went back to his room and heard Zhou Ke's thoughts about Zhong Jiaqi's coming to the girls' room. He quickly went downstairs and caught Zhong Jiaqi who had invited him in the corridor. No matter how he looked at it, Chu Yuanxun looked like that. Full of jealousy! In this issue, he asked Jian Wantong's dating address again with a depressed face, ah ah, this character really pokes me!"

"I was going to give up, but now I'm really fragrant! Jian Xun is too sweet, the car door was welded to me! Chu Yuanxun did this in front of Jian Wantong!"

"But in the next preview, Jian Wantong is going to date Zhong Jiaqi! It feels quite romantic! What should I do! Jian Xun's CP won't have another accident! Zhong Jiaqi's condition is also good, and his personality is also good! He looks at Jian Wantong's eyes It's all from Bulling! Oops! I seem to be able to accept Jiajian's CP!"

"Jian Wantong doesn't seem to be that bad. She went to watch the last season specially. She didn't provoke anyone, she was quiet, but she didn't have a favorite male guest. Why do you call her scum? It's the male guest who changed her mind. Alright! And even if Jian Wantong has a backstage, there doesn't seem to be a lot of scenes in the show, and there is no deliberate publicity and hype!"

This season, before Chu Yuanxun and Yuan Qingqing had sparks, the audience was busy forming CPs. Don't you think that after Jian Wantong came, Chu Yuanxun was just like a normal man? Anyway, I think Jian Wantong is a very good girl! "

"It can only be said that it is better to come early than to come by coincidence. Love really needs eyes and feelings. Chu Yuanxun and Jian Wantong should be together, but I also hope that Yuan Qingqing can find her own happiness and give up a man who can't respond to her!"

Wan Tong's fans have soared, and her Weibo has also been followed by the star observation group. She returned to the customs one by one and interacted with them.

However, absolutely no spoilers.


Wan Tong turned around and posted the group photo in the Qing Bar tonight in the circle of friends.

However, she forgot to block her family members at first, so she deleted it in seconds, and only posted it after blocking her family members and some more serious old artists.

She added Mrs. Chu's WeChat, and this photo was specially sent to her.

But as soon as she finished posting, the WeChat messages on her mobile phone kept reminding her.

Uncle, brother, father and uncle, don't know how they saw the Moments that she deleted in seconds, and sent messages one by one asking, why did you delete it in seconds, was it in a bad mood? Did any guest offend her?

She had no choice but to explain one by one: I just forgot to block you...


Zheng Tianqiong looked at the reply on the screen, dumbfounded, just wanted to take a screenshot and forward it to the "Seedling Protection Base", but found that Jian Shitong had already posted it.

Zheng Tianqiong was stunned for a moment, and then saw a message from Wan Tong: Uncle, I seriously doubt that you and my dad have secretly established a group without me?

"Cough cough..." Zheng Tianqiong choked on the smoke, and his hands trembled for a while.

Of course, I have to build a group, but I can't let her know that when Xiaoyu went to accompany her a few days ago, as the group owner, he was worried that Xiaoyu would leak the organization's secrets, so he kicked Xiaoyu out of the group, and Xiaoyu also because of this I felt isolated and depressed several times.

Here Wan Tong quickly received a reply from Zheng Tianqiong: Nothing, everyone is busy, what group are you building?

Wan Tong was dubious, but she took Xiaoyu's mobile phone to see that there was no strange group. If they really wanted to build a group, they couldn't exclude Xiaoyu, right?

Estimating the time, Wan Tong waited until the two people outside finished watching the show before coming out.

Jian Shiyu returned to the room, only Chu Yuanxun stood at the dining table and poured water.

Wan Tong put his water glass in front of him, and he automatically poured her a glass, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Wan Tong's throat was dry, and he was too embarrassed to drop it just now. Now he raised his head and drank half a cup before muttering in response, "I'm too excited, I can't sleep."

Although, she didn't know what she was excited about.

Holding the water glass, she looked up and saw the Band-Aid on his Adam's apple, "Hey, why do you keep sticking it?"

She is really curious.

Chu Yuanxun swallowed his throat, his black eyes fixed on her, and naturally he found that her eyes had been staring at the Band-Aid hotly...

When watching the show just now, he paid special attention to it, and she always stared at his neck subconsciously.

Before, he thought she was too shy to look at his face, but now, he felt that she simply liked his mole too much.

But it's not right. In the show, his mole doesn't seem to grow out yet...

Thinking that she has such a special hobby for a certain part of her body, Chu Yuanxun couldn't hold back the boiling blood in her body.

"You don't like me sticking?" Chu Yuanxun asked, his voice hoarse for no reason.

Wan Tong felt that he seemed a little nervous, she put down the cup and took a step forward.

Chu Yuanxun also put down the water glass and took a step back subconsciously, his black eyes were a little dazed, not knowing what she wanted to do.

No, he had some kind of expectation and fantasies in his heart. She seemed to want to do something to his mole.

Sure enough, in the next second, he was pushed against the wall by her, and her little hand came to pick his Band-Aid again.

"Itchy..." He nodded slightly, put his big palm on the back of her hand, and held her tightly.

This word, this tone, this frosted voice is too familiar to Wan Tong, and the lethality is too great!

Ah, ah, did he know that he was so foul, that he could push her away with just a little force, but he always showed the appearance of being slaughtered by others, and used his bass to bewitch her!

Wan Tong hooked his neck on tiptoe, and he felt it, and lowered his head at the right time.

Lips pressed together, breath intertwined.

Wan Tong subconsciously touched his Adam's apple.

Chu Yuanxun: "..."

He took her around and pressed her against the wall, but he didn't pull her hand away, he just deepened the kiss.

Jian Shiyu came out of the room with his schoolbag, saw this scene suddenly, lowered the brim of his hat silently, and returned to the room.

Just a phone call to Jian Shitong.

"Brother, Jian Xun's CP is locked, I want to go back to school..." Jian Shiyu sat down beside the bed a little dejectedly, kicking the chair beside his feet away like a vent.

Jian Shitong was silent for a while before asking, "What happened to them?"

"Just ... things between couples." Jian Shiyu said more and more depressed, "Brother, I have never seen her so happy, brother, I am tangled, I really want to beat Chu Yuanxun, but ... Tong Tong Club Be sad."

"Wait a minute, Xiaoyu, you and Tongtong don't live in Luoting?" Jian Shitong grabbed the point at once.

Jian Shiyu didn't hide it anymore, "Well, brother, but don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it, but I want to go back to school." If he stays, he might really beat Chu Yuanxun, and it's fine to fight...

Jian Shitong didn't get angry and said after a while, "Well, come back."

"Tongtong is not stupid, we should trust her vision." Jian Shiyu muttered, not knowing who he was persuading.

In fact, Chu Yuanxun's bottom line has been checked over and over again, and they also know Chu Yuanxun's character, but... people who Tongtong can rely on have changed from them to another man, thinking about it, there will always be a little bit. Not reconciled.

Jane Shitong chuckled lightly, "You should comfort yourself first."


Not long after Jian Shiyu hung up the phone, Chu Yuanxun came in in a trance, and the water glass in his hand was stained on his hand, and he didn't know it.

Jian Shiyu got up with his bag and stared at him, "Chu Yuanxun, you must treat Tongtong well, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

Chu Yuanxun just glanced over and saw that his eyes were red, he just nodded in response, "I will be nice to her, but not because of your threat, but because..."

He paused for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, didn't know what to think of, and raised his thin red lips, "I like her so much."

Jian Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and his face turned red again. He has been confessed by many girls, and he can tell the degree of admiration from others, but when Chu Yuanxun said such words at this time, others like him could feel his tone and expression. deep feeling.

"Hmph." Jian Shiyu snorted lightly and walked out.

Chu Yuanxun slowly poured another glass of water before he took out his mobile phone, his heart was beating wildly, and every drop of blood was screaming.

Leng Jing just sent a message: Hold the grass! I really think you can eat with your face, look at your fans! I beg you to go out!

Chu Yuanxun: Oh

Leng Jing: Xun! tell me! Did you finally confess! You are really done!

Leng Jing: I think this girl is good, she should like you very much, her eyes won't lie!

Chu Yuanxun calmed down a bit before typing slowly.

On the other side, Leng Jing glanced at the message sent by Chu Yuanxun, spit out a mouthful of water, and scolded lowly, "Uncle's..."

I saw a sentence sent from the mobile phone: I think she is just greedy for my body.

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