MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 154

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"Her boyfriend seems to be very rich, and his power is definitely not small."

The more Yu Sheng relaxes, the more the tone in Wan Tong's heart becomes more blocked, and her little face is tensed, she is really worried about eating radishes.

Seeing that she was about to explode, Yu Sheng pecked at her tender cheeks, and said in a low and bewitching voice with a smile, "Don't worry, her boyfriend has no money, and he still cares about me asking for money."

"???" Wan Tong raised his eyes in disbelief, the dark pupils reflected the lights of the two wall lamps in the corridor, but they became clearer and brighter.

Yu Sheng stared at her with a slightly ups and down look in his eyes, "Tongtong, I have found my parents."

"..." Wan Tong slowly blinked his eyes and asked subconsciously, "Where are they?"

Yu Sheng stared at her, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile, "Want to meet? They're in the clubhouse."

Wan Tong was a little hesitant. She scratched at the corner of her clothes. She dressed more formally today. Wouldn't she be inappropriate for meeting her parents with the style of a strong woman?

She touched her hair again, and asked nervously, "Can I do this?"

She looked like this now, as if she had forgotten what she was worried about just now.

Yu Sheng held her hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Well, it looks good."

When following him, Wan Tong brought up the topic just now, "Why did you give money to your aunt's boyfriend? Did he threaten you?"

"No threat, he just... raised me for more than 20 years."

"???" Wan Tong looked at the man beside him blankly.

I usually see her very smart, but why can't her mind turn around at a critical moment? Yu Sheng didn't rush to explain, and took her to a stop in front of a box, and reached out to push the door.

Wan Tong quickly retracted his thoughts, stroked his hair again, and followed Yu Sheng in obediently.

This is just the most common theme room in the clubhouse, simple but warm, very suitable for the two-person world.

On one side is the ring-shaped sofa area, and on the other side is the square western dining table. The candlelight replaced the too dazzling crystal lamps on the ceiling. The two people at the table heard the movement and looked over together.

After Wan Tong saw those two amazing faces, the smile on his face completely froze.

At the same time, she also figured it out in her mind.

No wonder Auntie is still doing so well at the age of 48. It turns out that she is a mermaid, and No. 30 is also a mermaid...

No, maybe the age on Auntie's ID card is fake, Yu Sheng is in her thirties, and Auntie is at least sixty!

Looking at her beautiful face, Wan Tong felt that it was too mysterious, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and secretly pinched Yu Sheng's back.

Dog man, watch her joke.

Yu Sheng held her hand in his palm and introduced a few words in a low voice.

"Tongtong is here." Li Ting was the first to speak. She covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't blame Asheng, I want to see you on my own initiative."

In fact, I just wanted to see what the girl my son kidnapped looked like, but then she fell in love with being an aunt, otherwise she would be so idle.

It's better to spend a little time every day to get something delicious for Tongtong, and watch the son chase the girl by the way.

It's a pity, I didn't watch the show for a long time before I was exposed.

Where did Wan Tong dare to say anything, he shook his head quickly, "It's okay, it's okay."

She began to recall in her mind whether she had behaved inappropriately at home, and then suddenly realized that the progress of her development with Yu Sheng seemed to be no secret...

In an instant, she was even more unlovable, and her face only maintained a mechanical arc.

Yu Jiujun also had a kind smile on his face, he waved to her, "Sit down."

After Wan Tong sat down, Yu Sheng sat down opposite her. The original candlelight dinner for the two seemed to suddenly become... a family dinner, which broke the romantic atmosphere.

Yu Jiu suddenly remembered something, and suddenly took out a box, handed it to Wan Tong, and said concisely, "Gift."

Wan Tong was flattered, and quickly took the brocade box over and opened it carefully.

In the red satin, four ancient coins lay quietly...

three billion.

The first thing that jumped out of Wan Tong's mind was a string of zeros.

Wan Tong looked at Yu Jiu's too young face, and his uncle slipped out with difficulty, "...Uncle, this is too precious, I can't have it."

Yu Jiu glanced at the ancient coins in the box, without a trace of distress, "Give it to my in-laws."

Wan Tong: "…"

Under the table, Li Ting kicked Yu Jiu. Yu Jiu blinked and said, "For future in-laws."

Wan Tong: "…"

Li Ting glared at Yu Jiu and patted the back of Wan Tong's hand, "It's okay, keep it. Anyway, he was the one who took it to the auction, and A Sheng gave the money."

Wan Tong: "…"

Throughout the whole process, she was like a melon-eating audience, unable to digest everything she encountered.

Yu Sheng met her eyes and was extraordinarily innocent.

Wan Tong was holding the box in his hand, and he didn't accept it, nor did he accept it, so he could only put it aside temporarily.

During this period, she looked at Yu Jiu, and his pupils were actually a touch of light blue, such a pair of eyes once appeared in her memory.

He is the mermaid who erased her memory back then...

Going around, it turned out to be these people.


Wan Tong didn't stay long and left first.

She didn't ask Yu Sheng to send it, she wanted to be quiet, so she asked him to accompany her parents.

When she got back to the car, Zheng Jun saw her in a trance and asked, "Sister, do you want to go home directly?"

"Yeah." Wan Tong nodded.

Zheng Jun started the car and thoughtfully turned up the air conditioner.

It took only 20 minutes to return to Yue's house, but when they were at the gate, the car was stopped.

It was a middle-aged man with gray hair and black-rimmed glasses, with a strong academic atmosphere.

He clearly came for Wan Tong.

Wan Tong felt that he was a bit familiar. After getting out of the car and hearing his voice, he remembered that he was Lu Yun's uncle, Zhang Qian.

"Tongtong, I'm looking for Lu Yun, can you contact him?"

"Uncle Zhang, Lu Yun is not at home?" Lu Yun came to her for dinner at noon, but she was busy, so he stayed in her office and left in the afternoon.

Zhang Qian shook his head, sighed deeply, and looked depressed and depressed, "He's hiding from me."

Wan Tong was very curious, and led Zhang Qian through the door. After being served tea, she asked, "Uncle Zhang, did something happen?"

Zhang Qian's eyes were full of exhaustion, and he sighed, "I'm Lu Yun's father..."

Wan Tong: "!!"

"Lu Yun said, you know that he is a half-merman." Zhang Qian looked at Wan Tong and said.

Wan Tong nodded lightly, and then heard another story from Zhang Qian's mouth.

When Zhang Qian was young, he met a beautiful woman, met and fell in love with her, and gave birth to Lu Yun. Who knew that she was a mermaid. Although the child she gave birth looked like a human, she had strong healing ability and outstanding five senses, so he Start research to collect blood samples from two people, do some research and record.

Later, the mermaid woman passed away because she couldn't adapt to life on land. Zhang Qian was so engrossed in her research career that she couldn't take care of her own child, so he adopted him to his infertile sister to raise.

After listening to Wan Tong, he still didn't understand, "Can't Lu Yun accept his identity?"

Zhang Qian sighed, "Maybe, I really don't deserve to be a father."

Wan Tong frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and at this moment, a cold and strange laughter suddenly came from the direction of the spiral staircase.

The two of them looked at the sofa together, and on the dim stairs, Lu Yun stood up slowly with the armrest on, Jun had a mocking smile on his face, and his eyes did not have the warmth that a human should have, "Zhang Qian, you are flying back to find death. Is it? As I said, if I see you again, I will kill you."

Zhang Qian didn't expect Lu Yun to be here, his expression was slightly startled, but he quickly calmed down, "Lu Yun, your words are becoming more and more casual."

With outsiders around, he can't do it, can he?

Wan Tong stood up and saw that the two of them were silent. After all, it was a matter of father and son.

[Tongtong, when the corpse invaded Yujian's system last time, he also obtained a hidden document about Lu Yun. 】The voice of the corpse sounded in her mind.

[Pass it to me. 】

【Um. 】

After Wan Tong received the hidden information, the shock on his face subsided slightly.

Lu Yun knew that he was not the child of the Lu family, but he never doubted that Zhang Qian would be his father. Until some time ago, he saw a research document on mermaids in Zhang Qian's research room, which even recorded a The details of the female merman from conception to giving birth to a half-merman.

There are pictures of her and the half-merman, blood sample analysis, merman talent test records, and more.

The female mermaid eventually died of weakness, and the baby's record was stopped. The entire record was locked in the safe by Zhang Qian, just as Lu Yun discovered it.

The female mermaid is his mother, the half-merman baby is him, and the one who impregnated the female mermaid is Zhang Qian.

In the hidden plot, Lu Yun killed Zhang Qian with his own hands because of this report, and since then he has also started a life of sin with blood on his hands.

He took over the Lu family's enterprise, continued to fund the research laboratory, and successfully covered up the news of Zhang Qian's death. He developed a dark industry, plundered several laboratories specializing in the study of mermaids, and sent all the mermaids he caught to the experimental bench, and the mermaid. The contradiction of the family was thoroughly stimulated, and was finally destroyed by Yu Sheng.

But now, Lu Yun's psychology may have undergone some changes. Instead of killing Zhang Qian, he chose to escape.

So now, Zhang Qian just found it here.

What Zhang Qian just said was obviously not in line with the hidden plot she received.

He clearly started the research before the mermaid was conceived. Maybe there is something unknown behind it. Anyway, the death of the mermaid would definitely not be so simple, otherwise Lu Yun would not hate him so much, and the mermaid.

At this time, when Lu Yun approached, Zhang Qian was obviously frightened, and his eyes flickered a little.

"Lu Yun, we have to have a good talk."

Without financial assistance for the research laboratory, all projects could not go ahead, and he had to discuss it with him.

But Lu Yun didn't seem to hear it. He was playing with a Swiss Army knife in his hand, and the sound of clack made his eardrums ticklish and chills in his heart.

Looking at the penetrating smile on his lips, Wan Tong had a bad premonition, but before she could stop her, the knife in Lu Yun's hand had already stabbed into Zhang Qian's abdomen, and he even watched as it gushed out. The wound, whispered softly, "Talk, before you die, continue to talk."

"Lu Yun!" Wan Tong's cry made Lu Yun look over with a frown.

Thinking of the blood on his body and hands, he said coldly, "Turn around and see me gouging out your eyes."

Subconsciously, a trace of regret rose in his heart, he shouldn't have let her see this scene...

But only for a moment.

Wan Tong cursed inwardly and shouted at him, "Lu Yun, you are crazy, you are killing people here!"

Lu Yun blinked, pulled out the red blade, and watched Zhang Qian fall to the ground with no extra expression on his face. He just said lightly, "I'll clean it up for you."

"That can't kill people either!" Wan Tong glanced at Zhang Qian's wound. He was not in a coma, but the wound was still bleeding, and he didn't know if he could save it.

When she called for an ambulance with trembling hands, Lu Yun avoided her phone and threw it aside, her black eyes fixed on her stubbornly, her voice cold and emotionless, "I said, I will help you clean it up."

Wan Tong looked at his blood-stained hands, his eyelashes trembled violently, his shoulders shrank, and he took a step back.

This person is not like the Lu Yun she knew.

Lu Yun pointed at the person on the ground and stated expressionlessly, "There is no interracial and aesthetic love, he is a rape/rapist, in order to create me, he raped his own experiment. After I spoke out, there was a Nearly died in the hands of experimental subjects countless times because she said half-mermen were born to be strangled."

Yes, the subject didn't even have a name, but that document recorded her actions and words in great detail.

So, he is not expected, he is the evil fruit of rapists and experimenters.

Wan Tong bent over and picked up the phone, and Lu Yun stepped forward, so frightened that she hurried back.

Seeing her reaction, Lu Yun had a haze on his face.

"Lu Yun, anyway, I don't want blood on your hands. You want to get revenge on him, this is not the only way..."

Wan Tong's words were interrupted by Lu Yun, "Don't say anything to let the law punish him, he studies mermaids, do you think you can see the light? Tong Tong, you are too naive, you are not afraid of hurting your mermaid friends Is it?"

After he finished speaking, he looked towards the entrance.

Several figures approached quickly, and Wan Tong's back also touched the warm chest that reassured her.

Her cold palm was held by the man, and even the blood-stained mobile phone was taken by him.

"Yu Sheng..."

"Don't be afraid, Tong Tong." The deep and mellow voice in his ear successfully comforted Wan Tong.

She turned around, and Yu Sheng also wrapped her arms around her tightly, tightly protecting her in front of her chest.

Witnessing this scene, the fire of anger in Lu Yun's chest was inexplicably extinguished, and another unspeakable feeling stirred in his heart.

Yu Sheng's eyes moved from Wan Tong to Lu Yun's face, and his tone was slightly dark, "Lu Yun, if you had a little more brains, you shouldn't have killed him."

Zhang Qian has a small achievement in genetic engineering. After returning to China, he was stared at by many people, and they wanted to dig him. He couldn't hide it for a long time when he had an accident in the Yue family.

Lu Yun calmed down, smelled the strong **** smell in the air, and felt nauseated for a while.

But he had to admit that just now, he was impulsive.

"I can't die." At this time, Yu Jiu walked away from the unconscious Zhang Qian and said three words in a cold tone.

Li Ting glanced at the three young people in the living room, and said, "Don't fight, talk to me if you have something to say." Although she likes to be a live-in aunt, she doesn't want to clean up the mess in the middle of the night.

Yu Jiu held her hand, took a few steps, and then looked back at Lu Yun, "Half-merman, you are so stupid, if you were gentle with Tongtong, where would there be anything wrong with my boy?"

Wan Tong had a heavy heart, but when he heard this, he was dumbfounded.

The corner of Yu Sheng's forehead jumped a few times, Wu Yan watched his parents leave, while Lu Yun frowned, the gloomy color in his eyes could not be dispelled.

He also felt as if he had lost something completely.


Zhang Qian was sent away by Yu Sheng's people, and Lu Yun squatted pitifully at the door of Wan Tong's room like a big dog, but because he lost to Yu Sheng by force, he forcefully threw him out.

Wan Tong rushed over her body, the smell of alcohol and blood in her body seemed to dissipate, and she simply soaked in the bathtub again.

Yu Sheng came uninvited, stopped in front of her bathtub, and called out, "Tongtong..."

Wan Tong lifted his eyes, his black eyes were wet, his little face was steamed with steam and turned pink and tender, his small mouth opened, and a soft voice came out, "Why did you come in? Get out! Smelly! rogue!"

He only had a bath towel around his body, and his ears were red, and it was definitely not a good thing at first sight.

Yu Sheng coughed lightly, bent down and put his hand on the edge of the bathtub, and asked in a bewitching voice, "Tongtong, do you want to touch the merman's tail?"

Wan Tong: "...I don't want to." Ahhhh, I want to see it!

However, she suppressed the longing in her heart and shook her head solemnly.

"Oh." Yu Sheng responded, then stepped into the bathtub.

Wan Tong: "…"


In Wan Tong's eight-year-old memory, he had seen Yu Sheng bewitching and bewitching in the water, and the blue scales even showed golden glow from shallow to deep under the light.

At this moment, Yu Sheng has turned into that look again in front of her. When he was a child, he was so beautiful that he was indistinguishable from male and female. Now that the gender is differentiated, the aura of being male is obvious. Qing Jun's face is carved and rolled. Water droplets painted every muscle on his body with strength, hormonal breath mixed with water vapor in the narrow space, and the tail under his waist was hidden in the water, shimmering with golden light.

Wan Tong looked a little dazed, Yu Sheng even shook her tail and touched the side of her leg, it was a little cold, she couldn't hold back, reached out and touched it, it felt surprisingly good.

"Yu Sheng, if you are like this, don't you have that?" Wan Tong suddenly asked with a blushing face.

"..." Yu Sheng realized what she was asking, and her ears were slightly hot, but Wan Tong obviously didn't notice.

He narrowed his eyes, suddenly moved to her, put his hands on the edge of the bathtub behind her, and the fish tail gently pressed against her legs. Look?"

Because of his actions, the water in the bathtub overflowed to the side again. Fortunately, the bathtub was relatively large, otherwise it would really not be able to accommodate his body.

His face was very close to her, and his lips were crimson. Wan Tong looked at him with dry mouth. Because of his words, he was even more curious. In this state, does he really have that?

Where are you hiding?

She opened her lips, but the words stuck in her throat again, too reserved, too reserved!

The wet black eyes were a little afraid to meet him, and there was a drop of water on the pink lips that was about to fall, which was very tempting.

Obviously, I really want to touch it, but I am entangled and refuse to speak...

Yu Sheng let out a low laugh, reached out and held her hand, her voice hoarse and sexy, "Can I help you?"

Wan Tong: "…"

She touched a crusty crust that looked like scales, under which...

"Boom..." Her face instantly turned red, and she quickly retracted her hand.

There really is.

Mermaids are really strange creatures...

"I'm done soaking, get out of the way, I'm going to get up." Her voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, the thin tail was soft and waxy, entangled in the man's heart, and her blood boiled instantly.

"No hurry." Yu Sheng uttered two words in a low voice, his chest also vibrated slightly, his arms wrapped around her, and he lowered his head to kiss the slightly parted lips.


Wan Tong's three views were all broken. She never thought she would have such a day of indulgence. She and Yu Sheng could not pass the review. Fortunately, the corpse will be actively blocked, otherwise she will have no face in the future. I saw someone.

But it is undeniable that different species are also quite exciting.

All night, Wan Tong's mind was filled with changing light of blue and gold, and when she woke up the next day, she was still holding a hard and bright scale in her hand...

She blushed and hid the scales, and Yu Sheng came out of the bathroom. He had already washed up. He had a shirt and trousers, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He was fierce and a little messy. .

When he saw Wan Tong sitting on the bed, he bent over without saying a word, grabbed her and kissed her fiercely.

Wan Tong was already sleepy, but after being kissed by him like this, his mind went dizzy again.

When he carried her to the bathroom, she barely regained her consciousness, and then with his help, she washed slowly.

She looked at herself in the mirror with a bright face, and felt that she had become a waste...

But the boss is already on the right track, and it's okay for her to be a waste.

So, Wan Tong accepted Yu Sheng's service with peace of mind.


In the next period of time, Wan Tong and Yu Sheng started living together again.

Li Ting also lived in Yue's house, but Wan Tong never dared to treat her as a live-in aunt. She was awkward at first, but then she got used to Li Ting's character and became... a good sister. , and occasionally go shopping together or something.

Wan Tong thinks that such a young and energetic mother-in-law is still acceptable, but Yu Jiu is probably lonely, and he kidnapped Li Ting away not long afterward. He is an old man in his 60s, but he still sticks to his wife. .

Yu Jian was very quiet over there, and he didn't know what conspiracy was brewing.

For Yue's year-end party, Wan Tong packed down the entire floor of the Longcheng Hotel. Thousands of employees celebrated together. She also gave a speech and waited until the lottery session.

Zheng Jun was very lucky to have won the first prize, a BMW. In order to touch his blessings, his colleagues pestered him not to let him leave early.

Wan Tong also waved his hand to let him stay to celebrate. He asked for the key and was about to leave first.

In the elevator, she was about to send a message to Yu Sheng, but the alarm bell shook in her head.

She felt the elevator vibrate under her feet, and then suddenly stopped, causing her to slam back against the mirrored wall of the elevator.

She was alone in the elevator, and after the lights went out, only her mobile phone screen shone brightly on her bloodless face.

After the strong vibration, the elevator was quiet for a while. This unusual quietness made Wan Tong's heart reach a very high place, and he even held his breath.

She reached out and pressed the elevator's alarm. Although she had a reaction, at this moment, the elevator suddenly fell, and she felt a huge sense of imbalance!

"Boom!" Everything was dark and dead.

In the parking lot, because of this huge movement, almost all the lights came on. In a car, Yu Jian looked at the lights on, his expression was slightly tense, and he held the steering wheel with both hands.

"Yue Wantong..."

He was a little disappointed, but no matter what, she was going to die.

He was still waiting, waiting for the sound of the system to remind her of death.

Not far away, in a car, Yu Sheng's figure quickly flashed out and ran towards the elevator.

Yu Jian frowned when he saw him. Just now, he inexplicably heard a system reminder that Yu Sheng's favorability rating for him had suddenly dropped to -10.

He's quite strange, he's so good, why did Yu Sheng drop his favorability rating...

Did he find out something else? But everything he did just now was wiped away by the system, and he had never done anything strange in front of him before, so he shouldn't have noticed anything...

I don't know why, but Yu Jian still felt a sense of unease in his heart. Maybe he was too impulsive today?


The Longcheng Hotel suddenly became boiling, and the fire brigade rushed over.

The elevator on the west side of the Longcheng Hotel fell from the third floor to the negative second floor. According to the monitoring, there was only one young woman in the elevator room, and she was also Yue Wantong, the young president of Yueshi Group.

However, when the fire brigade arrived at the scene, they found that someone had already been rescued.

A pull ladder was set up in the elevator shaft, and the hotel manager at the scene also said that a young man had gone down.

When the fire brigade heard this, they quickly sent one person down to see the situation.

But before the fireman climbed down, he exclaimed, "Come up!"

After a while, the firefighters climbed up, and then a man appeared in the sight of everyone holding a comatose woman in one hand.

The man's handsome face was full of gloomy colors. He lowered his head and looked at the woman in his arms nervously and intently, as if he was the only one in his eyes.

The woman was wearing a beautiful skirt and woolen coat, but at this time, there were blood stains on it, and even the half of her face was stained red with blood.

If something happens to her, this man will feel like he's going to collapse...

There are already ambulances there, so after the shock, the stretcher was quickly brought up.

Yu Sheng did not put Wan Tong on the stretcher, but got into the car with the medical staff and left.

The media reporters at the scene captured a lot of footage, and then hurriedly followed up, hoping to get the next exclusive.

Outside the crowd, Yu Jian watched the ambulance go away, his eyes darkened suddenly, and he clenched his fists hard.

It's all like this, and it's not dead yet...

Yue Wantong is probably the biggest bug in this world.


Wan Tong's identity was there, because this matter became a big deal, and it quickly made headlines on major media websites.

The photos that came out of the scene went viral.

The story of Wan Tong and the bodyguard was made up by netizens before, but unfortunately, everyone found that the bodyguard behind her was no longer the handsome and cold face.

Netizens who knocked on CP were collectively disappointed. Unexpectedly, after many months, the two were in the same frame again, and it was still at such a critical moment.

The bodyguard alone rescues the female president who fell into the elevator shaft, isn't this a good couple for CP? Isn't this story enough?

Lu Yun didn't know that Wan Tong was in an accident until he got to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, Wan Tong had already woken up, with Yu Sheng guarding him.

Seeing that Wan Tong was only pale, Lu Yun was relieved.

"Tongtong, what's going on? Why is it so sudden?" Lu Yun never believed in accidental events, and he thought it was very strange.

Under the management system of the Dragon City Hotel, would there be an elevator falling?

Not long after Wan Tong woke up, his mind was at a loss.

When she heard the corpse's reminder that Yu Jian had manipulated the elevator, her first reaction was to protect herself. Although the corpse said that she would do her best to protect her life, she still wanted to rely on herself, so she immediately sent Yu Sheng a message. He sent a message, successfully lowered his favorability to Yu Jian, and finally used his life-saving skills.

Although she saved her life, she would still be injured. She lost consciousness due to the sudden pain, but vaguely heard Yu Sheng's urgent cry.

What she can be sure of is that she drank Yu Sheng's blood again, so now there are only some skin injuries.

The doctor originally thought that she would suffer a fracture or even a concussion, but after a thorough examination, there was nothing at all, which was repeatedly called a miracle.

Wan Tong turned to look at Yu Sheng, and found that the clothes on his body were still dirty, covered with blood and dust, and he probably hadn't had time to change his clothes.

"It's already under investigation." Yu Sheng squeezed out cold words, and he didn't believe it was an accident.

Lu Yun was more direct, took out a pen and paper from the cabinet next to him, and frowned, "Tell me about your enemies."

I thought that after Yue Jingye died, no one would target her, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Wan Tong choked, "I don't have an enemy, and the enemy company won't kill me." No matter how suspicious they are, they can't suspect Yu Jian, and she has no valid reason to lead to Yu Jian now.

But this time Yu Jian did it himself. Since he did it, there are traces to follow.

He erased the video he was monitoring, but she could let the corpse help restore it...

Thinking in his heart, Wan Tong breathed a sigh of relief, finally waiting for the opportunity.

However, he is a mermaid, so it is not suitable for ZF's people to take it away, but it is suitable to deal with in private.


Wan Tong was discharged from the hospital that night and went home.

Yu Sheng didn't even let Lu Yun enter the door. After the two had a fight, Lu Yun left with a bruised face.

Under the nourishment of Yu Sheng's blood, Wan Tong's trauma seemed to be healed, and she removed the gauze directly.

I don't know how much blood he fed to himself, but the effect was so great. Fortunately, the doctor bandaged her quickly, otherwise she would have been discovered.

When Wan Tong was about to change clothes, Yu Sheng closed the door and walked in front of her, holding the phone in his hand.

She glanced at the door-to-door dialog, and suddenly felt guilty.

"Now, can you explain what's going on?" Yu Sheng looked at her with a gloomy tone.

On his screen, the last sentence she sent was also displayed: I think Yu Jian seems to be more handsome than you...

Wan Tong swallowed her saliva, her eyes flickering slightly, she originally wanted to lower his favorability to Yu Jian, and then used the skills.

Now let her explain...

"I just want to see your reaction~" She hugged the man's waist at once, ending in a wavy line.

She buried her face in front of his chest, but she could still feel his real gaze.

No matter what, let's be spoiled first.

Yu Sheng let out a low snort, originally wanting to question him, but being hugged so softly by her, the glutinous voice hit his heart, making him unable to get angry again.

Wan Tong rubbed against him, and a muffled voice came from his chest, "A Sheng, I'm still a little scared now..."

Yu Sheng's heart tightened slightly, as if he had been stabbed by something, he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her and said, "I'll accompany you, don't be afraid."

"Hmm..." Wan Tong nodded, a successful smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

The big guy with love brain is really good to coax.

As everyone knows, Yu Sheng looked down at half of her small face, her brows and eyes were also smudged with a conniving smile, and she was happy with her little tricks every day, and he was happy too.

But when he thought about what happened just now, a bit of coldness flashed across his eyes.


When Yu Sheng was investigating the elevator accident, Wan Tong asked the corpse to restore the surveillance video he had obtained.

It didn't take long for Yu Jian to suffer.

When he was not on guard, he was captured by Yu Sheng and locked up, and none of them were imprisoned and interrogated.

These methods were taught by Yu Jian to deal with Lu Yun at the beginning, but he did not expect to use them on himself.

Yu Sheng didn't tell Wan Tong about these things, but she knew it through the corpse.

On the other hand, Yu Sheng erased the traces of all the fish, so the police investigation was fruitless.

In their notification, the statement only knew that someone deliberately damaged the elevator equipment, but could not find out who was behind it.

After the notification was issued, the netizens who eat melons sighed and sympathized with the female president, but they called her to bring bodyguards in the air, so that they would not be afraid of being calculated.

Wan Tong rarely responded on his social account: OK.

A simple word, aroused the hearts of CP fans, but began to sympathize with her fiancé Lu Yun.

Lu Yun sent Zhang Qian back abroad and seemed to put him under house arrest, but he didn't kill him.

After he returned to China, he seemed to have a sudden energy, and openly confessed to Wan Tong.

In private, Lu Yun also came to Wan Tong, but every time he was beaten by Yu Sheng, it was really the kind of rival.

But Lu Yun became more and more courageous, and every time he challenged Yu Sheng, he didn't blink.


Wan Tong and Yu Sheng got married, and at that time, Yu Sheng's identity as the owner of an antique auction company with a net worth of hundreds of billions was also shaken off, which once made netizens feel inspirational.

In this life, Wan Tong has buried a lot of hidden dangers, so she went much earlier than Yu Sheng. After her will was announced, the world was shocked again.

When she was 23 years old, she made a will and left it all to Yu Sheng.

When everyone laments the decades-long relationship between the two, it is inevitable that they will feel sorry for another man.

Lu Yun never married in his life.

After Wan Tong left, he completely disappeared before the eyes of the world.

When everyone's attention returned to Yu Sheng, they found that his industry had already been taken over, and he had also disappeared.


After Wan Tong left this world, her mind was full of memories, but she subconsciously told her not to touch those blocked feelings and emotions, otherwise, she would collapse.

With new thoughts, she opened a new world.

There was a slight tingling in his head, and Wan Tong had a bad premonition in his heart, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up.

She panted low and quickly glanced at the situation around her. All she saw was pure white. In the small room, just like the dormitory she used to live in in college, two latticed cabins were designed on the walls. , In the small room, there are nearly forty grids, and there is a person lying on each grid.

what's the situation?

Wan Tong lost contact with the corpse again, and his mind went blank for a moment, but the memories belonging to this body began to awaken continuously.

This is a natural female retreat...

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