MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 145

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When Yu Sheng woke up from the drowsiness, he realized that he had become different.

The pajamas on his body were tightly wrapped around him, making him very uncomfortable, and the fabric in some places had even been torn apart.

"His..." Yu Sheng didn't take off his clothes, he just tore them into rags with his palms and threw them aside.

"A Sheng, don't be noisy..." Suddenly came from under the quilt next to him.

Yu Sheng lowered his eyes abruptly, something moved slightly under the quilt, and then a lazy and beautiful face was revealed.

"A Sheng, why are you so early?" Wan Tong rubbed his eyes, and in the misty sight, he could vaguely see Yu Sheng's beautiful face.

She was too worried about Yu Sheng last night, so she came to see it again in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng was lying on the bed with a fever, as if she had a fever, so she helped to lower the temperature physically, and then fell asleep beside her. .

Yu Sheng's vigilance is very strong, but she struggled for so long last night without seeing Yu Sheng react. She was also worried that she was too ill and almost had the doctor come over.

Fortunately, in the second half of the night, Yu Sheng's condition seemed to improve, and she fell asleep in a daze.

At this time, Wan Tong's eyes gradually focused, and the first thing he met was a clearly masculine face, handsome and cold. The most terrible thing was that the pajamas on his body were torn apart, and it could even be said that it was almost hidden. Live nothing.

"Tongtong..." Yu Sheng called out subconsciously, but when he heard his unfamiliar voice, he quickly stopped.

He lowered his head and paused for a moment when he saw something.

Oops, he's turned into a man.

Wan Tong stood up in a daze, his eyes slowly moved down with him, and then he stayed.

man? ? ?

"Who are you?" Wan Tong jumped out of bed alertly, but looking at his face, he became entangled again.

The female version of the boss is gone, and she has become the male version of the boss in her impression, but why does she think this is so weird?

Did she throw him first, or did she throw him first?

Yu Sheng was not in a hurry to hide his big guy, and replied, "I'm Yu Sheng."

He knew that his identity could not be known to any human being, but he still chose not to hide her.

However, he suddenly turned into a man, was she frightened?

Ten minutes later, Yu Sheng, who was wearing ill-fitting casual clothes, stood for a long time in front of the lacquered gold carved gate.

Sure enough, he should be on the top, not the bottom.

Otherwise, he would not have been driven out by her.


When Yu Jian was drinking a small wine in the clubhouse, he suddenly heard the voice of the system in his head, and then he quickly rushed to the gate of Yue's house.

The cool wind whistled, Yu Sheng stood there like a piece of wood, his expression was a little serious, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Jian was a little surprised that Yu Sheng had differentiated gender in advance, and he had really become a man.

Yu Jian stopped the car beside Yu Sheng and motioned him to get in the car.

Yu Sheng glanced at the door, and finally opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Asheng, what happened to you last night? Did Wan Tong know something?" Yu Jian asked while starting the car.

Yu Sheng pursed his lips, and his mind was also very complicated.

"Don't hurt her, she doesn't know anything." He whispered, with a clear warning.

He differentiated into a man in Wan Tong, and it was indeed easy to reveal secrets.

The mermaid family can do anything in order to protect the secrets of their own people.

"Only she knows?" Yu Jian continued to ask, "Are you sure she won't tell?"

He had to get some guarantee.

"She won't tell others, she doesn't even know what happened to me." Judging from her expression, she was more confused and angry after being deceived.

Maybe she thought he had been approaching her by pretending to be a woman...

Yu Jian pursed his lips and did not speak for a while.

After Yu Sheng became a man, he always felt strange.

Hearing the sound of the car, Wan Tong walked out of the gate and saw that Yu Sheng was no longer there.

She frowned, but her mind was still confused. Fortunately, after the matter of Butler Zhong, she dismissed most of the maids in the family and hired several security personnel. Without her permission, she would not appear easily. In the house, otherwise it would be quite strange that a man suddenly appeared in the house.

People who didn't know thought she was hiding in a golden house.

Yu Sheng has become a man, and she is still a little confused now.

But she can be sure that Yu Sheng is the boss of this world. Maybe for some reason, he can change gender?

This world is also a fantasy world...

Now, she should calm down first.

But thinking about how she and Yu Sheng spent day and night in the past two months, and sometimes even slept together with each other in their arms, she was about to go crazy, and her brain exploded with fireworks.

She even touched Yu Sheng and discussed some meat topics with her!

"Yu Sheng, I'm not finished with you!" Wan Tong said angrily.

Is she shameless...

The closed underwater world was so silent as if there was no sound, except for the occasional sound of water flowing faintly.

The originally calm bottom of the water, suddenly all aquatic creatures began to riot, and shrank into the corner in fear, including the great white shark that was fierce and unusual just now.

In the clear water, a flexible figure walked happily.

Yu Jian wagged his purple tail and surfaced, his purple hair was still dry.

Yu Sheng sat cross-legged by the pool, stared at the phone screen with a serious expression, and suddenly got up to leave.

Yu Jian hurriedly jumped out of the water, sat on the shore to dry the water stains on his body, and followed after the fish tail turned into legs.

"Asheng, where are you going?"

Yu Sheng didn't answer and walked in a hurry.

In a private club, Lu Yun was lying on the side, watching Wan Tong drinking wine sip by sip, he couldn't help it, and asked aloud, "Tong Tong, what are you doing? Where is my lovely little Yu Sheng? "

As soon as he heard him mention Yu Sheng, Wan Tong frowned, she was also bothered.

How is she going to face Yu Sheng...

Also, if Yu Sheng is really the boss of this world, what will she do when she changes from a girl to a boy?

Did he hide a bigger secret?

Thinking of this, Wan Tong felt that it was necessary for him to talk to him first, so as to know what happened.

In the morning, she originally thought to let him cool down, reflect on it, and said that she knew that he ran away directly...

Hum, angry.

Wan Tong didn't say a word, raised his head and drank another glass of wine.

Lu Yun shook his head, took away her wine glass, and reminded, "Don't drink any more, this wine has great stamina."

After he finished speaking, he shook the mobile phone in his hand again, "In the two hours that I stayed with you in the clubhouse, there have been news on the Internet that our good things are coming up, Tongtong, tell me, what the **** are we doing? When will this marriage be completed? By the way, have a bridal chamber and have another child to play with?"

Wan Tong waved his hand angrily, "Go away, I've told you, we'll be okay in the future, go back and tell your uncle to break the marriage, I'm willing to be dumped by you."

"Tsk, you want me to be a bad guy, but I obviously like you so much, I'll break off the marriage if I'm stupid."

"Then let's drag it on. We are still young anyway, and, I think, it's better to be single. There is no man who is chasing me now who is not staring at my property."

"I swear, I'm not staring at your property, I'm staring at you."

Nine of Lu Yun's ten sentences were coaxing, and Wan Tong was used to it, so he didn't take it to heart.

At the door of the clubhouse, Yu Sheng was stopped.

It was not until Yu Jian stepped forward that the two entered the clubhouse smoothly.

This is a membership system, and each member's privacy is well protected. It is impossible to find Wan Tong's box through the waiter.

But the two excellent five senses made them quickly find Wan Tong.

Across a door, the two of them could vaguely hear the voices of two conversations. Lu Yun has been playing tricks, making Wan Tong seem quite happy.

Yu Sheng didn't even think about it, he was about to enter the door, but was stopped by Yu Jian.

Yu Jian gestured to the box next door, "Wait next to me."

Yu Sheng frowned, but still obeyed his advice.

It's really not good to break in like this, and Tongtong is still angry with him.

There is nothing to say about the sound insulation of the box. After the two entered the box, they couldn't detect the movement next to them.

Seeing that Yu Sheng was so concerned, Yu Jian also had his own plans, and he deliberately let the system monitor Wan Tong's status.

Wan Tong didn't drink anymore, just felt dizzy in his head.

She usually participates in social events, and she has never been drunk for a long time. Today, she only drank a few glasses, and her whole body is actually soft.

She lifted her eyes to look at Lu Yun next to her, and felt that his shadow had become double.

No way, Lu Yun put medicine in the wine, right?

Looking at Shang Lu Yun's handsome face with a smile, she thought it was strange, but because of the friendship from childhood to adulthood, she believed in Lu Yun in her heart...

"Tongtong, I think it's necessary for us to communicate further." Lu Yun gently held her hand with his palm, put it to his lips, and kissed her lightly on the back of her hand.

Wan Tong frowned and wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that he had no strength.

"Lu Yun, are you crazy?"

Lu Yun pulled her into his arms with a little force, even lowered his head and sniffed lightly between her neck, "Tongtong, you are very fragrant."

"Lu Yun, what are you doing? Let go..." Wan Tong found that his voice was so soft.

"No, I'm going to hold it." Lu Yun picked Wan Tong up and walked over to the sofa.

The light was soft, and Lu Yun held her on his lap and stared at her with a smile, he couldn't put it down.

His behavior was obviously offensive, but he kept a gentle and cheerful smile on his face, as if he was joking with you.

Wan Tong felt that the sense of disobedience was too heavy, his back was cold, and he began to struggle, "Lu Yun, I warn you, let me go!"

In the box next door, Yu Jian took out the cigarette case, got up and walked out, and said, "I'll go out for a while."

Yu Sheng was looking down at the phone, and the screen was filled with some recent news from Wan Tong.

After Yu Jian went out, he relaxed his movements, and on the premise that Yu Sheng was not disturbed, he pushed the door and went to the box next door.

The box is very large and there are various entertainment facilities. At this time, Yu Jian heard only the faint voices of men whispering and women struggling.

Yu Jian quickly walked along the source of the sound.

"Who?" came a vigilant male voice.

Under the dim light, at the sofa, Lu Yun hugged Wan Tong on his lap, in a posture of wanting to invade.

Only half of Wan Tong's consciousness was awake. She knew what Lu Yun wanted to do to her. She was shocked, but she didn't have the strength to resist.

Lu Yun's breath spread on the skin of her neck, making her goosebumps rise.

She didn't even know when Lu Yun thought about her like this.

Yu Jian was not surprised to see this scene, but quickly stepped forward and reached out to Wan Tong.

Lu Yun hugged Wan Tong and wanted to avoid him, but he stretched out his hand extraordinarily strong, and within two strokes, Wan Tong was brought into his arms.

"Who are you? Don't hurt Tongtong!" Lu Yun stared at Yu Jian, and wanted to reach out and grab someone.

"Isn't it you who hurt her?" Yu Jian scoffed at his worried reaction.

"She's my fiancee!"

"So, are you trying to force your fiancée?" Yu Jian said playfully.

He glanced at Wan Tong's flushed cheeks, and a different kind of light flashed in his eyes.

This woman is really in demand, but she is destined to be his, and in the end, she will die in his hands.

After all, she knew a lot about Yu Sheng, and even if she didn't say it herself, it was hard to guarantee that she wouldn't be caught.

Lu Yun's expression remained unchanged, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Listening to the voices of the two, Wan Tong leaned on Yu Jian weakly, feeling that his head was getting bigger.

Fortunately, Yu Jian came in time, otherwise that guy Lu Yun would really have eaten her up.

At this time, another figure came in quickly from the outside.

After moving to Yu Jian's side, Yu Sheng stretched out his arm, and Wan Tong domineeringly took him into his arms.

Yu Jian was caught off guard and could only frown.

At this moment, Lu Yun stared at Yu Sheng with a scrutiny in his eyes, "Who are you...?"

Yu Sheng didn't answer. After looking at Wan Tong, he picked her up and walked out.

Yu Jian glanced at Lu Yun and followed.

Lu Yun looked at the figures they were leaving, reached out and wiped his lips, his eyes became dark and unclear, and he whispered, "Yu Sheng..."

After Yu Jian left the club, he didn't have to see Yu Sheng and Wan Tong.

At this time, in a taxi, Wan Tong buried his head on Yu Sheng's chest, and his consciousness gradually came to his senses.

"Go to the hospital..." she whispered.

If Lu Yun really dared to drug her, she would have to peel him off.

Yu Sheng lowered her head when she heard the sound, her chin just resting on top of her head, "You're fine, you just drank too much."

Otherwise, he would be the first to use Lu Yun.

After listening to his words, Wan Tong was relieved.

In the first two months, Wan Tong often hugged Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng also hugged her, but then and now, the feeling is much different.

His embrace suddenly became wider and more reassuring.

After the taxi stopped, Wan Tong also pressed his temples, got out of Yu Sheng's arms, pushed the door to get out, and entered the door without looking back.

Yu Sheng followed and got out of the car, and the door closed mercilessly in front of him.

"..." She was still angry.


Wan Tong drank the hangover soup and pinched a few phone calls from Lu Yun.

A lot has happened today, and she feels that after this resurrection, everyone's personality is collapsing.

That kid Lu Yun dared to attack her, and Yu Jian, why did he appear so timely at that time? It just so happened that she was still being watched?

Wan Tong, who was pacing back and forth in the living room angrily, suddenly felt a faint tingling sensation in his mind, and then there was a ding, and the sound of a corpse suddenly sounded, [Tong Tong, please accept the world story. 】

Wan Tong didn't have time to question, and after swallowing his saliva, the plot of this world gradually emerged in his mind.

The big guy in this world is Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng is a mermaid.

After messing around a bit, Wan Tong quickly understood the situation in front of him. Yu Sheng differentiated his gender in advance and became a male. Moreover, it is very likely that he suddenly did this because he was stimulated by her last night. of…

When she thought about the details of her unscrupulous relationship with Yu Sheng before, she was like a fireball that was about to explode at any time.

[Corpse, why did you only appear now, are you down? ! 】Wan Tong asked gloomily.

The corpse was very serious, [The corpse was blocked, and it finally came out...]

Wan Tong frowned, [What's going on? 】

[The Raiders come with a special shield. 】

[Will this be the case next time? 】

[The corpse has been cracked, and it will not be next time. 】

Hearing this, Wan Tong was not so anxious. Thinking of Yu Sheng, her mouth froze, and then she ran out quickly.

Yu Sheng was still in front of the gate, and when Wan Tong came out, he hurried forward a few steps, "Tong Tong..."

Seeing Yu Sheng's innocent and confused expression, Wan Tong stretched out his foot and kicked him a few times.

Yu Sheng has never been a weak person, especially after changing his gender, his body is even tougher.

Her strength was on him, and it was really like scratching a tickling, with no attack power at all.

"Yu Sheng! You big bastard!" Wan Tong scolded in a low voice.

After receiving the world story, she knew the general situation of the world, and naturally knew that it was not safe around the boss.

The raider of this world turned out to be Yu Jian!

She just doesn't want to complain, so Yu Jian just wanted to train Yu Sheng to be a woman? ?

The current Yu Sheng has just entered human society not long ago, and her brain is actually uncivilized. She really shouldn't be angry with him.

Moreover, judging from the plot from the corpse, she is also in danger now, Yue Jingye wants to take her property, Yu Jian seems to want to **** her first and then kill, Lu Yun... Lu Yun turned out to be the villain boss in the later period...

Yu Sheng pursed her lips and asked her, "Do you believe I am Yu Sheng?"

He has become a man, such a ridiculous thing, she actually believes.

But for a while, he felt a little joy in his heart.

Wan Tong just glared at him and said, "Come in with me."

Back in the living room, Wan Tong ate dinner in silence. Yu Sheng next to him, like a little daughter-in-law, had no interest in the food on the plate, and glanced at her expression from time to time.

A little pathetic.

If it was the previous Yu Sheng, Wan Tong would definitely feel distressed, but now Yu Sheng is a 1.9 meter tall man!

How could she be pitiful, and she still hasn't lost her temper!

Yu Sheng felt it too, she was angry.

He needs to coax her.

But in his only three years of life experience in human society, he didn't know how to coax people.

So, he remembered the way the actor coaxed people in a love movie he had seen with Yu Jian before.

He moved the chair and leaned very close to Yu Sheng.

Wan Tong noticed his movements, but didn't look at him, even raised his head and took a sip of water to moisten his throat, with no expression on his face.

Yu Sheng also moved the dinner plate in front of him, cut the steak on it into heart shapes in twos and threes, and sent it to Wan Tong's plate.

Wan Tong: "…"

She twitched the corners of her eyes, calmly moved the heart steak with a fork, and continued eating her broccoli.

Yu Sheng glanced at the steak she disliked, and blinked, without showing any disappointment.

Because the steak was still on Wan Tong's plate, he stretched the knife and fork directly to her side, cut the egg steak, eat, cut the steak, eat...

In the repeated movements, his arm would inevitably collide with Wan Tong, and then he had to communicate.


"..." Wan Tong pursed his lips.


"..." Wan Tong rolled his eyes.


"Can't you take it back to your plate to eat?" Wan Tong couldn't bear it any longer.

"Okay." Yu Sheng responded almost immediately, and gave a bright smile, with peach blossoms in his brows and eyes, shining brightly.

This... who can stand it!

Wan Tong was blinded by his pure and handsome face. In fact, there was no anger in his heart, only the helplessness of crying and laughing.

The boss of this world, in some ways, is really like a child.

For example, at this time, the tricks of coaxing people are really bad!

Yu Sheng put the steak back on the plate, and was not in a hurry to eat it. He still leaned on Wan Tong's upper body, and when he saw the sauce on her lips, he suddenly moved his head over.

Under Wan Tong's dumbfounded gaze, Yu Sheng unceremoniously swept away the sauce from her lips.


Overnight, the boss was so arrogant that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

The key is that he moves so flirtatiously, but his expression is **** straight and clear, as if he wasn't trying to flirt with her, but simply to wipe her mouth.

"Yu Sheng, do you know what you're doing?" Wan Tong said word by word.

Yu Sheng nodded solemnly, with sincere eyes, "Coax you."

Wan Tong curled the corner of his mouth coldly, "I'll correct you, you're a hooligan."

Yu Sheng was stunned for a while, and after a while, he replied, "I like to play hooligans to you."

Wan Tong: "…"

If he wasn't a boss, he would be shot to death.

This big straight guy.


Back in the bedroom, Wan Tongcai questioned Yu Sheng about his identity.

She didn't expect him to tell her the whole story. After all, it was about the mermaid family. If he wanted a reason to deceive her, she would accept it.

But after being silent for a while, Yu Sheng told her all about being a mermaid.

Wan Tong sat across from him with a sullen face, both angry and helpless. After he finished speaking, she spoke in a lecturing tone, "You don't have to tell me this."

Yu Sheng stared at her quietly, "Do you believe me?"

"The question is not whether I believe you, but whether you believe me."

"I believe in you." Yu Sheng said softly, every word was loud.

Wan Tong's heart seemed to be filled with something in an instant, and he cursed at a big idiot, and then said awkwardly, "What did you see last night?"

Hearing her words, Yu Sheng remembered the terrifying side peak line in his mind, and subconsciously licked his dry thin lips.

Wan Tong: "..." What's the matter with his lustful, **** actions!

"I didn't see it." Yu Sheng knew that if he told the truth, he might make the girl opposite him angry, so he chose to lie.

But his lies are so inconsiderate!

"How could you not see it??" Wan Tong asked, his thin eyebrows tightened slightly.

Yu Sheng swallowed his throat, the blue-black light in his eyes flickered slightly, and then changed his mouth seriously, "I saw it, I saw it all."

"You peeked at me and said it?" Wan Tong was still annoyed, "You are a big man, so shameless?"

Yu Sheng's thin lips parted, and he didn't know how to respond for a while. At that time, he was not a man.

After a long while, he opened his mouth tentatively, "Then... I'll let you look back?"

Wan Tong: "…"

I don't seem to be so angry anymore, and I'm even a little excited about his proposal...

In the few seconds Wan Tong pretended to be reserved, Yu Sheng had already started to unbutton his shirt.

Wan Tong swallowed and stretched out his hand to stop it, but his eyes stared straight at him.

When unbuttoning his pants, Yu Sheng suddenly stopped, looked up at her, and said dully, "No, get up in the morning, you've already seen me all."

Wan Tong was speechless: "..." Thinking about it this way, there is indeed such a thing.

So Yu Sheng silently picked up the clothes and put them back, and fastened them back button by button.

When there were still three buttons left, Wan Tong narrowed his eyes, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

The big guy's figure, she seems to never get tired of seeing it.

Although Yu Sheng didn't look at her, Yu Guang kept paying attention to her, and when he noticed her strangely hot eyes, he seemed to understand something.

He suddenly stopped tying the buttons, moved his fingers down, and slowly released the next button again, and stared at her, earnestly asking for advice, "Tongtong, do you think I still need to drink milk papaya? "

"..." Wan Tong looked at him subconsciously, only to see that he slightly tore off his shirt, revealing the outline of his chest muscles.

But in just a second, he closed it again, as if it was just an unintentional action.

Then he started to unbutton the next button, and asked in a slightly confused tone, "The waistcoat line you mentioned last time seems to be only available for women. I should not have it now? But I seem to have a mermaid line... "

Wan Tong: "..." Ah ah ah, what the **** is he doing! !

If you want to take it off, take it all off! So trying to hide the truth, still holding the pipa half-covered to play seduction. What's going on? ?

Three, two, one, Wan Tong silently counted for three seconds, then suddenly stretched out his hands and pushed the man in front of him, pushing him directly onto the bed.

"Yu Sheng, let me tell you, if you do this again, I will **** you!"

Wan Tong's voice was full of threats and annoyance, but her face was puffy and her eyes were moist and soft.

Yu Sheng was lying on the bed, looking up at her, his Adam's apple slowly slid, and replied in a hoarse voice, "Oh."

Then, he slowly unbuttoned the last button with both hands.