MTL - Quick Transmigration: The Boss’ White Moonlight is Resurrected-Chapter 143 (1)

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Wan Tong took out the skirt, and after thinking about it, she still didn't dare to change it in front of Yu Sheng.

Cough, she was afraid that her figure would cast a huge shadow on her heart.

She changed two sets of skirts in a row, and Yu Sheng was also very supportive. Although there were only two words "beautiful", Wan Tong felt that it was much better than the rainbow farts that others were blowing.

Because, when Yu Sheng looked at her, there were stars in his eyes.

"Yu Sheng, when I left your house, I wore your clothes and a pair of red high heels. I will buy new ones and return them to you." Wan Tong felt a little embarrassed when he thought of this.

"It's okay, the shoes were originally bought for you." Yu Sheng also remembered the skirt that was still in the room.

She must look good in it.

"For me?" Wan Tong knew the brand of the high-heeled shoes, which cost at least 10,000 yuan. Did Yu Sheng buy them for her?

"Yu Sheng, are you rich?"

Yu Sheng shook his head, "Not as good as Yu Jian."

Yu Jian has been in human society for a long time and has accumulated.

"Then you still buy me something?" Wan Tong felt distressed for Yu Sheng's money.

"Suitable for you." Yu Sheng earnestly Kaiou.


Wan Tong crossed his legs and watched Yu Sheng's elegant and calm movements, and his heart was slightly warmed.

But it didn't take long for Butler Zhong to knock on the door, "Miss, the police are coming to look for you."

"Got it." When Wan Tong was about to go out, he found Yu Sheng looking at him eagerly, "What's wrong?"

"I saved you, can you not tell the police?" Yu Sheng whispered.

Wan Tong froze for a moment, "Why?"


Wan Tong looked at her lightly frowning brows and smiled, "Okay, I won't say anything."

In fact, her second uncle also asked her, but she didn't say anything, after all, she was quite afraid of hurting others.

"That day, I actually met Butler Zhong." Yu Sheng took a step back and changed the subject, "I also heard that he was on the phone with your uncle."

"What did they say?"

Yu Sheng repeated what he heard, "The surveillance at home has been broken for a while, and no one will find out if the car is being manipulated."

Wan Tong fell silent, his eyes dimmed, and a soft voice overflowed from his mouth, "It's really them."

The two people she trusted the most, she regarded them as elders that she could rely on, but she didn't expect that they would partner up and want to die by herself.

She let out a breath slowly, but fortunately, she is not so weak in her heart now, otherwise she would definitely go crazy when she learned the news.

"Thank you, Yu Sheng."

Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and after a while, his tightly pursed lips slowly opened and closed, "I'm sorry, I can't testify against him for you."

He took advantage of the mermaid's unique hearing to hear Butler Zhong's words, as well as Yue Jingye's voice faintly coming from the microphone.

Ordinary people's words are impossible to hear.

"It's alright." Wan Tong also understood in her heart that she even let her hide the fact that she saved herself, which showed that she was really afraid of trouble.

Seeing Wan Tong's figure leaving, Yu Sheng clenched his fists, suffocating in his heart.

The police came to Wan Tong because they found that her car had been artificially damaged by the brakes. They asked her about the maintenance of the car and suspected targets. The monitoring of the garage did not know when it was broken, and it was only repaired yesterday. This is a coincidence Let the police pay more attention.

But without monitoring, they couldn't find out more.

After sending the police away, Wan Tong returned to the room.

Yu Sheng was still in the cloakroom, taking out all her clothes.

"Yu Sheng, do you want to sleep at my house tonight?" Wan Tong asked impulsively.

When she lived with Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng seemed to sleep on the sofa because her bed was a single bed, which was too small.

Yu Sheng knew he was going to refuse, but in the end he nodded, "Okay."

Wan Tong's cloakroom is very large, and after Yu Sheng finished packing, it was already late at night.

Yu Jian called and said he wanted to come pick him up, but Yu Sheng didn't let him come, just said to stay outside for one night.

Wan Tong asked people to stew milk, longan, papaya, syrup, and Yu Sheng could just fill his stomach after finishing his work.

But Yu Sheng looked at the cup of sugar water and didn't do anything.

"This is good for women." Wan Tong pursed her lips, licking the sweet taste from her lips with the tip of her tongue, motioning her to try it.

Yu Sheng probably really didn't like it, and in the end he didn't have the guts to say anything.

Wan Tong knew that she hadn't had dinner yet, so she asked her, "Then what do you want to eat?"

"Lobster, big lobster." Yu Sheng expressed his obsession word by word.

Half an hour later, the chef brought not only big lobster, but also king crab.

"Do you know the newly opened Delong Seafood Restaurant? My family opened it."

Yu Sheng looked at her with eager eyes.

Wan Tong: "…"

It seems that Yu Sheng really likes seafood.

The two had a full stomach from this late-night snack, and Wan Tong pushed Yu Sheng to the bathroom and brought her new clothes.

Ten minutes later, Yu Sheng came out, his whole body was dry as if he had never touched water, but his body was fragrant.

Wan Tong patted the bed and let her sleep beside him.

Her bed was big enough for two people to roll on it.

Yu Sheng tugged at the white silk pajamas on his body and liked it very much because it was very comfortable.

Wan Tong saw her flat chest unexpectedly, and looked away pretending not to care. She has also seen girls with flat chests, but like Yu Sheng...

Have you ever seen Wangzai's buns? Worse than that...

She really should have let her drink that bowl of sugar water just now.

Yu Xiaomantou Sheng climbed onto the bed, facing up, laying down carefully, with his eyes fixed on the ceiling, and said, "Good night."

After speaking, Yu Sheng closed his eyes and his breathing calmed down.

Wan Tong: "...Good night."

Yu Sheng looks so good!

"Can you sing?" Wan Tong lay on his side, looking at Yu Sheng's smooth profile face.

Yu Sheng's eyelashes blinked lightly, but he didn't open his eyes, "Yes."

"What song will you sing?"

Yu Sheng didn't answer, and after a while, her softly chanting voice rang out.

Wan Tong also chased stars when she was a student, and heard a lot of songs, but she never heard this song she hummed.

I don't know how long it took, Yu Sheng heard Qing Yun's breathing, stopped the sound, and opened his eyes.

Yu Sheng turned his head to look at the sleeping girl beside him, got up slowly, and walked out.


The next morning, Yu Sheng woke up regularly, her posture did not change at all, but at this time there was a person hanging on her body.

Wan Tong completely regarded her as a pillow, wrapped her arms and legs around her, and buried her face on her shoulders.

Her whole body was warm and soft, which made Yu Sheng a little nostalgic, so she didn't wake her up immediately or push her away.

Yu Sheng felt that it seemed that the pair of soft **** would be good after she had grown, and they would definitely feel good in the hand, but when she grew out, it would take at least two months...

Yue Jingye came over early in the morning. At that time, Wan Tong was having breakfast with Yu Sheng. When he saw Yu Sheng who was seriously eating breakfast, he asked one more question, "Tong Tong, who is this?"

"Didn't Uncle Zhong tell you? This is the receptionist I hired yesterday. It was too late to sort out yesterday. I saw her again and kept her."

Yue Jingye just nodded and said again, "Tongtong, I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup later, didn't you say your eyes were a little uncomfortable yesterday?"

Yu Sheng raised his eyes and looked at Wan Tong.

Wan Tong took a sip of juice before nodding, "Alright, but the second uncle doesn't need to accompany me, I'll just go by myself."

Yue Jingye sighed, "Tongtong, are you getting angry with your second uncle?"

"Second uncle, I don't have it. There is still chaos in the group. It's just right for my second uncle to go back and help me with the affairs."

Yue Jingye's expression remained the same, "You don't want to talk to the second uncle about the dismissal of Xiaoma?"

The manager of the finance department, Ma Chen, was recruited by Wan Tong herself. She was young and energetic, but her business ability was outstanding, and she followed her lead.

In the few days after her accident, Ma Chen was accused of making false accounts and dismissed in a low-key manner, and Secretary Hao, who had been with her father for more than ten years before, voluntarily resigned for unknown reasons.

"About this, I still really want to know what's going on, but I asked Ma Chen to come over in the afternoon. Let's talk about it later."

Yue Jingye nodded with a smile, "Okay, Tongtong can do whatever he says, as long as you don't break up with your second uncle because of those outsiders who make their own decisions."

"How could it be?" Wan Tong also smiled.

Yue Jingye didn't stay long before he left, and Butler Zhong sent him out.

Yu Sheng's ears moved, and his expression darkened for a moment.

He heard Butler Zhong ask Yue Jingye, "When are you going to start next time?"

Yue Jingye did not reply.

"Yu Sheng, are you going home today or where are you going? I'll go out later and see you off by the way." Wan Tong's voice brought Yu Sheng back to his senses.

"Go home." Yu Sheng replied two words.

Wan Tong nodded.

In the cloakroom, Wan Tong changed his clothes when Yu Sheng suddenly walked in and leaned over.

She pushed Wan Tong against the wall and sniffed her neck.

You can still smell it faintly.

She can't go to the hospital for a blood test today, otherwise she will definitely be found to be abnormal.

"Yu Sheng?" Wan Tong stared blankly ahead, wondering why Yu Sheng suddenly did this.

"Going to the hospital?" Yu Sheng asked.

"I don't have time today, let's go in two days, I don't feel any discomfort anyway." Wan Tong thought for a while, then said, "You saved my life, I should repay you well, do you have any wishes? "

She is a straight-forward person. If sensitive people listen to her, she may feel a little uncomfortable, but Yu Sheng is by no means an ordinary person. Find my parents."

"Your parents? You got lost with them?"


"I'll help you, but after I've dealt with the matter at hand, you can also tell me the general information about your parents."

Yu Sheng pursed her lips, her eyes flashing blue and black, but it was fleeting.

Yu Sheng has never told anyone about her parents, because she knows that she can only rely on her own strength to find them, because she has secrets that she cannot tell.

"Yue Wantong, you are alone, be careful." Yu Sheng stared at Wantong seriously.

Wan Tong could feel the genuine concern and worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I grew up in Yue's family, what haven't I seen?"

Yu Sheng squatted down, searched in the backpack he was carrying, took out a small conch with a string tied, and handed it to Wan Tong, "You can find me if you have anything."

Wan Tong looked at the conch and blinked, she met some treasure girl.

"Why don't you give me your mobile phone number too?" Wan Tong said while holding the conch.

Conch is very romantic, but not practical.

Yu Sheng reported a set of numbers, and Wan Tong entered it into the phone before going out with her.


After sending Yu Sheng home, Wan Tong did not rush back to the company, but went to Secretary Hao's house.

However, the apartment where Secretary Hao lived was already empty.

Since yesterday, Wan Tong couldn't get through to him on the phone, and he didn't know what was going on.

Just when the resident came back from the opposite door, Wan Tong asked a few questions, only to know that Secretary Hao had moved out the day before yesterday.

She always felt that he was avoiding something.

Wan Tong drove to a well-known bodyguard company, where Zheng Jun was already waiting for her.

"Sister, I have selected a few more suitable documents. According to your requirements, they are all female bodyguards. I will meet you later to confirm the candidates." Zheng Jun handed over a stack of documents.

Wan Tong nodded and flipped through it a few times, because he was thinking about other things and didn't turn it to the end.

When Yu Sheng appeared in front of her in a black bodyguard uniform, she was stunned for a moment, "Yu Sheng?"

Yu Sheng blinked his eyes lightly and nodded lightly at her.

Among the five female bodyguards in front of him, Yu Sheng looked the thinnest and weakest, and with that naturally beautiful face, no matter how handsome she was, no one would hire her...

From storage division to bodyguard, Yu Sheng's work span is really big enough.

However, Wan Tong thought about Yu Sheng's performance before, she did have a sharper reach and strength than ordinary people.

So she also became serious, pointed to the most powerful female bodyguard in the queue, and then looked at Yu Sheng, "Do you dare to play a game with her?"

Who knows, the sturdy-looking female bodyguard spoke first, "Miss, Yu Sheng is the strongest among us. Every time I fight against her, it is a complete defeat."

At this time, a man who looked like a supervisor also said quickly, "Miss Yue, Yu Sheng's ability is indeed the most outstanding."

Wan Tong: "…"

She and Yu Sheng really are a godsend.

If it were someone else, she would think it was deliberately arranged by someone with a heart, but the other party was Yu Sheng, and she couldn't even raise any doubts.

In just half an hour, Wan Tong took Yu Sheng out of the bodyguard company, and Zheng Jun was reporting to her the daily important affairs of the company.


At noon, the three came to Delong Seafood Restaurant.

This is a newly opened restaurant under Yue's Group. Wan Tong brought Yu Sheng and Zheng Jun directly to the VIP box.

After Wan Tong and Zheng Jun sat down, Yu Sheng came to a screen blocking the tea room. Without blinking, he stretched out a black object and pulled out a red wire.

Zheng Jun stood up in shock, "It's a surveillance camera."

Wan Tong calmly drank a cup of tea, "Let the restaurant manager come over."

Zheng Jun flashed a touch of anger, nodded and walked out.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a black modified Tang suit walked in. He respectfully nodded towards Wan Tong, "Mr. Yue..."

This is a gentle and elegant man, there is no copper odor on his body, and it is very harmonious with the environment here.

People who come here are either for the fresh and delicious food here, or they like the elegant and sentimental arrangement here.

"How to explain the camera in the screen?" Wan Tong raised his chin and gestured to the miniature camera in Yu Sheng's hand.

The manager replied calmly, "The restaurant only has surveillance cameras in the lobby, but there is no surveillance in the box, this... This box is the highest VIP room, and it has only served one table every day since it opened, Mr. Yue, I'll have someone adjust it right away. Corridor surveillance, and daily check-in guest list."

"Just installed, woman, with fingerprints." Yu Sheng suddenly said.

The three looked at her together.

Yu Sheng gestured to the black tape that he had torn out, and said lightly, "There are fingerprints on it."

"Then how do you know it was just pretending, and it's still a woman?" Wan Tong asked everyone's doubts.

"Tape, new, with the smell of Sakura hand cream on it." It was a temporary surveillance device, and the person who installed the surveillance device was also looking for it temporarily, probably not expecting to be found.

Wan Tong looked at her, chuckled lightly, and said to the manager, "Go to the police."

The manager glanced at Yu Sheng and backed out.

Wan Tong turned to Zheng Jun and said, "Contact Emily and give her an exclusive."

Zheng Jun nodded, took his mobile phone to the window and made a call.

Yu Sheng walked to Wan Tong's side and sat down.

She sat very well, looked in the direction of the menu, and blinked lightly.

Wan Tong bumped her shoulder, "Yu Sheng, I found that you are really a treasure, and you can see that there is surveillance here at a glance, it's great."

Yu Sheng pursed his lips and said, "Born."

"..." It's really not arrogant at all.

Today's Delong Seafood Restaurant is very lively. The police and reporters are here, and a waitress is crying and being taken away by the police for questioning.

In the box, after sending the police away, Wan Tong's order was also served.

Zheng Jun sent Emily away, and when he came back, he saw Yu Sheng sitting next to Wan Tong, with bowls and chopsticks in front of him.

He frowned, thinking that Yu Sheng was too unprofessional, and at the expense of her manager praising her, but now he actually sat down to eat at the same table with VIP.

Yu Sheng noticed his gaze, and also remembered that he was only Wan Tong's bodyguard, and it was not in line with the rules to eat with her.

So she stood up and stepped back behind Wan Tong.

Her movements were silent, Wan Tong drank the soup, didn't pay attention to her, thought she had gone to the toilet.

When she realized something was wrong, she looked back.

Yu Shengchu was behind her, his eyes were a little empty, as if he was looking at the center of the dining table.

There, the sashimi platter exuding a cold white mist made the index finger move.

Wan Tong pulled her uniform, "Yu Sheng, why don't you eat it?"

"did not qualified."

"I'm your client, listen to me, sit down and eat."

Wan Tong also prepared a lot of words, trying to convince her to let go of those rules, but it was useless. After her voice fell, Yu Sheng quickly sat on the chair next to her and said, "Okay."

Wan Tong: "..." So, what was she holding back in the first place? Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier?

Don't think she doesn't know, Yu Sheng is a big foodie and has no resistance to seafood.


In the evening, Yu Sheng did not return to the apartment, Yu Jian checked the system and found that Yu Sheng's luck was rising.

He felt something was wrong and called Yu Sheng again.

But Yu Sheng shut down.

According to the system's prompt, he found the door of Yue's group, but he happened to see Yu Sheng following Yue Wantong into a car.

He followed, and finally found that after the car entered Yue's house, it never came out.

It wasn't until the night that Yu Sheng returned the phone and told Yu Jian that he had become Yue Wantong's bodyguard.

Yu Jian felt a little uneasy. Originally, his appearance did not change Yu Sheng's trajectory, but when this Yue Wantong appeared, how could it bring about such a big change.

Yu Sheng actually acted as her bodyguard?

This is the first time she has been so close to a human being, and if she spends 24 hours with each other, the greater the chance of her revealing her identity.

He couldn't just watch Yu Sheng be so stupid.

When he was thinking about it, he saw that the door suddenly opened, and two figures came out.

Yue Wantong walked in front. She was wearing a casual sports suit, but the loose design couldn't hide her good figure.

Yu Sheng is one step behind her, a head taller than her, with neat short hair and a beautiful face. No matter how you look at it, the two of them are a beautiful landscape.

When passing by Yu Jian's vehicle, Yu Sheng glanced at him sideways, but did not stop.

Yu Jian got out of the car and called out, "A Sheng."

Wan Tong heard the voice and looked back, a strange man, but she was familiar with that voice.

This is Yu Sheng's roommate, seems to be Yu Jian.

Unexpectedly, Yu Jian turned out to be a beautiful man. He was about 1.83 meters tall.

Yu Sheng didn't react much, and looked indifferently as Yu Jian came over, frowned and asked, "Is something wrong?"

It can make Yu Sheng frown, indicating that her mood has swayed.

Yu Jian didn't want to leave empty-handed, "A Sheng, talk to me."

Yu Sheng didn't answer, but looked at Wan Tong silently.

I don't know if it was Wan Tong's illusion, but under the reflection of the street lights, she seemed to see that his pupils were flickering with a faint blue light, that blue to black color, very much like the deepest sea in the sea she had ever seen. color.

A color that makes her fearful and curious.

"It's okay, let's talk, I'll sit here for a while." Wan Tong said.

Yu Jianing glanced at Wan Tong before pulling Yu Sheng's arm and taking her away.

Wan Tong looked at the backs of the two with some gossip, but he was quite right.

However, the two have the same surname, so I don't know if they are related by blood.

After walking a distance, Yu Sheng looked back, and she was relieved that the figure was still in her sight.

"Yu Sheng, you want to be her bodyguard, have you thought about it?" Yu Jian's voice was gentle, obviously worried about Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng lowered his head, as if he was struggling with something, but after a while he said firmly, "I know what I'm doing."

"What if it is discovered by humans?" Yu Jian asked, "Don't talk about you, we can't escape."

Most mermaids can't survive alone. Even if there is no contact on the surface, they will have some contacts in private, so sometimes a mermaid is discovered, and it will be very involved, or they will change their identity and live in other places. , or kill the humans who know their secrets...

But either way, the price to pay is enormous.

Yu Jian thought that he would scare Yu Sheng like this, but Yu Sheng said, "I know, so you'd better cut off contact with me."

Yu Jian was choked, and there was nothing he could do about her. He glanced at the figure by the lake and sighed, "You think I'll let you take risks alone? I've lived in human society for decades. I have eaten more rice than you have eaten seafood, I still have a villa in this community, I will send you the address later, remember to find me if you have anything."

The lifespan of a mermaid is nearly 200 years old. Yu Jian has a company under his name, but he should not be high-profile, so he often manipulates it behind the scenes.

He owns a lot of real estate, but he lives there occasionally, and most of the time he returns to the apartment Yu Sheng bought.

Yu Sheng is actually very good at making money, but his mind is not on the top, and he has no discretion in spending money, it is entirely according to his own preferences.

Wan Tong sat by the lake for a while, then Yu Sheng and Yu Jian came back.

The two seemed to have finished talking. Yu Jian walked up to Wan Tong and stretched out his hand towards her, "Miss Yue, let's get to know each other officially today. My name is Yu Jian, A Sheng's friend."

Wan Tong reached out and shook his hand, "Hello, I'm Yue Wantong, I caused you trouble before."

To be honest, she was still a little uncomfortable when she remembered the scene of the meeting at that time, but for the sake of seeing that the other party was a handsome guy, she still kept a smile on her face.

But the strange thing is that Yu Jian's hand is also cool, Wan Tong looked down and found that the hand was also extraordinarily slender and beautiful.

Yu Jian is very confident in his appearance. After all, he is a mermaid. After dividing his gender, his masculine charm has been greatly improved. Even if he is low-key, there are still countless women around him.

But those women, compared with Yue Wantong in front of him, couldn't even compare her toes.

Thinking of the scene he saw in the room that day, Yu Jian's eyes rose again with a beautiful color, "Next time you eat, bring A Sheng with you. She likes seafood the most."

"Okay." Because he mentioned Yu Sheng, Wan Tong didn't think he was chatting up, and even became a little more natural.

The two of them held their hands for a long time, Yu Sheng next to them stared at their hands, the corners of his mouth pursed slightly, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to hold their wrists and pulled them apart.


The atmosphere froze for a second.

[The favorability of the Raiders target is -1, and the current favorability value is 39. 】

"..." Yu Jian scolded inwardly, but chuckled, "A Sheng, you are a good bodyguard, even I am on guard?"

Wan Tong also thought it was funny, and joked, "A Sheng, if I meet a client, you can't do this."

When Yu Sheng heard her calling him "A Sheng", he was stunned for a moment, and said without thinking, "It's been too long."

Wan Tong didn't care, because Yu Jian's smile had a little more meaning.

Yu Sheng really cared too much about Yue Wantong.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at Wan Tong, "Miss Yue, is it convenient for me to contact you?"

His eyes were fixed on her, but Yu Sheng's expression was noticed by Yu Guang.

When Wan Tong took out his phone, Yu Sheng frowned, but he didn't stop it.

After adding WeChat to Wan Tong, Yu Jian returned to the car and waved to the two outside before leaving.

He read today's online reports, and now Yue Wantong called the police in his restaurant, saying that someone was monitoring her whereabouts. In fact, the police did take away a waiter with a camera.

However, the waiter seemed to be obsessed with poverty because of poverty.

Yue Wantong did not hesitate to sue her. The netizens who originally questioned her hype, saw that the waiter was detained, and then they thought it might be true. Otherwise, who would be willing to cooperate with Yue Wantong's hype at the cost of imprisonment?

Then various gossip news came out. For example, Yue Wantong’s cronies returned to the company after being fired. For example, Yue Wantong had a car accident because someone had manipulated the car, but the maintenance staff checked it the day before, and there was no problem with the car. For example, when Yue Wantong had a car accident, the surveillance at home and in the company's parking lot was damaged. For example, Yue Wantong hired a female bodyguard...

After Yu Jian's car left, Wan Tongcai looked at Yu Sheng, who was silent and quiet, "A Sheng, who is Yu Jian?"

Yu Sheng saw her squatting down on the grass by the lake, so he followed suit, squatting beside her, and replied, "Partner."

Yu Jian has helped him, and he is still a partner of the same clan. Yu Sheng is relatively close to him.

"He seems to be interested in you..." Wan Tong cast a somewhat ambiguous look at Yu Sheng.

Obviously, Yu Sheng didn't catch her, didn't understand her meaning, and asked back, "What do you mean?"

Wan Tong: "..." Since taking over the family's property, she has no younger sisters. She used to play well, but she has also become the daughter of the opponent or the daughter of the partner. Everything involves interests, and she can no longer talk heart to heart. .

I originally thought that Yu Sheng could be cultivated into my own little sister, but now it seems that it is really a long way to go.

Yu Sheng is a big straight girl.

Yu Sheng looked at her sideways, and suddenly looked back.

"What are you looking at?" Wan Tong turned to follow Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng didn't answer, but after a while, a man came over.

"It's Lu Yun." Wan Tong introduced to Yu Sheng, "It's my fiance."

In fact, Lu Yun is her college classmate, and she has been playing since childhood. The Lu family is not here. After graduating from undergraduate degree, Lu Yun went abroad to study. .

Yu Sheng blinked her eyes when she heard the last three words, but didn't realize the meaning of her words for a while.

When Lu Yun came over, he saw two figures squatting by the lake.

They looked in his direction together, two faces, one coquettish and the other cold, but equally beautiful.

Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, and his footsteps slowed down. The news said that Yu Sheng had found a bodyguard. Is that her?

After approaching, he noticed their squatting posture, and the cute point in his heart was directly hit.

Ow. These two are so cute.

"Tongtong, what are you, what are you doing?" Lu Yun glanced at Wantong and then at Yu Sheng, then silently crouched down behind them, thinking they were performing some mysterious ceremony.

"Look at the scenery, when did you come back?" Wan Tong stretched out his hand and poked his shoulder, and the unsuspecting man fell back and sat directly on the grass.

"I came back as soon as I got off the plane. I read the news and found out that so many things happened to you, and my family never told me. It was too much." Lu Yun was not annoyed, and after getting up, he rushed towards Wan Tong, " Tongtong, come and hug, and let my brother comfort you."

His appearance was the same as the unreliable appearance in his memory, Wan Tong did not refuse, after all, he was also a childhood sweetheart.

But before Lu Yun could hug Wan Tong, he was pulled by a hand.

He tried several times but failed. He looked back stiffly and found that the female bodyguard of Shengshimeiyan was staring at him with dead eyes, and that cold and white hand grabbed his back collar and ripped off his clothes. deformed.

"Tongtong, what's your bodyguard's name, she's so fierce!" Lu Yun stared at Yu Sheng blankly, not daring to speak directly, but reached out and pulled Wan Tong's hand.

Looking at his funny posture, Wan Tong shook his head, "If you want to know, ask yourself."

Lu Yun didn't dare to ask.

Yu Sheng dragged Lu Yun to the side, stunned that he would not let him get close to Wan Tong, he really looked like a wolf cub who protected food.

It looks harmless, but a bite can still hurt.

In the distance, behind a green tree, the figure swayed slightly.

Butler Zhong looked at the direction in which the three of them were playing by the lake, and his expression was unclear.

The one named Yu Sheng has very clean details, but she is also a receptionist and a bodyguard, isn't it a coincidence?

After Butler Zhong left, Yu Sheng by the lake glanced over with cold eyes, and quickly took it back.


After Yu Sheng became Wan Tong's bodyguard, she also worked part-time as her exclusive storage division.

Because Wan Tong had been on the news a few times before and hired bodyguards, there was no movement from her second uncle and Butler Zhong.

During this period of time, it was time to give her a good rest and think about how to deal with them in the future.

Wan Tong asked people to check her second uncle, but he was too cautious and too clean, and the same goes for Butler Zhong.

It's not easy to get hold of them, but fortunately she has Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng was very alert, not to mention that someone was following her, even if someone glanced at her one more time, she would be able to spot it.

Wan Tong once felt that he had picked up a treasure.

Hmph, it works better than a corpse.

Thinking of the corpse, she also began to feel a little anxious in her heart, everything was too abnormal.

Corpse disappeared? It stands to reason that if it were gone, she might as well, impossible to re-enter the world...

But she was still there, but the corpse had no news at all. It was more like she was blocked.

Yu Sheng's room is right next to Wan Tong. Occasionally, at Wan Tong's request, she even sleeps with her, becoming her most trusted... little sister.

After Yu Sheng was forced to drink the tenth bowl of papaya syrup, she looked at Wan Tong and asked seriously, "Do you like it, it's big here?"

"..." Wan Tong was caught off guard, his throat choked.

What kind of tiger problem she is.

Wan Tong's eyes slid from Yu Sheng's face to under her, "Actually, I prefer the bigger ones here."

Yu Sheng frowned, and after a few moments, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Sheng used to feel that she liked being a woman, but the words she came out of now made her suspicious again.

Wan Tong: "..." emmm, she really is a straight girl.

She can't understand the dirty words, so she has to throw away her shame and explain it to her again?

"It's nothing, nothing, in fact, it's good for you, but it's better to make up for it." Wan Tong waved his hand.

Yu Sheng pursed her sweet lips, looked down at her heart, and looked at her pants, so, which one does she prefer?

"Asheng, you don't have a bathtub in your room. Would you like to take a bath with me today? The fragrant essential oil I bought." Wan Tong asked happily.

When her room was renovated, she specifically asked for a huge round bathtub that could allow up to three people to take a bath together.

Yu Sheng followed behind her every day, and she was inevitably nervous. She wanted her to relax.

"No." Yu Sheng rarely refuses Wan Tong, but the only few times he refuses are straightforward.

No skirts, no swimming, no bathing.

"That's great..."

Wan Tong didn't force it, and trotted into the bathroom.

Yu Sheng was standing at the door of the bathroom, but the sound of the water was so clear that she could only walk to the window again.

The window was opened a crack, and the autumn wind was cool, with a barely audible male voice.

Yu Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, he pushed the window open, and listened intently for a while.

It's a pity that only a few words were heard.

"Asheng?" Wan Tong was calling her.

Yu Sheng walked quickly to the bathroom, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot my bathrobe," replied the inside.

Yu Sheng pursed her lips and heard the sound of breathing, which was actually on the wall beside the door.

"You lied to me." Yu Sheng said softly, but there was a hint of joy in his voice.

Wan Tong was just holding her luck, trying to see if she could trick someone in, and then pushed her into the bathtub.

Sure enough, Yu Sheng's ear was so amazing that he could hear it.

"Asheng, are you Shunfenger?" Wan Tong groaned, then carefully stepped on the clean floor and returned to the bathtub.

However, her left foot tripped on the edge of the bathtub, and her whole body froze.

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

30 minutes ago

Chapter 98

30 minutes ago
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